# Laravel Collective Forms + Bootstrap Snippets for Sublime Text Handy [Sublime Text](http://www.sublimetext.com/3) snippets to create [Laravel Collective Forms](http://laravelcollective.com/docs/5.0/html) inputs preformated for [Twitter’s Bootstrap 3](http://getbootstrap.com/). ## Installation First you need to get the syntax package [laravel-blade](https://github.com/Medalink/laravel-blade) installed, then install this one using one of the following options: - Via [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/): search for `Laravel Forms Bootstrap Snippets`. - Via Git, clone this repository into your Packages folder: ```bash git clone https://github.com/redgluten/laravel_forms_boostrap_snippets.git ``` - Or download the snippets zip file and unzip it into your Packages folder (Windows & Linux: `Preferences > Browse Packages...`, Mac: `Sublime Text > Preferences > Browse Packages...`). ## Usage When you're editing your view in Sublime Text, type the snippet shortcut followed by the tab key. ![Example with `boottext` snippet](example.gif) ## Available snippets ### General | Input | Shortcut | |------------------|-------------------| | **Form** | `bootform` | | **Form model** | `bootformmodel` | ### Inputs | Input | Shortcut | |-----------------|-------------------| | **Button** | `bootbutton` | | **Checkbox** | `bootcheckbox` | | **Date** | `bootdate` | | **Email** | `bootemail` | | **File** | `bootfile` | | **Hidden** | `boothidden` | | **Number** | `bootnumber` | | **Password** | `bootpassword` | | **Radio** | `bootradio` | | **Select** | `bootselect` | | **SelectMonth** | `bootselectmonth` | | **SelectYear** | `bootselectyear` | | **SelectRange** | `bootselectrange` | | **Text** | `boottext` | | **Textarea** | `boottextarea` | ### Horizontal inputs | Input | Shortcut | |-----------------|--------------------| | **Checkbox** | `bootcheckboxh` | | **Date** | `bootdateh` | | **Email** | `bootemailh` | | **File** | `bootfileh` | | **Number** | `bootnumberh` | | **Password** | `bootpasswordh` | | **Radio** | `bootradioh` | | **Select** | `bootselecth` | | **SelectMonth** | `bootselectmonthh` | | **SelectYear** | `bootselectyearh` | | **SelectRange** | `bootselectrangeh` | | **Text** | `boottexth` | | **Textarea** | `boottextareah` |