//// Base the file name and the ID on the module title. For example: * file name: ref_my-reference-a.adoc * ID: [id="my-reference-a_{context}"] * Title: = My reference A //// //// Indicate the module type in one of the following ways: Add the prefix ref- or ref_ to the file name. Add the following attribute before the module ID: :_mod-docs-content-type: REFERENCE //// //// The ID is an anchor that links to the module. Avoid changing it after the module has been published to ensure existing links are not broken. //// [id="reference-material_{context}"] //// The `context` attribute enables module reuse. Every module ID includes {context}, which ensures that the module has a unique ID even if it is reused multiple times in a guide. //// = Reference material //// In the title of a reference module, include nouns that are used in the body text. For example, "Keyboard shortcuts for ___" or "Command options for ___." This helps readers and search engines find the information quickly. Be sure to include a line break between the title and the module introduction. //// Write a short introductory paragraph that provides an overview of the module. A reference module provides data that users might want to look up, but do not need to remember. It has a very strict structure, often in the form of a list or a table. A well-organized reference module enables users to scan it quickly to find the details they want. AsciiDoc markup to consider for reference data: .Unordered list * For more details on writing reference modules, see the link:https://github.com/redhat-documentation/modular-docs#modular-documentation-reference-guide[Modular Documentation Reference Guide]. * Use a consistent system for file names, IDs, and titles. For tips, see _Anchor Names and File Names_ in link:https://github.com/redhat-documentation/modular-docs#modular-documentation-reference-guide[Modular Documentation Reference Guide]. .Labeled list Term 1:: Definition Term 2:: Definition .Table [options="header"] |==== |Column 1|Column 2|Column 3 |Row 1, column 1|Row 1, column 2|Row 1, column 3 |Row 2, column 1|Row 2, column 2|Row 2, column 3 |==== [role="_additional-resources"] .Additional resources //// Optional. Delete if not used. //// * A bulleted list of links to other closely-related material. These links can include `link:` and `xref:` macros. * For more details on writing reference modules, see the link:https://github.com/redhat-documentation/modular-docs#modular-documentation-reference-guide[Modular Documentation Reference Guide]. * Use a consistent system for file names, IDs, and titles. For tips, see _Anchor Names and File Names_ in link:https://github.com/redhat-documentation/modular-docs#modular-documentation-reference-guide[Modular Documentation Reference Guide].