import redis import config from redisgraph import Graph #TODO: move into import os config_switch=os.getenv('DOCKER', 'local') if config_switch=='local': startup_nodes = [{"host": "", "port": "30001"}, {"host": "", "port":"30002"}, {"host":"", "port":"30003"}] host="" port=9001 else: startup_nodes = [{"host": "rgcluster", "port": "30001"}, {"host": "rgcluster", "port":"30002"}, {"host":"rgcluster", "port":"30003"}] host="Graph" port=6379 redis_client = redis.Redis(host=host,port=port,charset="utf-8", decode_responses=True) redis_graph = Graph('cord19medical', redis_client) import httpimport with httpimport.remote_repo(['utils'], ""): import utils from utils import loadAutomata, find_matches Automata=loadAutomata() def match_nodes(search_string, Automata=Automata): if not Automata: Automata=loadAutomata() nodes=set() matched_ents=find_matches(search_string,Automata) nodes = set([node[0] for node in matched_ents]) return list(nodes) def get_nodes(nodes): # this will get list of nodes # FIXME: there is a bug in automata - matching multiple terms into single CUI, hence need for additional check in set node_list=list() nodes_set=set() params = {'ids':nodes} print(params) query="""WITH $ids as ids MATCH (e:entity) where ( in ids) RETURN DISTINCT,,max(e.rank)""" result = redis_graph.query(query, params) print("Log nodes query") print(query) for record in result.result_set: if record[0] not in nodes_set: node_list.append({'id':record[0],'name':record[1],'rank':record[2]}) nodes_set.add(record[0]) return node_list def get_edges(nodes, years=None, limits=400,mnodes=set()): """ return all edges for the specified nodes, limit hardcoded """ links=list() nodes_set=set() years_set=set() print(mnodes) print(limits) if years is not None: print("Graph query node params "+str(nodes)) params = {'ids':nodes, 'years':years,'limits':int(limits)} query="""WITH $ids as ids MATCH (e:entity)-[r]->(t:entity) where ( in ids) and (r.year in $years) RETURN DISTINCT,, max(r.rank), r.year ORDER BY r.rank DESC LIMIT $limits""" else: params = {'ids':nodes,'limits':int(limits)} print("Graph query node params "+str(nodes)) query="""WITH $ids as ids MATCH (e:entity)-[r]->(t:entity) where in ids RETURN DISTINCT,, max(r.rank), r.year ORDER BY r.rank DESC LIMIT $limits""" print(query) result = redis_graph.query(query,params) for record in result.result_set: if record[0] not in mnodes: nodes_set.add(record[0]) else: print(f"Node {record[0]} excluded") if record[1] not in mnodes: nodes_set.add(record[1]) else: print(f"Node {record[1]} excluded") if record[3]: years_set.add(record[3]) if (record[0] in mnodes) or (record[1] in mnodes): continue else: links.append({'source':record[0],'target':record[1],'rank':record[2],'created_at':str(record[3])}) return links, list(nodes_set), list(years_set) if __name__ == "__main__": search_string="How does temperature and humidity affect the transmission of 2019-nCoV?" nodes=match_nodes(search_string) links=get_edges(nodes) node_list=get_nodes(nodes) print(node_list) print("---") print(links)