# Docker Image with Redpanda Toolchain The `Dockerfile` available in this folder defines the contents of the image published to . To build Redpanda using this image: ```bash docker pull vectorized/redpanda-toolchain cd redpanda/ docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD:$PWD:Z -w $PWD vectorized/redpanda-toolchain ./build.sh ``` You can add the `--ipc=host` flag to share the host's `/dev/shm` folder, so that the `CCACHE_DIR` folder (`/dev/shm/redpanda` by default) can be available across `docker run` invocations. In systems with SELinux enabled, the `:Z` bind-mount option might cause the container to take too long to setup (due to SELinux labels being applied to individual files). To avoid this, you can add the `--privileged` flag, and that will instruct Docker (or Podman) to skip applying SELinux profiles. ```bash docker run \ --rm -ti --privileged \ --ipc=host \ -v $PWD:$PWD:Z \ -w $PWD vectorized/redpanda-toolchain \ ./build.sh ``` If you need rebuild the toolchain image locally: ```bash DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build \ -t vectorized/redpanda-toolchain \ -f tools/docker/Dockerfile \ . ``` If errors occur, when tests run during build, try the following: ```bash # set fs.max-aio-nr an appropriate value sudo sysctl -w fs.aio-max-nr=10485760 ```