# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). Please make sure to add your changes to the appropriate categories: - `Added`: for new functionality - `Changed`: for changes in existing functionality - `Deprecated`: for soon-to-be removed functionality - `Removed`: for removed functionality - `Fixed`: for fixed bugs - `Performance`: for performance-relevant changes - `Security`: for security-relevant changes - `Other`: for everything else ## [Unreleased] ### Added - n/a ### Changed - n/a ### Deprecated - n/a ### Removed - n/a ### Fixed - n/a ### Performance - n/a ### Security - n/a ### Other - n/a ## [0.16.3] - 2024-06-11 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `clap` from `4.5.4` to `4.5.7` - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.218` to `0.0.220` ## [0.16.2] - 2024-06-05 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.217` to `0.0.218` ## [0.16.1] - 2024-05-29 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `libc` from `0.2.153` to `0.2.155` - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.216` to `0.0.217` ### Fixed - Fixed differences in test snapshots between macOS/Linux and Windows. ## [0.16.0] - 2024-05-21 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `anyhow` from `1.0.82` to `1.0.86` - `insta` from `1.38.0` to `1.39.0` - `petgraph` from `0.6.4` to `0.6.5` - `pulldown-cmark` from `0.10.2` to `0.11.0` - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.211` to `0.0.216` - Bumped MSRV to `1.78.0` ### Fixed - Don't call `.canonicalize()` on the project path on Windows to avoid cargo incompatibility with verbatim paths. ## [0.15.5] - 2024-04-17 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.210` to `0.0.211` ## [0.15.4] - 2024-04-13 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `anyhow` from `1.0.81` to `1.0.82` - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.208` to `0.0.210` ## [0.15.3] - 2024-04-05 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.207` to `0.0.208` - `pulldown-cmark` from `0.10.0` to `0.10.2` ## [0.15.2] - 2024-03-27 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `yansi` from `0.5.1` to `1.0.1` - `clap` from `4.5.3` to `4.5.4` - `indoc` from `2.0.4` to `2.0.5` - `memoffset` from `0.9.0` to `0.9.1` - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.206` to `0.0.207` ## [0.15.1] - 2024-03-21 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.204` to `0.0.206` - `anyhow` from `1.0.80` to `1.0.81` - `bitflag` from `2.4.2` to `2.5.0` - `clap` from `4.5.1` to `4.5.3` ## [0.15.0] - 2024-03-06 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `mio` from `0.8.10` to `0.8.11` - `env_logger` from `0.11.2` to `0.11.3` - `insta` from `1.35.1` to `1.36.1` - `log` from `0.4.20` to `0.4.21` ### Security - Fixed potential vulnerability in `mio` by upgrading it from `0.8.10` to `0.8.11`. ## [0.14.1] - 2024-02-27 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.202` to `0.0.203` ## [0.14.0] - 2024-02-25 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `anyhow` from `1.0.79` to `1.0.80` - `assert_cmd` from `2.0.13` to `2.0.14` - `clap` from `4.4.18` to `4.5.1` - `env_logger` from `0.11.1` to `0.11.2` - `insta` from `1.34.0` to `1.35.1` - `thread_local` from `1.1.7` to `1.1.8` - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.200` to `0.0.202` - Bumped MSRV from `1.74.0` to `1.75.0` ## [0.13.6] - 2024-02-07 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.197` to `0.0.200` - `env_logger` from `0.10.2` to `0.11.1` - `pulldown-cmark` from `0.9.3` to `0.10.0` - `rust-analyzer-salsa` from `0.17.0-pre.5` to `0.17.0-pre.6` - `rust-analyzer-salsa-macros` from `0.17.0-pre.5` to `0.17.0-pre.6` ## [0.13.5] - 2024-01-21 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `bitflags` from `2.4.1` -> `2.4.2` - `clap` from `4.4.16` -> `4.4.18` - `env_logger` from `0.10.1` -> `0.10.2` - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.196` to `0.0.197` ### Fixed - Fixed bug (#172) where external nodes were not correctly filtered out. ## [0.13.4] - 2024-01-13 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.194` to `0.0.196` - `assert_cmd` from `2.0.12` to `2.0.13` - `clap` from `4.4.13` to `4.4.16` - `rust-analyzer-salsa` from `0.17.0-pre.4` to `0.17.0-pre.5` - `rust-analyzer-salsa-macros` from `0.17.0-pre.4` to `0.17.0-pre.5` ### Fixed - Skip impl if type's node can't be found, rather than crashing ## [0.13.3] - 2024-01-05 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `anyhow` from `1.0.76` to `1.0.79` - `clap` from `4.4.11` to `4.4.13` - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.190` to `0.0.194` ## [0.13.2] - 2023-12-27 ### Changed - Bumped MSRV from `1.70.0` to `1.74.0` - Updated dependencies: - `anyhow` from `1.0.75` to `1.0.76` ## [0.13.1] - 2023-12-20 ### Changed - Bumped MSRV from `1.68.2` to `1.70.0` - Updated dependencies: - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.189` to `0.0.190` ## [0.13.0] - 2023-12-14 ### Added - Added dedicated top-level `orphans` command (replacing the now removed `--orphans` CLI flag) for detecting orphaned Rust source files within projects. ### Changed - Renamed `generate tree` command to `structure`, promoting it to a top-level command. - Renamed `generate graph` command to `dependencies`, promoting it to a top-level command. - Made `structure` command include types, traits, and fns by default. Use `--no-types`, `--no-traits`, `--no-fns` to opt-out. - Made `dependencies` command include uses, externs, types, traits, and fns by default. Use `--no-modules`, `--no-uses`, `--no-externs`, `--no-types`, `--no-traits`, `--no-fns` to opt-out. - Updated dependencies: - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.188` to `0.0.189` ### Removed - Removed `generate` top-level CLI command, promoting its sub-commands to top-level commands. - Removed the `--orphans` CLI flag from `structure` command (née `generate tree`). - Removed global CLI option `--sysroot` & `--no-sysroot`. - Removed global CLI option `--no-cfg-test`. - Removed CLI selection options for `structure` command: - Removed CLI option `--types` - Removed CLI option `--traits` - Removed CLI option `--fns` - Removed CLI option `--tests` - Removed CLI option `--no-tests` - Removed CLI selection options for `dependencies` command: - Removed CLI option `--modules` - Removed CLI option `--uses` - Removed CLI option `--externs` - Removed CLI option `--types` - Removed CLI option `--traits` - Removed CLI option `--fns` - Removed CLI option `--tests` - Removed CLI option `--no-tests` ## [0.12.0] - 2023-12-05 ### Added - Support for detecting methods/type-aliases in impls. - Support for detecting dependencies from functions and methods. - Tracing logs for graph/tree building phases (`RUST_LOG=cargo_modules=trace …`). ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `thread_local` from `1.0.0` to `1.1.7` - `clap` from `4.4.10` to `4.4.11` - `memoffset` from `0.6.1` to `0.9.0` - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.187` to `0.0.188` ### Fixed - Local dependencies are no longer erroneously being detected as packages. ## [0.11.2] - 2023-11-29 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `clap` from `4.4.8` to `4.4.10` - `proc-macro2` from `1.0.69` to `1.0.70` - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.186` to `0.0.187` - Switch Github action for Rust toolchain from `actions-rs/toolchain@v1` to `dtolnay/rust-toolchain@v1` ## [0.11.1] - 2023-11-25 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.185` to `0.0.186` ## [0.11.0] - 2023-11-14 ### Added - Support for sorting the output of the `generate tree` command via `--sort-by ` (where `` is one of `name`, `visibility`, or `kind`) and `--sort-reversed` CLI options. ## [0.10.5] - 2023-11-14 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.184` to `0.0.185` - `env_logger` from `0.10.0` to `0.10.1` - `clap` from `4.4.7` to `4.4.8` ## [0.10.4] - 2023-11-06 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.183` to `0.0.184` ## [0.10.3] - 2023-11-01 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.182` to `0.0.183` - `serde_repr` from `0.1.16` to `0.1.17` ## [0.10.2] - 2023-10-25 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.181` to `0.0.182` - `clap` from `4.4.6` to `4.4.7` ## [0.10.1] - 2023-10-21 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.178` to `0.0.181` - `bitflags` from `2.4.0` to `2.4.1` ## [0.10.0] - 2023-10-12 ### Added - Added support for type and trait aliases. - Added support for extracting "uses" edges for a type's field dependencies. ### Changed - Refactored project, giving each `generate` command its own independent implementation - Refactored and simplified orphan detection logic - Updated dependencies: - `insta` from `1.33.0` to `1.34.0` - `proc-macro2` from `1.0.67` to `1.0.69` - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.177` to `0.0.178` ### Removed - Support for `--orphans`/`--no-orphans` for `generate graph` command ## [0.9.4] - 2023-10-06 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `clap` from `4.4.5` to `4.4.6` - `insta` from `1.32.0` to `1.33.0` - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.164` to `0.0.177` ## [0.9.3] - 2023-09-26 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.163` to `0.0.164` - `anyhow` from `1.0.71` to `1.0.75` - `skywalking-eyes` from `0.4.0` to `0.5.0` - `assert_cmd` from `2.0.11` to `2.0.12` - `bitflags` from `2.3.3` to `2.4.0` - `clap` from `4.3.11` to `4.4.5` - `indoc` from `2.0.2` to `2.0.4` - `insta` from `1.30.0` to `1.32.0` - `log` from `0.4.19` to `0.4.20` - `petgraph` from `0.6.3` to `0.6.4` - `proc-macro2` from `1.0.64` to `1.0.67` - `serde_repr` from `0.1.14` to `0.1.16` ### Removed - Removed `ra_ap_rust-analyzer` dependency. ## [0.9.2] - 2023-07-11 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.160` to `0.0.163` - `clap` from `4.3.10` to `4.3.11` - `getopts` from `0.2.19` to `0.2.21` - `proc-macro2` from `1.0.63` to `1.0.64` - `serde_repr` from `0.1.13` to `0.1.14` ## [0.9.1] - 2023-07-04 ### Changed - Bumped MSRV to `1.68.2` - Updated dependencies: - `bitflags` from `2.3.1` to `2.3.3` - `clap` from `4.3.0` to `4.3.10` - `indoc` from `2.0.1` to `2.0.2` - `insta` from `1.29.0` to `1.30.0` - `log` from `0.4.18` to `0.4.19` - `proc-macro2` from `1.0.60` to `1.0.63` - `serde_repr` from `0.1.12` to `0.1.13` - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.148` to `0.0.160` - ## [0.9.0] - 2023-05-31 ### Added - CLI flag `--acyclic` for detecting cycles in the generated graph. ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `log` from `0.4.17` to `0.4.18` - `clap` from `4.2.5` to `4.3.0` - `wyz` from `0.5.1` to `0.6.1` - `bitflags` from `2.2.1` to `2.3.1` ### Fixed - Documentation of `--no-fns` CLI flag. ## [0.8.0] - 2023-05-01 ### Added - Added CLI argument `--modules` (and corresponding `--no-modules`) for filtering out modules from graphs. - Added CLI argument `--no-externs` as a negative complement for `--externs` - Added CLI argument `--no-fns` as a negative complement for `--fns` - Added CLI argument `--no-orphans` as a negative complement for `--orphans` - Added CLI argument `--no-sysroot` as a negative complement for `--sysroot` - Added CLI argument `--no-tests` as a negative complement for `--tests` - Added CLI argument `--no-traits` as a negative complement for `--traits` - Added CLI argument `--no-types` as a negative complement for `--types` - Added CLI argument `--no-uses` as a negative complement for `--uses` - Added CLI argument `--no-cfg-test` as a negative complement for `--cfg-test` - Added dependencies: - `clap` at `4.2.5` ### Changed - Renamed CLI argument `--with-externs` to `--externs` - Renamed CLI argument `--with-fns` to `--fns` - Renamed CLI argument `--with-orphans` to `--orphans` - Renamed CLI argument `--with-sysroot` to `--sysroot` - Renamed CLI argument `--with-tests` to `--tests` - Renamed CLI argument `--with-traits` to `--traits` - Renamed CLI argument `--with-types` to `--types` - Renamed CLI argument `--with-uses` to `--uses` ### Removed - Removed dependencies: - `structopt` ## [0.7.6] - 2023-03-16 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `indoc` from `1.0.8` to `2.0.1` - `petgraph` from `0.6.2` to `0.6.3` - `anyhow` from `1.0.68` to `1.0.69` - `structopt` from `0.3` to `0.3.26` - `serde_repr` from `0.1.10` to `0.1.11` - `assert_cmd` from `2.0.8` to `2.0.9` - `insta` from `1.26.0` to `1.28.0` - `bitflags` from `1.3.2` to `2.0.1` ## [0.7.5] - 2023-01-29 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.148` to `0.0.149` ## [0.7.4] - 2023-01-12 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `assert_cmd` from `2.0.7` to `2.0.8` - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.143` to `0.0.148` ## [0.7.3] - 2023-01-07 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `insta` from `1.23.0` to `1.26.0` - `serde_repr` from `0.1.8` to `0.1.10` ### Fixed - Typo in Cargo.toml: `rust = "1.65"` => `rust-version = "1.65"`. ## [0.7.2] - 2023-01-03 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `indoc` from `1.0.7` to `1.0.8` - `anyhow` from `1.0.66` to `1.0.68` - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.142` to `0.0.143` - Split graph building into two separate phases: building & filtering. ## [0.7.1] - 2022-12-11 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `insta` from `1.21.2` to `1.23.0` - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.140` to `0.0.142` ## [0.7.0] - 2022-12-02 ### Added - Support for conditionally filtering traits via `--with-traits` CLI option. - Support for conditionally filtering functions via `--with-fns` CLI option. - Support for accepting a full use-tree (e.g. `foo::bar::{self, baz, blee::*}`) for `--focus-on`, instead of just simple paths. ### Changed - The `--with-types` now excludes traits. Use `--with-traits` CLI option to include traits. - The `--with-types` now excludes functions. Use `--with-fns` CLI option to include functions. - Refactored internal graph builder to be both, simpler and more robust. - Updated dependencies: - `env_logger` from `0.9.3` to `0.10.0` - `assert_cmd` from `2.0.6` to `2.0.7` - `insta` from `1.21.0` to `1.21.2` - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.138` to `0.0.140` ## [0.6.0] - 2022-11-10 ### Changed - Updated dependencies: - `assert_cmd` from `2.0.5` -> `2.0.6` - `env_logger` from `0.9.1` -> `0.9.3` - `rust-analyzer` from `0.0.134` to `0.0.138` ## [0.5.14] - 2022-10-25 ### Fixed - Upstream semver bug in rust-analyzer that would prevent running `cargo install` for `0.5.12` and `0.5.13` ([issue](https://github.com/regexident/cargo-modules/issues/137)). ## [0.5.13] - 2022-10-24 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. ## [0.5.12] - 2022-10-16 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. - Made graph layout algorithm ignore `"uses"` edges in constraint calculation. ## [0.5.11] - 2022-08-01 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. ## [0.5.10] - 2022-07-11 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. ## [0.5.9] - 2022-07-01 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. ## [0.5.8] - 2022-06-10 ### Added - Add `README.md` sections on how to properly read/interpret the generated output and its use of structure/colors in particular ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. ### Fixed - Replaced example screenshots in `README.md` with more illustrative ones ## [0.5.7] - 2021-12-23 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. - Updated to Rust 2021 edition. ## [0.5.6] - 2021-10-18 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. ## [0.5.5] - 2021-10-11 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. ## [0.5.4] - 2021-09-12 ### Added - Added `--cfg-test` CLI option ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. - Maked `cargo_modules=warn` the `RUST_LOG` default - Stopped filtering out `#[cfg(test)] mod …` when given `--with-tests` ## [0.5.3] - 2021-08-23 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. ## [0.5.2] - 2021-08-14 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. ## [0.5.1] - 2021-08-14 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. ## [0.5.0] - 2021-05-13 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. ## [0.5.0-beta.3] - 2021-02-28 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. - Made including sysroot (i.e. `core`/`std`/`alloc`/…) crates in analysis strictly opt-in (via `--with-sysroot`). ### Fixed - Improved CLI help comments ## [0.5.0-beta.2] - 2021-02-21 ### Fixed - Improved tests ## [0.5.0-beta.1] - 2021-02-18 ### Added - Added support for '--no-default-features', '--all-features', '--features', '--target' options - Added support for conditionally filtering unit tests via `--with-tests` CLI option - Added option `--with-externs` for `generate graph` command - Added support for depth-based graph shrinking - Added 'generate' CLI sub-command ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. - Replaced positional argument with named `--manifest-path` to better mirror cargo's CLI - Changed color of orphan graph nodes - Renamed edges from `Has`/`Uses` to `Owns`/`Uses` - Replaced integer node/edge ids in dot graphs with fully qualified paths for easier manual processing / searching / editing of dot output - Made `generate graph` always print full paths - Implemented folding of external "uses" into a single node per external crate - Changed default graph layout algorithm from 'sfdp' to 'neato' ### Fixed - Cleaned up README file - Improved terminal color handling - Improved theming/printing - Improved graph builder and fixed bug where nodex/edges might get omitted, unintentionally - Refined graph printing - Improved graph rendering ### Removed - Removed unused 'Authors' section from README file - Removed unnecessary name from generated `digraph { … }` - Removed unsupported options from `generate tree` command - Removed 'weight=' from edges in dot file ## [0.4.10] - 2020-12-09 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. ## [0.4.9] - 2020-08-14 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. ## [0.4.8] - 2020-07-06 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. ## [0.4.7] - 2020-06-05 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. ## [0.4.6] - 2020-05-19 ### Added - Added Github Action. ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. - Updated to Rust 2018 edition. - Migrated from `libsyntax` to `rustc_ast`. ## [0.4.5] - 2020-01-18 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies ### Fixed - Improve `cargo modules graph` sub-command. ## [0.4.4] - 2019-02-18 ### Added - Added support for `—plain` to `graph` sub-command. ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. # Fixed - Updated `README.md` to reflect the new (and added) CLI. ## [0.4.3] - 2018-09-24 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. ## [0.4.2] - 2018-08-18 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. ## [0.4.1] - 2018-06-14 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. ## [0.4.0] - 2018-05-17 ### Fixed - Fixed issues and show difference between pub and private use. ### Added - Support for printing module graph (Graphviz/dot). ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. ## [0.3.6] - 2018-02-26 ### Fixed - Fixed issue when linking against latest libsyntax. - Fixed usage instructions in `README.md` (i.e. requirement of nightly). - Improved install instructions in `README.md`. ## [0.3.5] - 2018-01-03 ### Added - Added proper `-—version` CLI argument. ## [0.3.4] - 2017-12-03 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. ## [0.3.3] - 2017-08-26 - unknown ## [0.3.2] - 2017-02-04 ### Changed - Updated to latest crate dependencies. ## [0.3.1] - 2017-01-21 ### Added - Added crates.io categories to Cargo manifest. ## [0.3.0] - 2016-08-20 ### Added - Added support for `impl Trait`. ## [0.2.2] - 2016-06-30 ### Fixed - Fixed broken lines in modules with more than one feature. ## [0.2.1] - 2016-06-29 ### Fixed - Fixed bug preventing use as `$ cargo modules` (vs. `$ cargo-modules`). ## [0.2.0] - 2016-06-29 ### Fixed - Tree printing refinements & accessibility improvements. ## [0.1.0] - 2016-06-25 Initial release.