/*! * filename-regex * * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Jon Schlinkert * Licensed under the MIT License */ 'use strict'; var assert = require('assert'); var re = require('./'); function match(str) { var res = str.match(re()) return res && res[0]; } it('should match the last part of a file path:', function () { assert.equal(match(''), null); assert.equal(match('a'), 'a'); assert.equal(match('a/b'), 'b'); assert.equal(match('a/b/c/d'), 'd'); assert.equal(match('a\\b\\c\\d'), 'd'); }); it('should match a filename with an extension:', function () { assert.equal(match('abc/xyz.md'), 'xyz.md'); assert.equal(match('abc\\xyz.md'), 'xyz.md'); assert.equal(match('b.md'), 'b.md'); }); it('should match a file name that is only a dotfile or file extension:', function () { assert.equal(match('.md'), '.md'); assert.equal(match('.dotfile'), '.dotfile'); assert.equal(match('abc\\.gitignore'), '.gitignore'); assert.equal(match('abc/.gitignore'), '.gitignore'); }); it('should match the filename when there are dots in the dirname:', function () { assert.equal(match('a/.b/abc.foo.min.js'), 'abc.foo.min.js'); assert.equal(match('a/b.c.d/foo.js'), 'foo.js'); });