{ "errors": { "21cmfast": "8.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name 21cmfast --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3.4.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "afterimage": "55.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '6-33-01' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "airflow": "81.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '10.13.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ pypi_name[0] }}/{{ pypi_name }}/apache_airflow-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "allensdk": "93.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name allensdk --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.16.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.bz2'\n\"", "angreal": "40.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name angreal --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.1.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://gitlab.com/angreal/angreal/-/raw/{{ version }}/requirements/requirements.txt'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://gitlab.com/angreal/angreal/-/raw/{{ version }}/LICENSE.md'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://gitlab.com/angreal/angreal/-/raw/{{ version }}/requirements/dev.txt'\n\"", "ap_features": "12.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name ap_features --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2024.0.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '2024.0.0': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 40, column 3:\n home: https://github.com/Computa ... \n ^ (line: 40), 'found duplicate key \"summary\" with value \"Package to compute features of traces from action potential models\" (original value: \"Package to compute features of traces from action potential models\")', in \"\", line 45, column 3:\n summary: \"Package to compute fea ... \n ^ (line: 45), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "api-inference-community": "7.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name api-inference-community --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.0.33' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/api_inference_community-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "arccommander": "72.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name arccommander --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.0.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/nfdi4plants/arcCommander/archive/refs/tags/Installer_v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "argocd-cli": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name argocd-cli --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.13.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/argoproj/argo-cd/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "asio": "12.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name asio --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error DuplicateKeyError raised:\n'while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 1, column 1:\n build_platform: {osx_arm64: osx_ ... \n ^ (line: 1), 'found duplicate key \"test_on_native_only\" with value \"True\" (original value: \"True\")', in \"\", line 8, column 1:\n test_on_native_only: true\n ^ (line: 8), '\n To suppress this check see:\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\n by default when using the new API.\n '", "authlib": "7.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name authlib --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.3.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.org/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name|capitalize }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "autodoc-pydantic": "40.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name autodoc-pydantic --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.2.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/autodoc_pydantic-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "aws-cdk.cloud-assembly-schema": "6.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name aws-cdk.cloud-assembly-schema --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '38.0.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/aws-cdk.cloud-assembly-schema-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "aws-cdk.cx-api": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name aws-cdk.cx-api --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.160.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/aws-cdk.cx-api-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "aws-cdk.region-info": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name aws-cdk.region-info --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.160.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/aws-cdk.region-info-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "azure-quantum": "9.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name azure-quantum --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.1.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/qdk-python/release/v{{ version }}/LICENSE'\n\"", "azure-uamqp-c": "123.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name azure-uamqp-c --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2020-12-09' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "babel": "17.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name babel --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.16.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "backports.tarfile": "30.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name backports.tarfile --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.2.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/backports.tarfile-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "batoms-api": "125.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name batoms-api --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.2.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/batoms_api-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "beakerx": "131.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name beakerx --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.0.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '2.0.1': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 5, column 1:\n package:\n ^ (line: 5), 'found duplicate key \"source\" with value \"{\\'fn\\': \\'<{ name }}-<{ version }}.tar.gz\\', \\'url\\': \\'https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source/b/beakerx/<{ name }}-<{ version }}.tar.gz\\', \\'sha256\\': \\'<{ sha256 }}\\'}\" (original value: \"{\\'git_rev\\': \\'<{ version }}\\', \\'git_url\\': \\'https://github.com/twosigma/beakerx.git\\'}\")', in \"\", line 13, column 1:\n source:\n ^ (line: 13), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "bespon": "93.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name bespon --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.7.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "binwalk": "95.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name binwalk --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '27' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/ReFirmLabs/binwalk/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "bitshuffle": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name bitshuffle --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.5.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/kiyo-masui/{{ name }}/archive/{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "blacktex": "66.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name blacktex --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.8.12' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/blacktex-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "blosc-hdf5-plugin": "21.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name blosc-hdf5-plugin --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.0.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - no URLs in the source section\n\"", "boltztrap2": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name boltztrap2 --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '24.9.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/BoltzTraP2-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "bonsu": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name bonsu --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3.7.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "bw2analyzer": "94.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name bw2analyzer --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.11.8' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "cadabra2": "108.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name cadabra2 --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/kpeeters/cadabra2/releases/download/{{ version }}/cadabra2-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "cadcad": "55.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name cadcad --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.5.3' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/cadCAD-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "captum": "85.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.7.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '0.7.0': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 38, column 3:\n home: https://captum.ai\n ^ (line: 38), 'found duplicate key \"dev_url\" with value \"https://github.com/pytorch/captum\" (original value: \"https://github.com/pytorch/captum\")', in \"\", line 55, column 3:\n dev_url: https://github.com/pyto ... \n ^ (line: 55), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 415, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "casadi": "124.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name casadi --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3130' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/casadi/casadi/releases/download/{{ version }}/casadi-source-v{{ version }}.zip'\n\"", "cbflib": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name cbflib --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.9.8' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/yayahjb/cbflib/archive/refs/tags/CBFlib-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "ceffyl": "71.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name ceffyl --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.30.5' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/ceffyl-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "censo": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name censo --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.0.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/grimme-lab/censo/archive/refs/tags/v.{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "chartkick": "126.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name chartkick --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.0.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "cherrypy": "14.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name cherrypy --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '18.10.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.org/packages/source/C/CherryPy/CherryPy-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "chessanalysispipeline": "5.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name chessanalysispipeline --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.0.16' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/ChessAnalysisPipeline-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "child": "142.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name child --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '20020726' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/childmodel/child/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "circuits": "52.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name circuits --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3.2.3' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "cloudstorage": "148.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name cloudstorage --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.11.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/cloudstorage-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "cnmaps": "129.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name cnmaps --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/Clarmy/cnmaps/archive/refs/tags/{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "code-server": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name code-server --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '4.93.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/cdr/code-server/releases/download/v{{ version }}/code-server-{{ version }}-macos-amd64.tar.gz'\n\"", "compass-interface": "127.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name compass-interface --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.27.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/the-scouts/compass-interface/releases/download/v{{ version }}/compass-interface-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "compass-interface-core": "157.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name compass-interface-core --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.26.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/the-scouts/compass-interface-core/releases/download/v{{ version }}/compass-interface-core-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "compstats": "8.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name compstats --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.1.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/CompStats-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "compyle": "127.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name compyle --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.8.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/pypr/compyle/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "configspace": "14.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name configspace --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.2.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/ConfigSpace-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "consul": "147.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name consul --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2Fv0.7.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/hashicorp/{{ name }}/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "container-diff": "50.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name container-diff --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.19.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://storage.googleapis.com/container-diff/v{{ version }}/container-diff-windows-amd64.exe'\n\"", "corrfunc": "10.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name corrfunc --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.5.3' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "cosmotransitions": "30.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name cosmotransitions --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.0.7' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/cosmoTransitions-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "cothread": "15.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name cothread --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.20.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/dls-controls/{{ name }}/archive/{{ vparts[0] }}-{{ vparts[1] }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "countest": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name countest --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.1.5' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/CountEst-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "covid-sim-suite": "119.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name covid-sim-suite --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.15.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '0.15.0': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 5, column 3:\n name: <{ name }}-suite\n ^ (line: 5), 'found duplicate key \"version\" with value \"<{ GIT_DESCRIBE_TAG }}\" (original value: \"<{ version }}\")', in \"\", line 10, column 3:\n version: <{ GIT_DESCRIBE_TAG }}\n ^ (line: 10), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "creme": "125.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name creme --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.9.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "csvinsight": "58.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name csvinsight --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.4.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/csvinsight-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "ctng-compilers": "14.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name ctng-compilers --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '14.2.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - migrations do not work on versions not specified with jinja2\n\"", "cudatoolkit": "145.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name cudatoolkit --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"md5\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '12.0.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - migrations do not work on versions not specified with jinja2\n\"", "cudnn": "6.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "cyrsoxs": "6.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name cyrsoxs --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 46, column 3:\n home: https://github.com/usnistg ... \n ^ (line: 46), 'found duplicate key \"license\" with value \"NIST-PD\" (original value: \"MIT\")', in \"\", line 49, column 3:\n license: NIST-PD\n ^ (line: 49), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "dace": "9.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name dace --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.16.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '0.16.1': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 46, column 3:\n imports:\n ^ (line: 46), 'found duplicate key \"commands\" with value \"[\\'pip check\\']\" (original value: \"[\\'sdfgcc --help\\', \\'dacelab --help\\']\")', in \"\", line 51, column 3:\n commands:\n ^ (line: 51), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "damask": "123.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name damask --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3813' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://damask.mpie.de/download/damask-{{ version }}.tar.xz'\n\"", "dart-sass": "79.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name dart-sass --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '9.2.7' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/sass/dart-sass/releases/download/{{ version }}/dart-sass-{{ version }}-macos-arm64.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/sass/dart-sass/archive/refs/tags/{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "dataframe_image": "13.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name dataframe_image --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.2.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "datatable": "98.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-feedstock-ops-container rerender --log-level info --timeout 900' in container - error RuntimeError raised:\n'Failed to rerender.\noutput: Adding in variants from internal_defaults\nAdding in variants from /tmp/tmpsbxs2ygp/conda-smithy/conda_build_config.yaml\nAdding in variants from argument_variants\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:Downloading conda-forge-pinning-2024.\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:Extracting conda-forge-pinning to /tmp/tmpsbxs2ygp/conda-smithy\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:README rendering is skipped\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:__pycache__ rendering is skipped\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:python39.yaml is closed now. Removing\nWARNING: Setting build platform. This is only useful when pretending to be on another platform, such as for rendering necessary dependencies on a non-native platform. I trust that you know what you're doing.\nWARNING: Setting build arch. This is only useful when pretending to be on another arch, such as for rendering necessary dependencies on a non-native arch. I trust that you know what you're doing.\nWARNING: No numpy version specified in conda_build_config.yaml. Falling back to default numpy value of 1.23\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/bin/conda-smithy\", line 10, in \n sys.exit(main())\n ^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/cli.py\", line 758, in main\n args.subcommand_func(args)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/cli.py\", line 601, in __call__\n self._call(args, args.temporary_directory)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/cli.py\", line 604, in _call\n configure_feedstock.main(\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 2810, in main\n render_readme(env, config, forge_dir, render_info)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 2100, in render_readme\n set(\nTypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable\n\n'", "datetimerange": "40.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name datetimerange --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.3.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/DateTimeRange-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "dave": "38.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '24.523' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "dbnomics": "122.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name dbnomics --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.2.5' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/DBnomics-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "deno-dom": "59.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name deno-dom --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.1.45' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/b-fuze/deno-dom/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}-alpha.tar.gz'\n\"", "des-despyastro": "140.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name des-despyastro --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '6' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/DarkEnergySurvey/despyastro/archive/refs/tags/{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "des-despymisc": "132.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name des-despymisc --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '6' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/DarkEnergySurvey/despymisc/archive/refs/tags/{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "desres-msys": "161.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name desres-msys --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha1\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.7.337' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - no URLs in the source section\n - could not hash URL template 'http://www.inchi-trust.org/download/105/INCHI-1-SRC.zip'\n\"", "dfo-ls": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name dfo-ls --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.5.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/DFO-LS-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "diffpy.pdffit2": "119.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name diffpy.pdffit2 --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '6833' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "discord.py": "17.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): master:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name discord.py --default-branch master --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.4.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/discord.py-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "distilabel": "8.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name distilabel --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.3.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '1.3.2': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 40, column 3:\n home: https://www.argilla.io/\n ^ (line: 40), 'found duplicate key \"dev_url\" with value \"https://github.com/argilla-io/distilabel\" (original value: \"https://github.com/argilla/distilabel\")', in \"\", line 52, column 3:\n dev_url: https://github.com/argi ... \n ^ (line: 52), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "django-jsonstore": "125.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.5.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '0.5.1': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 35, column 3:\n home: http://github.com/viewflow ... \n ^ (line: 35), 'found duplicate key \"license_file\" with value \"LICENSE_EXCEPTION\" (original value: \"LICENSE\")', in \"\", line 39, column 3:\n license_file: LICENSE_EXCEPTION\n ^ (line: 39), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 415, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "docbook-xsl": "130.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name docbook-xsl --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2020-06-03' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/docbook/xslt10-stylesheets/releases/download/release/{{ version }}/{{ tarname }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "dolfin-adjoint": "95.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name dolfin-adjoint --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2023.3.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/dolfin-adjoint/dolfin-adjoint/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}{{ post }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "dydxprotocol-v4-proto-py": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name dydxprotocol-v4-proto-py --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '6.0.5' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/dydxprotocol/v4-chain/archive/refs/tags/protocol/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "e3sm-tools": "7.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name e3sm-tools --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2024' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/E3SM-Project/E3SM/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "eliot": "106.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name eliot --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.15.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "elm": "141.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name elm --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.19.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/{{ name }}/compiler/releases/download/{{ version }}/binaries-for-windows.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/{{ name }}/compiler/releases/download/{{ version }}/binaries-for-linux.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/{{ name }}/compiler/releases/download/{{ version }}/binaries-for-mac.tar.gz'\n\"", "enterprise_outliers": "133.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name enterprise_outliers --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.0.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "epics-pypdb": "143.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name epics-pypdb --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/pcdshub/epics-pypdb/archive/{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "eulerangles": "131.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name eulerangles --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.0.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "event-stream": "8.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name event-stream --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.6.3' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - no URLs in the source section\n\"", "events": "120.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name events --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.5' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "exercism": "104.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name exercism --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3.2.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/exercism/cli/releases/download/v{{ version }}/exercism-mac-64bit.tgz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/exercism/cli/releases/download/v{{ version }}/exercism-linux-64bit.tgz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/exercism/cli/releases/download/v{{ version }}/exercism-linux-32bit.tgz'\n\"", "fenics-ufl-legacy": "41.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name fenics-ufl-legacy --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2024.1.0.post1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/FEniCS/ufl/archive/refs/tags/ufl_legacy-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "fermipy": "122.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name fermipy --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - migrations do not work on `git_url`s\n\"", "fiatlux": "55.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name fiatlux --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.1.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/fiatlux-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "fixtures": "110.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name fixtures --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '4.1.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "flake8-logging-format": "19.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name flake8-logging-format --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2024.24.12' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/flake8-logging-format-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "flake8-rst": "129.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name flake8-rst --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.8.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "flaml": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name flaml --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.3.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "flask-caching": "46.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name flask-caching --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.3.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "flask-dance": "72.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name flask-dance --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '7.1.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "flask-mail": "51.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name flask-mail --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.10.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.org/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ camelName }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "flask-moment": "31.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name flask-moment --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.0.6' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "flask-openid": "31.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name flask-openid --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.3.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.org/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "flask-restalchemy": "127.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name flask-restalchemy --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.15.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "flask-security": "10.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name flask-security --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '5.5.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.{{ bundle }}'\n\"", "flask-security-too": "13.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name flask-security-too --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '5.5.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "flask-socketio": "6.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name flask-socketio --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '5.3.7' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.org/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.{{ bundle }}'\n\"", "flask_cors": "5.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name flask_cors --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '5.0.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "flufl.enum": "53.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '6.1.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "fluidfoam": "19.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name fluidfoam --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.2.7' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "font-ttf-noto-cjk": "123.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name font-ttf-noto-cjk --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '20201206-cjk' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-cjk/releases/download/Sans{{ version }}/02_NotoSansCJK-TTF-VF.zip'\n\"", "font-ttf-source-code-pro": "140.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name font-ttf-source-code-pro --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1024-vf' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro/archive/refs/tags/{{ version }}R-ro/1.058R-it/1.018R-VAR.tar.gz'\n\"", "fortecubeview": "98.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name fortecubeview --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.2.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/fortecubeview-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "fps-uvicorn": "127.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name fps-uvicorn --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.0.20' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "freegenes": "143.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name freegenes --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.0.16' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "frozen-flask": "75.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.0.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.org/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.{{ bundle }}'\n\"", "frugally-deep": "43.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name frugally-deep --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.16.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/Dobiasd/{{ name }}/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}-p0.tar.gz'\n\"", "fs.googledrivefs": "84.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.4.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/fs.googledrivefs-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "functionalplus": "10.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.2.25' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/Dobiasd/FunctionalPlus/archive/v{{ version }}-p0.tar.gz'\n\"", "g2clib": "123.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name g2clib --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2c_v1.6.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/NCEPLIBS-g2c/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "g2o": "134.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name g2o --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '20201223_git' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "geoindex-rs": "7.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name geoindex-rs --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.1.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/kylebarron/geo-index/archive/refs/tags/py-v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "geotesscpp": "9.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name geotesscpp --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2023-04-11' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/sandialabs/GeoTessCPP/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "getcalspec": "67.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name getcalspec --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.2.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/getCalspec-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "gherkin-official": "11.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name gherkin-official --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '29.0.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '29.0.0': \n\nParserError('while parsing a block mapping', in \"\", line 33, column 3:\n home: https://github.com/cucumbe ... \n ^ (line: 33), \"expected , but found ''\", in \"\", line 36, column 30:\n license_file: '<{ environ['RECIPE_DIR'] }}/LICENSE.txt'\n ^ (line: 36))\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 114, in get_single_data\n node = self.composer.get_single_node()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 72, in get_single_node\n document = self.compose_document()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 94, in compose_document\n node = self.compose_node(None, None)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 130, in compose_node\n node = self.compose_mapping_node(anchor)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 211, in compose_mapping_node\n item_value = self.compose_node(node, item_key)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 130, in compose_node\n node = self.compose_mapping_node(anchor)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 204, in compose_mapping_node\n while not self.parser.check_event(MappingEndEvent):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/parser.py\", line 141, in check_event\n self.current_event = self.state()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/parser.py\", line 614, in parse_block_mapping_key\n raise ParserError(\n\n'", "ghostscript": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name ghostscript --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '10040' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/ghostpdl-downloads/releases/download/gs{{ version | replace(\".\", \"\") }}/ghostscript-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n'", "glm": "55.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name glm --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.0.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/g-truc/glm/releases/download/{{ version }}/glm-{{ version }}.zip'\n\"", "globus-compute-endpoint": "4.00 attempts - not solvable (bot CI job) @ main\n
\nlinux_64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for parsl 2024.8.12.*.\n\n
", "glow": "7.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name glow --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.02' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/projectglow/glow/releases/download/v{{ version }}/{{ pypi_name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "gmatelastoplasticfinitestrainsimo": "135.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name gmatelastoplasticfinitestrainsimo --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.5.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/{{ org }}/{{ name }}/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "gmsh": "29.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name gmsh --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '4.13.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://gmsh.info/src/{{ name }}-{{ version }}-source.tgz'\n\"", "gnss-sdr": "112.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name gnss-sdr --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2017' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/gnss-sdr/gnss-sdr/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "gnuradio-osmosdr": "108.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name gnuradio-osmosdr --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3.8' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/osmocom/gr-osmosdr/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "google-cloud-appengine-logging": "8.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name google-cloud-appengine-logging --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.4.5' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '1.4.5': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 36, column 3:\n home: https://github.com/googlea ... \n ^ (line: 36), 'found duplicate key \"summary\" with value \"Python Client for Google Cloud Appengine Logging\" (original value: \"Google Cloud Appengine Logging API client library\")', in \"\", line 43, column 3:\n summary: Python Client for Googl ... \n ^ (line: 43), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "google-cloud-recommendations-ai": "10.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name google-cloud-recommendations-ai --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.10.12' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '0.10.12': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 37, column 3:\n home: https://github.com/googlea ... \n ^ (line: 37), 'found duplicate key \"summary\" with value \"Python Client for Recommendations AI\" (original value: \"Google Cloud Recommendations Ai API client library\")', in \"\", line 41, column 3:\n summary: Python Client for Recom ... \n ^ (line: 41), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "google-cloud-workflows": "10.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name google-cloud-workflows --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.14.5' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '1.14.5': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 36, column 3:\n home: https://github.com/googlea ... \n ^ (line: 36), 'found duplicate key \"summary\" with value \"Cloud Workflows API\" (original value: \"Google Cloud Workflows API client library\")', in \"\", line 40, column 3:\n summary: Cloud Workflows API\n ^ (line: 40), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "gopls": "12.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name gopls --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.24.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/golang/tools/archive/{{ name }}/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "graalpy": "14.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name graalpy --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '24.0.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/oracle/graalpython/archive/refs/tags/vm-ce-{{ version }}.zip'\n\"", "graiax-silkcoder": "121.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name graiax-silkcoder --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.3.6' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '0.3.6': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 37, column 3:\n home: https://pypi.org/project/g ... \n ^ (line: 37), 'found duplicate key \"summary\" with value \"A simple silkv3 encoder\" (original value: \"transform audio file to silk\")', in \"\", line 41, column 3:\n summary: 'A simple silkv3 encoder'\n ^ (line: 41), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "grimp": "8.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error AttributeError raised:\n\"'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'\"", "grpc_java_plugin": "54.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name grpc_java_plugin --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.60.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/download/{{ bazel_version }}/bazel_nojdk-{{ bazel_version }}-{{ bazel_arch }}'\n - missing jinja2 variable 'bazel_sha' for selector 'None'\n\"", "grpcio-health-checking": "1.00 attempts - not solvable (bot CI job) @ main\n
\nlinux_64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for grpcio >=1.66.2.\n\n
", "grpcio-reflection": "1.00 attempts - not solvable (bot CI job) @ main\n
\nlinux_64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for grpcio 1.66.2.*.\n\n
", "gsettings-desktop-schemas": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name gsettings-desktop-schemas --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '47.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '47.1': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 40, column 3:\n home: https://gitlab.gnome.org/G ... \n ^ (line: 40), 'found duplicate key \"summary\" with value \"A collection of GSettings schemas for settings shared by various components of a desktop.\" (original value: \"A native style to bend Qt5/Qt6 applications to look like they belong into GNOME Shell.\")', in \"\", line 42, column 3:\n summary: 'A collection of GSetti ... \n ^ (line: 42), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "h5utils": "128.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name h5utils --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '5utils-1.12' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/NanoComp/{{ name }}/releases/download/{{ version }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "hdk": "123.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name hdk --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '266' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/intel-ai/hdk/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "hip": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name hip --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '6.2.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/ROCm/HIPCC/archive/refs/tags/rocm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "hipfft": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name hipfft --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '6.2.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "hpx": "41.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name hpx --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '24' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/STEllAR-GROUP/hpx/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "hydrofunctions": "117.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name hydrofunctions --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.2.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '0.2.4': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 31, column 3:\n imports:\n ^ (line: 31), 'found duplicate key \"requires\" with value \"[\\'pip\\']\" (original value: \"[\\'coverage\\']\")', in \"\", line 37, column 3:\n requires:\n ^ (line: 37), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "icu": "102.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name icu --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2023-10-04' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/unicode-org/icu/releases/download/release-{{ version_hyphen }}/icu4c-{{ version_under }}-data.zip'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/unicode-org/icu/releases/download/release-{{ version_hyphen }}/icu4c-{{ version_under }}-src.tgz'\n\"", "imagecodecs": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name imagecodecs --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2024.9.22' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '2024.9.22': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 72, column 3:\n source_files:\n ^ (line: 72), 'found duplicate key \"commands\" with value \"[\\'echo \"Testing for <{ codec }}\"\\', \\'python -c \"import imagecodecs; assert imagecodecs.<{ codec }}.available\"\\', \\'echo \"Testing for JPEGXL\"\\', \"python -c \\'import imagecodecs; assert imagecodecs.JPEGXL.available\\'\"]\" (original value: \"[\\'cd tests\\', \\'python test_imagecodecs.py -k \"not test_image_roundtrips[jpeg2k-uint16-rgb-out-bytearray-None]\"\\']\")', in \"\", line 83, column 3:\n commands:\n ^ (line: 83), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "imagecodecs-lite": "141.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name imagecodecs-lite --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2022.9.26' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/i/imagecodecs-lite/imagecodecs-lite-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "intern": "142.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name intern --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '19-hotfix' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/jhuapl-boss/intern/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "interpret": "2.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name interpret --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.6.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "interpret-core": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name interpret-core --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.6.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "ipe": "126.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name ipe --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '7.2.27' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/otfried/old-ipe-releases/releases/download/v{{ version }}/ipe-{{ version }}-src.tar.gz'\n\"", "iprpy": "41.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.11.7' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "ipynao": "50.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name ipynao --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.8.9' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/ipynao-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "ipython_unittest": "157.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name ipython_unittest --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.3.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "ipywe": "120.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name ipywe --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '27' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/scikit-beam/ipywe/archive/{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "ispc": "41.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name ispc --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.24.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "iteround": "135.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name iteround --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.0.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/iteround-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "itk-meshtopolydata": "127.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name itk-meshtopolydata --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.2.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - missing jinja2 variable 'fn' for selector 'win and py36'\n - missing jinja2 variable 'fn' for selector 'osx and py37'\n - missing jinja2 variable 'fn' for selector 'linux and py36'\n - missing jinja2 variable 'fn' for selector 'osx and py38'\n - missing jinja2 variable 'fn' for selector 'linux'\n - missing jinja2 variable 'fn' for selector 'win and py37'\n - missing jinja2 variable 'fn' for selector 'win and py38'\n - missing jinja2 variable 'fn' for selector 'osx and py36'\n - missing jinja2 variable 'fn' for selector 'win'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/{{ pyver }}/i/itk_meshtopolydata/{{ fn }}'\n - missing jinja2 variable 'fn' for selector 'linux and py37'\n - missing jinja2 variable 'fn' for selector 'osx'\n - missing jinja2 variable 'fn' for selector 'linux and py38'\n\"", "iverilog": "144.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name iverilog --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '20221226' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/steveicarus/iverilog/archive/v{{ version | replace(\".\", \"_\") }}.tar.gz'\n'", "jaraco.collections": "8.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name jaraco.collections --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '5.1.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "jaraco.context": "8.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name jaraco.context --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '6.0.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "jaraco.functools": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name jaraco.functools --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '4.1.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "jaraco.stream": "6.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name jaraco.stream --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3.0.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "jaraco.test": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name jaraco.test --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '5.5.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/jaraco.test-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "jaraco.text": "10.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '4.0.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "jbig2dec": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name jbig2dec --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '10040' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/ArtifexSoftware/ghostpdl-downloads/releases/download/{{ ghostscript_tag }}/jbig2dec-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "jsonrpcclient": "141.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name jsonrpcclient --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '4.0.3' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "jupyter-fs": "16.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name jupyter-fs --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.0.0.post1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name.replace('-', '_') }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "jupyter_contrib_core": "106.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name jupyter_contrib_core --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.4.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '0.4.2': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 4, column 1:\n package:\n ^ (line: 4), 'found duplicate key \"test\" with value \"{\\'imports\\': [\\'jupyter_contrib_core\\'], \\'commands\\': [\\'pip check\\', \\'jupyter-contrib --help\\'], \\'requires\\': [\\'pip\\']}\" (original value: \"{\\'imports\\': [\\'jupyter_contrib_core\\', \\'jupyter_contrib_core.application\\', \\'jupyter_contrib_core.notebook_compat\\', \\'jupyter_contrib_core.notebook_compat.nbextensions\\', \\'jupyter_contrib_core.notebook_compat.serverextensions\\', \\'jupyter_contrib_core.notebook_compat._compat\\', \\'jupyter_contrib_core.notebook_compat._compat.nbextensions\\', \\'jupyter_contrib_core.notebook_compat._compat.serverextensions\\']}\")', in \"\", line 43, column 1:\n test:\n ^ (line: 43), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "jupyter_nbextensions_configurator": "18.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name jupyter_nbextensions_configurator --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.6.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/j/jupyter_nbextensions_configurator/jupyter_nbextensions_configurator-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "jupyterlab-plotly-extension": "115.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name jupyterlab-plotly-extension --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3.4.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyter-renderers/archive/@jupyterlab/plotly-extension@{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "kafkacat": "97.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name kafkacat --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.7.1-3' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/edenhill/{{ name }}/archive/{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "kaleido-core": "140.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.2.1.post1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/plotly/Kaleido/releases/download/v{{ version }}/kaleido_mac_x64.zip'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/plotly/Kaleido/releases/download/v{{ version }}/kaleido_minimal_linux_x64.zip'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/plotly/Kaleido/releases/download/v{{ version }}/kaleido_minimal_linux_arm64.zip'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/plotly/Kaleido/releases/download/v{{ version }}/kaleido_win_x64.zip'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/plotly/Kaleido/releases/download/v{{ version }}/kaleido_mac_arm64.zip'\n\"", "kbookmarks": "14.80 attempts - not solvable (bot CI job) @ main\n
\nlinux_64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for extra-cmake-modules >=6.2.0.\n\n
", "kcompletion": "1.20 attempts - not solvable (bot CI job) @ main\n
\nlinux_64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for extra-cmake-modules >=6.5.0.\n\n
", "kconfigwidgets": "0.80 attempts - not solvable (bot CI job) @ main\n
\nlinux_64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for extra-cmake-modules >=6.3.\n\n
", "kdeclarative": "6.40 attempts - not solvable (bot CI job) @ main\n
\nlinux_64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for extra-cmake-modules >=6.3.\n\n
", "keyrings.alt": "12.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name keyrings.alt --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '5.0.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "kfilemetadata": "5.20 attempts - not solvable (bot CI job) @ main\n
\nlinux_64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for extra-cmake-modules >=6.4.\n\n
", "kglobalaccel": "1.20 attempts - not solvable (bot CI job) @ main\n
\nlinux_64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for extra-cmake-modules >=6.4.0.\n\n
", "kiconthemes": "17.00 attempts - not solvable (bot CI job) @ main\n
\nlinux_64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for extra-cmake-modules >=6.0.0.\n\n
", "kio": "1.40 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-feedstock-ops-container rerender --log-level info --timeout 900' in container - error RuntimeError raised:\n'Failed to rerender.\noutput: Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/bin/conda-smithy\", line 10, in \n sys.exit(main())\n ^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/cli.py\", line 758, in main\n args.subcommand_func(args)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/cli.py\", line 601, in __call__\n self._call(args, args.temporary_directory)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/cli.py\", line 604, in _call\n configure_feedstock.main(\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 2745, in main\n exclusive_config_file, cf_pinning_ver = get_cached_cfp_file_path(\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 2558, in get_cached_cfp_file_path\n current_pinning_version = get_most_recent_version(\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 2431, in get_most_recent_version\n request.raise_for_status()\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/requests/models.py\", line 1024, in raise_for_status\n raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)\nrequests.exceptions.HTTPError: 524 Server Error: for url: https://api.anaconda.org/package/conda-forge/conda-forge-pinning\n\n'", "kivy-garden": "128.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.1.5' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "kjobwidgets": "2.00 attempts - not solvable (bot CI job) @ main\n
\nlinux_64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for extra-cmake-modules >=6.3.0.\n\n
", "knapsack": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name knapsack --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.3.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/knapsack-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "knewstuff": "4.00 attempts - not solvable (bot CI job) @ main\n
\nlinux_64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for extra-cmake-modules >=6.3.\n\n
", "knotifyconfig": "6.20 attempts - not solvable (bot CI job) @ main\n
\nlinux_64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for extra-cmake-modules >=6.3.\n\n
", "kokkos-kernels": "112.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name kokkos-kernels --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2022' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/kokkos/kokkos-kernels/archive/refs/tags/{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "kpackage": "1.40 attempts - not solvable (bot CI job) @ main\n
\nlinux_64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for extra-cmake-modules >=6.5.\n\n
", "ktextwidgets": "3.00 attempts - not solvable (bot CI job) @ main\n
\nlinux_64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for extra-cmake-modules >=6.3.0.\n\n
", "kubeseal": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name kubeseal --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.16.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/bitnami-labs/sealed-secrets/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "kuyruk": "16.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '10.1.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "kwallet": "2.40 attempts - not solvable (bot CI job) @ main\n
\nlinux_64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for extra-cmake-modules >=6.2.\n\n
", "kxmlgui": "2.00 attempts - not solvable (bot CI job) @ main\n
\nlinux_64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for extra-cmake-modules >=6.4.0.\n\n
", "labjackpython": "85.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '10-22-2012' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/LabJackPython-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "lastools": "135.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name lastools --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '20171231' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/LAStools/LAStools/archive/refs/tags/{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "latte-integrale": "134.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name latte-integrale --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/latte-int/latte/releases/download/version_{{ version | replace('.', '_') }}/latte-int-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "ldc": "6.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name ldc --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.109.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc/releases/download/v{{ version }}/ldc2-{{ version }}-windows-x64.7z'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/ldc-developers/ldc/releases/download/v{{ version }}/ldc-{{ version }}-src.tar.gz'\n\"", "lektor": "6.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name lektor --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3.3.12' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "lerc": "101.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name lerc --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '4.0.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/Esri/lerc/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libbsc": "68.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libbsc --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3.3.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "libconeangle": "134.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libconeangle --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.1.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.org/packages/cp{{ CONDA_PY }}/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}-cp{{ CONDA_PY }}-cp{{ CONDA_PY }}-win_amd64.whl'\n - missing jinja2 variable 'CONDA_PY' for selector 'win'\n\"", "libcups": "125.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libcups --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.3.6' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/apple/cups/releases/download/v{{ version }}/cups-{{ version }}-source.tar.gz'\n\"", "libdap4": "81.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libdap4 --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3.21.0-1025' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/OPENDAP/libdap4/archive/version-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libebm": "2.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libebm --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.6.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "libignition-common": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libignition-common --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '6_6.0.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/ignitionrobotics/ign-common/archive/ignition-common{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libignition-fuel-tools": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libignition-fuel-tools --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '10_10.0.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/ignitionrobotics/ign-fuel-tools/archive/ignition-fuel-tools{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libignition-gazebo": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libignition-gazebo --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '9_9.0.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/ignitionrobotics/ign-{{ component_name }}/archive/ignition-{{ component_name }}{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libignition-gui": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libignition-gui --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '9_9.0.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/gazebosim/gz-{{ component_name }}/archive/ignition-{{ component_name }}{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libignition-launch": "34.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libignition-launch --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '5.3.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/ignitionrobotics/ign-{{ component_name }}/archive/ignition-{{ component_name }}{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libignition-msgs1": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libignition-msgs1 --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '11_11.0.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/gazebosim/gz-msgs/archive/ignition-msgs{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libignition-physics": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libignition-physics --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '8_8.0.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/ignitionrobotics/ign-physics/archive/ignition-physics{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libignition-plugin": "40.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2_2.0.3' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/ignitionrobotics/ign-plugin/archive/ignition-plugin_{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libignition-rendering4": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libignition-rendering4 --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '9_9.0.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/ignitionrobotics/ign-rendering/archive/ignition-rendering{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libignition-sensors": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libignition-sensors --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '9_9.0.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/ignitionrobotics/ign-{{ component_name }}/archive/ignition-{{ component_name }}{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libignition-tools": "54.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libignition-tools --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2_2.0.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/ignitionrobotics/ign-tools/archive/ignition-tools_{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libignition-utils": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libignition-utils --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3_3.0.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/ignitionrobotics/ign-{{ component_name }}/archive/ignition-{{ component_name }}{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libjpeg-turbo": "141.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libjpeg-turbo --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '9e' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/libjpeg-turbo/libjpeg-turbo/archive/{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libmbd": "60.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libmbd --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.13.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/libmbd/libmbd/releases/download/{{ version }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libmo_unpack": "119.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libmo_unpack --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '8231' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/SciTools/libmo_unpack/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libmongoc": "12.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libmongoc --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.27.4-1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-c-driver/releases/download/{{ version }}/mongo-c-driver-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libmongocxx": "5.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3.10.2-1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-cxx-driver/releases/download/r{{ version }}/mongo-cxx-driver-r{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libneuroml": "5.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libneuroml --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.6.5' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libredwg": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libredwg --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LibreDWG/libredwg/'\n\"", "libsass": "69.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libsass --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.23.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/sass/{{ name }}-python/releases/download/{{ version }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libsoup": "5.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libsoup --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error DuplicateKeyError raised:\n'while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 1, column 1:\n build_platform:\n ^ (line: 1), 'found duplicate key \"github\" with value \"{'branch_name': 'main', 'tooling_branch_name': 'main'}\" (original value: \"{'branch_name': 'main', 'tooling_branch_name': 'main'}\")', in \"\", line 13, column 1:\n github:\n ^ (line: 13), '\n To suppress this check see:\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\n by default when using the new API.\n '", "libtvm": "15.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libtvm --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.17.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/apache/incubator-tvm/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libusb-package": "113.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libusb-package --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/libusb-package-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "libv8": "9.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name libv8 --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '13.0.76' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/v8/v8/archive/{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "lighttpd": "47.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.4.76' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - migrations do not work on versions not specified with jinja2\n\"", "lingua-language-detector": "86.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name lingua-language-detector --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.0.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name.replace('-', '_') }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "llama-cpp-python": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name llama-cpp-python --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.3.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '0.3.0': \n\nScannerError('while scanning a simple key', in \"\", line 25, column 5:\n <{ cmake_args(\"-DLLAMA_BUILD\", \" ... \n ^ (line: 25), \"could not find expected ':'\", in \"\", line 26, column 5:\n <{ cmake_args(\"-DLLAVA_BUILD\", \" ... \n ^ (line: 26))\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 114, in get_single_data\n node = self.composer.get_single_node()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 72, in get_single_node\n document = self.compose_document()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 94, in compose_document\n node = self.compose_node(None, None)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 130, in compose_node\n node = self.compose_mapping_node(anchor)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 211, in compose_mapping_node\n item_value = self.compose_node(node, item_key)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 130, in compose_node\n node = self.compose_mapping_node(anchor)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 211, in compose_mapping_node\n item_value = self.compose_node(node, item_key)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 128, in compose_node\n node = self.compose_sequence_node(anchor)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 172, in compose_sequence_node\n while not self.parser.check_event(SequenceEndEvent):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/parser.py\", line 141, in check_event\n self.current_event = self.state()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/parser.py\", line 535, in parse_block_sequence_entry\n if self.scanner.check_token(BlockEntryToken):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/scanner.py\", line 1733, in check_token\n while self.need_more_tokens():\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/scanner.py\", line 203, in need_more_tokens\n self.stale_possible_simple_keys()\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/scanner.py\", line 348, in stale_possible_simple_keys\n raise ScannerError(\n\n'", "llama.cpp": "9.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name llama.cpp --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.0.2647' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '0.0.2647': \n\nScannerError('while scanning a simple key', in \"\", line 32, column 5:\n <{ cmake_args(\"BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ... \n ^ (line: 32), \"could not find expected ':'\", in \"\", line 34, column 5:\n <{ llama_args(\"NATIVE=OFF\") }} ... \n ^ (line: 34))\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 114, in get_single_data\n node = self.composer.get_single_node()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 72, in get_single_node\n document = self.compose_document()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 94, in compose_document\n node = self.compose_node(None, None)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 130, in compose_node\n node = self.compose_mapping_node(anchor)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 211, in compose_mapping_node\n item_value = self.compose_node(node, item_key)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 130, in compose_node\n node = self.compose_mapping_node(anchor)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 211, in compose_mapping_node\n item_value = self.compose_node(node, item_key)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 128, in compose_node\n node = self.compose_sequence_node(anchor)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 172, in compose_sequence_node\n while not self.parser.check_event(SequenceEndEvent):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/parser.py\", line 141, in check_event\n self.current_event = self.state()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/parser.py\", line 535, in parse_block_sequence_entry\n if self.scanner.check_token(BlockEntryToken):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/scanner.py\", line 1733, in check_token\n while self.need_more_tokens():\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/scanner.py\", line 203, in need_more_tokens\n self.stale_possible_simple_keys()\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/scanner.py\", line 348, in stale_possible_simple_keys\n raise ScannerError(\n\n'", "llvm-bazel-cache": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name llvm-bazel-cache --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '19.1.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/archive/{{ archive_file }}.tar.gz'\n - missing jinja2 variable 'archive_file' for selector 'None'\n\"", "localstack-ext": "144.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name localstack-ext --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '4.17.16' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/localstack-ext-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "loki-logcli": "74.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name loki-logcli --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '5.43.3' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/grafana/loki/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "loos": "123.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '15026' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/GrossfieldLab/loos/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "lpdr": "117.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name lpdr --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "luv": "64.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.48.0-2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/luvit/{{ name }}/archive/{{ version }}-1.tar.gz'\n\"", "m2crypto": "14.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name m2crypto --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.42.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "markdown": "12.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name markdown --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3.7' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "mbedtls": "128.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name mbedtls --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '6866' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/Mbed-TLS/mbedtls/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "mdsplus": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-feedstock-ops-container rerender --log-level info --timeout 900' in container - error RuntimeError raised:\n'Failed to rerender.\noutput: Adding in variants from internal_defaults\nAdding in variants from /tmp/tmp80n_cp4z/conda-smithy/conda_build_config.yaml\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:Downloading conda-forge-pinning-2024.\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:Extracting conda-forge-pinning to /tmp/tmp80n_cp4z/conda-smithy\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:README rendering is skipped\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:__pycache__ rendering is skipped\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:libxml2212.yaml is closed now. Removing\nWARNING: Setting build platform. This is only useful when pretending to be on another platform, such as for rendering necessary dependencies on a non-native platform. I trust that you know what you're doing.\nWARNING: Setting build arch. This is only useful when pretending to be on another arch, such as for rendering necessary dependencies on a non-native arch. I trust that you know what you're doing.\nWARNING: No numpy version specified in conda_build_config.yaml. Falling back to default numpy value of 1.23\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/bin/conda-smithy\", line 10, in \n sys.exit(main())\n ^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/cli.py\", line 758, in main\n args.subcommand_func(args)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/cli.py\", line 601, in __call__\n self._call(args, args.temporary_directory)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/cli.py\", line 604, in _call\n configure_feedstock.main(\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 2782, in main\n render_azure(env, config, forge_dir, return_metadata=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 1868, in render_azure\n return _render_ci_provider(\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 1090, in _render_ci_provider\n metas = _conda_build_api_render_for_smithy(\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 890, in _conda_build_api_render_for_smithy\n metadata_tuples = render_recipe(\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_build/render.py\", line 982, in render_recipe\n m.config.compute_build_id(m.name(), m.version(), reset=reset_build_id)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_build/metadata.py\", line 1524, in version\n check_bad_chrs(version, \"package/version\")\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_build/metadata.py\", line 781, in check_bad_chrs\n raise CondaBuildUserError(\nconda_build.exceptions.CondaBuildUserError: Bad character(s) (-) in package/version: 7-145-6.\n\n'", "mizuroute": "115.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name mizuroute --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '02_v2.1.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/ncar/mizuroute/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "mkapi": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name mkapi --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error FileNotFoundError raised:\n2, 'No such file or directory'", "mkdocs-git-revision-date-plugin": "140.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name mkdocs-git-revision-date-plugin --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.3.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/mkdocs-git-revision-date-plugin-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "mktestdocs": "9.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name mktestdocs --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.2.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/mktestdocs-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "mlinsights": "123.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '540' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "mlt": "137.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name mlt --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '21.03.21' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/mltframework/mlt/releases/download/v{{ version }}/mlt-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "modal": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name modal --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.64.150' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "model-archiver": "125.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name model-archiver --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.1.11' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "model_metadata": "68.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name model_metadata --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.8.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "modzy-sdk": "109.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name modzy-sdk --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.11.6' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/modzy-sdk-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "moldyn-clustering": "133.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name moldyn-clustering --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.3.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/moldyn/{{ name }}/archive/V{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "molgrid": "9.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name molgrid --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.5.5' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "motmetrics": "134.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name motmetrics --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.4.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "mpifft4py": "138.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name mpifft4py --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '4py-1.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/spectralDNS/mpiFFT4py/archive/mpiFFT4py-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "msgpack-c": "49.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name msgpack-c --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '6.1.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/msgpack/{{ name }}/archive/c-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "msgraph-core": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name msgraph-core --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.1.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '1.1.4': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 39, column 3:\n summary: Core component of the M ... \n ^ (line: 39), 'found duplicate key \"summary\" with value \"Core abstractions for kiota generated libraries in Python\" (original value: \"Core component of the Microsoft Graph Python SDK\")', in \"\", line 44, column 3:\n summary: Core abstractions for k ... \n ^ (line: 44), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "mvtb-data": "140.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name mvtb-data --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.5' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/mvtb-data-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "mysql-connector-odbc": "4.60 attempts - not solvable (bot CI job) @ main\n
\n                linux_64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for mysql-devel 9.0.0.*.\n
linux_aarch64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for mysql-devel 9.0.0.*.\n
linux_ppc64le_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for mysql-devel 9.0.0.*.\n
osx_64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for mysql-devel 9.0.0.*.\n
osx_arm64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for mysql-devel 9.0.0.*.\n\n                
", "napari-folder-browser": "56.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name napari-folder-browser --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.1.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/napari-folder-browser-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "natcap.invest": "23.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3.14.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "ndim": "16.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name ndim --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.1.27' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/ndim-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "neptune-notebooks": "122.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name neptune-notebooks --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.9.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/neptune-ai/neptune-notebooks/archive/{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "netcdf4": "12.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name netcdf4 --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.7.1.post2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf4-python/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}rel.tar.gz'\n\"", "netgen": "145.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name netgen --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '6.2.2009' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - migrations do not work on `git_url`s\n\"", "neuron": "127.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name neuron --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '6229' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/neuronsimulator/nrn/releases/download/{{ version }}/nrn-full-src-package-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "nghttp2": "9.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name nghttp2 --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.63.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '1.63.0': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 45, column 7:\n build:\n ^ (line: 45), 'found duplicate key \"build\" with value \"[\\'<{ stdlib(\"c\") }}\\', \"<{ compiler(\\'cxx\\') }}\", \\'cmake\\', \\'ninja\\', \\'make\\', \\'pkg-config\\']\" (original value: \"[\"<{ compiler(\\'c\\') }}\"]\")', in \"\", line 47, column 7:\n build:\n ^ (line: 47), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1469, in construct_yaml_seq\n data.extend(self.construct_rt_sequence(node, data))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1217, in construct_rt_sequence\n ret_val.append(self.construct_object(child, deep=deep))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "nginx-module-njs": "79.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name nginx-module-njs --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.8.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - missing jinja2 variable 'nginx_sha256' for selector 'None'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://nginx.org/download/nginx-{{ nginx }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "ngspice": "10.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name ngspice --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error RuntimeError raised:\n\"Could not find all output sections in meta.yaml! Found 7 sections for outputs names = {'ngspice', 'ngspice-lib', 'ngspice-exe'}.\"", "nnvm": "11.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name nnvm --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.17.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/apache/incubator-tvm/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "nomad-camels-driver-pid": "20.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name nomad-camels-driver-pid --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.1.9' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/nomad_camels_driver_PID-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "nomad-camels-driver-thorlabs-k10cr1": "6.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name nomad-camels-driver-thorlabs-k10cr1 --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.1.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/nomad_camels_driver_thorlabs_K10CR1-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "npx": "12.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name npx --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.1.6' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "nr.date": "101.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.1.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "nr.stream": "117.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.1.5' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/nr.stream-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "nr.util": "131.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.8.13' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/nr.util-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "oclgrind": "137.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name oclgrind --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '32' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/jrprice/Oclgrind/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "odc": "116.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name odc --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2021.08.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/ecmwf/{{ name }}/archive/refs/tags/{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "office365-rest-python-client": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name office365-rest-python-client --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.5.13' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/Office365-REST-Python-Client-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "open62541": "12.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name open62541 --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error DuplicateKeyError raised:\n'while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 1, column 1:\n build_platform: {osx_arm64: osx_64}\n ^ (line: 1), 'found duplicate key \"build_platform\" with value \"{'linux_aarch64': 'linux_64', 'linux_ppc64le': 'linux_64'}\" (original value: \"{'osx_arm64': 'osx_64'}\")', in \"\", line 3, column 1:\n build_platform:\n ^ (line: 3), '\n To suppress this check see:\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\n by default when using the new API.\n '", "opencensus": "68.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-feedstock-ops-container rerender --log-level info --timeout 900' in container - error RuntimeError raised:\n'Failed to rerender.\noutput: Adding in variants from internal_defaults\nAdding in variants from /tmp/tmpiis7sp4v/conda-smithy/conda_build_config.yaml\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:Downloading conda-forge-pinning-2024.\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:Extracting conda-forge-pinning to /tmp/tmpiis7sp4v/conda-smithy\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:README rendering is skipped\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:__pycache__ rendering is skipped\nWARNING: Setting build platform. This is only useful when pretending to be on another platform, such as for rendering necessary dependencies on a non-native platform. I trust that you know what you're doing.\nWARNING: Setting build arch. This is only useful when pretending to be on another arch, such as for rendering necessary dependencies on a non-native arch. I trust that you know what you're doing.\nWARNING: No numpy version specified in conda_build_config.yaml. Falling back to default numpy value of 1.23\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/bin/conda-smithy\", line 10, in \n sys.exit(main())\n ^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/cli.py\", line 758, in main\n args.subcommand_func(args)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/cli.py\", line 601, in __call__\n self._call(args, args.temporary_directory)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/cli.py\", line 604, in _call\n configure_feedstock.main(\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 2782, in main\n render_azure(env, config, forge_dir, return_metadata=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 1868, in render_azure\n return _render_ci_provider(\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 1090, in _render_ci_provider\n metas = _conda_build_api_render_for_smithy(\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 890, in _conda_build_api_render_for_smithy\n metadata_tuples = render_recipe(\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_build/render.py\", line 971, in render_recipe\n m.config.compute_build_id(m.name(), m.version(), reset=reset_build_id)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_build/metadata.py\", line 1531, in version\n check_bad_chrs(version, \"package/version\")\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_build/metadata.py\", line 783, in check_bad_chrs\n raise CondaBuildUserError(\nconda_build.exceptions.CondaBuildUserError: Bad character(s) (-) in package/version: 0.11.4-1.1.13.\n\n'", "opencensus-context": "136.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name opencensus-context --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.11.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/opencensus-context-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "openexr-python": "53.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name openexr-python --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3.2.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/OpenEXR-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "openfisca-france": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name openfisca-france --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '168.1.5' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/OpenFisca-France-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "openglider": "146.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name openglider --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '006' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/booya-at/OpenGlider/archive/{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "openlibm": "16.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name openlibm --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error RuntimeError raised:\n\"Could not find all output sections in meta.yaml! Found 5 sections for outputs names = {'libopenlibm-static', 'openlibm', 'libopenlibm4'}.\"", "openmm-hip": "10.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name openmm-hip --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '8.1.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/StreamHPC/openmm-hip/archive/refs/tags/{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "opennavsurf-bag": "103.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name opennavsurf-bag --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2-1.5.3' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/OpenNavigationSurface/BAG/archive/refs/tags/release-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "openquake.engine": "30.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name openquake.engine --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3.20.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/openquake.engine-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "openscenegraph-osgqt": "120.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name openscenegraph-osgqt --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - no URLs in the source section\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/openscenegraph/osgQt/archive/{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "opentsne": "10.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name opentsne --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.0.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "openvino-tokenizers": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name openvino-tokenizers --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2024.4.0.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "openvscode-server": "7.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name openvscode-server --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.94.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/gitpod-io/openvscode-server/archive/refs/tags/openvscode-server-v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "orange3-bioinformatics": "23.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name orange3-bioinformatics --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '4.8.3' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "orange3-singlecell": "9.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name orange3-singlecell --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.7.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "orange3-text": "7.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name orange3-text --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.16.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "orange3-worldhappiness": "23.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name orange3-worldhappiness --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.1.12' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "orekit": "10.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name orekit --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '12_1_2_1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "orthopy": "16.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name orthopy --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.9.12' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/orthopy-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "osqp": "123.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name osqp --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.7.9' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/osqp/osqp-python/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "osrf_pycommon": "132.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name osrf_pycommon --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '8.3.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/osrf/osrf_pycommon/archive/refs/tags/{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "p-winds": "47.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name p-winds --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.4.7' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "pandoc-crossref": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pandoc-crossref --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/lierdakil/pandoc-crossref/releases/download/v{{ version }}{{ version_hidden_part }}/pandoc-crossref-Linux.tar.xz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/lierdakil/pandoc-crossref/releases/download/v{{ version }}{{ version_hidden_part }}/pandoc-crossref-Windows.7z'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/lierdakil/pandoc-crossref/releases/download/v{{ version }}{{ version_hidden_part }}/pandoc-crossref-macOS.tar.xz'\n\"", "pdfmm": "136.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pdfmm --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1876' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/pdfmm/pdfmm/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pedantic": "14.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pedantic --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.1.6' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/pedantic-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pennylane": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pennylane --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.38.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/PennyLaneAI/pennylane-lightning/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pennylane-lightning": "69.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pennylane-lightning --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '4py_lk' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/PennyLaneAI/pennylane-lightning/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pennylane-lightning-gpu": "76.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pennylane-lightning-gpu --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '4py_lk' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/PennyLaneAI/pennylane-lightning/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pennylane-lightning-kokkos": "76.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pennylane-lightning-kokkos --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '4py_lk' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/PennyLaneAI/pennylane-lightning/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "perfplot": "125.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name perfplot --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.11.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/perfplot-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "phreeqpy": "21.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name phreeqpy --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.6.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/p/phreeqpy/phreeqpy-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "platypus-opt": "6.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name platypus-opt --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.3.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "polyround": "47.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name polyround --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.3.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/PolyRound-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "powerlaw": "125.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name powerlaw --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.5' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "privacy-meter": "123.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name privacy-meter --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.0.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/privacy_meter-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "protobuf": "2.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name protobuf --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '28.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - no URLs in the source section\n\"", "pudb": "8.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pudb --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2024.1.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '2024.1.2': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 29, column 3:\n requires:\n ^ (line: 29), 'found duplicate key \"commands\" with value \"[\\'cd test && python -m pytest\\']\" (original value: \"[\\'pudb --help\\']\")', in \"\", line 38, column 3:\n commands:\n ^ (line: 38), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "purpose": "5.60 attempts - not solvable (bot CI job) @ main\n
\nlinux_64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for extra-cmake-modules >=6.3.\n\n
", "py-gfm": "128.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name py-gfm --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.0.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "py-wake": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name py-wake --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.6.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/py_wake-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "py_entitymatching": "68.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name py_entitymatching --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.4.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/p/py_entitymatching/py_entitymatching-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "py_stringmatching": "12.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name py_stringmatching --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.4.6' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/p/py_stringmatching/py_stringmatching-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "py_stringsimjoin": "18.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name py_stringsimjoin --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.3.6' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/p/py_stringsimjoin/py_stringsimjoin-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pyacvd": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pyacvd --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.3.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/pyacvd-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pydaily": "123.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.4.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '0.4.4': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 43, column 3:\n home: https://github.com/Pingjun ... \n ^ (line: 43), 'found duplicate key \"summary\" with value \"Python daily utilities\" (original value: \"Daily python utility functions.\")', in \"\", line 48, column 3:\n summary: \"Python daily utilities\"\n ^ (line: 48), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 415, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "pydrive2": "15.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pydrive2 --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.20.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pyduktape2": "121.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pyduktape2 --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.4.6' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/phith0n/pyduktape2/archive/refs/tags/{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pyedflib": "12.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pyedflib --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.1.38' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pyfunctional": "51.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pyfunctional --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.5.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pygsl": "11.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pygsl --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.4.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/pygsl/pygsl/archive/refs/tags/v.{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pyisemail": "126.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pyisemail --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.0.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pylyzer": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pylyzer --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.0.63' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/pylyzer-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pymace": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pymace --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '23Sep-24' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/ACEsuit/mace/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pymdwizard": "131.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pymdwizard --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.0.7' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/usgs/fort-pymdwizard/releases/download/v{{ version }}/pymdwizard-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pymodelchecking": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pymodelchecking --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.3.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/pyModelChecking-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pymumps": "17.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pymumps --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.3.3' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pyobjc-framework-coretext": "20.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pyobjc-framework-coretext --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '10.3.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/pyobjc-framework-CoreText-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pyobjc-framework-metal": "26.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pyobjc-framework-metal --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '10.3.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pyobjc-framework-quartz": "22.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pyobjc-framework-quartz --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '10.3.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pyobjc-framework-systemconfiguration": "20.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pyobjc-framework-systemconfiguration --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '10.3.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/pyobjc-framework-SystemConfiguration-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pyppeteer": "57.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pyppeteer --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.0.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '2.0.0': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 45, column 3:\n home: https://github.com/pyppete ... \n ^ (line: 45), 'found duplicate key \"summary\" with value \"Headless chrome/chromium automation library (unofficial port of puppeteer)\" (original value: \"Headless chrome/chromium automation library (unofficial port of puppeteer)\")', in \"\", line 50, column 3:\n summary: Headless chrome/chromiu ... \n ^ (line: 50), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "pypyodbc": "124.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.3.6' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.2.zip'\n\"", "pyqode.core": "113.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pyqode.core --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '4.0.11' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pyqt-builder": "14.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pyqt-builder --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.16.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pyratlib": "115.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pyratlib --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.7.7' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "pyroute2": "63.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pyroute2 --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.7.12' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/p/pyroute2.ethtool/pyroute2.ethtool-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/p/pyroute2.nftables/pyroute2.nftables-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/p/pyroute2.core/pyroute2.core-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/p/pyroute2.ndb/pyroute2.ndb-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/p/pyroute2.nslink/pyroute2.nslink-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/p/pyroute2.ipset/pyroute2.ipset-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/p/pyroute2.ipdb/pyroute2.ipdb-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pyrsmq": "30.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pyrsmq --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.5.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pyscicat": "136.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pyscicat --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/30/cf/0eedabc21c5b07ce6c946b0bdfc89b64abbafbad0215f09743ede50d5d14/pyscicat-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pyscreeze": "8.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pyscreeze --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.0.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/PyScreeze-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pystitcher": "116.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.0.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/pystitcher-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "python-cdo": "15.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name python-cdo --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.6.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/c/cdo/cdo-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "python-certifi-win32": "126.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name python-certifi-win32 --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.6.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "python-daemon": "12.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name python-daemon --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3.0.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '3.0.2': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 38, column 3:\n home: https://pagure.io/python-d ... \n ^ (line: 38), 'found duplicate key \"dev_url\" with value \"https://pagure.io/python-daemon/\" (original value: \"https://pagure.io/python-daemon/\")', in \"\", line 46, column 3:\n dev_url: https://pagure.io/pytho ... \n ^ (line: 46), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "python-gilt": "14.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name python-gilt --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.2.3' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "python-kaleido": "133.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name python-kaleido --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.2.1.post1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/plotly/Kaleido/releases/download/v{{ version }}/kaleido-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "python-logging-rabbitmq": "100.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name python-logging-rabbitmq --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.3.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '2.3.0': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 36, column 3:\n home: https://github.com/alberto ... \n ^ (line: 36), 'found duplicate key \"doc_url\" with value \"https://github.com/albertomr86/python-logging-rabbitmq/blob/master/README.md#python-logging-rabbitmq\" (original value: \"https://pythonhosted.org/python-logging-rabbitmq/\")', in \"\", line 42, column 3:\n doc_url: https://github.com/albe ... \n ^ (line: 42), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "python-pptx": "9.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name python-pptx --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.0.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.org/packages/source/p/python-pptx/python-pptx-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pytorch-cpu": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pytorch-cpu --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '135101' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/releases/download/v{{ version }}/pytorch-v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pytorch3d": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pytorch3d --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.7.8' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/facebookresearch/pytorch3d/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pytrackmate": "117.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pytrackmate --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.3.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "pyvis": "137.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name pyvis --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.3.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/pyvis-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "qcs-sdk-python": "9.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name qcs-sdk-python --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.23.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/rigetti/qcs-sdk-rust/archive/refs/tags/python/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "qiskit-terra": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name qiskit-terra --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.46.3' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name.replace('-', '_') }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "qt": "131.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name qt --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '6.2.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/{{ version.rpartition('.')[0] }}/{{ version }}/submodules/qtbase-everywhere-opensource-src-{{ version }}.tar.xz'\n\"", "qt-main": "132.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name qt-main --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '6.2.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/{{ version.rpartition('.')[0] }}/{{ version }}/single/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-{{ version }}.tar.xz'\n\"", "quadpy": "20.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name quadpy --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.17.21' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/quadpy-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "quart-trio": "111.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name quart-trio --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.11.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "r-giant": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name r-giant --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.3.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template '{{ cran_mirror }}/src/contrib/Archive/GiANT/GiANT_{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "r-loose.rock": "123.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name r-loose.rock --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.2.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '1.2.0': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 4, column 1:\n package:\n ^ (line: 4), 'found duplicate key \"build\" with value \"{\\'number\\': 3, \\'rpaths\\': [\\'lib/R/lib/\\', \\'lib/\\']}\" (original value: \"{\\'number\\': 3, \\'noarch\\': \\'generic\\', \\'rpaths\\': [\\'lib/R/lib/\\', \\'lib/\\']}\")', in \"\", line 21, column 1:\n build:\n ^ (line: 21), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "r-mirtcat": "15.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name r-mirtcat --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.14' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '1.14': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 70, column 3:\n home: https://github.com/philcha ... \n ^ (line: 70), 'found duplicate key \"license\" with value \"GPL3\" (original value: \"GPL-3.0-or-later\")', in \"\", line 82, column 3:\n license: GPL3\n ^ (line: 82), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 415, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "r-mwcsr": "7.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name r-mwcsr --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.1.9' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template '{{ cran_mirror }}/src/contrib/Archive/mwcsr/mwcsr_{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "r-n1qn1": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name r-n1qn1 --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - JSON could not parse stdout:\ncmd: ['docker',\n 'run',\n '-e',\n 'CF_FEEDSTOCK_OPS_IN_CONTAINER=true',\n '--security-opt=no-new-privileges',\n '--read-only',\n '--cap-drop=all',\n '--mount',\n 'type=tmpfs,destination=/tmp,tmpfs-mode=1777,tmpfs-size=6000000000',\n '-m',\n '6000m',\n '--cpus',\n '1',\n '--ulimit',\n 'nofile=1024:1024',\n '--ulimit',\n 'nproc=2048:2048',\n '--rm',\n '-i',\n '--mount',\n 'type=bind,source=/home/runner/work/_temp/tmpjkw4bbm4,destination=/cf_feedstock_ops_dir',\n 'ghcr.io/regro/conda-forge-tick:2024.9.33',\n 'conda-forge-tick-container',\n 'migrate-feedstock',\n '--feedstock-name',\n 'r-n1qn1',\n '--default-branch',\n 'main',\n '--existing-feedstock-node-attrs',\n '-',\n '--log-level',\n 'info',\n '--kwargs',\n '{\\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\\n}']\noutput: ('Adding in variants from internal_defaults\\n'\n 'Parsing input package n1qn1:\\n'\n '.. name: n1qn1 location: None new_location: /tmp/tmpzbkdu7jm/r-n1qn1\\n'\n 'Making/refreshing recipe for n1qn1\\n'\n 'Fetching main index from https://cran.r-project.org\\n'\n 'Downloading source from '\n 'https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/n1qn1_6.0.1-12.tar.gz\\n'\n 'Reading package metadata from '\n '/tmp/tmpi8rus5ub/conda-bld/src_cache/source-n1qn1_6.0.1-12_622c54b40d.tar.gz\\n'\n 'Writing recipe for n1qn1\\n'\n '--dirty flag and --keep-old-work not specified. Removing build/test folder '\n 'after successful build/test.\\n'\n '\\n'\n '{\\n'\n ' \"data\": {\\n'\n ' \"commit_message\": \"updated v6.0.1_12\",\\n'\n ' \"migrate_return_value\": {\\n'\n ' \"bot_rerun\": false,\\n'\n ' \"migrator_name\": \"Version\",\\n'\n ' \"migrator_version\": 0,\\n'\n ' \"version\": \"6.0.1_12\"\\n'\n ' },\\n'\n ' \"permissions\": {\\n'\n ' \".azure-pipelines\": 64,\\n'\n ' \".azure-pipelines/azure-pipelines-linux.yml\": 64,\\n'\n ' \".azure-pipelines/azure-pipelines-osx.yml\": 64,\\n'\n ' \".azure-pipelines/azure-pipelines-win.yml\": 64,\\n'\n ' \".ci_support\": 64,\\n'\n ' \".ci_support/README\": 0,\\n'\n ' \".ci_support/linux_64_r_base4.2.yaml\": 0,\\n'\n ' \".ci_support/linux_64_r_base4.3.yaml\": 0,\\n'\n ' \".ci_support/migrations\": 64,\\n'\n ' \".ci_support/migrations/r_base43.yaml\": 0,\\n'\n ' \".ci_support/osx_64_r_base4.2.yaml\": 0,\\n'\n ' \".ci_support/osx_64_r_base4.3.yaml\": 0,\\n'\n ' \".ci_support/win_64_.yaml\": 0,\\n'\n ' \".circleci\": 64,\\n'\n ' \".circleci/config.yml\": 0,\\n'\n ' \".gitattributes\": 0,\\n'\n ' \".github\": 64,\\n'\n ' \".github/CODEOWNERS\": 0,\\n'\n ' \".github/workflows\": 64,\\n'\n ' \".github/workflows/automerge.yml\": 0,\\n'\n ' \".github/workflows/webservices.yml\": 0,\\n'\n ' \".gitignore\": 0,\\n'\n ' \".scripts\": 64,\\n'\n ' \".scripts/build_steps.sh\": 64,\\n'\n ' \".scripts/logging_utils.sh\": 0,\\n'\n ' \".scripts/run_docker_build.sh\": 64,\\n'\n ' \".scripts/run_osx_build.sh\": 64,\\n'\n ' \"LICENSE.txt\": 0,\\n'\n ' \"README.md\": 0,\\n'\n ' \"azure-pipelines.yml\": 0,\\n'\n ' \"build-locally.py\": 64,\\n'\n ' \"conda-forge.yml\": 0,\\n'\n ' \"recipe\": 64,\\n'\n ' \"recipe/bld.bat\": 64,\\n'\n ' \"recipe/build.sh\": 64,\\n'\n ' \"recipe/meta.yaml\": 64\\n'\n ' },\\n'\n ' \"pr_body\": \"It is very likely that the current package version for this '\n 'feedstock is out of date.\\\\n\\\\nChecklist before merging this PR:\\\\n- [ ] '\n 'Dependencies have been updated if changed: see '\n '[upstream](https://github.com/nlmixrdevelopment/n1qn1)\\\\n- [ ] Tests have '\n 'passed \\\\n- [ ] Updated license if changed and `license_file` is packaged '\n \"\\\\n\\\\nInformation about this PR:\\\\n1. Feel free to push to the bot's branch \"\n 'to update this PR if needed.\\\\n2. The bot will almost always only open one '\n 'PR per version.\\\\n3. The bot will stop issuing PRs if more than 3 version '\n \"bump PRs generated by the bot are open. If you don't want to package a \"\n 'particular version please close the PR.\\\\n4. If you want these PRs to be '\n 'merged automatically, make an issue with '\n '@conda-forge-admin,`please add bot automerge` in the title and '\n 'merge the resulting PR. This command will add our bot automerge feature to '\n 'your feedstock.\\\\n5. If this PR was opened in error or needs to be updated '\n 'please add the `bot-rerun` label to this PR. The bot will close this PR and '\n 'schedule another one. If you do not have permissions to add this label, you '\n 'can use the phrase @conda-forge-admin, please rerun bot '\n 'in a PR comment to have the `conda-forge-admin` add it for '\n 'you.\\\\n\\\\n\\\\n\\\\nThis PR was created by the '\n '[regro-cf-autotick-bot](https://github.com/regro/cf-scripts). The '\n '**regro-cf-autotick-bot** is a service to automatically track the dependency '\n 'graph, migrate packages, and propose package version updates for '\n 'conda-forge. Feel free to drop us a line if there are any '\n '[issues](https://github.com/regro/cf-scripts/issues)! This PR was generated '\n 'by - please use this URL for debugging.\",\\n'\n ' \"pr_title\": \"[bot-automerge] r-n1qn1 v6.0.1_12\"\\n'\n ' },\\n'\n ' \"default_branch\": \"main\",\\n'\n ' \"feedstock_name\": \"r-n1qn1\",\\n'\n ' \"input_kwargs\": \"{\\\\n \\\\\"hash_type\\\\\": \\\\\"sha256\\\\\"\\\\n}\"\\n'\n '}\\n')", "rav1e": "9.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name rav1e --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '20240612' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/xiph/rav1e/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "rb-aws-codedeploy-agent": "70.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name rb-aws-codedeploy-agent --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.7.0-1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '1.7.0-1': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 10, column 3:\n url: https://github.com/aws/aws- ... \n ^ (line: 10), 'found duplicate key \"url\" with value \"https://github.com/aws/aws-codedeploy-agent/archive/v1.0-1.<{ version }}.tar.gz\" (original value: \"https://github.com/aws/aws-codedeploy-agent/archive/v1.0-<{ version }}.tar.gz\")', in \"\", line 12, column 3:\n url: https://github.com/aws/aws- ... \n ^ (line: 12), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "rb-cool.io": "42.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name rb-cool.io --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.8.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '1.8.1': \n\nParserError('while parsing a block collection', in \"\", line 15, column 5:\n - gem install -N -l -V --norc -- ... \n ^ (line: 15), \"expected , but found ''\", in \"\", line 17, column 7:\n && make -C <{ PREFIX }}/lib/ruby ... \n ^ (line: 17))\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 114, in get_single_data\n node = self.composer.get_single_node()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 72, in get_single_node\n document = self.compose_document()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 94, in compose_document\n node = self.compose_node(None, None)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 130, in compose_node\n node = self.compose_mapping_node(anchor)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 211, in compose_mapping_node\n item_value = self.compose_node(node, item_key)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 130, in compose_node\n node = self.compose_mapping_node(anchor)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 211, in compose_mapping_node\n item_value = self.compose_node(node, item_key)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 128, in compose_node\n node = self.compose_sequence_node(anchor)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 172, in compose_sequence_node\n while not self.parser.check_event(SequenceEndEvent):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/parser.py\", line 141, in check_event\n self.current_event = self.state()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/parser.py\", line 546, in parse_block_sequence_entry\n raise ParserError(\n\n'", "recycle": "111.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name recycle --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '7.0.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - no URLs in the source section\n\"", "redis-server": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-feedstock-ops-container rerender --log-level info --timeout 900' in container - error RuntimeError raised:\n'Failed to rerender.\noutput: Adding in variants from internal_defaults\nAdding in variants from /tmp/tmp_1cskc58/conda-smithy/conda_build_config.yaml\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:Downloading conda-forge-pinning-2024.\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:Extracting conda-forge-pinning to /tmp/tmp_1cskc58/conda-smithy\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:__pycache__ rendering is skipped\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:README rendering is skipped\nWARNING: Setting build platform. This is only useful when pretending to be on another platform, such as for rendering necessary dependencies on a non-native platform. I trust that you know what you're doing.\nWARNING: Setting build arch. This is only useful when pretending to be on another arch, such as for rendering necessary dependencies on a non-native arch. I trust that you know what you're doing.\nWARNING: No numpy version specified in conda_build_config.yaml. Falling back to default numpy value of 1.23\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/bin/conda-smithy\", line 10, in \n sys.exit(main())\n ^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/cli.py\", line 758, in main\n args.subcommand_func(args)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/cli.py\", line 601, in __call__\n self._call(args, args.temporary_directory)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/cli.py\", line 604, in _call\n configure_feedstock.main(\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 2785, in main\n render_azure(env, config, forge_dir, return_metadata=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 1871, in render_azure\n return _render_ci_provider(\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 1090, in _render_ci_provider\n metas = _conda_build_api_render_for_smithy(\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 890, in _conda_build_api_render_for_smithy\n metadata_tuples = render_recipe(\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_build/render.py\", line 971, in render_recipe\n m.config.compute_build_id(m.name(), m.version(), reset=reset_build_id)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_build/metadata.py\", line 1531, in version\n check_bad_chrs(version, \"package/version\")\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_build/metadata.py\", line 783, in check_bad_chrs\n raise CondaBuildUserError(\nconda_build.exceptions.CondaBuildUserError: Bad character(s) (-) in package/version: 8.0-m01.\n\n'", "refnx": "99.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name refnx --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '11' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/refnx/refnx/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.zip'\n\"", "reprimand": "11.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name reprimand --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2024_05_v0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/wokast/RePrimAnd/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "reproc": "52.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name reproc --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '14.2.5' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '14.2.5': \n\nParserError('while parsing a block collection', in \"\", line 83, column 9:\n - '<{ pin_subpackage('reproc-cpp ... \n ^ (line: 83), \"expected , but found ''\", in \"\", line 83, column 31:\n - '<{ pin_subpackage('reproc-cpp', 'x.x') }}'\n ^ (line: 83))\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 114, in get_single_data\n node = self.composer.get_single_node()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 72, in get_single_node\n document = self.compose_document()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 94, in compose_document\n node = self.compose_node(None, None)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 130, in compose_node\n node = self.compose_mapping_node(anchor)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 211, in compose_mapping_node\n item_value = self.compose_node(node, item_key)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 128, in compose_node\n node = self.compose_sequence_node(anchor)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 173, in compose_sequence_node\n node.value.append(self.compose_node(node, index))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 130, in compose_node\n node = self.compose_mapping_node(anchor)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 211, in compose_mapping_node\n item_value = self.compose_node(node, item_key)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 130, in compose_node\n node = self.compose_mapping_node(anchor)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 211, in compose_mapping_node\n item_value = self.compose_node(node, item_key)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 128, in compose_node\n node = self.compose_sequence_node(anchor)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/composer.py\", line 172, in compose_sequence_node\n while not self.parser.check_event(SequenceEndEvent):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/parser.py\", line 141, in check_event\n self.current_event = self.state()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/parser.py\", line 546, in parse_block_sequence_entry\n raise ParserError(\n\n'", "resolvo-cpp": "6.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name resolvo-cpp --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.8.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/mamba-org/resolvo/archive/refs/tags/resolvo_cpp-v{{ version }}.zip'\n\"", "riskfolio-lib": "12.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name riskfolio-lib --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '6.2.3' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "river": "142.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name river --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.2.3' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/river-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "rlpycairo": "120.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name rlpycairo --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.3.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/rlPyCairo-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "rmm": "11.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-feedstock-ops-container rerender --log-level info --timeout 900' in container - error RuntimeError raised:\n'Failed to rerender.\noutput: Adding in variants from internal_defaults\nAdding in variants from /tmp/tmpufdeuh25/conda-smithy/conda_build_config.yaml\nAdding in variants from /tmp/tmpcv2oa_i0/rmm-feedstock/recipe/conda_build_config.yaml\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:Downloading conda-forge-pinning-2024.\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:Extracting conda-forge-pinning to /tmp/tmpufdeuh25/conda-smithy\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:README rendering is skipped\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:__pycache__ rendering is skipped\nWARNING: Setting build platform. This is only useful when pretending to be on another platform, such as for rendering necessary dependencies on a non-native platform. I trust that you know what you're doing.\nWARNING: Setting build arch. This is only useful when pretending to be on another arch, such as for rendering necessary dependencies on a non-native arch. I trust that you know what you're doing.\nWARNING: No numpy version specified in conda_build_config.yaml. Falling back to default numpy value of 1.23\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/bin/conda-smithy\", line 10, in \n sys.exit(main())\n ^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/cli.py\", line 758, in main\n args.subcommand_func(args)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/cli.py\", line 601, in __call__\n self._call(args, args.temporary_directory)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/cli.py\", line 604, in _call\n configure_feedstock.main(\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 2772, in main\n render_travis(env, config, forge_dir, return_metadata=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 1544, in render_travis\n return _render_ci_provider(\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 1000, in _render_ci_provider\n ) = conda_build.variants.get_package_combined_spec(\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_build/variants.py\", line 665, in get_package_combined_spec\n combined_spec = combine_specs(specs, log_output=config.verbose)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_build/variants.py\", line 378, in combine_specs\n values = _combine_spec_dictionaries(\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_build/variants.py\", line 343, in _combine_spec_dictionaries\n raise ValueError(\nValueError: variant config in /tmp/tmpcv2oa_i0/rmm-feedstock/recipe/conda_build_config.yaml is ambiguous because it does not fully implement all zipped keys (missing ['c_stdlib_version']) or specifies a subspace that is not fully implemented (we did not find ['quay.io/condaforge/linux-anvil-aarch64-cuda:11.2'] from {'docker_image': ['quay.io/condaforge/linux-anvil-aarch64-cuda:11.2'], 'c_compiler_version': ['9'], 'cxx_compiler_version': ['9'], 'fortran_compiler_version': ['9'], 'cuda_compiler': ['nvcc'], 'cuda_compiler_version': ['11.2'], 'cudnn': ['undefined'], 'cdt_name': ['cos7']} in docker_image:['quay.io/condaforge/linux-anvil-aarch64', 'quay.io/condaforge/linux-anvil-aarch64-cuda:11.8', 'quay.io/condaforge/linux-anvil-aarch64']).\n\n'", "rnaformer": "46.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name rnaformer --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.3.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "rocfft": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name rocfft --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '6.2.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "rocm-opencl-runtime": "48.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name rocm-opencl-runtime --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '5.6.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/RadeonOpenCompute/ROCm-OpenCL-Runtime/archive/roc-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "rocm-smi": "21.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name rocm-smi --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '7.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/RadeonOpenCompute/rocm_smi_lib/archive/rocm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "root": "42.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name root --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '6-33-01' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '6-33-01': \n\nAttributeError(\"'If' object has no attribute 'nodes'\")\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 507, in __init__\n v, e = _parse_jinja2_variables(meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 108, in _parse_jinja2_variables\n and _line_is_only_selector(all_nodes[i + 1].nodes[0].data.strip())\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n\n'", "routingpy": "117.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name routingpy --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.3.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/routingpy-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "rs1090": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name rs1090 --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.3.6' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/rs1090-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "rtfde": "13.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name rtfde --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.1.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/RTFDE-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "sagemaker-code-editor": "10.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name sagemaker-code-editor --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.83.1-ce1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "sardana-ni660x": "107.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name sardana-ni660x --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2-eol' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/ALBA-Synchrotron/sardana-ni660x/archive/{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "sbcl": "31.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name sbcl --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '20.6.3' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/sbcl/sbcl-{{ version }}-source.tar.bz2'\n\"", "scikits.odes": "13.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name scikits.odes --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3.0.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "scine-utilsos": "86.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name scine-utilsos --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '9.0.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - migrations do not work on `git_url`s\n\"", "scine-xtb": "7.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name scine-xtb --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error RuntimeError raised:\n\"Could not find all output sections in meta.yaml! Found 3 sections for outputs names = {'scine-xtb'}.\"", "scons": "7.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name scons --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '4.8.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "screen": "8.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name screen --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error DuplicateKeyError raised:\n'while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 1, column 1:\n conda_forge_output_validation: true\n ^ (line: 1), 'found duplicate key \"test_on_native_only\" with value \"True\" (original value: \"True\")', in \"\", line 6, column 1:\n test_on_native_only: true\n ^ (line: 6), '\n To suppress this check see:\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\n by default when using the new API.\n '", "sdl2_gfx": "69.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '6.0.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://sourceforge.net/projects/sdl2gfx/files/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "sdsl-lite": "122.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name sdsl-lite --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '11v1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/simongog/{{ name }}/releases/download/v{{ version }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz.offline.install.gz'\n\"", "shot-scraper": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name shot-scraper --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.5' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.org/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/shot-scraper-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "slipcover": "11.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name slipcover --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.0.15' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - no URLs in the source section\n\"", "solid": "0.40 attempts - not solvable (bot CI job) @ main\n
\nlinux_64_: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for extra-cmake-modules >=6.5.0.\n\n
", "spacy-model-en_vectors_web": "101.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name spacy-model-en_vectors_web --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3.7.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/{{ name }}_lg-{{ version }}/{{ name }}_lg-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "spacy-models": "99.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3.7.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/es_core_news_lg-{{ version }}/es_core_news_lg-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/fr_core_news_lg-{{ version }}/fr_core_news_lg-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/pt_core_news_md-{{ version }}/pt_core_news_md-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/ko_core_news_sm-{{ version }}/ko_core_news_sm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/ko_core_news_lg-{{ version }}/ko_core_news_lg-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/nb_core_news_lg-{{ version }}/nb_core_news_lg-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/nl_core_news_sm-{{ version }}/nl_core_news_sm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/ko_core_news_md-{{ version }}/ko_core_news_md-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/zh_core_web_md-{{ version }}/zh_core_web_md-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/el_core_news_lg-{{ version }}/el_core_news_lg-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/mk_core_news_md-{{ version }}/mk_core_news_md-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/lt_core_news_md-{{ version }}/lt_core_news_md-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/mk_core_news_lg-{{ version }}/mk_core_news_lg-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/da_core_news_sm-{{ version }}/da_core_news_sm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/en_core_web_lg-{{ version }}/en_core_web_lg-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/el_core_news_md-{{ version }}/el_core_news_md-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/nb_core_news_sm-{{ version }}/nb_core_news_sm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/pl_core_news_lg-{{ version }}/pl_core_news_lg-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/pt_core_news_sm-{{ version }}/pt_core_news_sm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/en_core_web_md-{{ version }}/en_core_web_md-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/en_core_web_sm-{{ version }}/en_core_web_sm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/pl_core_news_md-{{ version }}/pl_core_news_md-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/it_core_news_md-{{ version }}/it_core_news_md-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/ro_core_news_sm-{{ version }}/ro_core_news_sm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/ca_core_news_md-{{ version }}/ca_core_news_md-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/zh_core_web_lg-{{ version }}/zh_core_web_lg-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/mk_core_news_sm-{{ version }}/mk_core_news_sm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/pl_core_news_sm-{{ version }}/pl_core_news_sm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/fi_core_news_md-{{ version }}/fi_core_news_md-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/ro_core_news_md-{{ version }}/ro_core_news_md-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/xx_sent_ud_sm-{{ version }}/xx_sent_ud_sm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/sv_core_news_sm-{{ version }}/sv_core_news_sm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/ro_core_news_lg-{{ version }}/ro_core_news_lg-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/es_core_news_sm-{{ version }}/es_core_news_sm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/de_core_news_md-{{ version }}/de_core_news_md-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/fi_core_news_sm-{{ version }}/fi_core_news_sm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/hr_core_news_md-{{ version }}/hr_core_news_md-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/ca_core_news_lg-{{ version }}/ca_core_news_lg-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/de_core_news_sm-{{ version }}/de_core_news_sm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/es_core_news_md-{{ version }}/es_core_news_md-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/lt_core_news_lg-{{ version }}/lt_core_news_lg-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/nl_core_news_md-{{ version }}/nl_core_news_md-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/hr_core_news_lg-{{ version }}/hr_core_news_lg-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/fr_core_news_md-{{ version }}/fr_core_news_md-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/xx_ent_wiki_sm-{{ version }}/xx_ent_wiki_sm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/ca_core_news_sm-{{ version }}/ca_core_news_sm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/fi_core_news_lg-{{ version }}/fi_core_news_lg-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/pt_core_news_lg-{{ version }}/pt_core_news_lg-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/it_core_news_lg-{{ version }}/it_core_news_lg-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/da_core_news_md-{{ version }}/da_core_news_md-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/sv_core_news_lg-{{ version }}/sv_core_news_lg-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/el_core_news_sm-{{ version }}/el_core_news_sm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/lt_core_news_sm-{{ version }}/lt_core_news_sm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/nl_core_news_lg-{{ version }}/nl_core_news_lg-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/nb_core_news_md-{{ version }}/nb_core_news_md-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/de_core_news_lg-{{ version }}/de_core_news_lg-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/it_core_news_sm-{{ version }}/it_core_news_sm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/zh_core_web_sm-{{ version }}/zh_core_web_sm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/sv_core_news_md-{{ version }}/sv_core_news_md-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/fr_core_news_sm-{{ version }}/fr_core_news_sm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/hr_core_news_sm-{{ version }}/hr_core_news_sm-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/explosion/spacy-models/releases/download/da_core_news_lg-{{ version }}/da_core_news_lg-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "sparsehash-c11": "8.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.11.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "speclite": "5.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name speclite --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.20' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '0.20': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 33, column 3:\n imports:\n ^ (line: 33), 'found duplicate key \"commands\" with value \"[\\'cd ${PREFIX}/lib/python*/site-packages/speclite/tests ; pytest -vv\\']\" (original value: \"[\\'pip check\\', \\'speclite_benchmark --help\\']\")', in \"\", line 42, column 3:\n commands:\n ^ (line: 42), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "splipy": "73.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name splipy --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.8.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - no URLs in the source section\n\"", "sqlalchemy-jsonfield": "105.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name sqlalchemy-jsonfield --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.0.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '1.0.2': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 38, column 3:\n home: https://github.com/penguin ... \n ^ (line: 38), 'found duplicate key \"summary\" with value \"SQLALchemy JSONField implementation for storing dicts at SQL independently\\nfrom JSON type support.\\n\" (original value: \"SQLALchemy JSONField implementation for storing dicts at SQL\")', in \"\", line 43, column 3:\n summary: |\n ^ (line: 43), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "sqlalchemy-oso": "77.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name sqlalchemy-oso --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.27.3' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/osohq/oso/archive/refs/tags/sqlalchemy-v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "sqlalchemy-turbodbc": "36.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name sqlalchemy-turbodbc --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.2.3' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/sqlalchemy_turbodbc-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "squashfs-tools": "99.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name squashfs-tools --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2021-41072' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/plougher/squashfs-tools/archive/refs/tags/{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "stackvana": "2.60 attempts - not solvable (bot CI job) @ main\n
\n        linux_64_python3.11.____cpython: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for stackvana-meas_algorithms 0.2024.39.*.\n
osx_64_python3.11.____cpython: Cannot solve the request because of: No candidates were found for stackvana-meas_algorithms 0.2024.39.*.\n\n        
", "stomp.py": "45.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name stomp.py --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '8.1.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "stormevents": "11.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name stormevents --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.3.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/stormevents-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "streamlit-bokeh-events": "122.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name streamlit-bokeh-events --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.1.3' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/streamlit-bokeh-events-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "sty": "105.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name sty --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.0.5' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/feluxe/sty/archive/refs/tags/{{ version }}-rc.2.tar.gz'\n\"", "syntok": "132.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name syntok --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.4.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "targ": "51.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name targ --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.4.0-1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/piccolo-orm/targ/archive/{{ version }}-1.tar.gz'\n\"", "tensorboard-data-server": "41.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name tensorboard-data-server --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.16.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorboard/archive/refs/tags/data-server-v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "terraform-provider-credstash": "134.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.5.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '0.5.0': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 50, column 3:\n home: https://www.terraform.io\n ^ (line: 50), 'found duplicate key \"license_file\" with value \"LICENSE.txt\" (original value: \"LICENSE\")', in \"\", line 54, column 3:\n license_file: LICENSE.txt\n ^ (line: 54), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 415, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "terraform-provider-gitlab": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name terraform-provider-gitlab --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '17.1.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://{{ goname }}/-/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "testflows.asserts": "17.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name testflows.asserts --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '7.1.240701.1195420' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/testflows.asserts-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "texext": "125.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.6.7' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "textstat": "11.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.7.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/textstat-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "tf_object_detection": "15.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name tf_object_detection --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.17.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "tidy-html5": "127.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-feedstock-ops-container rerender --log-level info --timeout 900' in container - error RuntimeError raised:\n'Failed to rerender.\noutput: Adding in variants from internal_defaults\nAdding in variants from /tmp/tmpoh0pqwxz/conda-smithy/conda_build_config.yaml\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:Downloading conda-forge-pinning-2024.\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:Extracting conda-forge-pinning to /tmp/tmpoh0pqwxz/conda-smithy\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:README rendering is skipped\nINFO:conda_smithy.configure_feedstock:__pycache__ rendering is skipped\nWARNING: Setting build platform. This is only useful when pretending to be on another platform, such as for rendering necessary dependencies on a non-native platform. I trust that you know what you're doing.\nWARNING: Setting build arch. This is only useful when pretending to be on another arch, such as for rendering necessary dependencies on a non-native arch. I trust that you know what you're doing.\nWARNING: No numpy version specified in conda_build_config.yaml. Falling back to default numpy value of 1.23\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/bin/conda-smithy\", line 10, in \n sys.exit(main())\n ^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/cli.py\", line 758, in main\n args.subcommand_func(args)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/cli.py\", line 601, in __call__\n self._call(args, args.temporary_directory)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/cli.py\", line 604, in _call\n configure_feedstock.main(\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 2772, in main\n render_travis(env, config, forge_dir, return_metadata=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 1544, in render_travis\n return _render_ci_provider(\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 1090, in _render_ci_provider\n metas = _conda_build_api_render_for_smithy(\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_smithy/configure_feedstock.py\", line 890, in _conda_build_api_render_for_smithy\n metadata_tuples = render_recipe(\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_build/render.py\", line 971, in render_recipe\n m.config.compute_build_id(m.name(), m.version(), reset=reset_build_id)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_build/metadata.py\", line 1531, in version\n check_bad_chrs(version, \"package/version\")\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/conda_build/metadata.py\", line 783, in check_bad_chrs\n raise CondaBuildUserError(\nconda_build.exceptions.CondaBuildUserError: Bad character(s) (-) in package/version: 5.9.14-next.\n\n'", "tinyrpc": "112.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name tinyrpc --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.1.7' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '1.1.7': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 38, column 3:\n home: http://github.com/mbr/tinyrpc\n ^ (line: 38), 'found duplicate key \"summary\" with value \"Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python\" (original value: \"A small, modular, transport and protocol neutral RPC library that, among other things, supports JSON-RPC and zmq.\")', in \"\", line 44, column 3:\n summary: 'Simple, fast, extensib ... \n ^ (line: 44), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "tokei": "141.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name tokei --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '4012.1.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/XAMPPRocky/tokei/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "torch-scatter": "8.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name torch-scatter --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.1.2' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '2.1.2': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 14, column 3:\n number: 7\n ^ (line: 14), 'found duplicate key \"rpaths\" with value \"None\" (original value: \"[\\'lib/\\']\")', in \"\", line 18, column 3:\n rpaths:\n ^ (line: 18), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "torchdata": "80.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name torchdata --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1217' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/pytorch/data/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "torchtext": "124.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name torchtext --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '792' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/pytorch/text/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "tvm-py": "12.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name tvm-py --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.17.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/apache/incubator-tvm/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "ugrep": "7.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name ugrep --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '6.5.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '6.5.0': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 42, column 3:\n home: https://github.com/Genivia ... \n ^ (line: 42), 'found duplicate key \"home\" with value \"https://github.com/Genivia/<{ name }}\" (original value: \"https://github.com/Genivia/<{ name }}\")', in \"\", line 46, column 3:\n home: https://github.com/Genivia ... \n ^ (line: 46), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "uiautomation": "8.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2.0.20' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/uiautomation-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "umarkdown": "140.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.6' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "unicorn": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name unicorn --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error RuntimeError raised:\n\"This shouldn't be possible!\"", "untwine": "132.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name untwine --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3.18' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/hobuinc/untwine/archive/refs/tags/{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "vault": "123.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name vault --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2Fv0.2.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/hashicorp/{{ name }}/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "versioned-hdf5": "9.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name versioned-hdf5 --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.8.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/deshaw/versioned-hdf5/releases/download/{{ version }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "vhs": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name vhs --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.8.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "vic": "122.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name vic --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '5.1.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/UW-Hydro/{{ name }}/archive/{{ name }}.{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "vtkwriters": "108.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name vtkwriters --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.0.10' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/vtkwriters-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "vulkan-headers": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name vulkan-headers --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.3.296' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Headers/archive/refs/tags/vulkan-sdk-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "vulkan-loader": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name vulkan-loader --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.3.296' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Loader/archive/refs/tags/vulkan-sdk-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "wagtail-transfer": "68.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name wagtail-transfer --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.9.4' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/wagtail-transfer-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "wagtailmenus": "9.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name wagtailmenus --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '4.0.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/wagtailmenus-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "wand": "80.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name wand --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.6.13' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/emcconville/wand/releases/download/{{ version }}/Wand-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "wdl-aid": "4.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name wdl-aid --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.0.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "webtest": "5.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name webtest --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '3.0.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "windse": "131.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name windse --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2023.07.01' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/NREL/WindSE/raw/{{ branch }}/archives/{{ name }}-{{ fenics_version }}_{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "wkhtmltopdf": "124.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name wkhtmltopdf --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.12.6' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - migrations do not work on versions not specified with jinja2\n\"", "wntr": "13.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name wntr --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.2.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - recipe did not appear to change even though the bot said it should have\n\"", "xeger": "91.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name xeger --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.4.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/xeger-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "xeus_octave": "16.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name xeus_octave --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '0.3.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/jupyter-xeus/xeus-octave/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "xilinx-runtime": "35.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name xilinx-runtime --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '202410.2.17.319' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/Xilinx/XRT/archive/refs/tags/{{ quarter }}.{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "yapf": "99.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '40.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://github.com/google/{{ name }}/archive/v{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "yoyo-migrations": "10.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name yoyo-migrations --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '9.0.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/yoyo-migrations-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "ytmdl": "7.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '2024.8.15.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/ytmdl-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "zchunk": "12.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name zchunk --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '1.5.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '1.5.1': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 22, column 7:\n build:\n ^ (line: 22), 'found duplicate key \"build\" with value \"[\\'<{ stdlib(\"c\") }}\\', \\'meson\\', \\'pkg-config\\', \\'ninja\\']\" (original value: \"[\"<{ compiler(\\'c\\') }}\"]\")', in \"\", line 24, column 7:\n build:\n ^ (line: 24), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 540, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1469, in construct_yaml_seq\n data.extend(self.construct_rt_sequence(node, data))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1217, in construct_rt_sequence\n ret_val.append(self.construct_object(child, deep=deep))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1365, in construct_mapping\n value = self.construct_object(value_node, deep=deep)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 147, in construct_object\n data = self.construct_non_recursive_object(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 188, in construct_non_recursive_object\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "zconfig": "53.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name zconfig --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '4.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "zdaemon": "41.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running migrate-feedstock in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n'The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '5.1' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - We found a problem parsing the recipe for version '5.1': \n\nDuplicateKeyError('while constructing a mapping', in \"\", line 5, column 1:\n package:\n ^ (line: 5), 'found duplicate key \"about\" with value \"{\\'home\\': \\'https://github.com/zopefoundation/zdaemon\\', \\'license_file\\': \\'LICENSE.txt\\', \\'license\\': \\'ZPL 2.1\\', \\'license_family\\': \\'OTHER\\', \\'summary\\': \\'Daemon process control library and tools for Unix-based systems\\', \\'dev_url\\': \\'https://github.com/zopefoundation/zdaemon\\', \\'doc_url\\': \\'https://github.com/zopefoundation/zdaemon\\'}\" (original value: \"{\\'home\\': \\'https://github.com/zopefoundation/zdaemon\\', \\'summary\\': \\'Daemon process control library and tools for Unix-based systems\\', \\'license\\': \\'ZPL-2.1\\', \\'license_file\\': \\'COPYRIGHT.txt\\'}\")', in \"\", line 45, column 1:\n about:\n ^ (line: 45), '\\n To suppress this check see:\\n http://yaml.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#duplicate-keys\\n ', ' Duplicate keys will become an error in future releases, and are errors\\n by default when using the new API.\\n ')\n\ntraceback:\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/update_recipe/version.py\", line 415, in update_version\n cmeta = CondaMetaYAML(raw_meta_yaml)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/autotick-bot/conda_forge_tick/recipe_parser/_parser.py\", line 525, in __init__\n self.meta = self._parser.load(\"\".join(lines))\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/main.py\", line 451, in load\n return constructor.get_single_data()\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 116, in get_single_data\n return self.construct_document(node)\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 125, in construct_document\n for _dummy in generator:\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1476, in construct_yaml_map\n self.construct_mapping(node, data, deep=True)\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 1366, in construct_mapping\n if self.check_mapping_key(node, key_node, maptyp, key, value):\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n File \"/opt/conda/envs/cf-scripts/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ruamel/yaml/constructor.py\", line 278, in check_mapping_key\n raise DuplicateKeyError(*args)\n\n'", "zope.hookable": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name zope.hookable --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '7.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "zope.index": "3.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name zope.index --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '7.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/zope.index-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"", "zope.proxy": "6.00 attempts - bot error (bot CI job): main:\nError running 'conda-forge-tick-container migrate-feedstock --feedstock-name zope.proxy --default-branch main --existing-feedstock-node-attrs - --log-level info --kwargs {\n \"hash_type\": \"sha256\"\n}' in container - error VersionMigrationError raised:\n\"The recipe did not change in the version migration, a URL did not hash, or there is jinja2 syntax the bot cannot handle!\n\nPlease check the URLs in your recipe with version '6.0' to make sure they exist!\n\nWe also found the following errors:\n\n - could not hash URL template 'https://pypi.io/packages/source/{{ name[0] }}/{{ name }}/{{ name }}-{{ version }}.tar.gz'\n\"" }, "queued": { "abacus": "3.8.0", "bg-atlasapi": "2.0.8", "flask-openapi3": "4.0.0", "google-cloud-pubsub": "2.25.0", "hypercoast": "0.8.2", "kcrash": "6.6.0", "kservice": "6.6.0", "kwindowsystem": "6.6.0", "petsc": "3.22.0", "r-rsq": "2.7" } }