![rehype][logo] # Plugins **rehype** is a tool that transforms HTML with plugins. See [the monorepo readme][rehype] for info on what the rehype ecosystem is. This page lists existing plugins. ## Contents * [List of plugins](#list-of-plugins) * [List of utilities](#list-of-utilities) * [Use plugins](#use-plugins) * [Create plugins](#create-plugins) ## List of plugins See [`awesome-rehype`][awesome-rehype] for the most awesome projects in the ecosystem. More plugins can be found on GitHub tagged with the [`rehype-plugin` topic][topic]. > πŸ’‘ **Tip**: rehype plugins work with HTML and **remark** plugins work with > markdown. > See remark’s [List of plugins][remark-plugins] for more plugins. The list of plugins: * [`rehype-accessible-emojis`](https://github.com/GaiAma/Coding4GaiAma/tree/HEAD/packages/rehype-accessible-emojis) β€” make emojis accessible adding role & aria-label * [`rehype-annotate`](https://github.com/baldurbjarnason/rehype-annotate) β€” add W3C-style annotations * [`rehype-attr`](https://github.com/jaywcjlove/rehype-attr) β€” new markdown syntax to add attributes. * [`rehype-auto-ads`](https://github.com/robot-Inventor/rehype-auto-ads) β€” inserts an ad code for each specified number of paragraphs * [`rehype-autolink-headings`](https://github.com/rehypejs/rehype-autolink-headings) β€” add links to headings * [`rehype-callouts`](https://github.com/lin-stephanie/rehype-callouts) β€” render blockquote-based callouts (admonitions/alerts) * [`rehype-citation`](https://github.com/timlrx/rehype-citation) β€” add citation and bibliography from bibtex * [`rehype-class-names`](https://github.com/riderjensen/rehype-class-names) β€” add classes by selector * [`rehype-color-chips`](https://github.com/shreshthmohan/rehype-color-chips) β€” add color chips to inline code blocks with color codes * [`rehype-components`](https://github.com/marekweb/rehype-components) β€” render components (custom elements) * [`rehype-concat-css-style`](https://github.com/rehypejs/rehype-minify/tree/main/packages/rehype-concat-css-style) β€” concatenate `