state("RainWorld") {} startup { var type = Assembly.Load(File.ReadAllBytes(@"Components\asl-help")).GetType("Unity"); vars.Helper = Activator.CreateInstance(type, args: false); vars.Helper.Settings.CreateFromXml("Components/rainworlddp.settings.xml", false); vars.visitedRooms = new HashSet(); vars.karmaCacheSkipModEnabled = false; vars.igt = 0; vars.lastSafeTime = 0; vars.moonReached = false; } onStart { vars.igt = 0; vars.visitedRooms.Clear(); vars.lastSafeTime = 0; vars.moonReached = false; } init { vars.Helper.TryLoad = (Func)(mono => { vars.Helper["room"] = mono.MakeString("RWCustom.Custom", "rainWorld", 0xC, 0xC, 0x1C, 0x10, 0x8, 0x10, 0xC); vars.Helper["gateStatus"] = mono.MakeString("RWCustom.Custom", "rainWorld", 0xC, 0xC, 0x1C, 0x10, 0x8, 0x9c, 0x20, 0x8); vars.Helper["time"] = mono.Make("RWCustom.Custom", "rainWorld", 0xC, 0xC, 0x4C, 0x40, 0x10, 0x28); vars.Helper["playerGrabbedTime"] = mono.Make("RWCustom.Custom", "rainWorld", 0xC, 0xC, 0x4C, 0x40, 0x10, 0x2c); vars.Helper["playerX"] = mono.Make("RWCustom.Custom", "rainWorld", 0xC, 0xC, 0x1C, 0x10, 0x104, 0x8, 0x10, 0x10, 0x18); vars.Helper["theMark"] = mono.Make("RWCustom.Custom", "rainWorld", 0xC, 0xC, 0x4C, 0x20, 0x44, 0x5D); vars.Helper["pebblesHasIncreasedRedsKarmaCap"] = mono.Make("RWCustom.Custom", "rainWorld", 0xC, 0xC, 0x4C, 0x20, 0x44, 0x60); vars.Helper["scarVisible"] = mono.Make("RWCustom.Custom", "rainWorld", 0xC, 0xC, 0x1C, 0x10, 0x104, 0x8, 0x18, 0x54, 0x58); vars.Helper["moonRevived"] = mono.Make("RWCustom.Custom", "rainWorld", 0xC, 0xC, 0x4C, 0x20, 0x40, 0x20); vars.Helper["moonEquipsRobe"] = mono.Make("RWCustom.Custom", "rainWorld", 0xC, 0xC, 0x4C, 0x20, 0x40, 0x31); vars.Helper["echoID"] = mono.MakeString("RWCustom.Custom", "rainWorld", 0xC, 0xC, 0x60, 0x8); vars.Helper["voidSeaMode"] = mono.Make("RWCustom.Custom", "rainWorld", 0xC, 0xC, 0x1C, 0x10, 0x184); vars.Helper["reinforcedKarma"] = mono.Make("RWCustom.Custom", "rainWorld", 0xC, 0xC, 0x4C, 0x20, 0x44, 0x5C); vars.Helper["lockGameTimer"] = mono.Make("RainWorld", "lockGameTimer"); vars.Helper["processID"] = mono.MakeString("RWCustom.Custom", "rainWorld", 0xC, 0xC, 0xC, 0x8); vars.Helper["startButtonPressed"] = mono.Make("RWCustom.Custom", "rainWorld", 0xC, 0xC, 0x0e0, 0x058); vars.Helper["currentlySelectedSlugcat"] = mono.MakeString("RWCustom.Custom", "rainWorld", 0x14, 0x18, 0x28, 0x8); vars.Helper["redIsDead"] = mono.Make("RWCustom.Custom", "rainWorld", 0xC, 0xC, 0x13D); vars.Helper["artificerIsDead"] = mono.Make("RWCustom.Custom", "rainWorld", 0xC, 0xC, 0x154); vars.Helper["saintIsDead"] = mono.Make("RWCustom.Custom", "rainWorld", 0xC, 0xC, 0x155); vars.Helper["expeditionStartButtonPressed"] = mono.Make("RWCustom.Custom", "rainWorld", 0xC, 0xC, 0xFC, 0xC8, 0xC4); vars.Helper["gameInitCondition"] = mono.MakeString("RWCustom.Custom", "rainWorld", 0xC, 0x58, 0x8, 0x8); vars.Helper["remixEnabled"] = mono.Make("ModManager", "MMF"); try { var KarmaCacheSkipClass = mono["KarmaCacheSkip", "KarmaCacheSkip.KarmaCacheSkip"]; vars.Helper["karmaCacheSkipTime"] = mono.Make(KarmaCacheSkipClass, "KARMA_CACHE_IN_GAME_TIME"); vars.karmaCacheSkipModEnabled = true; } catch(Exception e) { } return true; }); vars.igt = 0; vars.Helper.Load(); } update { if (!vars.Helper.Loaded) return false; vars.Helper.MapPointers(); } start { // trigger start the circle button fills up on the campaign slug select menu if(current.processID == "SlugcatSelect") { if(current.currentlySelectedSlugcat == "Red" && current.redIsDead) return false; if(current.currentlySelectedSlugcat == "Artificer" && current.artificerIsDead) return false; if(current.currentlySelectedSlugcat == "Saint" && current.saintIsDead) return false; if(current.startButtonPressed && !old.startButtonPressed) { if(current.gameInitCondition == "New" && settings["start_new_campaign"]) return true; if(current.gameInitCondition == "Load" && settings["start_load_campaign"]) return true; } } // trigger start when the expedition start button fills up if(current.processID == "ExpeditionMenu" && settings["start_new_expedition"]) { return current.expeditionStartButtonPressed && !old.expeditionStartButtonPressed; } // trigger start on expedition retry if(current.processID == "ExpeditionGameOver" && settings["start_retry_expedition"]) { return current.gameInitCondition != old.gameInitCondition && current.gameInitCondition == "New"; } } split { //passages //endgamemeter tracker id // room splits if( != null && != { if(settings.ContainsKey( && settings[]) { if(!settings["rooms_once_only"] || vars.visitedRooms.Add( return true; } } // gate splits if( != null && current.gateStatus != old.gateStatus) { if(settings["GATE_ANY_OPEN"] || (settings.ContainsKey( + "_OPEN") && settings[ + "_OPEN"])) { if(current.gateStatus == "MiddleOpen") return true; } } // void swim split if(current.voidSeaMode != old.voidSeaMode && current.voidSeaMode == true && settings["obj_ending_voidswim"]) { return true; } // other ending splits if( != null) { if(current.lockGameTimer != old.lockGameTimer && current.lockGameTimer == true) { if( == "OE_FINAL03" && settings["obj_ending_slugtree"]) return true; if( == "SI_A07" && settings["obj_ending_broadcast"]) return true; if( == "SL_MOONTOP" && settings["obj_ending_moonrise"]) return true; } if(current.reinforcedKarma != old.reinforcedKarma && current.reinforcedKarma == false) { if( == "LC_FINAL" && settings["obj_ending_regicide"]) return true; } } // visit moon split (moon%) if(!vars.moonReached && == "SL_AI" && current.playerX >= 1160f) { vars.moonReached = true; if(settings["obj_visit_moon"]) return true; } // revive moon (hunter) if( == "SL_AI") { if(current.moonRevived && !old.moonRevived && settings["obj_revive_moon"]) return true; } // clothe moon if( == "SL_AI") { if(current.moonEquipsRobe && !old.moonEquipsRobe && settings["obj_cloak_moon"]) return true; } // pebbles ping if( == "SS_AI" && settings["obj_pebbles_ping"]) { if(current.theMark && !old.theMark) return true; if(current.pebblesHasIncreasedRedsKarmaCap && !old.pebblesHasIncreasedRedsKarmaCap) return true; if(current.scarVisible && !old.scarVisible) return true; } //echoes if(current.echoID != null && current.echoID != old.echoID && current.echoID != "NoGhost") { if(current.echoID == "CL" && settings["echo_visit_UW"]) return true; if(settings.ContainsKey("echo_visit_" + current.echoID) && settings["echo_visit_" + current.echoID]) return true; } if(current.processID == "ExpeditionWinScreen" && current.processID != old.processID) { if(settings["obj_ending_expedition"]) return true; } } isLoading { // only use igt, don't interpolate return true; } gameTime { int timeToAdd = 0; if(current.processID == "Game") { int time = current.time * 25 + current.playerGrabbedTime * 25; // time recorded at the last livesplit poll int prevTime = old.time * 25 + old.playerGrabbedTime * 25; // the difference between this time and the last recorded time is added to the timer // livesplit polls the game regularly but may lag so finding the difference is pretty secure I think int deltaTime = Math.Max(time - prevTime, 0); if(deltaTime > 500) { if(vars.lastSafeTime == 0) { vars.lastSafeTime = prevTime; } deltaTime = 0; } else { if(vars.lastSafeTime != 0) { deltaTime = Math.Max(time - vars.lastSafeTime, 0); vars.lastSafeTime = 0; } } // fix double speed timer when remix is disabled if(!vars.Helper["remixEnabled"].Current && deltaTime > 0) { deltaTime = deltaTime / 2; } timeToAdd += deltaTime; } // add karma cache skip (mod) time if(vars.karmaCacheSkipModEnabled && current.karmaCacheSkipTime != old.karmaCacheSkipTime) { timeToAdd += current.karmaCacheSkipTime; } vars.igt += timeToAdd; return TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(vars.igt); } exit { vars.Helper.Dispose(); } shutdown { vars.Helper.Dispose(); }