--- schema-version: v1.2.9 id: OASISECF-v5.0-CS01 title: - content: Electronic Court Filing Version 5.0 language: - en script: - Latn format: text/plain type: main link: - content: https://docs.oasis-open.org/legalxml-courtfiling/ecf/v5.0/cs01/ecf-v5.0-cs01.html type: src - content: https://docs.oasis-open.org/legalxml-courtfiling/ecf/v5.0/cs01/ecf-v5.0-cs01.pdf type: pdf - content: https://docs.oasis-open.org/legalxml-courtfiling/ecf/v5.0/cs01/ecf-v5.0-cs01.docx type: doc type: standard docid: - id: OASIS ECF-v5.0-CS01 type: OASIS primary: true docnumber: ECF-v5.0-CS01 date: - type: issued value: '2019-04-18' contributor: - organization: name: - content: OASIS contact: - uri: https://www.oasis-open.org/ role: - description: - content: Standards Development Organization type: authorizer - type: publisher - organization: name: - content: OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing TC contact: - uri: http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/legalxml-courtfiling/ role: - description: - content: Committee type: authorizer - person: name: given: forename: - content: James language: - en script: - Latn surname: content: Cabral language: - en script: - Latn affiliation: - organization: name: - content: MTG Management Consultants contact: - uri: http://mtgmc.com/ contact: - email: jcabral@mtgmc.com role: - description: - content: Chair type: editor - person: name: given: forename: - content: James language: - en script: - Latn surname: content: Cabral language: - en script: - Latn affiliation: - organization: name: - content: MTG Management Consultants contact: - uri: http://mtgmc.com/ contact: - email: jcabral@mtgmc.com role: - type: editor - person: name: given: forename: - content: Gary language: - en script: - Latn surname: content: Graham language: - en script: - Latn affiliation: - organization: name: - content: Arizona Supreme Court contact: - uri: http://www.azcourts.gov/ contact: - email: GGraham@courts.az.gov role: - type: editor language: - en script: - Latn abstract: - content: Consists of a set of non-proprietary XML and Web services specifications developed to promote interoperability among electronic court filing vendors and systems. ECF v5.0 is a major release that adds new functionality and capabilities beyond the scope of the ECF 4.0 and 4.01 specifications that it supersedes. language: - en script: - Latn format: text/plain doctype: type: specification editorialgroup: - name: OASIS LegalXML Electronic Court Filing TC ext: schema-version: v1.0.1 technology_area: - eGov/Legal