--- schema-version: v1.2.8 id: OASISrelax-ng-dtd-compatibility title: - content: RELAX NG DTD Compatibility language: - en script: - Latn format: text/plain type: main link: - content: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/relax-ng/compatibility-20011203.html type: src type: standard docid: - id: OASIS relax-ng-dtd-compatibility type: OASIS primary: true docnumber: relax-ng-dtd-compatibility date: - type: issued value: '2001-11-01' contributor: - organization: name: - content: OASIS contact: - uri: https://www.oasis-open.org/ role: - description: - content: Standards Development Organization type: authorizer - type: publisher - organization: name: - content: OASIS RELAX NG TC contact: - uri: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/relax-ng/ role: - description: - content: Committee type: authorizer language: - en script: - Latn abstract: - content: Defines datatypes and annotations for use in [RELAX NG] schemas. The purpose of these datatypes and annotations is to support some of the features of XML 1.0 DTDs that are not supported directly by RELAX NG. language: - en script: - Latn format: text/plain doctype: type: specification editorialgroup: - name: OASIS RELAX NG TC ext: schema-version: v1.0.1 technology_area: - Content-Technologies