--- schema-version: v1.2.8 id: OASISUBL-v2.4-CS01 title: - content: Universal Business Language Version 2.4 language: - en script: - Latn format: text/plain type: main type: standard docid: - id: OASIS UBL-v2.4-CS01 type: OASIS primary: true docnumber: UBL-v2.4-CS01 date: - type: issued value: '2023-10-17' contributor: - organization: name: - content: OASIS contact: - uri: https://www.oasis-open.org/ role: - description: - content: Standards Development Organization type: authorizer - type: publisher - organization: name: - content: OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC contact: - uri: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=ubl role: - description: - content: Committee type: authorizer - person: name: given: forename: - content: Kenneth language: - en script: - Latn surname: content: Bengtsson language: - en script: - Latn role: - type: editor - person: name: given: forename: - content: Kees language: - en script: - Latn surname: content: Duvekot language: - en script: - Latn role: - type: editor language: - en script: - Latn abstract: - content: UBL v2.4 is a minor revision to v2.3 that preserves backwards compatibility with previous v2.# versions. It adds new document types, bringing the total number of UBL business documents to 93. language: - en script: - Latn format: text/plain doctype: type: specification editorialgroup: - name: OASIS Universal Business Language (UBL) TC ext: schema-version: v1.0.1 technology_area: - Content-Technologies - e-Business