--- schema-version: v1.2.9 id: OASISXACML-v3.0-Errata01-complete title: - content: eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) Version 3.0 Plus Errata 01 language: - en script: - Latn format: text/plain type: main link: - content: http://docs.oasis-open.org/xacml/3.0/errata01/os/xacml-3.0-core-spec-errata01-os-complete.html type: src type: standard docid: - id: OASIS XACML-v3.0-Errata01-complete type: OASIS primary: true docnumber: XACML-v3.0-Errata01-complete date: - type: issued value: '2017-07-12' contributor: - organization: name: - content: OASIS contact: - uri: https://www.oasis-open.org/ role: - description: - content: Standards Development Organization type: authorizer - type: publisher - organization: name: - content: OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC contact: - uri: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/xacml/ role: - description: - content: Committee type: authorizer - person: name: given: forename: - content: Bill language: - en script: - Latn surname: content: Parducci language: - en script: - Latn contact: - email: bill@parducci.net role: - description: - content: Chair type: editor - person: name: given: forename: - content: Hal language: - en script: - Latn surname: content: Lockhart language: - en script: - Latn affiliation: - organization: name: - content: Oracle contact: - uri: http://www.oracle.com/ contact: - email: hal.lockhart@oracle.com role: - description: - content: Chair type: editor - person: name: given: forename: - content: Erik language: - en script: - Latn surname: content: Rissanen language: - en script: - Latn affiliation: - organization: name: - content: Axiomatics AB contact: - uri: http://www.axiomatics.com/ contact: - email: erik@axiomatics.com role: - type: editor language: - en script: - Latn abstract: - content: This document represents the OASIS Standard eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) Version 3.0 incorporating the changes defined in Approved Errata 01. language: - en script: - Latn format: text/plain relation: - type: partOf bibitem: formattedref: content: OASIS XACML-V3.0 format: text/plain doctype: type: standard editorialgroup: - name: "OASIS eXtensible Access\r\nControl Markup Language (XACML) TC" ext: schema-version: v1.0.1 technology_area: - Security