# CHANGELOG Changelog information was migrated to GitHub releases. Check the [releases](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/releases) pages for up to date information about the version to upgrade too. **Important when upgrading major versions for breaking changes** ## PUBLISHED ### v2.1.0 #### Note With the addition of the Tasmota scraping changes the requirement for the `php-dom` extension is needed. ##### Noticeable changes * Rewritten update logic and UI * Use Tasmota for firmwares allowing beta firmware upgrades * Support for PHP 8.1 * IP range scanning improvements * Bug fixes ###### What's Changed * Build unified changelog by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/583 * Correct changelog resolution by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/584 * Tidy Sonoff by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/586 * Leverage package manager for front-end assets by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/492 * Bump phpstan/phpstan from 1.7.15 to 1.8.0 in /tasmoadmin by @dependabot in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/588 * Bump js-cookie from 2.2.1 to 3.0.1 in /tasmoadmin by @dependabot in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/589 * Fix js-cookie bump by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/591 * Use npm jquery.i18n by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/592 * Bump jquery to 3.6.0 by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/593 * Fix header dependencies for i18n by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/594 * Fix jQuery 3 migration by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/595 * Rewrite with fetch + check updated version by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/579 * Fix guzzle timeout values by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/596 * Update zh-TW localization by @petercpg in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/597 * Fix local dev for firmware path by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/598 * Fix development nginx config by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/600 * Use env var instead of hardcoding for local-dev by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/599 * Fix prop selection for toggle by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/601 * Tidy device update js by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/602 * Sonoff js tidy by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/603 * Bump phpstan/phpstan from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 in /tasmoadmin by @dependabot in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/604 * Tidy Sonoff js usage + fix es6 refactor by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/605 * Tidy js config by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/606 * Bump bootstrap from 4.6.1 to 4.6.2 in /tasmoadmin by @dependabot in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/608 * Bump phpstan/phpstan from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2 in /tasmoadmin by @dependabot in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/607 * Bump @fortawesome/fontawesome-free from 6.1.1 to 6.1.2 in /tasmoadmin by @dependabot in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/613 * Bump @node-minify/core from 6.2.0 to 6.4.0 in /tasmoadmin by @dependabot in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/614 * Bump mikey179/vfsstream from 1.6.10 to 1.6.11 in /tasmoadmin by @dependabot in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/611 * Bump symfony/filesystem from 5.4.9 to 5.4.11 in /tasmoadmin by @dependabot in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/610 * Bump @node-minify/terser from 6.2.0 to 6.4.0 in /tasmoadmin by @dependabot in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/612 * Fix JS refactor by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/615 * Tidy URLHelper by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/617 * Pass base URL into UrlHelper by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/618 * Add whoops error handler by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/619 * Add css minification by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/620 * Add firmware checking config by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/621 * Catch rate limit on GitHub fetch by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/622 * Fix config for unset by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/623 * Fix write changes on device actions + tidy device config by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/627 * Bump @node-minify/core from 6.4.0 to 7.0.0 in /tasmoadmin by @dependabot in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/625 * Bump @node-minify/terser from 6.4.0 to 7.0.0 in /tasmoadmin by @dependabot in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/626 * Use node 16.16.0 by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/628 * Fix device update with retries by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/629 * Fix FE check by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/634 * Translations + base URL by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/635 * Bump jquery from 3.6.0 to 3.6.1 in /tasmoadmin by @dependabot in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/640 * Bump composer deps by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/641 * Use Ota URL for firmware download by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/630 * Fix for PHP 8.1 by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/643 * Fix changelog by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/644 * Upgrade to PHP 8.1 by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/642 * Fix target version for non-auto path by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/646 * Fix version for dev by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/647 * Prevent same upgrade by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/645 * Optmise composer for production by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/648 * Bump phpstan/phpstan from 1.8.2 to 1.8.4 in /tasmoadmin by @dependabot in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/650 * Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.5.23 to 9.5.24 in /tasmoadmin by @dependabot in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/649 * Fix start click by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/Tas## v2.0.0moAdmin/pull/651 * Generate .version on release by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/652 * Fix version write by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/654 * Fix URLHelper for min by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/655 * Fix force upgrade flag by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/656 * Remove legacy CSS/HTML debug by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/657 * Only enable whoops when TASMO_DEBUG env var set by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/659 * Add codecov by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/660 * Coverage badge by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/661 * Bump phpstan/phpstan from 1.8.4 to 1.8.5 in /tasmoadmin by @dependabot in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/662 * Catch guzzle errors in tasotahelper by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/664 * Bump phpunit/phpunit from 9.5.24 to 9.5.25 in /tasmoadmin by @dependabot in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/665 * Bump phpstan/phpstan from 1.8.5 to 1.8.6 in /tasmoadmin by @dependabot in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/666 * Improve tests for IpHelper by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/668 * Bump docker/login-action from 1 to 2 by @dependabot in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/670 * Bump actions/checkout from 1 to 3 by @dependabot in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/671 * Bump symfony/filesystem from 5.4.12 to 5.4.13 in /tasmoadmin by @dependabot in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/669 * Fix IP range logic by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/674 * Improve memory efficency of IP generation by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/675 * IpHelper without range by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/676 * Add php-cs-fixer by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/677 ### v2.0.0 #### Breaking Changes * The minimum PHP version has been set to 7.4 #### What's Changed * Add mbstring dependency to docker setup by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/490 * Tidy UrlHelper by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/493 * Add JetBrains support notice by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/494 * Use PSR-4 Autoloading by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/495 * Fix import with Sonoff integration by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/496 * Improve developer flow by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/497 * Use consistent naming + document by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/498 * Tidy docker setup by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/499 * Add beta workflow by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/500 * Fix JSON language dump by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/502 * Fix Sonoff by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/503 * Fix selfupdate.php by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/504 * Fix release pipeline permissions by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/505 * Fix write permissions for release by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/506 * handle error state sonoff by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/507 * Add composer install to package by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/508 * Dev images by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/509 * Fix dev docker push by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/510 * Drop test from release by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/512 * Downgrade Alpine to from 3.15 -> 3.13 by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/511 * Tidy pipelines by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/513 * Downgrade qemu to v2.12.0 by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/515 * Fix selfupdate import by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/517 * Rework device layer + add tests by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/518 * Fix up DeviceRepository setup by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/520 * Setup PHPStan by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/521 * Config add basic test by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/522 * Bump alpine + qemu versions back by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/516 * Rework upload form by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/523 * Improve DeviceRepository by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/526 * Device rework by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/527 * Automate minification by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/528 * Fix Device refactor by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/530 * Extract IP generation by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/529 * Handle reload on device update by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/531 * Remove dev deps and optmise autoloader on package by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/533 * Refactor update work by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/532 * Revert "Refactor update work" by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/534 * Fix placeholder translations by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/536 * Fix access to props by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/537 * Fix device action for device refactor by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/538 * Sonoff work by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/539 * Refactor update work by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/535 * Fix devices.php for device refactor by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/540 * Improve Sonoff.php by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/541 * Improve Sonoff by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/542 * New issue templates by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/544 * Sonoff simplification by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/545 * Add missing CLOSE translation by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/546 * Tidy release fetching by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/547 * Helper for getting Tasmoadmin release notes by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/548 * Upload cleanup by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/549 * Update backend check firmware accessible by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/550 * Fix update message by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/551 * move request out of Sonoff by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/553 * Add composer.lock by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/556 * Include composer.lock in gitignore by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/557 * Nighttime tidy by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/558 * Fix urlencode by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/559 * Drop unused imports from pages by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/560 * Improve version comparison in update check by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/561 * Tidy error reporting by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/562 * Bump docker setup to PHP 8 by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/563 * Fix device actions by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/564 * Prevent docker release on fork by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/565 * Fix missing translation for name adoption by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/566 * Fix auto gzip by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/567 * Fix OTA URL by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/568 * Tidy bootstrap by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/571 * Fix bootstrap autoload for clean by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/572 * Correct correct exception when checking firmware by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/575 * Bump composer dependencies by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/576 * Add additional FirmwareChecker test by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/577 * Remove legacy autoload from bootstrap by @inverse in https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/578 ### v1.8.0 - Update lang_pl.ini by @ponuryzrzeda in [#409](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/#409) - Missing translations, typos and better French by @amayii0 in [#421](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/#421) - Improve German translation by @CodeFinder2 in [#422](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/#422) - Remove clear_env from docker php config by @merlinschumacher in [#416](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/#416) - Update lang_it.ini by @ZioCook in [#436](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/#436) - Gzip support by @PhilipWhiteside in [#447](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/#447) - Migrate to GitHub Actions by @inverse in [#451](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/#451) - Correct GitHub spelling by @inverse in [#457](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/#457) - Improve gzip output by @inverse in [#460](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/#460) - Fix loading versions by passing user-agent by @inverse in [#458](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/#458) - make sure vsprintf() is called with array by @martin-herzog in [#461](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/#461) - Bigcookie german lang update for gzip support by @bigcookie in [#464](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/#464) - Add foundations for GitHub actions release pipeline by @inverse in [#452](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/#452) ### v1.7.0 - FIX: Select all and filter were conflicting, fixes [#400](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/400) - FIX: Select all style position - FIX: Wrong var used in try to fix the json response fixes [#345](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/345) - **NEW**: Adds a filter for the device list view thanks to @[alexhk](https://github.com/alexhk) [PR#399](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/399) - Search for Name/Hostname, IP#123, ID#321, POS#1, Single/Multi - Hide the search filter in settings - FIX: Correct bad JSON Response from Tasmota 8.5.0.x, fixes [#398](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/345),[#397](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/397),[#394](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/394) ### v1.6.5 - NEW: Add support for BME280 SeaPressure thanks to @[gknauf](https://github.com/gknauf) [#283](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/283) - *FIX*: Possible fix for config crashes ### v1.6.4 - **NEW**: Exclude devices from "ALL OFF" [#312](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/312) - **NEW**: Protect device to get powered on or/and off - For both you need to edit the device and set the desired checkboxes - At the bottom of the table view is a button to unlock the protected device for 60s - On the startpage you can change the state if you press the device button for 5s ![grafik](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14855001/89078631-0cf95780-d385-11ea-9787-cce69adfe870.png) - UPDATE: Add 120s and 300s to refresh times - **UPDATE**: (non-docker) Selfupdate switch between beta and stable - UPDATE: Get live list of available tasmota firmware versions for automatic update - UPDATE: Add version selectbox on device update page - UPDATE: Autofocus on login and forms [#370](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/370) - NEW: Add support for AHT1X sensor thanks to @[crashdown79](https://github.com/crashdown79) [#356](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/356) - UPDATE: Add new password hashing thanks to @[inverse](https://github.com/inverse) ( [PR#357](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/357) ) - UPDATE: Hide password in device autoscanner thanks to @[WatskeBart](https://github.com/WatskeBart) ( [PR#387](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/387) ) - and add show/hide password button - NEW: Add zh-TW localization thanks to @[petercpg](https://github.com/petercpg) ( [PR#374](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/374) ) - NEW: Add a ENV variable ( TASMO_BASEURL ) to adjust the base url thanks to @[rhuss](https://github.com/rhuss) ( [PR#346](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/346) ) - UPDATE: Font Awesome 5.11.2 -> 5.14.0 - UPDATE: Bootstrap 4.3.1 -> 4.5.0 - UPDATE: Change wiki links (top navi) to tasmota docs [#381](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/381) - UPDATE: Change to new changelog/releaselogs (device update page) - UPDATE: Updated polish translation, thx @[WiktorBuczko](https://github.com/WiktorBuczko) and @[pepeEL](https://github.com/pepeEL) - UPDATE: Support up to 8 DS18B20 [#333](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/333) - UPDATE: Another adjust device icon sizes on home screen [#325](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/325) - **UPDATE**: IOCage Update and FreeNAS Plugin Support, thx @[tprelog](https://github.com/tprelog) - UPDATE: Adjust device icon sizes on home screen [#325](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/325) ### v1.6.3 - **HOTFIX** DOCKER: fix and prevent nginx.conf link loop ### v1.6.2 - **FIX**: Support for Tasmota [#326](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/326) - Module data could not get parsed cause of changes in JSON from newer Tasmota Version - **UPDATE**: Support for MAX31855 Sensor [#327](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/327) - **UPDATE**: Added sensor icon for none-relais devices - FIX: Displaying changelog and releaselog from tasmota correctly for new MarkDown format - FIX: Try to fix invalid json by ```nan``` by replacing it with ```"NaN"``` [#318](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/318) ### v1.6.1 - **UPDATE**: Support for LM75AD Sensor [#275](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/275) - **FIX**: Follow up for renaming of sonoff -> tasmota [#310](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/310) [PR#311](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/pull/311) - **UPDATE**: Font Awesome 5.3.1 -> 5.11.2 - **UPDATE**: Bootstrap 4.1.2 -> 4.3.1 -FIX: login box position fix - **UPDATE**: Change to new Tasmota Github URL - FIX: loop 3rd an 4th ip block in autoscan to support bigger networks [#302](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/302), thx @[Leuselator](https://github.com/Leuselator) - Note: Autoscan will take longer now - **UPDATE**: Change htaccess to new syntax [#299](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/299), thx @[joba-1](https://github.com/joba-1) - FIX: Remove PHP5 support, add SELinux info to readme [#290](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/290) - FIX: Remove SSL Keys - **UPDATE**: Support multi BMP´s ([pr#4195](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/pull/4195)) - BME280-76/77 - adjust some colors - **FIX**: IOS/Mobile Scroll bug [#244](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/244) - **FIX**: Startpage Devices without Relais shaking and breaking js [#97](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/97) ### v1.6.0 - FIX: startpage all off icon error - **UPDATE**: Support Sensor BMP180 [#224](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/224) - FIX: login page horizontal scrollable removed - FIX: JS bug caused devices not to load (non-docker only bug) #225 #226 - DEV: CSS & HTML fixes - **NEW**: support ssl / https added [#113](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/113) To use TasmoAdmin with ssl: ``` sudo docker run -d -p 5443:443 -e SSL=true -v /home/pi/tasmoadmin:/data --name=TasmoAdmin --restart=always raymondmm/tasmoadmin:beta ``` Using self-signed root certificate give a warning in your browser and is not secure. You can add your own certificate by replacing tasmoadmin.key and tasmoadmin.crt which are stored on your host, i.e. /home/pi/tasmoadmin/nginx/certs - **FIX**: Space in mobile - **FIX**: Display new release version available for betas - **NEW**: nginx config is now modifyable by user if needed ##### Custom nginx.config 1. If you want to use your own (custom) nginx.config, then just place it in your local data volume you started the docker container with like **/home/pi/tasmoadmin/data/nginx/** and replace existing nginx.config. 2. (Re-)Start your container to use custom nginx.config. - **FIX**: Detection of StateText change [#199](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/199), [#154](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/154) - CI skipped, use v1.6.0-beta8 - **FIX**: XAMPP Folder Structure in ZIP - **DEV**: Lower zip splitted parts filesize for git - **FIX**: avoid sending backlog commands twice cuz backlog does not give any response. [#210](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/210) - **FIX**: Unwanted underscore added [#210](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/210) - **FIX**: XAMPP Pack fixed and updated to XAMPP (PHP7) [141](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/141), [209](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/209) - **FIX**: nginx config - **CHANGE**: HTTP/HTTPS Detection [#198](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/198) - New Checkbox to choose http/https, default is http. ![grafik](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14855001/45046243-e2f26a00-b075-11e8-9304-8621cc6e0ba5.png) - **UPDATE**: Support Sensor DS18B20 [#202](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/202) - DEV: Add robots/search crawler protection - **FIX**: Add device password field as password not text input [#184](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/184) - **FIX**: for new tasmota changelog structure [tasmota-commit#ace6180](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/commit/ace6180e67a29926fade72ab10015c18b07c973e) - **NEW**: CZ language ( Big thanks @Vladimir S. by Mail) - **FIX**: Update Tasmota language Releases for auto updates. - **UPDATE**: Font Awesome 5.0.13 -> 5.3.1 - **UPDATE**: Bootstrap 4.1.1 -> 4.1.2 - **CHANGE**: Startpage rework: ![startpage_v1.2.PNG](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/reloxx13/reloxx13.github.io/master/media/tasmoadmin/changelog/startpage_v1.2.PNG) - **DEV**: Some more Error Catchings and debugs on error for lost configs [#207](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/207) - **NEW**: Detection of StateText change [#199](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/199), [#154](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/154) ## v1.5.4 - **FIX** autoload case-sensitive [#182](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/182) ## v1.5.3 - **FIX** another fix for chrome ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_TOO_BIG [#182](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/182) ## v1.5.2 - **FIX** Chrome crying ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_TOO_BIG [#182](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/182) ## v1.5.1 - **FIX** Update Tag info [#180](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/180) ## v1.5.0 - **NEW**: Link Tasmota Changelog Issues [#173](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/173) - **NEW**: Use json file for for config data - **NEW**: Config is now saved in a cookie - Cookies are stored in the Clients Browser, reduces Reads on Servers Drive. - Some uneccessery writes removed, boom. - Note: Encrypted User PW will not be saved in the Cookie. Old Config File will be migrated to json and removed in a later release. Stays as Backup. If you delete the MyConfig.json, it will generated new based on the MyConfig.php - **DEV**: Use SCSS and Minified CSS/JS Resources, gives some performence boost and save network traffic. - **NEW**: Get Current Tag from Docker [#176](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/176) - **FIX**: $_SERVER REQUEST_SCHEME is not reliable [#174](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/174) ## v1.4.0 - **FIX**: set session dir inside tasmota dir instead of server root /tmp [#169](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/169) - **FIX**: go to selected homepage after login [#115](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/115) - **NEW**: Disable update check option [#156](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/156) - **NEW**: Add top scrollbar on device list [#170](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/170) - MINOR: Rename "Show More" => "Detail View" in i18n.EN [#168](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/168) - **NEW**: Support Multi Friendlyname on Device General Config Page (fw >= 5.12.0h) [Tasmota#3161](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/issues/3161) - **FIX**: device config allow more steps for Sleep [#172](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/172) ## v1.3.3 - MINOR: fix for travis building ## v1.3.2 - **FIX**: fix device update, use ota magic [#165](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/165) [#166](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/166) ## v1.3.1 - **NEW**: MQTT Config Tab on device config page [#101](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/101) - ENHANCEMENT: Only changed config values will be send to the device - MINOR: style show more btn responsive [#145](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/145) ## v1.2.1 **HOTFIX**: Fix edit device #147 ## v1.2.0 - **FIX**: some Tasmota 5.10.0 json #131 [hassio-addon#6](https://github.com/hassio-addons/addon-tasmoadmin/issues/6) - **UPDATE**: Font Awesome 5.0.6 -> 5.1.0 - **DOCKER**: Show Changelog Link in helpmenu [#108](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/108) - MINOR: make footer smaller and sticky, darker link color in nightmode - top navi made a lil bit smaller, too - MINOR: catch and remove control chars in json response [#78](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/78) - **NEW**: Show new update available icon in footer - MINOR: Possible performence fixes for checkNightmode - MINOR: cache resources by release tag version ## v1.1.0 - **NEW**: you can now set a default startpage [#115](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/115) - **FIX**: Multichannel devices don't restore correctly if backend fails temporarily #121 - MINOR: dont be blind on page reload: set nightmode class initial if nightmode is enabled ## v1.0.7 - **NEW**: add send command within device list [#100](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/100) - MINOR: error handling for selfupdate if travis build failed [#142](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/142) - MINOR: restyle show more ## v1.0.6 - **DOCKER**: update busybox to fix travis build ## v1.0.4 - 1.0.5 - **FIX**: date in update [#124](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/124) - MINOR: change filename to load js file correctly (only firefox issue?) - fixes the show more checkbox - **NEW**: add configurable server port [#122](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/122),[#131](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/131) - MINOR: show some energy data - **NEW**: add iocage support by @tprelog :) ## v0.0.8 - v 1.0.3 - MINOR: add logo - **UPDATE**: Font Awesome 5.0.6 -> 5.0.13 - **UPDATE**: bootstrap 4.0.0 -> 4.1.1 - **DOCKER**: clean-up unnecessary lines to reduce image size - **DOCKER**: cleanup and readme - **DOCKER**: Moved from Apache to Nginx [#106](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/106) - **DOCKER**: Remove rm ## v0.0.7 - **FIX**: /app/tasmoadmin/.docker to disable SelfUpdate ## v0.0.6 ### 2018-05-23 - more rename - hide selfupdate if on docker [#105](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/105) - **FIX**: update on https [#103](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/103) - provide TasmoAdmin Docker within repo [#92](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/92) - add help menu [#100](https://github.com/TasmoAdmin/TasmoAdmin/issues/100) Big Thanks to @RaymondMouthaan for supporting the merge and renaming :) ## 2018-05-23 ### SonWEB got renamed to TasmoAdmin! ### 2018-05-17 - add polish translation (thx Pawel) - **FIX**: device list table header distance - add BME680 Gas Sensor #98 ### 2018-05-15 - **FIX**: autoscan for devices with more that 4 outputs #96 - support up to 5x DS18x20 #94 ### 2018-05-06 - add distance sensor data (#89) - **FIX**: overlapping sensor data on startpage (#90) - **FIX**: device list some values did not get updated after timeout - autoscan: remember fromIP and toIP (saved in MyConfig.php now) (#67) ### 2018-04-10 - dont hide device infos on error/timout in list - the switch will be displayed in red on error (but stay on last known state) - add 8 sec refreshtime option to settings ### 2018-04-06 - adjust background of sensor data in daymode ### 2018-03-30 - rollback to ajax status requests on device list - multicurl was timeouting alot :/ - **FIX**: skip minimal if no minimal firmware was uploaded ### 2018-03-25 - **FIX**: for some line-height ### 2018-03-23 - **FIX**: #83 (json changed for sensors) - add BME280 sensor - **FIX**: #82, json friendlyname is now an array since 5.12.0h - some startpage responsive css fixes for sensor data - add 2x DS18x20 sensor ### 2018-03-03 - **FIX**: nightmode always - startpage red border on error not shown when nightmode active **FIX**: - some timeout adjustment ### 2018-02-27 - add coming HU firmware support for automode - FR translation ### 2018-02-22 - minor **FIX**: for startpage ### 2018-02-21 - **FIX**: uptime for safari - set timeout from 2 to 3 secs ### 2018-02-19 - add NL translation - updated spanish translation ### 2018-02-17 - change uptime format - add AutoScan - You can search for new Tasmota Devices between an IP Range now - Top Navi > Devices > AutoScan ### 2018-02-16 - HOTFIX for startpage - **FIX**: missing name for devices without switches #55 - sonoff bridge, sonoff sc, wemos8 etc - **you need to edit the device form the device list and set a name, the name input was missing before** - you can set one position for a multi channel device now (all channels get the same position) - todo: add position per channel #48 - add HTU21 sensor ### 2018-02-15 - Optimize Status requests #49 - minor fixes ### 2018-02-11 - support runtime calculation from [reloxx13/Tasmota-Modified](https://github.com/reloxx13/Tasmota-Modified) for correct runtime with using sleep - Fix for [#1842](https://github.com/arendst/Tasmota/issues/1842) - add BMP280 sensor - add SI7021 sensor ### 2018-02-09 - add device position - you can edit this value by double click in the list or on the edit device page - this is used to order the devices - changed some backend csv handling - load custom css file - you can now customize some css yourself if needed - create /resources/css/custom.css, the file gets loaded if exists - added a custom.default.css with the mobile breakpoints - **custom.default.css will be overwritten with a selfupdate. be sure to name your new file custom.css** ### 2018-02-09 - add support auto mode for new binaries CN, ES, FR, DS18X20(EN), - remove brs from language file. tooltip will break by himself if text is too long - use bootstrap tooltip - some styling fixes ### 2018-02-08 - **FIX**: device update process - some styling fixes - add sensor SHT3X ### 2018-02-07 - add bootstrap and relayout - **if something looks wrong, pls clear your browser cache (Ctrl+r)** - fine tuning in next days ;) - **FIX**: nightmode auto wont remove nightmode in the morning ### 2018-02-06 - minimal firmware is not a required field anymore - add jquery ui tooltips - show changelog on selfupdate page ### 2018-02-04 - some timing adjustments ### 2018-02-03 - higher timeout for curl, fixes some timeout problem with much devices - minor **FIX**: i18n - added double click edit of config in device list ![2018-02-03_1](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/reloxx13/reloxx13.github.io/master/media/tasmoadmin/changelog/2018-02-03_1.PNG) ### 2018-02-02 - add nightmode - settings: auto (18h-8h), always on, disable - add userfirendly urls - **mod_rewrite is a requirement now, check ubuntu guide in the wiki** - add devicename/id on device edit page - **FIX**: page title on device add/edit page - remove selfupdate warning (works great now) - css **FIX**: for chrome - mobile: **FIX**: action buttons linebreak ### 2018-02-01 - **FIX**: bug in selfupate - **PLEASE RUN SELFUPDATE TWICE** - temp and humadity sensor are detected now - AM2301 - DHT11 - DS18B20 - if you use another sensor, pls open an issue with the result from command - http://DEVICEIP/cm?cmnd=status%2010