[ "You can use the Recorder to record and replay your transactions to any network from the Deploy and Run plugin.", "You can use 'Explain this function' in the right-click menu to receive an explanation from AI.", "You can use 'Generate documentation' in the right-click menu to get AI-generated documentation.", "You can use the help of AI for Solidity error, click on 'Ask RemixAI'.", "To learn new contract patterns and prototype, you can activate and try the cookbook plugin!", "To prototype on a uniswap v4 hooks, you can create a Multi Sig Swap Hook workspace. Template created by the cookbook team.", "You can learn Solidity basics and more using the Learneth plugin.", "To prototype using the Gnosis safe multi sig wallet: create a multisig workspace.", "You can verify your contract using the Etherscan plugin.", "You can verify your contract using the Sourcify plugin.", "You can learn ZK tech using the Circom plugin." ]