swagger: "2.0" info: description: "FDIC Insitutions Data API." version: "1.0.0" title: "FDIC Insitutions Data API" contact: name: "remkohdev" email: "remkohdev@gmail.com" license: name: "Apache 2.0" url: "http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html" host: "localhost" basePath: "/v0.1.0" tags: - name: "FDIC Institutions" description: "FDIC Institutions" externalDocs: description: "Current list of all institutions." url: "https://www5.fdic.gov/idasp/warp_download_all.asp" - name: "Banks" description: "Banks" schemes: - "https" paths: /banks: get: tags: - "Banks" summary: "Find banks" description: "Returns a list of banks" operationId: "getBanks" produces: - "application/json" parameters: - name: "name" in: "query" description: "The name of the bank" required: false type: "string" - name: "assets" in: "query" description: "Minimal assets of the bank" required: false type: "string" responses: 200: description: "successful operation" schema: type: "array" items: $ref: "#/definitions/Bank" 400: description: "Invalid ID supplied" 404: description: "No Banks found" /banks/{bankId}: get: tags: - "Banks" summary: "Find bank by ID using the FED_RSSD identifier." description: "Returns a single bank" operationId: "getBankById" produces: - "application/json" parameters: - name: "bankId" in: "path" description: "FED_RSSD identifier of bank to return" required: true type: "integer" format: "int64" responses: 200: description: "successful operation" schema: $ref: "#/definitions/Bank" 400: description: "Bad request" 404: description: "Bank not found" definitions: Bank: type: "object" required: - "name" properties: STNAME: type: string CERT: type: integer DOCKET: type: integer ACTIVE: type: integer ADDRESS: type: string ASSET: type: string BKCLASS: type: string CHANGEC1: type: integer CHANGEC2: type: integer CHANGEC3: type: integer CHANGEC4: type: integer CHANGEC5: type: integer CHARTER: type: integer CHRTAGNT: type: string CONSERVE: type: string CITY: type: string CLCODE: type: integer CMSA_NO: type: integer CMSA: type: string COUNTY: type: string DATEUPDT: type: string DENOVO: type: integer DEP: type: string EFFDATE: type: string ENDEFYMD: type: string EQ: type: string ESTYMD: type: string FDICDBS: type: integer FDICREGN: type: string FDICSUPV: type: string FED: type: integer FED_RSSD: type: integer FEDCHRTR: type: integer FLDOFF: type: string IBA: type: integer INACTIVE: type: integer INSAGNT1: type: string INSAGNT2: type: string INSDATE: type: string INSTCRCD: type: integer INSBIF: type: integer INSCOML: type: integer INSDIF: type: integer INSFDIC: type: integer INSSAIF: type: integer INSSAVE: type: integer MSA_NO: type: integer MSA: type: string NAME: type: string NEWCERT: type: integer OAKAR: type: integer OTSDIST: type: integer OTSREGNM: type: string PROCDATE: type: string QBPRCOML: type: integer REGAGNT: type: string REPDTE: type: string RISDATE: type: string STCHRTR: type: integer ROA: type: string ROAQ: type: string ROE: type: string ROEQ: type: string RUNDATE: type: string SASSER: type: integer LAW_SASSER_FLG: type: string STALP: type: string STCNTY: type: integer STNUM: type: integer ZIP: type: integer SUPRV_FD: type: integer OCCDIST: type: integer UNINUM: type: integer ULTCERT: type: integer CFPBEFFDTE: type: string CFPBENDDTE: type: string CFPBFLAG: type: integer REGAGENT2: type: string TE01N528: type: string TE02N528: type: string TE03N528: type: string TE04N528: type: string TE05N528: type: string TE06N528: type: string TE07N528: type: string TE08N528: type: string TE09N528: type: string TE10N528: type: string TE01N529: type: string TE02N529: type: string TE03N529: type: string TE04N529: type: string TE05N529: type: string TE06N529: type: string WEBADDR: type: string OFFICES: type: integer CERTCONS: type: string PARCERT: type: string CITYHCR: type: string DEPDOM: type: string FORM31: type: string HCTMULT: type: string INSTAG: type: string MUTUAL: type: string NAMEHCR: type: string NETINC: type: string NETINCQ: type: string OFFDOM: type: string OFFFOR: type: string OFFOA: type: string RSSDHCR: type: string STALPHCR: type: string STMULT: type: string SUBCHAPS: type: string ROAPTX: type: string ROAPTXQ: type: string TRUST: type: string SPECGRP: type: string SPECGRPN: type: string TRACT: type: string CSA: type: string CSA_NO: type: integer CSA_FLG: type: integer CBSA: type: string CBSA_NO: type: integer CBSA_METRO_NAME: type: string CBSA_METRO: type: integer CBSA_METRO_FLG: type: integer CBSA_MICRO_FLG: type: integer CBSA_DIV: type: string CBSA_DIV_NO: type: integer CBSA_DIV_FLG: type: integer CB: type: string externalDocs: description: "Find out more" url: "http://medium.com/@remkohdev"