# Copyright 2004-2024 Tom Rothamel # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # This file ensures that renpy packages will be imported in the right # order. from __future__ import division, absolute_import, with_statement, print_function, unicode_literals from typing import Any # Initial import of the __main__ module. This gets replaced in renpy.py # whatever that module has been imported as. import __main__ # All imports should go below renpy.compat. # Backup object, as it'll be overwritten when renpy.object is imported. _object = object # type: ignore def update_path(): """ Update the __path__ of package, to import binary modules from a libexec directory. """ import sys import os.path name = sys._getframe(1).f_globals["__name__"] package = sys.modules[name] name = name.split(".") try: import _renpy if hasattr(_renpy, '__file__') and _renpy.__file__ != "built-in": libexec = os.path.dirname(_renpy.__file__) package.__path__.append(os.path.join(libexec, *name)) except ImportError: return from renpy.compat import PY2, basestring, bchr, bord, chr, open, pystr, range, round, str, tobytes, unicode # * update_path() import renpy.compat.pickle as pickle import sys import os import copy import types import site from collections import namedtuple ################################################################################ # Version information ################################################################################ # Version numbers. try: from renpy.vc_version import official, nightly, version_name, version except ImportError: import renpy.versions version_dict = renpy.versions.get_version() official = version_dict["official"] nightly = version_dict["nightly"] version_name = version_dict["version_name"] version = version_dict["version"] official = official and getattr(site, "renpy_build_official", False) VersionTuple = namedtuple("VersionTuple", ["major", "minor", "patch", "commit"]) version_tuple = VersionTuple(*(int(i) for i in version.split("."))) # A string giving the version number only (, with a suffix if needed. version_only = ".".join(str(i) for i in version_tuple) if not official: version_only += "+unofficial" elif nightly: version_only += "+nightly" # A verbose string giving the version. version = "Ren'Py " + version_only # Other versions. script_version = 5003000 savegame_suffix = "-LT1.save" bytecode_version = 1 ################################################################################ # Platform Information ################################################################################ # Information about the platform we're running on. We break the platforms # up into 5 groups - windows-like, mac-like, linux-like, android-like, # and ios-like. windows = False macintosh = False linux = False android = False ios = False emscripten = False # Should we enable experimental features and debugging? experimental = "RENPY_EXPERIMENTAL" in os.environ import platform def get_windows_version(): """ When called on windows, returns the windows version. """ import ctypes class OSVERSIONINFOEXW(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('dwOSVersionInfoSize', ctypes.c_ulong), ('dwMajorVersion', ctypes.c_ulong), ('dwMinorVersion', ctypes.c_ulong), ('dwBuildNumber', ctypes.c_ulong), ('dwPlatformId', ctypes.c_ulong), ('szCSDVersion', ctypes.c_wchar * 128), ('wServicePackMajor', ctypes.c_ushort), ('wServicePackMinor', ctypes.c_ushort), ('wSuiteMask', ctypes.c_ushort), ('wProductType', ctypes.c_byte), ('wReserved', ctypes.c_byte)] try: os_version = OSVERSIONINFOEXW() # type: ignore os_version.dwOSVersionInfoSize = ctypes.sizeof(os_version) retcode = ctypes.windll.Ntdll.RtlGetVersion(ctypes.byref(os_version)) # type: ignore # Om failure, assume we have a newer version of windows if retcode != 0: return (10, 0) return (os_version.dwMajorVersion, os_version.dwMinorVersion) # type: ignore except Exception: return (10, 0) if platform.win32_ver()[0]: windows = get_windows_version() elif os.environ.get("RENPY_PLATFORM", "").startswith("ios"): ios = True elif platform.mac_ver()[0]: macintosh = True elif "ANDROID_PRIVATE" in os.environ: android = True elif sys.platform == 'emscripten' or "RENPY_EMSCRIPTEN" in os.environ: emscripten = True else: linux = True arch = os.environ.get("RENPY_PLATFORM", "unknown-unknown-unknown").rpartition("-")[2] # A flag that's true if we're on a smartphone or tablet-like platform. mobile = android or ios or emscripten # A flag that's set to true if the game directory is bundled inside a mac app. macapp = False ################################################################################ # Backup Data for Reload ################################################################################ # True if we're done with safe mode checks. safe_mode_checked = False # True if autoreload mode is enabled. This has to live here, because it # needs to survive through an utter restart. autoreload = False # A dict that persists through utter restarts. Accessible to all code as # renpy.session. session = { } # A list of modules beginning with "renpy" that we don't want # to backup. backup_blacklist = { "renpy", "renpy.compat", "renpy.compat.dictviews", "renpy.object", "renpy.log", "renpy.bootstrap", "renpy.debug", "renpy.display", "renpy.display.pgrender", "renpy.display.presplash", "renpy.display.scale", "renpy.display.swdraw", "renpy.display.test", "renpy.six", "renpy.text.ftfont", "renpy.test", "renpy.test.testast", "renpy.test.testexecution", "renpy.test.testkey", "renpy.test.testmouse", "renpy.test.testparser", "renpy.gl2", "renpy.gl", "renpycoverage", } type_blacklist = ( types.ModuleType, ) name_blacklist = { "renpy.loadsave.autosave_not_running", "renpy.python.unicode_re", "renpy.python.string_re", "renpy.python.store_dicts", "renpy.python.store_modules", "renpy.text.text.VERT_FORWARD", "renpy.text.text.VERT_REVERSE", "renpy.savelocation.scan_thread_condition", "renpy.savelocation.disk_lock", "renpy.character.TAG_RE", "renpy.display.im.cache", "renpy.display.render.blit_lock", "renpy.display.render.IDENTITY", "renpy.loader.auto_lock", "renpy.display.screen.cprof", "renpy.audio.audio.lock", "renpy.audio.audio.periodic_condition", "renpy.webloader.queue_lock", "renpy.persistent.MP_instances", "renpy.exports.sdl_dll", "renpy.sl2.slast.serial", "renpy.gl2.gl2draw.default_position", } class Backup(_object): """ This represents a backup of all of the fields in the python modules comprising Ren'Py, shortly after they were imported. This attempts to preserve object aliasing, but not object identity. If renpy.mod.a is renpy.mod.b before the restore, the same will be true after the restore - even though renpy.mod.a will have changed identity. """ def __init__(self): # A map from (module, field) to the id of the object in that field. self.variables = { } # A map from id(object) to objects. This is discarded after being # pickled. self.objects = { } # A map from module to the set of names in that module. self.names = { } for m in sys.modules.values(): if m is None: continue self.backup_module(m) # A pickled version of self.objects. self.objects_pickle = pickle.dumps(self.objects, highest=True) self.objects = { } def backup_module(self, mod): """ Makes a backup of `mod`, which must be a Python module. """ try: name = mod.__name__ except Exception: return if not name.startswith("renpy"): return if name in backup_blacklist: return if name.startswith("renpy.styledata"): return self.names[mod] = set(vars(mod).keys()) for k, v in vars(mod).items(): if k.startswith("__") and k.endswith("__"): continue if isinstance(v, type_blacklist): continue if name + "." + k in name_blacklist: continue idv = id(v) self.variables[mod, k] = idv self.objects[idv] = v # If we have a problem pickling things, uncomment the next block. try: pickle.dumps(v, highest=True) except Exception: print("Cannot pickle", name + "." + k, "=", repr(v)) print("Reduce Ex is:", repr(v.__reduce_ex__(pickle.PROTOCOL))) def restore(self): """ Restores the modules to a state similar to the state of the modules when the backup was created. """ if not self.names: return # Remove new variables from the module. for mod, names in self.names.items(): modvars = mod.__dict__ for name in set(modvars.keys()) - names: del modvars[name] objects = pickle.loads(self.objects_pickle) for k, v in self.variables.items(): mod, field = k setattr(mod, field, objects[v]) # A backup of the Ren'Py modules after initial import. backup = None ################################################################################ # Import ################################################################################ def plog(level, even, *args): """ Empty version of renpy.plog that is replaced by the real implementation in import_all. """ return def import_all(): # Note: If we add a new update_path, we have to add an equivalent # hook in the renpython hooks dir. # Note: If we add a new module, we need to add it to iOS. # Note: If we add a new module, it should be added at the bottom of this file so it shows up in # code analysis. import renpy # @UnresolvedImport import renpy.config import renpy.log import renpy.arguments # @UnresolvedImport import renpy.compat.fixes import renpy.display import renpy.debug # Should probably be early, as we will add it as a base to serialized things. import renpy.object import renpy.game import renpy.preferences # Adds in the Ren'Py loader. import renpy.loader if not PY2: import renpy.py3analysis else: import renpy.py2analysis import renpy.pyanalysis import renpy.parameter import renpy.ast import renpy.atl import renpy.curry import renpy.color import renpy.easy import renpy.encryption import renpy.execution import renpy.lexer import renpy.loadsave import renpy.savelocation import renpy.savetoken import renpy.persistent import renpy.scriptedit import renpy.parser import renpy.performance import renpy.pydict import renpy.revertable import renpy.rollback import renpy.python import renpy.script import renpy.statements import renpy.util import renpy.versions global plog plog = renpy.performance.log # type:ignore import renpy.styledata import renpy.style renpy.styledata.import_style_functions() sys.modules[pystr('renpy.styleclass')] = renpy.style import renpy.substitutions import renpy.translation import renpy.translation.scanstrings import renpy.translation.generation import renpy.translation.dialogue import renpy.translation.extract import renpy.translation.merge import renpy.display import renpy.display.presplash import renpy.display.pgrender import renpy.display.scale import renpy.display.module import renpy.display.render import renpy.display.displayable import renpy.display.core import renpy.display.scenelists import renpy.display.swdraw import renpy.text import renpy.text.ftfont import renpy.text.font import renpy.text.textsupport import renpy.text.texwrap import renpy.text.text import renpy.text.extras import renpy.text.shader sys.modules[pystr('renpy.display.text')] = renpy.text.text import renpy.gl import renpy.gl2 import renpy.display.layout import renpy.display.viewport import renpy.display.transform import renpy.display.motion import renpy.display.behavior import renpy.display.transition import renpy.display.movetransition import renpy.display.im import renpy.display.imagelike import renpy.display.image import renpy.display.video import renpy.display.focus import renpy.display.anim import renpy.display.particle import renpy.display.joystick import renpy.display.controller import renpy.display.minigame import renpy.display.screen import renpy.display.dragdrop import renpy.display.imagemap import renpy.display.predict import renpy.display.emulator import renpy.display.tts import renpy.display.gesture import renpy.display.model import renpy.display.quaternion import renpy.display.error # Note: For windows to work, renpy.audio.audio needs to be after # renpy.display.module. import renpy.audio import renpy.audio.audio import renpy.audio.music import renpy.audio.sound import renpy.audio.filter import renpy.ui import renpy.screenlang import renpy.sl2 import renpy.sl2.slast import renpy.sl2.slparser import renpy.sl2.slproperties import renpy.sl2.sldisplayables import renpy.lint import renpy.warp import renpy.editor import renpy.memory import renpy.exports import renpy.character import renpy.add_from import renpy.dump import renpy.gl2.gl2draw import renpy.gl2.gl2mesh import renpy.gl2.gl2model import renpy.gl2.gl2polygon import renpy.gl2.gl2shader import renpy.gl2.gl2texture import renpy.gl2.live2d import renpy.minstore import renpy.defaultstore import renpy.test import renpy.test.testmouse import renpy.test.testfocus import renpy.test.testkey import renpy.test.testast import renpy.test.testparser import renpy.test.testexecution import renpy.main global six import six sys.modules[pystr('renpy.six')] = six # Back up the Ren'Py modules. global backup backup = Backup() post_import() def post_import(): """ This is called after import or reload, to do further initialization of various modules. """ import renpy # @UnresolvedImport # Create the store. renpy.python.create_store("store") # Import the contents of renpy.defaultstore into renpy.store, and set # up an alias as we do. renpy.store = sys.modules['store'] # type: ignore renpy.exports.store = renpy.store # type: ignore sys.modules['renpy.store'] = sys.modules['store'] import subprocess sys.modules[pystr('renpy.subprocess')] = subprocess for k, v in renpy.defaultstore.__dict__.items(): renpy.store.__dict__.setdefault(k, v) # type: ignore renpy.store.eval = renpy.defaultstore.eval # type: ignore # Import everything into renpy.exports, provided it isn't # already there. for k, v in globals().items(): renpy.exports.__dict__.setdefault(k, v) def issubmodule(sub, module): return sub == module or sub.startswith(module + ".") def reload_all(): """ Resets all modules to the state they were in right after import_all returned. """ # if mobile: # raise Exception("Reloading is not supported on mobile platforms.") import renpy # Quit audio. renpy.audio.audio.quit() # Reset the styles. renpy.style.reset() # type: ignore # Shut down the cache thread. renpy.display.im.cache.quit() # Shut down the importer. renpy.loader.quit_importer() # Free memory. renpy.exports.free_memory() # GC renders. renpy.display.render.screen_render = None renpy.display.render.mark_sweep() # Get rid of the draw module and interface. renpy.display.interface = None if not renpy.session.get("_keep_renderer", False): renpy.display.draw.quit() # type: ignore renpy.display.draw = None py_compile_cache = renpy.python.py_compile_cache reload_modules = renpy.config.reload_modules # Delete the store modules. for i in list(sys.modules.keys()): if issubmodule(i, "store") or i == "renpy.store": m = sys.modules[i] if m is not None: m.__dict__.reset() # type: ignore del sys.modules[i] elif any(issubmodule(i, m) for m in reload_modules): del sys.modules[i] # Restore the state of all modules from backup. backup.restore() # type: ignore renpy.python.old_py_compile_cache = py_compile_cache renpy.display.im.reset_module() post_import() # Re-initialize the importer. renpy.loader.init_importer() if 1 == 0: store = None # type: Any # Generated by scripts/relative_imports.py, do not edit below this line. if 1 == 0: from . import add_from from . import arguments from . import ast from . import atl from . import audio from . import bootstrap from . import character from . import color from . import compat from . import config from . import curry from . import debug from . import defaultstore from . import display from . import dump from . import easy from . import editor from . import encryption from . import error from . import execution from . import exports from . import game from . import gl from . import gl2 from . import lexer from . import lexersupport from . import lint from . import loader from . import loadsave from . import log from . import main from . import memory from . import minstore from . import object from . import parameter from . import parser from . import performance from . import persistent from . import preferences from . import py2analysis from . import py3analysis from . import pyanalysis from . import pydict from . import python from . import revertable from . import rollback from . import savelocation from . import savetoken from . import screenlang from . import script from . import scriptedit from . import sl2 from . import statements from . import style from . import styledata from . import substitutions from . import test from . import text from . import translation from . import uguu from . import ui from . import update from . import util from . import vc_version from . import versions from . import warp from . import webloader