# Copyright 2004-2015 Tom Rothamel # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # This file contains code that is responsible for storing and executing a # Ren'Py script. import renpy import os import imp import difflib import md5 import time import marshal import struct import zlib from cPickle import loads, dumps import shutil # The version of the dumped script. script_version = renpy.script_version # The version of the bytecode cache. BYTECODE_VERSION = 1 # The python magic code. MAGIC = imp.get_magic() # A string at the start of each rpycv2 file. RPYC2_HEADER = "RENPY RPC2" # A string BYTECODE_FILE = "cache/bytecode.rpyb" class ScriptError(Exception): """ Exception that is raised if the script is somehow inconsistent, or otherwise wrong. """ def collapse_stmts(stmts): """ Returns a flat list containing every statement in the tree stmts. """ rv = [ ] for i in stmts: i.get_children(rv.append) return rv class Script(object): """ This class represents a Ren'Py script, which is parsed out of a collection of script files. Once parsing and initial analysis is complete, this object can be serialized out and loaded back in, so it shouldn't change at all after that has happened. @ivar namemap: A map from the name of an AST node to the AST node itself. This is used for jumps, calls, and to find the current node when loading back in a save. The names may be strings or integers, strings being explicit names provided by the user, and integers being names synthesised by renpy. @ivar initcode: A list of priority, Node tuples that should be executed in ascending priority order at init time. @ivar all_stmts: A list of all statements, that have been found in every file. Useful for lint, but tossed if lint is not performed to save memory. """ def __init__(self): """ Loads the script by parsing all of the given files, and then walking the various ASTs to initialize this Script object. """ # Set us up as renpy.game.script, so things can use us while # we're loading. renpy.game.script = self if os.path.exists(renpy.config.renpy_base + "/lock.txt"): self.key = file(renpy.config.renpy_base + "/lock.txt", "rb").read() else: self.key = None self.namemap = { } self.all_stmts = [ ] self.all_pycode = [ ] # A list of statements that haven't been analyzed. self.need_analysis = [ ] self.record_pycode = True # Bytecode caches. self.bytecode_oldcache = { } self.bytecode_newcache = { } self.bytecode_dirty = False self.translator = renpy.translation.ScriptTranslator() self.init_bytecode() self.scan_script_files() self.translator.chain_translates() self.serial = 0 self.digest = md5.md5(renpy.version_only) self.loaded_rpy = False self.backup_list = [ ] def choose_backupdir(self): if renpy.mobile: return None for i in [ "script_version.txt", "script_version.rpy", "script_version.rpyc" ]: if renpy.loader.loadable(i): return None import __main__ backups = __main__.path_to_saves(renpy.config.gamedir, "backups") # @UndefinedVariable if backups is None: return basename = os.path.basename(renpy.config.basedir) backupdir = os.path.join(backups, renpy.exports.fsencode(basename)) renpy.exports.write_log("Backing up script files to %r:", backupdir) return backupdir def make_backups(self): backup_list = self.backup_list self.backup_list = [ ] if os.environ.get("RENPY_DISABLE_BACKUPS", "") == "I take responsibility for this.": return if not self.loaded_rpy: return if renpy.mobile: return backupdir = self.choose_backupdir() if backupdir is None: return for fn, checksum in backup_list: if not fn.startswith(renpy.config.gamedir): continue if not os.path.exists(fn): continue short_fn = renpy.exports.fsencode(fn[len(renpy.config.gamedir)+1:]) base, ext = os.path.splitext(short_fn) target_fn = os.path.join( backupdir, base + "." + checksum[:8].encode("hex") + ext, ) if os.path.exists(target_fn): continue try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(target_fn), 0700) except: pass try: shutil.copy(fn, target_fn) except: pass def scan_script_files(self): """ Scan the directories for script files. """ # A list of all files in the search directories. dirlist = renpy.loader.listdirfiles() # A list of directory, filename w/o extension pairs. This is # what we will load immediately. self.script_files = [ ] # Similar, but for modules: self.module_files = [ ] for dir, fn in dirlist: #@ReservedAssignment if fn.endswith(".rpy"): if dir is None: continue fn = fn[:-4] target = self.script_files elif fn.endswith(".rpyc"): fn = fn[:-5] target = self.script_files elif fn.endswith(".rpym"): if dir is None: continue fn = fn[:-5] target = self.module_files elif fn.endswith(".rpymc"): fn = fn[:-6] target = self.module_files else: continue if (fn, dir) not in target: target.append((fn, dir)) def load_script(self): script_files = self.script_files # Sort script files by filename. script_files.sort() initcode = [ ] for fn, dir in script_files: #@ReservedAssignment self.load_appropriate_file(".rpyc", ".rpy", dir, fn, initcode) # Make the sort stable. initcode = [ (prio, index, code) for index, (prio, code) in enumerate(initcode) ] initcode.sort() self.initcode = [ (prio, code) for prio, index, code in initcode ] def load_module(self, name): files = [ (fn, dir) for fn, dir in self.module_files if fn == name ] #@ReservedAssignment if not files: raise Exception("Module %s could not be loaded." % name) if len(files) > 2: raise Exception("Module %s ambiguous, multiple variants exist." % name) fn, dir = files[0] #@ReservedAssignment initcode = [ ] self.load_appropriate_file(".rpymc", ".rpym", dir, fn, initcode) if renpy.parser.report_parse_errors(): raise SystemExit(-1) self.translator.chain_translates() return initcode def assign_names(self, stmts, fn): # Assign names to statements that don't have one already. all_stmts = collapse_stmts(stmts) version = int(time.time()) for s in all_stmts: if s.name is None: s.name = (fn, version, self.serial) self.serial += 1 def merge_names(self, old_stmts, new_stmts): old_stmts = collapse_stmts(old_stmts) new_stmts = collapse_stmts(new_stmts) old_info = [ i.diff_info() for i in old_stmts ] new_info = [ i.diff_info() for i in new_stmts ] sm = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, old_info, new_info) for oldl, newl, count in sm.get_matching_blocks(): for i in range(count): old = old_stmts[oldl + i] new = new_stmts[newl + i] if new.name is None: new.name = old.name def load_string(self, filename, filedata): """ Loads Ren'Py script from a string. `filename` The filename that's assigned to the data. `filedata` A unicode string to be loaded. Return the list of statements making up the root block, and a list of init statements that need to be run. """ stmts = renpy.parser.parse(filename, filedata) if stmts is None: return None, None self.assign_names(stmts, filename) self.static_transforms(stmts) initcode = [ ] stmts = self.finish_load(stmts, initcode, False) return stmts, initcode def finish_load(self, stmts, initcode, check_names=True, filename=None): """ Given `stmts`, a list of AST nodes comprising the root block, finishes loading it. `initcode` A list we append init statements to. `check_names` If true, produce duplicate name errors. `filename` If given, a filename that overrides the filename found inside the file. Returns a list of statements that corresponds to the top-level block in initcode after transformation. """ if not stmts: return stmts # Chain together the statements in the file. renpy.ast.chain_block(stmts, None) # All of the statements found in file, regardless of nesting # depth. all_stmts = [ ] for i in stmts: i.get_children(all_stmts.append) # Take the translations. self.translator.take_translates(all_stmts) # Fix the filename for a renamed .rpyc file. if filename is not None: filename = renpy.parser.elide_filename(filename) if not all_stmts[0].filename.lower().endswith(filename.lower()): filename += "c" for i in all_stmts: i.filename = filename # Check for duplicate names. if check_names and not renpy.mobile: bad_name = None bad_node = None old_node = None for node in all_stmts: name = node.name if name in self.namemap: if not isinstance(bad_name, basestring): bad_name = name bad_node = node old_node = self.namemap[name] if bad_name is not None: raise ScriptError("Name %s is defined twice, at %s:%d and %s:%d." % (repr(bad_name), old_node.filename, old_node.linenumber, bad_node.filename, bad_node.linenumber)) self.update_bytecode() for node in all_stmts: name = node.name # Add the name to the namemap. self.namemap[name] = node # Add any init nodes to self.initcode. if node.get_init: init = node.get_init() if init: initcode.append(init) if node.early_execute: node.early_execute() if self.all_stmts is not None: self.all_stmts.extend(all_stmts) self.need_analysis.extend(all_stmts) return stmts def write_rpyc_header(self, f): """ Writes an empty version 2 .rpyc header to the open binary file `f`. """ f.write(RPYC2_HEADER) for _i in range(3): f.write(struct.pack("III", 0, 0, 0)) def write_rpyc_data(self, f, slot, data): """ Writes data into `slot` of a .rpyc file. The data should be a binary string, and is compressed before being written. """ f.seek(0, 2) start = f.tell() data = zlib.compress(data, 9) f.write(data) f.seek(len(RPYC2_HEADER) + 12 * (slot - 1), 0) f.write(struct.pack("III", slot, start, len(data))) f.seek(0, 2) def write_rpyc_md5(self, f, digest): """ Writes the md5 to the end of a .rpyc file. """ f.seek(0, 2) f.write(digest) def read_rpyc_data(self, f, slot): """ Reads the binary data from `slot` in a .rpyc (v1 or v2) file. Returns the data if the slot exists, or None if the slot does not exist. """ # f.seek(0) header_data = f.read(1024) # header = f.read(len(RPYC2_HEADER)) # Legacy path. if header_data[:len(RPYC2_HEADER)] != RPYC2_HEADER: if slot != 1: return None f.seek(0) data = f.read() return data.decode("zlib") # RPYC2 path. pos = len(RPYC2_HEADER) while True: header_slot, start, length = struct.unpack("III", header_data[pos:pos+12]) if slot == header_slot: break if header_slot == 0: return None pos += 12 f.seek(start) data = f.read(length) return zlib.decompress(data) def static_transforms(self, stmts): """ This performs transformations on the script that can be performed statically. When possible, these transforms are stored in slot 2 of the rpyc file. """ # Generate translate nodes. renpy.translation.restructure(stmts) def load_file(self, dir, fn): #@ReservedAssignment if fn.endswith(".rpy") or fn.endswith(".rpym"): if not dir: raise Exception("Cannot load rpy/rpym file %s from inside an archive." % fn) fullfn = dir + "/" + fn rpycfn = fullfn + "c" stmts = renpy.parser.parse(fullfn) data = { } data['version'] = script_version data['key'] = self.key or 'unlocked' if stmts is None: return data, [ ] # See if we have a corresponding .rpyc file. If so, then # we want to try to upgrade our .rpy file with it. try: self.record_pycode = False with open(rpycfn, "rb") as rpycf: bindata = self.read_rpyc_data(rpycf, 1) old_data, old_stmts = loads(bindata) self.merge_names(old_stmts, stmts) del old_data del old_stmts except: pass finally: self.record_pycode = True self.assign_names(stmts, fullfn) try: f = file(rpycfn, "wb") self.write_rpyc_header(f) self.write_rpyc_data(f, 1, dumps((data, stmts), 2)) except: pass self.static_transforms(stmts) try: self.write_rpyc_data(f, 2, dumps((data, stmts), 2)) with open(fullfn, "rU") as fullf: rpydigest = md5.md5(fullf.read()).digest() self.write_rpyc_md5(f, rpydigest) f.close() except: pass self.loaded_rpy = True elif fn.endswith(".rpyc") or fn.endswith(".rpymc"): data = None stmts = None f = renpy.loader.load(fn) try: for slot in [ 2, 1 ]: try: bindata = self.read_rpyc_data(f, slot) if bindata: data, stmts = loads(bindata) break except: pass f.seek(0) else: return None, None if data is None: print "Failed to load", fn return None, None if not isinstance(data, dict): return None, None if self.key and data.get('key', 'unlocked') != self.key: return None, None if data['version'] != script_version: return None, None if slot < 2: self.static_transforms(stmts) finally: f.close() else: return None, None return data, stmts def load_appropriate_file(self, compiled, source, dir, fn, initcode): #@ReservedAssignment # This can only be a .rpyc file, since we're loading it # from an archive. if dir is None: rpyfn = fn + source lastfn = fn + compiled data, stmts = self.load_file(dir, fn + compiled) if data is None: raise Exception("Could not load from archive %s." % (lastfn,)) f = renpy.loader.load(fn + compiled) f.seek(-md5.digest_size, 2) digest = f.read(md5.digest_size) f.close() else: # Otherwise, we're loading from disk. So we need to decide if # we want to load the rpy or the rpyc file. rpyfn = dir + "/" + fn + source rpycfn = dir + "/" + fn + compiled renpy.loader.add_auto(rpyfn) if os.path.exists(rpyfn): with open(rpyfn, "rU") as f: rpydigest = md5.md5(f.read()).digest() else: rpydigest = None try: if os.path.exists(rpycfn): with open(rpycfn, "rb") as f: f.seek(-md5.digest_size, 2) rpycdigest = f.read(md5.digest_size) else: rpycdigest = None except: rpycdigest = None if os.path.exists(rpyfn) and os.path.exists(rpycfn): # Are we forcing a compile? force_compile = renpy.game.args.compile # @UndefinedVariable # Use the source file here since it'll be loaded if it exists. lastfn = rpyfn data, stmts = None, None try: if rpydigest == rpycdigest and not force_compile: data, stmts = self.load_file(dir, fn + compiled) if data is None: print "Could not load " + rpycfn except: if "RENPY_RPYC_EXCEPTIONS" in os.environ: print "While loading", rpycfn raise pass if data is None: data, stmts = self.load_file(dir, fn + source) digest = rpydigest elif os.path.exists(rpycfn): lastfn = rpycfn data, stmts = self.load_file(dir, fn + compiled) digest = rpycdigest elif os.path.exists(rpyfn): lastfn = rpyfn data, stmts = self.load_file(dir, fn + source) digest = rpydigest self.backup_list.append((rpyfn, digest)) if data is None: raise Exception("Could not load file %s." % lastfn) # Check the key. if self.key is None: self.key = data['key'] elif self.key != data['key']: raise Exception( fn + " does not share a key with at least one .rpyc file. To fix, delete all .rpyc files, or rerun Ren'Py with the --lock option.") self.finish_load(stmts, initcode, filename=fn + source) self.digest.update(digest) def init_bytecode(self): """ Init/Loads the bytecode cache. """ # Load the oldcache. try: version, cache = loads(renpy.loader.load(BYTECODE_FILE).read().decode("zlib")) if version == BYTECODE_VERSION: self.bytecode_oldcache = cache except: pass def update_bytecode(self): """ Compiles the PyCode objects in self.all_pycode, updating the cache. Clears out self.all_pycode. """ # Update all of the PyCode objects in the system with the loaded # bytecode. for i in self.all_pycode: key = i.get_hash() + MAGIC code = self.bytecode_oldcache.get(key, None) if code is None: self.bytecode_dirty = True old_ei = renpy.game.exception_info renpy.game.exception_info = "While compiling python block starting at line %d of %s." % (i.location[1], i.location[0]) try: if i.mode == 'exec': code = renpy.python.py_compile_exec_bytecode(i.source, filename=i.location[0], lineno=i.location[1]) elif i.mode == 'eval': code = renpy.python.py_compile_eval_bytecode(i.source, filename=i.location[0], lineno=i.location[1]) except SyntaxError, e: text = e.text if text is None: text = '' try: text = text.decode("utf-8") except: text = text.decode("latin-1") pem = renpy.parser.ParseError( filename = e.filename, number = e.lineno, msg = e.msg, line = text, pos = e.offset) renpy.parser.parse_errors.append(pem.message) continue renpy.game.exception_info = old_ei self.bytecode_newcache[key] = code i.bytecode = marshal.loads(code) self.all_pycode = [ ] def save_bytecode(self): if self.bytecode_dirty: try: fn = renpy.loader.get_path(BYTECODE_FILE) with open(fn, "wb") as f: data = (BYTECODE_VERSION, self.bytecode_newcache) f.write(dumps(data, 2).encode("zlib")) except: pass def lookup(self, label): """ Looks up the given label in the game. If the label is not found, raises a ScriptError. """ label = renpy.config.label_overrides.get(label, label) original = label rv = self.namemap.get(label, None) if (rv is None) and (renpy.config.missing_label_callback is not None): label = renpy.config.missing_label_callback(label) rv = self.namemap.get(label, None) if rv is None: raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(original)) return self.namemap[label] def has_label(self, label): """ Returns true if the label exists, or false otherwise. """ label = renpy.config.label_overrides.get(label, label) return label in self.namemap def analyze(self): """ Analyzes all statements that need analysis. """ for i in self.need_analysis: i.analyze() self.need_analysis = [ ]