# Spec to run when a kURL cluster is down and in-cluster specs can't be run apiVersion: troubleshoot.sh/v1beta2 kind: SupportBundle metadata: name: default spec: uri: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/replicatedhq/troubleshoot-specs/main/host/default.yaml hostCollectors: # System Info Collectors - blockDevices: {} - cpu: {} - hostOS: {} - hostServices: {} - ipv4Interfaces: {} - memory: {} - time: {} - ipv4Interfaces: {} # Certificate Info for ETCD and K8s API - certificate: collectorName: k8s-api-keypair certificatePath: /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.crt keyPath: /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.key - certificate: collectorName: etcd-keypair certificatePath: /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt keyPath: /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key # Disk usage for commonly used directories in kURL installs - diskUsage: collectorName: root path: / - diskUsage: collectorName: tmp path: /tmp - diskUsage: collectorName: var-lib-kubelet path: /var/lib/kubelet - diskUsage: collectorName: var-lib-docker path: /var/lib/docker - diskUsage: collectorName: var-lib-containerd path: /var/lib/containerd - diskUsage: collectorName: var-lib-rook path: /var/lib/rook - diskUsage: collectorName: opt-replicated path: /opt/replicated - diskUsage: collectorName: var-openebs path: /var/openebs - http: collectorName: curl-k8s-api-6443 get: url: https://localhost:6443/healthz insecureSkipVerify: true # Run collectors for system information - run: collectorName: k8s-api-healthz-6443 command: "curl" args: ["-k", "https://localhost:6443/healthz?verbose"] - run: collectorName: curl-etcd-health-2379 command: "curl" args: ["-ki", "https://localhost:2379/health", "--cert", "/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/healthcheck-client.crt", "--key", "/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/healthcheck-client.key"] - run: collectorName: "free" command: "free" args: ["-m"] - run: collectorName: "top" command: "top" args: ["-b", "-n", "1"] - run: collectorName: "uptime" command: "uptime" args: [] - run: collectorName: "uname" command: "uname" args: ["-a"] - run: collectorName: "df" command: "df" args: ["-h"] - run: collectorName: "iostat" command: "iostat" args: ["-x"] # SELinux status - run: collectorName: "sestatus" command: "sestatus" args: [] - run: collectorName: "apparmor-status" command: "apparmor_status" args: [] - run: collectorName: "docker-info" command: "docker" args: ["info"] - run: collectorName: "crictl-info" command: "crictl" args: ["info"] - run: collectorName: "crictl-ps" command: "crictl" args: ["ps", "-a"] - run: collectorName: "docker-ps" command: "docker" args: ["ps", "-a"] - run: collectorName: "docker-system-df" command: "docker" args: ["system", "df", "-v"] - run: collectorName: "iptables" command: "iptables" args: ["-L", "-v"] - run: collectorName: "iptables-version" command: "iptables" args: ["-V"] - run: collectorName: "nftables-list" command: "nft" args: ["list", "table", "filter"] - run: collectorName: "ipvsadm" command: "ipvsadm" args: ["-l", "-n"] - run: collectorName: "lsblk" command: "lsblk" args: ["--fs"] - run: collectorName: "netstat-ports" command: "netstat" args: ["-t", "-u", "-l", "-p", "-n"] - run: collectorName: "netstat-route-table" command: "netstat" args: ["-r", "-n"] - run: collectorName: "resolvectl-status" command: "resolvectl" args: ["status"] - run: collectorName: "resolv-conf" command: "cat" args: ["/etc/resolv.conf"] - run: collectorName: "systemd-resolved-conf" command: "cat" args: ["/etc/systemd/resolved.conf"] - run: collectorName: "nsswitch-conf" command: "cat" args: ["/etc/nsswitch.conf"] - run: collectorName: "hosts" command: "cat" args: ["/etc/hosts"] - run: collectorName: "ip-route-table" command: "ip" args: ["route"] - run: collectorName: "sysctl" command: "sysctl" args: ["-a"] # Static Manifests - run: collectorName: "manifest-etcd" command: "cat" args: ["/etc/kubernetes/manifests/etcd.yaml"] - run: collectorName: "manifest-kube-apiserver" command: "cat" args: ["/etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml"] - run: collectorName: "manifest-kube-controller-manager" command: "cat" args: ["/etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-controller-manager.yaml"] - run: collectorName: "manifest-kube-scheduler" command: "cat" args: ["/etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-scheduler.yaml"] # Systemctl service statuses for CRI, Kubelet, and Firewall - run: collectorName: "systemctl-firewalld-status" command: "systemctl" args: ["status", "firewalld"] - run: collectorName: "systemctl-resolved-status" command: "systemctl" args: ["status", "systemd-resolved"] - run: collectorName: "systemctl-docker-status" command: "systemctl" args: ["status", "docker"] - run: collectorName: "systemctl-kubelet-status" command: "systemctl" args: ["status", "kubelet"] - run: collectorName: "systemctl-containerd-status" command: "systemctl" args: ["status", "containerd"] # Systemd Service Configurations for CRI, Kubelet - run: collectorName: "systemctl-cat-journald" command: "systemctl" args: ["cat", "systemd-journald"] - run: collectorName: "systemctl-cat-resolved" command: "systemctl" args: ["cat", "systemd-resolved"] - run: collectorName: "systemctl-cat-docker" command: "systemctl" args: ["cat", "docker"] - run: collectorName: "systemctl-cat-containerd" command: "systemctl" args: ["cat", "containerd"] - run: collectorName: "systemctl-cat-kubelet" command: "systemctl" args: ["cat", "kubelet"] # Logs for CRI, Kubelet, Kernel - run: collectorName: "journalctl-containerd" command: "journalctl" args: ["-u", "containerd", "--no-pager", "-S", "7 days ago"] - run: collectorName: "journalctl-kubelet" command: "journalctl" args: ["-u", "kubelet", "--no-pager", "-S", "7 days ago"] - run: collectorName: "journalctl-docker" command: "journalctl" args: ["-u", "docker", "--no-pager", "-S", "7 days ago"] - run: collectorName: "journalctl-dmesg" command: "journalctl" args: ["--dmesg", "--no-pager", "-S", "7 days ago"] - copy: collectorName: "syslog" path: /var/log/syslog - copy: collectorName: "syslog" # Copy the previous syslog file as well in case the current one is rotated path: /var/log/syslog.1 # Docker logs for K8s Control Plane - run: collectorName: "docker-logs-apiserver" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "docker logs $(docker ps -a --filter label=io.kubernetes.container.name=kube-apiserver -q -l) 2>&1"] - run: collectorName: "docker-logs-kube-scheduler" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "docker logs $(docker ps -a --filter label=io.kubernetes.container.name=kube-scheduler -q -l) 2>&1"] - run: collectorName: "docker-logs-kube-controller-manager" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "docker logs $(docker ps -a --filter label=io.kubernetes.container.name=kube-controller-manager -q -l) 2>&1"] - run: collectorName: "docker-logs-etcd" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "docker logs $(docker ps -a --filter label=io.kubernetes.container.name=etcd -q -l) 2>&1"] # Docker logs for haproxy (Used by kURL's internal load balancing feature) - run: collectorName: "docker-logs-haproxy" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "docker logs $(docker ps -a --filter label=io.kubernetes.container.name=haproxy -q -l) 2>&1"] # Containerd logs for K8s Control Plane - run: collectorName: "crictl-logs-apiserver" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "crictl logs $(crictl ps -a --name apiserver -l --quiet) 2>&1"] - run: collectorName: "crictl-logs-apiserver-previous" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "crictl logs -p $(crictl ps -a --name apiserver -l --quiet) 2>&1"] - run: collectorName: "crictl-logs-etcd" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "crictl logs $(crictl ps -a --name etcd -l --quiet) 2>&1"] - run: collectorName: "crictl-logs-etcd-previous" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "crictl logs -p $(crictl ps -a --name etcd -l --quiet) 2>&1"] - run: collectorName: "crictl-logs-kube-controller-manager" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "crictl logs $(crictl ps -a --name kube-controller-manager -l --quiet) 2>&1"] - run: collectorName: "crictl-logs-kube-controller-manager-previous" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "crictl logs -p $(crictl ps -a --name kube-controller-manager -l --quiet) 2>&1"] - run: collectorName: "crictl-logs-kube-scheduler" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "crictl logs $(crictl ps -a --name kube-scheduler -l --quiet) 2>&1"] - run: collectorName: "crictl-logs-kube-scheduler-previous" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "crictl logs -p $(crictl ps -a --name kube-scheduler -l --quiet) 2>&1"] # Logs for kube-flannel - run: collectorName: "crictl-logs-kube-flannel" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "crictl logs $(crictl ps -a --name kube-flannel -l --quiet) 2>&1"] - run: collectorName: "crictl-logs-kube-flannel-previous" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "crictl logs -p $(crictl ps -a --name kube-flannel -l --quiet) 2>&1"] # Logs for kube-proxy - run: collectorName: "crictl-logs-kube-proxy" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "crictl logs $(crictl ps -a --name kube-proxy -l --quiet) 2>&1"] - run: collectorName: "crictl-logs-kube-proxy-previous" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "crictl logs -p $(crictl ps -a --name kube-proxy -l --quiet) 2>&1"] # Logs for haproxy (Used by kURL's internal load balancing feature) - run: collectorName: "crictl-logs-haproxy" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "crictl logs $(crictl ps -a --name haproxy -l --quiet) 2>&1"] - run: collectorName: "crictl-logs-haproxy-previous" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "crictl logs -p $(crictl ps -a --name haproxy -l --quiet) 2>&1"] # Logs from ekco (Used by kURL to rotate certs and other tasks) - run: collectorName: "crictl-logs-ekco" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "crictl logs $(crictl ps -a --name ekc-operator -l --quiet) 2>&1"] - run: collectorName: "crictl-logs-ekco-previous" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "crictl logs -p $(crictl ps -a --name ekc-operator -l --quiet) 2>&1"] # sysctl parameters - run: collectorName: "sysctl-all" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "sysctl --all 2>/dev/null"] # Gathering hostname info to help troubleshoot scenarios where the hostname mismatch - run: collectorName: "hostnames" command: "sh" args: - -c - | echo "hostname = $(hostname)" echo "/proc/sys/kernel/hostname = $(cat /proc/sys/kernel/hostname)" echo "uname -n = $(uname -n)" # Collect apiserver audit logs # Note: apiserver logs are owned by root so for this collector # to succeed it requires sudo privileges for the user - copy: collectorName: "apiserver-audit-logs" path: /var/log/apiserver/k8s-audit* # Collect kURL installer logs - copy: collectorName: "kurl-logs" path: /var/log/kurl/* - run: collectorName: "kubeadm.conf" command: "cat" args: ["/opt/replicated/kubeadm.conf"] - run: collectorName: "kubeadm-init-raw.yaml" command: "cat" args: ["/opt/replicated/kubeadm-init-raw.yaml"] - run: collectorName: "kubeadm-flags.env" command: "cat" args: ["/var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env"] - run: collectorName: "kurl-host-preflights" command: "tail" args: ["-n", "+1", "/var/lib/kurl/host-preflights/*"] - run: collectorName: "kubeadm-kustomize-patches" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "find /var/lib/kurl/kustomize -type f -exec tail -n +1 {} +;"] - run: collectorName: "tmp-kubeadm.conf" command: "cat" args: ["/var/lib/kubelet/tmp-kubeadm.conf"] - http: collectorName: curl-api-replicated-com get: url: https://api.replicated.com/healthz - http: collectorName: curl-get-replicated-com get: url: https://get.replicated.com/healthz - http: collectorName: curl-registry-replicated-com get: url: https://registry.replicated.com/healthz - http: collectorName: curl-proxy-replicated-com get: url: https://proxy.replicated.com/healthz - http: collectorName: curl-k8s-kurl-sh get: url: https://k8s.kurl.sh/healthz - http: collectorName: curl-replicated-app get: url: https://replicated.app/healthz # System Info Collectors - run: collectorName: "du-root" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "du -Shax / --exclude /proc | sort -rh | head -20"] - run: collectorName: "mount" command: "mount" args: ["-l"] - run: collectorName: "vmstat" command: "vmstat" args: ["-w"] - run: collectorName: "ps-high-load" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "ps -eo s,user,cmd | grep ^[RD] | sort | uniq -c | sort -nbr | head -20"] - run: collectorName: "ps-detect-antivirus-and-security-tools" command: "sh" args: [-c, "ps -ef | grep -E 'clamav|sophos|esets_daemon|fsav|symantec|mfend|ds_agent|kav|bdagent|s1agent|falcon|illumio|xagt' | grep -v grep"] - filesystemPerformance: collectorName: filesystem-latency-two-minute-benchmark timeout: 2m directory: /var/lib/etcd fileSize: 22Mi operationSizeBytes: 2300 datasync: true enableBackgroundIOPS: true backgroundIOPSWarmupSeconds: 10 backgroundWriteIOPS: 300 backgroundWriteIOPSJobs: 6 backgroundReadIOPS: 50 backgroundReadIOPSJobs: 1 exclude: true - run: collectorName: "localhost-ips" command: "sh" args: ["-c", "host localhost"] - runPod: name: resolv.conf podSpec: containers: - name: resolv-conf image: alpine command: ["sh", "-c", "cat /etc/resolv.conf"] restartPolicy: Never hostAnalyzers: - certificate: collectorName: k8s-api-keypair outcomes: - fail: when: "key-pair-missing" message: Certificate key pair not found in /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver.* - fail: when: "key-pair-switched" message: Cert and key pair are switched - fail: when: "key-pair-encrypted" message: Private key is encrypted - fail: when: "key-pair-mismatch" message: Cert and key do not match - fail: when: "key-pair-invalid" message: Certificate key pair is invalid - pass: when: "key-pair-valid" message: Certificate key pair is valid - certificate: collectorName: etcd-keypair outcomes: - fail: when: "key-pair-missing" message: Certificate key pair not found in /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.* - fail: when: "key-pair-switched" message: Cert and key pair are switched - fail: when: "key-pair-encrypted" message: Private key is encrypted - fail: when: "key-pair-mismatch" message: Cert and key do not match - fail: when: "key-pair-invalid" message: Certificate key pair is invalid - pass: when: "key-pair-valid" message: Certificate key pair is valid - cpu: checkName: "Number of CPUs" outcomes: - warn: when: "count < 4" message: At least 4 CPU cores are recommended for kURL https://kurl.sh/docs/install-with-kurl/system-requirements - pass: message: This server has at least 4 CPU cores - memory: checkName: "Amount of Memory" outcomes: - warn: when: "< 8G" message: At least 8G of memory is recommended for kURL https://kurl.sh/docs/install-with-kurl/system-requirements - pass: message: The system has at least 8G of memory - time: checkName: "ntp-status" outcomes: - fail: when: "ntp == unsynchronized+inactive" message: "System clock is not synchronized" - warn: when: "ntp == unsynchronized+active" message: System clock not yet synchronized - pass: when: "ntp == synchronized+active" message: "System clock is synchronized" - warn: when: "timezone != UTC" message: "Non UTC timezone can interfere with system function" - pass: when: "timezone == UTC" message: "Timezone is set to UTC" - diskUsage: checkName: "root" collectorName: "root" outcomes: - fail: when: "total < 40Gi" message: The disk containing directory / has less than 40Gi of total space - warn: when: "used/total > 80%" message: The disk containing directory / is more than 80% full - warn: when: "available < 10Gi" message: The disk containing directory / has less than 10Gi of disk space available - pass: message: The disk containing directory / has sufficient space - diskUsage: checkName: "tmp" collectorName: "tmp" outcomes: - warn: when: "total < 8Gi" message: The disk containing directory /tmp has less than 8Gi of total space - warn: when: "used/total > 80%" message: The disk containing directory /tmp is more than 80% full - warn: when: "available < 2Gi" message: The disk containing directory /tmp has less than 2Gi of disk space available - pass: message: The disk containing directory /tmp has sufficient space - diskUsage: checkName: "var-lib-kubelet" collectorName: "var-lib-kubelet" outcomes: - warn: when: "used/total > 80%" message: The disk containing directory /var/lib/kubelet is more than 80% full - warn: when: "available < 10Gi" message: The disk containing directory /var/lib/kubelet has less than 10Gi of disk space available - pass: message: The disk containing directory /var/lib/kubelet has sufficient space - diskUsage: checkName: "var-lib-docker" collectorName: "var-lib-docker" outcomes: - warn: when: "used/total > 80%" message: The disk containing directory /var/lib/docker is more than 80% full - warn: when: "available < 10Gi" message: The disk containing directory /var/lib/docker has less than 10Gi of disk space available - pass: message: The disk containing directory /var/lib/docker has sufficient space - diskUsage: checkName: "var-lib-containerd" collectorName: "var-lib-containerd" outcomes: - warn: when: "used/total > 80%" message: The disk containing directory /var/lib/containerd is more than 80% full - warn: when: "available < 10Gi" message: The disk containing directory /var/lib/containerd has less than 10Gi of disk space available - pass: message: The disk containing directory /var/lib/containerd has sufficient space - diskUsage: checkName: "var-lib-rook" collectorName: "var-lib-rook" outcomes: - warn: when: "used/total > 80%" message: The disk containing directory /var/lib/rook is more than 80% full - warn: when: "available < 10Gi" message: The disk containing directory /var/lib/rook has less than 10Gi of disk space available - pass: message: The disk containing directory /var/lib/rook has sufficient space - diskUsage: checkName: "opt-replicated" collectorName: "opt-replicated" outcomes: - warn: when: "used/total > 80%" message: The disk containing directory /opt/replicated is more than 80% full - warn: when: "available < 10Gi" message: The disk containing directory /opt/replicated has less than 10Gi of disk space available - pass: message: The disk containing directory /opt/replicated has sufficient space - diskUsage: checkName: "var-openebs" collectorName: "var-openebs" outcomes: - warn: when: "used/total > 80%" message: The disk containing directory /var/openebs is more than 80% full - warn: when: "available < 10Gi" message: The disk containing directory /var/openebs has less than 10Gi of disk space available - pass: message: The disk containing directory /var/openebs has sufficient space - http: checkName: curl-k8s-api-6443 collectorName: curl-k8s-api-6443 outcomes: - warn: when: "error" message: Unable to curl https://localhost:6443/healthz. Please, run `curl -k https://localhost:6443/healthz` to check further information. - pass: when: "statusCode == 200" message: curl -k https://localhost:6443/healthz returned HTTP CODE response 200. - warn: message: "Unexpected response. HTTP CODE response is not 200. Please, run `curl -ki https://localhost:6443/healthz` to check further information." - http: checkName: curl-api-replicated-com collectorName: curl-api-replicated-com outcomes: - warn: when: "error" message: Error connecting to https://api.replicated.com/healthz - pass: when: "statusCode == 200" message: Connected to https://api.replicated.com/healthz - warn: message: "Unexpected response" - http: checkName: curl-get-replicated-com collectorName: curl-get-replicated-com outcomes: - warn: when: "error" message: Error connecting to https://get.replicated.com/healthz - pass: when: "statusCode == 200" message: Connected to https://get.replicated.com/healthz - warn: message: "Unexpected response" - http: checkName: curl-registry-replicated-com collectorName: curl-registry-replicated-com outcomes: - warn: when: "error" message: Error connecting to https://registry.replicated.com/healthz - pass: when: "statusCode == 200" message: Connected to https://registry.replicated.com/healthz - warn: message: "Unexpected response" - http: checkName: curl-proxy-replicated-com collectorName: curl-proxy-replicated-com outcomes: - warn: when: "error" message: Error connecting to https://proxy.replicated.com/healthz - pass: when: "statusCode == 200" message: Connected to https://proxy.replicated.com/healthz - warn: message: "Unexpected response" - http: checkName: curl-k8s-kurl-sh collectorName: curl-k8s-kurl-sh outcomes: - warn: when: "error" message: Error connecting to https://k8s.kurl.sh/healthz - pass: when: "statusCode == 200" message: Connected to https://k8s.kurl.sh/healthz - warn: message: "Unexpected response" - http: checkName: curl-replicated-app collectorName: curl-replicated-app outcomes: - warn: when: "error" message: Error connecting to https://replicated.app/healthz - pass: when: "statusCode == 200" message: Connected to https://replicated.app/healthz - warn: message: "Unexpected response" - filesystemPerformance: collectorName: filesystem-latency-two-minute-benchmark outcomes: - pass: when: "p99 < 10ms" message: "Write latency is ok (p99 target < 10ms)" - warn: message: "Write latency is high. p99 target >= 10ms)" exclude: true analyzers: - textAnalyze: checkName: Hostname Mismatch fileName: host-collectors/run-host/journalctl-kubelet.txt regex: ".*can only access node lease with the same name as the requesting node.*" outcomes: - fail: when: "true" message: "Possible hostname change. Verify that the current hostname matches what's expected by the k8s control plane" - pass: when: "false" message: "No signs of hostname changes found" - textAnalyze: checkName: "Check for CNI 'not ready' messages" fileName: host-collectors/run-host/journalctl-kubelet.txt regex: "Container runtime network not ready.*cni plugin not initialized" outcomes: - pass: when: "false" message: "CNI is initialized" - fail: when: "true" message: "CNI plugin not initialized: there may be a problem with the CNI configuration on the host, check /etc/cni/net.d/*.conflist against a known good configuration" - textAnalyze: checkName: Kubernetes API health check fileName: host-collectors/run-host/k8s-api-healthz-6443.txt regex: ".*healthz check passed*" outcomes: - fail: when: "false" message: "Kubernetes API health check did not pass. One or more components are not working." - pass: when: "true" message: "Kubernetes API health check passed" - textAnalyze: checkName: ETCD Kubernetes API health check fileName: host-collectors/run-host/k8s-api-healthz-6443.txt regex: ".*etcd ok*" outcomes: - fail: when: "false" message: "ETCD is unhealthy" - pass: when: "true" message: "ETCD healthz check using Kubernetes API is OK" - textAnalyze: checkName: ETCD API Health fileName: host-collectors/run-host/curl-etcd-health-2379.txt regex: ".*\"health\":\"true\"*" outcomes: - fail: when: "false" message: "ETCD status returned: unhealthy" - pass: when: "true" message: "ETCD status returned: healthy" - textAnalyze: checkName: Check if localhost resolves to fileName: host-collectors/run-host/localhost-ips.txt regex: 'localhost has address' outcomes: - fail: when: "false" message: "'localhost' does not resolve to ip address" - pass: when: "true" message: "'localhost' resolves to ip address" - textAnalyze: checkName: Check if SELinux is enabled fileName: host-collectors/run-host/sestatus.txt regex: '(?m)^Current mode:\s+enforcing' ignoreIfNoFiles: true outcomes: - fail: when: "true" message: "SELinux is enabled when it should be disabled for kubernetes to work properly" - pass: when: "false" message: "SELinux is disabled as expected" - textAnalyze: checkName: "Detect Threat Management and Network Security Tools" fileName: host-collectors/run-host/ps-detect-antivirus-and-security-tools.txt regex: '\b(clamav|sophos|esets_daemon|fsav|symantec|mfend|ds_agent|kav|bdagent|s1agent|falcon|illumio|xagt)\b' ignoreIfNoFiles: true outcomes: - fail: when: "true" message: "Antivirus or Network Security tools detected. These tools can interfere with kubernetes operation." - pass: when: "false" message: "No Antivirus or Network Security tools detected."