import machine from time import sleep_ms, ticks_ms, ticks_diff import struct from pico_i2c_lcd import I2cLcd """ Micropython code for interfacing with a 2x16 LCD over i2c to show speeduino params using its secondary serial interface. Pin numbers match up with PICO W diagram. """ # Test mode is for simulating data - this means you don't need a physical connection to a real speeduino. TEST_MODE=False # Fake the LCD and just print instead, in case you haven't connected a display yet FAKE_LCD=False # Pins I2C_SDA_PIN = 26 I2C_SCL_PIN = 27 BUTTON_PIN = 8 UART_TX_PIN = 0 UART_RX_PIN = 1 CALIBRATION_OFFSET = 40 POLL_MS = 200 TIMEOUT_MS = 999 RETRY_AMOUNT = 3 READ_COMMAND = 'A' RESPONSE_BYTES = 76 SPARK_STATUS_LKUP = {0: "launchHard", 1: "launchSoft", 2:"hardLimitOn", 3:"softLimitOn", 4:"boostCutSpark", 5:"error", 6:"idleControlOn", 7:"sync",} class FakeLCD: def putstr(self, out): print(out) def clear(self): pass # Set up UART for speeduino comms uart = machine.UART(0, 115200, tx=machine.Pin(UART_TX_PIN), rx=machine.Pin(UART_RX_PIN)) # Set up I2C for LCD comms if not FAKE_LCD: i2c = machine.I2C(1, sda=machine.Pin(I2C_SDA_PIN), scl=machine.Pin(I2C_SCL_PIN), freq=400000) I2C_ADDR = i2c.scan()[0] lcd = I2cLcd(i2c, I2C_ADDR, 2, 16) else: lcd = FakeLCD() # Set up the button for toggling pages button = machine.Pin(BUTTON_PIN, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP) DEFAULT_PAGE = 1 page = DEFAULT_PAGE MAX_PAGE_NUM = 3 def try_rx(uart): if TEST_MODE: # respond with some dummy data instead of trying to read real serial i/o params = [0] * RESPONSE_BYTES params[8] = 35 # coolant # shift bytes over here as rpm is hi+lo byte test_rpm = 2000 params[16], params[15] = divmod(test_rpm, 256) params[10] = 12 # batter voltage params[1] = 1 # incr comms num params[24] = 0 # spark advance params[32] = 7 # spark status return params else: uart.write(READ_COMMAND) while uart.any() < RESPONSE_BYTES: for i in range(RETRY_AMOUNT): start = ticks_ms() sleep_ms(int(TIMEOUT_MS/RETRY_AMOUNT)) uart.write(READ_COMMAND) # Timed out return None return while True: # If button pressed, increment page number. this is a bit finnicky and might require you to hold the button, # as it only checks every poll cycle - should probably make the polling do something like the retry behaviour # and just skip polling if poll period not reached, that way this button could be pressed any time. if button.value() == 0: page += 1 res = try_rx(uart) if res is None: lcd.clear() lcd.putstr("Timeout") break # As the speedy sends back the command first, the byte you read is +1 what it says in the manual coolant_temp = res[8]-CALIBRATION_OFFSET # shift bytes over here as rpm is hi+lo byte rpm = (res[16] << 8)|res[15] bat_voltage = res[10] incr_num_comms = res[1] spark_advance = res[24] spark_status_raw = res[32] spark_status = SPARK_STATUS_LKUP[spark_status_raw] lcd.clear() if page > MAX_PAGE_NUM: # We have reached the maximum amount of pages, so loop back to page 1. page = 1 if page == 1: lcd.putstr(f"CLT:{coolant_temp}°C \n RPM:{rpm} ") elif page == 2: lcd.putstr(f"SPKADV:{spark_advance} \nSPKST:{spark_status}") elif page == 3: lcd.putstr(f"VOLT:{bat_voltage}V \nCOMM:{incr_num_comms}") sleep_ms(POLL_MS)