rem ---------------- Script updated on 2021-08-18 -------------------------- rem Uncomment the line below to prevent script from checking free disk space required for upgrade rem set DontCheckDiskSpace="-NoDiskSpaceCheck" rem Uncomment the line below if you dont have any 32-bit machines to upgrade rem set DontCheckFor32bitBinary="-NoX86exeCheck" rem Uncomment the line below to skip upgrading Explorer extensions for legacy selective sync rem set DontUpgradeExtension="-NoExtensionUpgrade" powershell.exe -NoProfile -Command "$PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major" > ps.version set /p PSVER= NULL if %ERRORLEVEL%==0 ( echo agent_upgrade.ps1 script is actually an HTML page, please re-download from github exit /b 18 ) powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File agent_upgrade.ps1 -Verify %DontCheckFor32bitBinary% %DontCheckDiskSpace% > verify.log 2>&1 set ERR=%ERRORLEVEL% type verify.log if %ERR%==1 ( echo No need to upgrade, same version detected exit /b 0 ) if %ERR% GEQ 2 ( exit /b %ERR% ) echo %APPDATA%\Resilio Connect Agent Service>oldstorage.path powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File agent_upgrade.ps1 -CreateUpgradeTask %DontUpgradeExtension% powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File agent_upgrade.ps1 -RunUpgradeTask