#!/bin/bash PLATFORM=axol DEFAULT_USER=respeaker if grep -q 'Raspberry Pi' /proc/device-tree/model; then PLATFORM=pi DEFAULT_USER=pi fi echo "The platform is $PLATFORM" if [[ $PLATFORM == axol ]] ; then R=`grep "Image" /etc/issue.net | awk '{print $4}'` if [[ $(echo "$R < 20180107"|bc) = 1 ]] ; then echo "Please upgrade your system version to 20180107 or later" echo "Refer to the guide here: https://github.com/respeaker/get_started_with_respeaker/blob/master/docs/ReSpeaker_Core_V2/getting_started.md#image-installation" exit 1 fi fi USER_ID=`id -u` if [[ $(whoami) != ${DEFAULT_USER} ]] ; then echo "Please run this script with user ${DEFAULT_USER}" exit 1 fi ## remove old installations if [[ -e /usr/local/bin/respeakerd ]]; then sudo rm -rf /usr/local/bin/respeakerd* fi sudo systemctl is-active -q respeakerd && sudo systemctl stop respeakerd ## Install deps # python-mraa,python-upm,libmraa1,libupm1,mraa-tools,libdbus-1-3,pulseaudio,mpg123,mpv,gstreamer1.0-plugins-good,gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad,gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly,gir1.2-gstreamer-1.0,python-gi,python-gst-1.0,python-pyaudio,librespeaker sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y git pulseaudio python-pip python-mraa python-upm libmraa1 libupm1 mraa-tools libdbus-1-3 mpg123 mpv gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gir1.2-gstreamer-1.0 python-gi python-gst-1.0 python-pyaudio sudo apt-get install -y --reinstall librespeaker sudo apt-get install -y --reinstall respeakerd sudo pip install avs pixel_ring voice-engine pydbus pulsectl H="/home/${DEFAULT_USER}" if [[ -e $H/.config/pulse/client.conf ]]; then rm -rf $H/.config/pulse/client.conf fi DAEMON_CONF=/etc/pulse/daemon.conf if [[ $PLATFORM == axol && `grep -c "default-sample-format = float32le" ${DAEMON_CONF}` == 0 ]] ; then sudo sed -i '/default-sample-format/c\default-sample-format = float32le' ${DAEMON_CONF} sudo sed -i '/default-sample-rate/c\default-sample-rate = 48000' ${DAEMON_CONF} pulseaudio -k sleep 1 pactl info fi if [[ $PLATFORM == pi ]] ; then ## Check if PulseAudio has been configured right FOUND=`pactl list sources | grep -c -E "Name:.*seeed-(8ch|source)"` if [[ $FOUND == 0 ]]; then echo "Please use \"sudo respeakerd-pi-tools setup-pulse\" to configure PulseAudio first." exit 1 fi ## Select array type respeakerd-pi-tools select-array fi sudo systemctl start respeakerd echo "The respeakerd services has been started." echo "You can view it's log via:" echo "" echo "sudo journalctl -f -u respeakerd" echo "" cd $H if [[ -e $H/respeakerd ]] ; then cd $H/respeakerd git pull else git clone https://github.com/respeaker/respeakerd.git fi IP_ETH=`ip -f inet -br address|grep -v 'lo'|grep -v 'wlan'|awk '{print $3}'|sed -e 's/\/24//'` IP_WLAN=`ip -f inet -br address|grep -v 'lo'|grep 'wlan'|awk '{print $3}'|sed -e 's/\/24//'` echo "Before we can run the Alexa demo, we need you to do the authorization for the Alexa service." echo "We need you to VNC connect to the board. If you haven't practiced on VNC operation, please refer to:" if [[ $PLATFORM == axol ]] ; then echo "https://github.com/respeaker/get_started_with_respeaker/blob/master/docs/ReSpeaker_Core_V2/getting_started.md#2-vnc" else echo "https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/remote-access/vnc/" fi echo "" echo "The IP addresses of your board are:" if [ x${IP_ETH} != x ]; then echo "- eth: ${IP_ETH}" fi if [ x${IP_WLAN} != x ]; then echo "- wlan: ${IP_WLAN}" fi echo "" echo "------" echo "Open the browser inside the VNC desktop, and go to ''" echo "Login with your Amazon account and authorize Alexa service." echo "If you enabled 2FA, you need to login amazon.com first and then ''" echo "When you finish that, the script will continue, or press Ctrl+C if you've done this before" alexa-auth 2>&1 > /dev/null echo "Run the Alexa demo via the following command, the trigger word is 'snowboy'" echo "" echo "python ${H}/respeakerd/clients/Python/demo_respeaker_v2_vep_alexa_with_light.py" echo ""