var urlParams = {}; var username; var trackerId = 'UA-21222559-1'; (function () { var e, a = /\+/g, // Regex for replacing addition symbol with a space r = /([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)/g, d = function (s) { return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(a, " ")); }, q =; while (e = r.exec(q)) { urlParams[0] = d(e[1]); } })(); $(document).ready(function() { try { if (urlParams[0] !== undefined) { username = urlParams[0]; run(); } else { home(); } } catch (err) { try { console.log(err); } catch (e) { /*fail silently*/ } } }); var error = function() { $.ajax({ url: 'views/error.html', dataType: 'html', success: function(data) { var template = data; $('#resume').html(data); } }); }; var home = function() { $.ajax({ url: 'views/index.html', dataType: 'html', success: function(data) { var template = data; $('#resume').html(data); } }); }; var github_user = function(username, callback) { $.getJSON('' + username + '?callback=?', callback); } var github_user_repos = function(username, callback, page_number, prev_data) { var page = (page_number ? page_number : 1), url = '' + username + '/repos?per_page=100&callback=?', data = (prev_data ? prev_data : []); if (page_number > 1) { url += '&page=' + page_number; } $.getJSON(url, function(repos) { data = data.concat(; if ( == 100) { github_user_repos(username, callback, page + 1, data); } else { callback(data); } }); } var github_user_issues = function(username, callback, page_number, prev_data) { var page = (page_number ? page_number : 1), url = '' + username + '&per_page=100&callback=?' data = (prev_data ? prev_data : []); if (page_number > 1) { url += '&page=' + page_number; } $.getJSON(url, function(repos) { data = data.concat(; if ( == 100) { github_user_issues(username, callback, page + 1, data); } else { callback(data); } }); } var github_user_orgs = function(username, callback) { $.getJSON('' + username + '/orgs?callback=?', callback); } // Check to see if the user has starred the repo. // // Returns true/false. var github_user_starred_resume = function(username, page) { var star = false; var repos = []; var page = (page ? page : 1); var url = '' + username + '/starred?per_page=100&page=' + page; var errorMsg; $.ajax({ url: url, async: false, dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { repos = data; }, error: function(e) { if (e.status == 403) { errorMsg = 'api_limit' } else if (e.status == 404) { errorMsg = 'not_found' } } }); if (errorMsg === 'api_limit' || errorMsg === 'not_found') { return errorMsg; } $.each(repos, function(i, repo) { if (repo.full_name == "resume/") { star = true; return false; // stop iterating } }); if (star) { return star; } if (repos.length == 100) { star = github_user_starred_resume(username, page + 1); } return star; } var run = function() { var itemCount = 0, maxItems = 5, maxLanguages = 9, starred = github_user_starred_resume(username); if (!starred || starred === 'api_limit' || starred === 'not_found') { if (starred === 'api_limit') { $.ajax({ url: 'views/api_limit.html', dataType: 'html', success: function(data) { var template = data; $('#resume').html(data); } }); } else if (starred === 'not_found') { $.ajax({ url: 'views/not_found.html', dataType: 'html', success: function(data) { var template = data; $('#resume').html(data); } }); } else { $.ajax({ url: 'views/opt_out.html', dataType: 'html', success: function(data) { var template = data; $('#resume').html(data); } }); } return; } var res = github_user(username, function(data) { data =; var sinceDate = new Date(data.created_at); var sinceMonth = sinceDate.getMonth(); var since = sinceDate.getFullYear(); var sinceMonth = sinceDate.getMonth(); var currentYear = (new Date).getFullYear(); switch (since) { case currentYear-1: since = 'last year'; break; case currentYear: since = 'this year'; break; } var addHttp = ''; if ( &&'http') < 0) { addHttp = 'http://'; } // set to the "friendly" name e.g. "John Doe". If not defined // (in which case is empty), fall back to the login // name e.g. "johndoe" var name = username; if ( !== null && !== undefined && { name =; } var avatar = ''; if (data.type == 'Organization'){ avatar = data.avatar_url.match(/https:\/\/\/avatar\/[0-9a-z]+/)[0]; avatar += '?s=140&d='; } var view = { name: name, type: data.type, email:, created_at: data.created_at, earlyAdopter: 0, location: data.location, gravatar_id: data.gravatar_id, avatar_url: avatar, repos: data.public_repos, reposLabel: data.public_repos > 1 ? 'repositories' : 'repository', followers: data.followers, followersLabel: data.followers > 1 ? 'followers' : 'follower', username: username, userStatus: 'GitHub user', since: since, resume_url: window.location }; // We consider a limit of 4 months since the GitHub opening (Feb 2008) to be considered as an early adopter if ((since == '2008' && sinceMonth <= 5) || since <= '2007') { view.earlyAdopter = 1; } view.userStatus = getUserStatus(); function getUserStatus() { var COEF_REPOS = 2; var COEF_GISTS = 0.25; var COEF_FOLLOWERS = 0.5; var COEF_FOLLOWING = 0.25; var FIRST_STEP = 0; var SECOND_STEP = 5; var THIRD_STEP = 20; var FOURTH_STEP = 50; var FIFTH_STEP = 150; var EXTRA_POINT_GAIN = 1; var statusScore = data.public_repos * COEF_REPOS + data.public_gists * COEF_GISTS + data.followers * COEF_FOLLOWERS + data.following * COEF_FOLLOWING; // Extra points // - Early adopter if (view.earlyAdopter == 1) { statusScore += EXTRA_POINT_GAIN; } // - Blog & Email & Location if (view.location && view.location != '' && && != '' && && != '') { statusScore += EXTRA_POINT_GAIN; } if (statusScore == FIRST_STEP) { return 'Inactive GitHub user'; } else if (statusScore > FIRST_STEP && statusScore <= SECOND_STEP) { return 'Newbie GitHub user'; } else if (statusScore > SECOND_STEP && statusScore <= THIRD_STEP) { return 'Regular GitHub user'; } else if (statusScore > THIRD_STEP && statusScore <= FOURTH_STEP) { return 'Advanced GitHub user'; } else if (statusScore > FOURTH_STEP && statusScore <= FIFTH_STEP) { return 'Enthusiastic GitHub user'; } else if (statusScore > FIFTH_STEP) { return 'Passionate GitHub user'; } }; if ( !== undefined && !== null && !== '') { = addHttp +; } var resume = (data.type == 'User' ? 'views/resume.html' : 'views/resumeOrgs.html'); $.ajax({ url: resume, dataType: 'html', success: function(data) { var template = data, html = Mustache.to_html(template, view); $('#resume').html(html); document.title = name + "'s Résumé"; $("#actions #print").click(function(){ window.print(); return false; }); } }); }); github_user_repos(username, function(data) { var sorted = [], languages = {}, popularity; $.each(data, function(i, repo) { if (repo.fork !== false) { return; } if (repo.language) { if (repo.language in languages) { languages[repo.language]++; } else { languages[repo.language] = 1; } } popularity = repo.watchers + repo.forks; sorted.push({position: i, popularity: popularity, info: repo}); }); function sortByPopularity(a, b) { return b.popularity - a.popularity; }; sorted.sort(sortByPopularity); var languageTotal = 0; function sortLanguages(languages, limit) { var sorted_languages = []; for (var lang in languages) { if (typeof(lang) !== "string") { continue; } sorted_languages.push({ name: lang, popularity: languages[lang], toString: function() { return '' + + ''; } }); languageTotal += languages[lang]; } if (limit) { sorted_languages = sorted_languages.slice(0, limit); } return sorted_languages.sort(sortByPopularity); } $.ajax({ url: 'views/job.html', dataType: 'html', success: function(response) { languages = sortLanguages(languages, maxLanguages); if (languages && languages.length > 0) { var ul = $(''), percent, li; $.each(languages, function(i, lang) { x = i + 1; percent = parseInt((lang.popularity / languageTotal) * 100); li = $('
  • ' + lang.toString() + ' ('+percent+'%)
  • '); if (x % 3 == 0 || (languages.length < 3 && i == languages.length - 1)) { li.attr('class', 'last'); ul.append(li); $('#content-languages').append(ul); ul = $(''); } else { ul.append(li); $('#content-languages').append(ul); } }); } else { $('#mylanguages').hide(); } if (sorted.length > 0) { $('#jobs').html(''); itemCount = 0; var since, until, date, view, template, html; $.each(sorted, function(index, repo) { if (itemCount >= maxItems) { return; } since = new Date(; since = since.getFullYear(); until = new Date(; until = until.getFullYear(); if (since == until) { date = since; } else { date = since + ' – ' + until; } var emojiPattern = /:([a-z0-9_\+\-]+):/g; // no, it's not really a pattern var imagePattern = ""; var description =; = description ? description.replace(emojiPattern, imagePattern) : description; view = { name:, date: date, language:, description:, homepage:, username: username, watchers:, forks:, watchersLabel: == 0 || > 1 ? 'stars' : 'star', forksLabel: == 0 || > 1 ? 'forks' : 'fork', }; if (itemCount == sorted.length - 1 || itemCount == maxItems - 1) { view.last = 'last'; } template = response; html = Mustache.to_html(template, view); $('#jobs').append($(html)); ++itemCount; }); } else { if(data.length > 0){ $('#jobs').html('').append('

    All of this user\'s repositories seem to be forks. Sorry.

    '); } else { $('#jobs').html('').append('

    Unfortunately, this user does not seem to have any public repositories.

    '); } } } }); }); github_user_issues(username, function(data) { var sorted = [], repos = {}; $.each(data, function(i, issue) { if(repos[issue.repository_url] === undefined) { repos[issue.repository_url] = { popularity: 1 } } else { repos[issue.repository_url].popularity += 1; } }); $.each(repos, function(repo, obj) { sorted.push({ repo: repo, popularity: obj.popularity}); }) function sortByPopularity(a, b) { return b.popularity - a.popularity; }; sorted.sort(sortByPopularity); $.ajax({ url: 'views/contrib.html', dataType: 'html', success: function(response) { if (sorted.length > 0) { $('#contrib-jobs').html(''); var view, template, html, repoUrl, repoName, commitsUrl; $.each(sorted, function(index, repo) { repoUrl = repo.repo.replace(/https:\/\/api\.github\.com\/repos/, ''); repoName = repo.repo.replace(/https:\/\/api\.github\.com\/repos\//, ''); commitsUrl = repoUrl + '/commits?author=' + username; view = { count: repo.popularity, username: username, repoUrl: repoUrl, repoName: repoName, commitsUrl: commitsUrl }; template = response; html = Mustache.to_html(template, view); $('#contrib-jobs').append($(html)); }); } else { $('#contributions').remove(); } } }); }); github_user_orgs(username, function(response) { var sorted = []; $.each(, function(i, org) { if (org.login === undefined) { return; } sorted.push({position: i, info: org}); }); $.ajax({ url: 'views/org.html', dataType: 'html', success: function(response) { var now = new Date().getFullYear(); if (sorted.length > 0) { $('#orgs').html(''); var name, view, template, html; $.each(sorted, function(index, org) { if (itemCount >= maxItems) { return; } name = ( ||; view = { name: name, now: now }; if (itemCount == sorted.length - 1 || itemCount == maxItems) { view.last = 'last'; } template = response; html = Mustache.to_html(template, view); $('#orgs').append($(html)); ++itemCount; }); } else { $('#organizations').remove(); } } }); }); }; if (trackerId) { var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', trackerId]); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); } $(window).bind('error', error);