25/02/2021: dnsmap 0.36 [ setuidroot ] * Patch: Fix dnsmap to work with TLD (domains) longer than 6 characters. - Changed TLD domain character limit from 6 characters up to 13 characters. - dnsmap now works with .network domains and other TLDs longer than 6 characters. 18/11/2019: dnsmap 0.35 released at www.github.com from now [ Joao Eriberto Mota Filho ] * Building: - Using autotools. - Added the autogen.sh file. - Moved all source code to src/. - Removed .sh extension from dnsmap-bulk. - Using ccpp.yml to provide CI tests for GitHub. * Added/updated headers and rights in all files. * Created AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTING.md and NEWS files. * Created manpages. * Fixed a building warning. * Moved documents to doc/. * Reorganized ChangeLog file. * Rewritten README file (now README.md). * Using an updated LICENSE file. 20/02/2010: dnsmap 0.30 released at www.gnucitizen.org * IPv6 support * Makefile included * delay option (-d) added. This is useful in cases where dnsmap is killing your bandwidth * ignore IPs option (-i) added. This allows ignoring user-supplied IPs from the results. Useful for domains which cause dnsmap to produce false positives * changes made to make dnsmap compatible with OpenDNS * disclosure of internal IP addresses (RFC 1918) are reported * updated built-in wordlist * included a standalone three-letter acronym (TLA) subdomains wordlist * domains susceptible to "same site" scripting (http://snipurl.com/etbcv) are reported * completion time is now displayed to the user * mechanism to attempt to bruteforce wildcard-enabled domains * unique filename containing timestamp is now created when no specific output filename is supplied by user * various minor bugs fixed ??/01/2010: dnsmap 0.25 * It isn't the original changelog. This entry is to register a date and fix a lack of information. 0.25 was a pre-release for 0.30 (like a beta version). ??/01/2010: dnsmap 0.24 * It isn't the original changelog. This entry is to register a date and fix a lack of information. 0.24 was a pre-release for 0.30 (like a beta version). 22/02/2009: dnsmap 0.22 released at www.gnucitizen.org, a.k.a 0.22.2 * saving the results in human-readable and CSV format for easy processing * fixed bug that disallowed reading wordlists with DOS CRLF format * improved built-in subdomains wordlist * new bash script (dnsmap-bulk.sh) included which allows running dnsmap against a list of domains from a user-supplied file. i.e.: bruteforcing several domains in a bulk fashion * bypassing of signature-based dnsmap detection by generating a proper pseudo-random subdomain when checking for wildcards 26/02/2008: dnsmap 0.2 * It isn't the original changelog. This entry is to register a date and fix a lack of information. 17/08/2006: dnsmap 0.1 (first public version) released at foro.elhacker.net * bruteforcing based on builtin list and user-supplied wordlist * obtain all available A records for each bruteforced (sub)domain (rather than only one)