from base64 import b64decode from string import printable import z3 # Before adding constraints we need to find the number of variables to use (ie. the length of the flag) # Thankfully it's not too hard to find ... 🥲 # This single assumption cost me 3h, most of my sanity and half of my braincells. Why ? # Because '/' isn't a true division, it's a *floor division* # Meaning that the condition is true for 35 but also for 36, 37, 38 and 39 """ if (length / 5 + 1 != 8) { MessageBox.Show("Not for you!"); return; } """ length = 39 flag = [z3.BitVec(f"{i:02}", 8) for i in range(length)] s = z3.Solver() for i in range(length): s.add(ord(min(printable)) <= flag[i]) s.add(flag[i] <= ord(max(printable))) """ int num = 1; int length = this.supplier.Text.Length; int num2 = -1; while (num == 1) { if (num2 + 5 > length - 1) { num = 0; } else { num2 += 5; if (!this.supplier.Text[num2].Equals(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String("LQ=="))[0])) { MessageBox.Show("Not for you!"); return; } } } """ num = 1 num2 = -1 while (num == 1): if (num2 + 5 > length - 1): num = 0; else: num2 += 5; s.add(flag[num2] == ord(b64decode("LQ==").decode())) """ int num3 = 1; int num4 = 0; int num5 = 0; if (num4 > length - 1) { MessageBox.Show("Not for you!"); return; } while (num3 == 1) { if (!this.supplier.Text[num4].Equals(Convert.ToChar((int)(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(this.ichi.Text))[num5] - '\u0014')))) { MessageBox.Show("Not for you!"); return; } if (num4 + 5 > length - 1) { num3 = 0; } else { num4 += 5; num5++; } } """ # this.ichi is a component of the Form just used to store text ichi = "ZWpkaGtpYWIK"; num3 = 1 num4 = 0 num5 = 0 while (num3 == 1): s.add(flag[num4] == ord(b64decode(ichi).decode()[num5]) - 0x14 ) if (num4 + 5 > length - 1): num3 = 0; else: num4 += 5; num5 +=1; """ int num6 = 1; num4 = length - 1; num5 = 0; if (num4 > length - 1) { MessageBox.Show("Not for you!"); return; } while (num6 == 1) { if (!Convert.ToChar((int)(this.supplier.Text[num4] % '\u007f')).Equals(Convert.ToChar((int)(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String([num5] - '\u0018')))) { MessageBox.Show("Not for you!"); return; } if (num4 - 5 < 0) { num6 = 0; } else { num4 -= 5; num5++; } } """ # same as this.ichi, component of the Form just used to store text ni = "cnRwdnh1encK" num6 = 1; num4 = length - 1; num5 = 0; while (num6 == 1): s.add(flag[num4] % 0x7f == ord(b64decode(ni).decode()[num5]) - 0x18) if (num4 - 5 < 0): num6 = 0; else: num4 -= 5; num5 +=1; """ int num7 = 1; num4 = 1; num5 = 0; if (num4 > length - 1) { MessageBox.Show("Not for you!"); return; } while (num7 == 1) { if (!this.supplier.Text[num4].Equals(Form.ActiveForm.Text[num5 * 2])) { MessageBox.Show("Not for you!"); return; } if (!this.supplier.Text[num4 + 1].Equals(Form.ActiveForm.Text[num5 * 2 + 1])) { MessageBox.Show("Not for you!"); return; } if (num4 + 5 > length - 1) { num7 = 0; } else { num4 += 5; num5++; } } """ # name of active form ActiveForm = "Mario star grabber"; num7 = 1; num4 = 1; num5 = 0; while (num7 == 1): s.add(flag[num4] == ord(ActiveForm[num5*2])) s.add(flag[num4+1] == ord(ActiveForm[num5*2 + 1])) if (num4 + 5 > length - 1): num7 = 0; else: num4 += 5; num5 +=1; # in case there are multiple valid keys (shouldn't be the case, but you never know) def all_smt(s, initial_terms): # def block_term(s, m, t): s.add(t != m.eval(t, model_completion=True)) def fix_term(s, m, t): s.add(t == m.eval(t, model_completion=True)) def all_smt_rec(terms): if z3.sat == s.check(): m = s.model() yield m for i in range(len(terms)): s.push() block_term(s, m, terms[i]) for j in range(i): fix_term(s, m, terms[j]) yield from all_smt_rec(terms[i:]) s.pop() yield from all_smt_rec(list(initial_terms)) if z3.sat == s.check(): for m in all_smt(s, flag): print(''.join([chr(m[i].as_long()) for i in sorted(m, key=str)])) else: print("Oh no")