[ { "x": [ "Clearly stated", "Comprehensive and
non-negotiated", "Accessible", "Avoid restrictions on
kinds of (re)use", "Avoid restrictions on
who may (re)use" ], "y": [ 32, 39, 55, 29, 29 ], "name": "No violations", "marker": { "color": "rgb(8,150,72)" }, "type": "bar" }, { "x": [ "Clearly stated", "Comprehensive and
non-negotiated", "Accessible", "Avoid restrictions on
kinds of (re)use", "Avoid restrictions on
who may (re)use" ], "y": [ 0, 10, 0, 10, 10 ], "name": "Unknown", "marker": { "color": "rgb(19,99,163)" }, "type": "bar" }, { "x": [ "Clearly stated", "Comprehensive and
non-negotiated", "Accessible", "Avoid restrictions on
kinds of (re)use", "Avoid restrictions on
who may (re)use" ], "y": [ 35, 18, 12, 28, 28 ], "name": "Have a violation", "marker": { "color": "rgb(128,128,128)" }, "type": "bar" } ]