Sublime Text 3 plugin for editing AWS Lambda function sources easily. ## Features: * Supports multiple API key profiles * Automatically zips and uploads new function code on buffer save * Can easily fetch and install PyPI package dependencies * Invoke function directly from inside Sublime and view all output # Setup To use this plugin you will need to configure AWS with your access key ID and secret. ### AWS CLI Credentials If you use the AWS command-line interface [you can run `aws configure` to set up your credentials]( They will be stored in `~/.aws/credentials`. ### Boto [Or you can configure boto](, the official AWS python client library. Create a file `~/.boto` with your key and secret: ``` [Credentials] aws_access_key_id = AKNGOINAGBQOWGQNW aws_secret_access_key = GEIOWGNQAVIONGhg10g08GOAG/GAing2eingAn ``` # Installing The Plugin ### Sublime Package Manager * You must [install the sublime package manager]( if you don't have it already. * Select "Install Package" from the command palette and select "AWS Lambda" ### Video Instructions Here's a short video showing how to install sublime package manager and the AWS Lambda plugin: Installation Video # Demo Video ### See it in Action! Demo Video