Sublime Text 2 HTML Export
A simple ST2 plugin to help you export your code in a single HTML file.
Your code, needed JS and CSS are bundled in a single HTML file and displayed in your browser.
Support many syntaxes thanks to [CodeMirror 2][0]
**Installation :**
- you should use [sublime package manager][3]
- use `cmd+shift+P` then `Package Control: Install Package`
- look for `Html Export` and install it.
**Usage :**
- use `cmd+shift+P` then `Html Export` to export the current file
- or bind some key in your user key binding
- in your HTML Export user settings, customize your codeMirror configuration if needed (lineNumbers, theme...)
**Uses :**
- [CodeMirror 2][0] for awesome syntax highlighting
**Todo :**
- ~~Selectable theme~~
- Export and publish
The code is available at github [][2]
Licence MIT : [][4]