@INBOOK{khavas2020chapter, AUTHOR={Khavas, Zahra Rezaei and Ahmadzadeh, S. Reza and Robinette, Paul}, EDITOR={Wagner, Alan R. and Feil-Seifer, David and Haring, Kerstin S. and Rossi, Silvia and Williams, Thomas and He, Hongsheng and Sam Ge, Shuzhi}, TITLE={Modeling Trust in Human-Robot Interaction: A Survey}, BOOKTITLE={Social Robotics}, YEAR={2020}, PUBLISHER={Springer International Publishing}, ADDRESS={Cham}, PAGES={529--541}, DOI={https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-62056-1_44}, ISBN={978-3-030-62056-1} } @INPROCEEDINGS{khavas2020modeling, TITLE={Modeling Trust in Human-Robot Interaction: A Survey}, AUTHOR={Zahra R. Khavas, S. Reza Ahmadzadeh, Paul Robinette}, BOOKTITLE={Social Robotics}, PAGES={529--541}, YEAR={2020}, MONTH={Nov}, ADDRESS={Golden, CO, USA}, ORGANIZATION={Springer} } @INPROCEEDINGS{rana2020benchmark, TITLE={Benchmark for Skill Learning from Demonstration: Impact of User Experience, Task Complexity, and Start Configuration on Performance}, AUTHOR={Rana M. Asif and Chen Dephne and Williams Jacob and Chu Vivian and Ahmadzadeh, S. Reza and Chernova Sonia}, BOOKTITLE={Robotics and Automation ({ICRA}), {IEEE} International Conference on}, PAGES={7561--7567}, YEAR={2020}, MONTH={May}, ADDRESS={Paris, France}, ORGANIZATION={{IEEE}}, %DOI={10.1109/ICRA.2015.7139728} } @INPROCEEDINGS{zhao2020towards, TITLE={Towards Mobile Multi-Task Manipulation in a Confined and Integrated Environment with Irregular Objects}, AUTHOR={Han, Zhao and Allspaw Jordan and LeMasurier Gregory and Parrillo Jenna and Giger Daniel and Ahmadzadeh, S. Reza and Yanco Holly A.}, BOOKTITLE={Robotics and Automation ({ICRA}), {IEEE} International Conference on}, PAGES={11025--11031}, YEAR={2020}, MONTH={May}, ADDRESS={Paris, France}, ORGANIZATION={{IEEE}}, %DOI={10.1109/ICRA.2015.7139728} } @INPROCEEDINGS{ravichandar2019skill, TITLE={Skill Acquisition via Automated Multi-Coordinate Cost Balancing}, AUTHOR={Ravichandar, Harish and Ahmadzadeh, S. Reza and Rana, M. Asif and Chernova, Sonia}, BOOKTITLE={Robotics and Automation ({ICRA}), {IEEE} International Conference on}, PAGES={7776--7782}, YEAR={2019}, MONTH={May}, ADDRESS={Montreal, Canada}, ORGANIZATION={{IEEE}}, %DOI={10.1109/ICRA.2015.7139728} } @ARTICLE{ahmadzadeh2018trajectory, TITLE={Trajectory-Based Skill Learning Using Generalized Cylinders}, AUTHOR={Ahmadzadeh, S. Reza and Chernova, Sonia}, JOURNAL={Frontiers in Robotics and AI}, VOLUME={5}, PAGES={1--18}, YEAR={2018}, URL={https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/frobt.2018.00132}, DOI={10.3389/frobt.2018.00132}, ISSN={2296-9144}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{rana2018large, TITLE={A Large-Scale Benchmark Study Investigating the Impact of User Experience, Task Complexity, and Start Configuration on Robot Skill Learning}, AUTHOR={Rana, Muhammad Asif and Chen, Daphne and Ahmadzadeh, S. Reza and Williams, Jake and Chu, Vivian and Chernova, Sonia}, BOOKTITLE={{NeuroIPS}, Workshop on Imitation Learning and its Challenges in Robotics}, PAGES={1--6}, YEAR={2018}, MONTH={Dec}, ADDRESS={Montreal, Canada}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{rana2018learning, TITLE={Learning Generalizable Robot Skills from Demonstrations in Cluttered Environments}, AUTHOR={Rana, Muhammad Asif and Mukadam, Mustafa and Ahmadzadeh, S. Reza and Chernova, Sonia and Boots, Byron}, BOOKTITLE={Intelligent Robots and Systems ({IROS}), {IEEE/RSJ} International Conference on}, PAGES={4655--4660}, YEAR={2018}, MONTH={Oct}, ORGANIZATION={IEEE}, ADDRESS={Madrid, Spain} DOI={10.1109/IROS.2018.8593624} } @INPROCEEDINGS{rana2018robot, TITLE={Robot Skill Learning from Demonstrations in Cluttered Environment}, AUTHOR={Rana, Muhammad Asif and Mukadam, Mustafa and Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza and Chernova, Sonia and Boots, Byron}, BOOKTITLE={Robotics: Science and Systems ({RSS}), Workshop on Learning and Inference in Robotics}, PAGES={1--4}, YEAR={2018}, MONTH={June}, ADDRESS={Pittsburgh, PA, USA}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{rana2017corl, TITLE={Towards Robust Skill Generalization: Unifying Learning from Demonstration and Motion Planning}, AUTHOR={Muhammad Asif Rana and Mustafa Mukadam and Seyed Reza Ahmadzadeh and Sonia Chernova and Byron Boots}, BOOKTITILE={Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference on Robot Learning}, PAGES={109--118}, YEAR={2017}, EDITOR={Sergey Levine and Vincent Vanhoucke and Ken Goldberg}, VOLUME={78}, SERIES={Proceedings of Machine Learning Research}, ADDRESS={}, MONTH={13--15 Nov}, PUBLISHER={PMLR}, PDF={http://proceedings.mlr.press/v78/rana17a/rana17a.pdf}, URL={http://proceedings.mlr.press/v78/rana17a.html}, ABSTRACT={In this paper, we present Combined Learning from demonstration And Motion Planning (CLAMP) as an efficient approach to skill learning and generalizable skill reproduction. CLAMP combines the strengths of Learning from Demonstration (LfD) and motion planning into a unifying framework. We carry out probabilistic inference to find trajectories which are optimal with respect to a given skill and also feasible in different scenarios. We use factor graph optimization to speed up inference. To encode optimality, we provide a new probabilistic skill model based on a stochastic dynamical system. This skill model requires minimal parameter tuning to learn, is suitable to encode skill constraints, and allows efficient inference. Preliminary experimental results showing skill generalization over initial robot state and unforeseen obstacles are presented.} } @INPROCEEDINGS{lehmann2017naturalistic, TITLE={Naturalistic Conversational Gaze Control for Humanoid Robots - A First Step}, AUTHOR={Lehmann, Hagen and Keller, Ingo and Ahmadzadeh, S. Reza and Broz, Frank}, BOOKTITLE={9th International Conference on Social Robotics ({ICSR})}, PAGES={526--535}, YEAR={2017}, MONTH={November}, ADDRESS={Tsukuba, Japan} } @INPROCEEDINGS{lehmann2017naturalisticChapter, TITLE={Naturalistic Conversational Gaze Control for Humanoid Robots - A First Step}, AUTHOR={Lehmann, Hagen and Keller, Ingo and Ahmadzadeh, S. Reza and Broz, Frank}, BOOKTITLE={Social Robotics}, EDITOR={Kheddar, Abderrahmane, and Yoshida, Eiichi and Ge, Shuzhi Sam and Suzuki, Kenji and Cabibihan, John-John and Eyssel, Friederike and He, Hongsheng}, PUBLISHER={Springer International Publishing}, PAGES={526--535}, YEAR={2017}, MONTH={May}, ADDRESS={Cham}, ISBN={978-3-319-70022-9} DOI={10.1007/978-3-319-70022-9_52} } @INPROCEEDINGS{rana2017towards, TITLE={Towards Robust Skill Generalization: Unifying LfD and Motion Planning}, AUTHOR={Rana, Muhammad Asif and Mukadam, Mustafa and Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza and Chernova, Sonia and Boots, Byron}, BOOKTITLE={Robotics: Science and Systems ({RSS}), Workshop on (Empirically) Data-Driven Manipulation}, PAGES={1--3}, YEAR={2017}, MONTH={July}, ADDRESS={Boston, MA, USA}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{rana2017skill, TITLE={Skill Generalization via Inference-Based Planning}, AUTHOR={Rana, Muhammad Asif and Mukadam, Mustafa and Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza and Chernova, Sonia and Boots, Byron}, BOOKTITLE={Robotics: Science and Systems ({RSS}), Workshop on Mathematical Models, Algorithms, and Human-Robot Interaction}, PAGES={1--3}, YEAR={2017}, MONTH={July}, ADDRESS={Boston, MA, USA}, } @ARTICLE{ahmadzadeh2017visuospatial, TITLE={Visuospatial Skill Learning for Robots}, AUTHOR={Ahmadzadeh, S. Reza and Mastrogiovanni, Fulvio and Kormushev, Petar}, JOURNAL={CoRR}, YEAR={2017}, PAGES={1--24}, MONTH={June}, VOLUME={abs/1706.00989} } @INPROCEEDINGS{ahmadzadeh2017generalized, TITLE={Generalized Cylinders for Learning, Reproduction,Generalization, and Refinement of Robot Skills}, AUTHOR={Ahmadzadeh, S. Reza and Rana Muhammad Asif and Chernova, Sonia}, BOOKTITLE={Robotics: Science and Systems ({RSS})}, YEAR={2017}, MONTH={July}, PAGES={1--10}, ADDRESS={Boston, MA, USA} } @INPROCEEDINGS{lehmann2016social, TITLE={Social Behavior for Face to Face Human-Robot Interaction}, AUTHOR={Lehmann, Hagen and Broz, Frank and Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza and Del Bue, Alessio and Natale, Lorenzo and Metta, Giorgio}, BOOKTITLE={9th International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics ({HFR})}, PAGES={112--115}, YEAR={2016}, MONTH={September}, ADDRESS={Genoa, Italy} } @INPROCEEDINGS{ahmadzadeh2016trajectory, TITLE={Trajectory Learning from Demonstration with Canal Surfaces: A Parameter-free Approach}, AUTHOR={Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza and Kaushik, Roshni and Chernova, Sonia}, BOOKTITLE={Humanoid Robots ({H}umanoids), {IEEE-RAS} International Conference on}, YEAR={2016}, MONTH={November}, ORGANIZATION={IEEE}, PAGES={544--549} } @INPROCEEDINGS{ahmadzadeh2016encoding, TITLE={Encoding Demonstrations and Learning New Trajectories using Canal Surfaces}, AUTHOR={Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza and Chernova, Sonia}, BOOKTITLE={25th Inernational joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence ({IJCAI}), Workshop on Interactive Machine Learning: Connecting Humans and Machines}, PAGES={1--7}, YEAR={2016}, MONTH={July}, ADDRESS={New York City, NY, USA}, ORGANIZATION={{IEEE}} } @INPROCEEDINGS{ahmadzadeh2016geometric, TITLE={A Geometric Approach for Encoding Demonstrations and Learning New Trajectories}, AUTHOR={Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza and Chernova, Sonia}, BOOKTITLE={Robotics: Science and Systems ({RSS}), Workshop on Planning for Human-Robot Interaction: Shared Autonomy and Collaborative Robotics}, PAGES={1--3}, YEAR={2016}, MONTH={June}, ADDRESS={Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA}, ORGANIZATION={{IEEE}} } @INBOOK{kormushev2015chapterrobot, AUTHOR={Kormushev, Petar and Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza}, EDITOR={Busoniu, Lucian and Tam{\'a}s, Levente}, TITLE={Robot Learning for Persistent Autonomy}, BOOKTITLE={Handling Uncertainty and Networked Structure in Robot Control}, YEAR={2015}, PUBLISHER={Springer International Publishing}, ADDRESS={Cham}, PAGES={3--28}, ISBN={978-3-319-26327-4}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-319-26327-4_1}, URL={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-26327-4_1} } @INBOOK{ahmadzadeh2015chaptervsl, AUTHOR={Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza and Kormushev, Petar}, EDITOR={Busoniu, Lucian and Tam{\'a}s, Levente}, TITLE={Visuospatial Skill Learning}, BOOKTITLE={Handling Uncertainty and Networked Structure in Robot Control}, YEAR={2015}, PUBLISHER={Springer International Publishing}, ADDRESS={Cham}, PAGES={75--99}, ISBN={978-3-319-26327-4}, DOI={10.1007/978-3-319-26327-4_4}, URL={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-26327-4_4} } @PHDTHESIS{ahmadzadeh2015phdthesis, AUTHOR={S. Reza Ahmadzadeh}, TITLE={Robot Learning of Reactive and Visuospatial Skills}, SCHOOL={Doctoral School on life and humanoid technologies, University of Genoa}, YEAR={2015}, ADDRESS={Genoa, Italy}, MONTH={April}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{ahmadzadeh2015learning, TITLE={Learning Symbolic Representations of Actions from Human Demonstrations}, AUTHOR={Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza and Paikan, Ali and Mastrogiovanni, Fulvio and Natale, Lorenzo and Kormushev, Petar and Caldwell, Darwin G.}, BOOKTITLE={Robotics and Automation ({ICRA}), {IEEE} International Conference on}, PAGES={3801--3808}, YEAR={2015}, MONTH={May}, ADDRESS={Seattle, Washington, USA}, ORGANIZATION={{IEEE}} } @INPROCEEDINGS{ahmadzadeh2014learning, TITLE={Learning Reactive Robot Behavior for Autonomous Valve Turning}, AUTHOR={Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza and Kormushev, Petar and Jamisola, Rodrigo S. and Caldwell, Darwin G.}, BOOKTITLE={Humanoid Robots ({H}umanoids), {IEEE-RAS} International Conference on}, PAGES={685--691}, YEAR={2014}, MONTH={November}, ORGANIZATION={IEEE}, ADDRESS={Madrid,Spain} } @INPROCEEDINGS{ahmadzadeh2014multi, TITLE={Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning for {AUV} Thruster Failure Recovery}, AUTHOR={Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza and Kormushev, Petar and Caldwell, Darwin G.}, BOOKTITLE={{IEEE} Symposium on Adaptive Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning ({ADPRL}), Proc. {IEEE} Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence ({SSCI})}, PAGES={1--8}, YEAR={2014}, MONTH={December}, ORGANIZATION={IEEE}, ADDRESS={Florida, USA}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{ahmadzadeh2014online, TITLE={Online Discovery of {AUV} Control Policies to Overcome Thruster Failure}, AUTHOR={Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza and Leonetti, Matteo and Carrera, Arnau and Carreras, Marc and Kormushev, Petar and Caldwell, Darwin G.}, BOOKTITLE={Robotics and Automation ({ICRA}), {IEEE} International Conference on}, PAGES={6522--6528}, YEAR={2014}, MONTH={May}, ADDRESS={Hong Kong, China}, ORGANIZATION={IEEE}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{jamali2014covariance, TITLE={Covariance Analysis as a Measure of Policy Robustness}, AUTHOR={Jamali, Nawid and Kormushev, Petar and Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza and Caldwell, Darwin G}, BOOKTITLE={{MTS/IEEE OCEANS}}, PAGES={1--5}, YEAR={2014}, MONTH={April}, ORGANIZATION={IEEE}, ADDRESS={Taipei, Taiwan} } @INPROCEEDINGS{ahmadzadeh2013online, TITLE={Online Direct Policy Search for Thruster Failure Recovery in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles}, AUTHOR={Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza and Leonetti, Matteo and Kormushev, Petar}, BOOKTITLE={6th International workshop on Evolutionary and Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Robot System (ERLARS)}, YEAR={2013}, MONTH={September}, ADDRESS={Taormina, Italy} } @INPROCEEDINGS{leonetti2013line, TITLE={On-line Learning to Recover from Thruster Failures on Autonomous Underwater Vehicles}, AUTHOR={Leonetti, Matteo and Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza and Kormushev, Petar}, BOOKTITLE={{MTS/IEEE OCEANS} }, YEAR={2013}, MONTH={September}, ORGANIZATION={IEEE}, ADDRESS={San Diego, USA} } @INPROCEEDINGS{ahmadzadeh2013interactive, TITLE={Interactive Robot Learning of Visuospatial Skills}, AUTHOR={Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza and Kormushev, Petar and Caldwell, Darwin. G.}, BOOKTITLE={Advanced Robotics ({ICAR}), 16th International Conference on}, PAGES={1--8}, YEAR={2013}, ORGANIZATION={IEEE} } @INPROCEEDINGS{ahmadzadeh2013visuospatial, TITLE={Visuospatial Skill Learning for Object Reconfiguration Tasks}, AUTHOR={Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza and Kormushev, Petar and Caldwell, Darwin G.}, BOOKTITLE={Intelligent Robots and Systems ({IROS}), {IEEE/RSJ} International Conference on}, PAGES={685--691}, YEAR={2013}, ORGANIZATION={IEEE} } @INPROCEEDINGS{ahmadzadeh2013autonomous, TITLE={Autonomous Robotic Valve Turning: A Hierarchical Learning Approach}, AUTHOR={Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza and Kormushev, Petar and Caldwell, Darwin G.}, BOOKTITLE={Robotics and Automation ({ICRA}), {IEEE} International Conference on}, PAGES={4614--4619}, YEAR={2013}, ORGANIZATION={IEEE} } @ARTICLE{carrera2012towards, TITLE={Towards Autonomous Robotic Valve Turning}, AUTHOR={Carrera, Arnau and Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza and Ajoudani, Arash and Kormushev, Petar and Carreras, Marc and Caldwell, Darwin G.}, JOURNAL={Cybernetics and Information Technologies}, VOLUME={12}, NUMBER={3}, YEAR={2012} } @INPROCEEDINGS{ahmadzadeh2009design, TITLE={Design of a TSK Fuzzy Controller for an Active Suspension System and Compare the Results with the Linear Feedback Controller Actions}, AUTHOR={Hasanzadeh, Saeedeh and Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza}, BOOKTITLE={{M}echanical {E}ngineering, 6th Annual Student Conference on}, PAGES={1--3}, YEAR={2009}, MONTH={February}, ADDRESS={Tehran, Iran} } @INPROCEEDINGS{ahmadzadeh2005modeling, TITLE={Modeling of Hyper-redundant Manipulators Dynamics and Design of Fuzzy Controller for the System}, AUTHOR={Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza}, BOOKTITLE={Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems ({KIMAS}), {IEEE} International Conference on}, YEAR={2005}, PAGES={248--253}, PUBLISHER={IEEE} } @MASTERSTHESIS{ahmadzadeh2004mscthesis, AUTHOR={S. Reza Ahmadzadeh}, TITLE={Modal Approach to Modeling of Hyper-Redundant Robot Manipulator Dynamics and Design of Fuzzy Controller for the System}, SCHOOL={Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bahonar University of Kerman}, YEAR={2004}, ADDRESS={Kerman, Iran}, MONTH={January}, } @INPROCEEDINGS{ahmadzadeh2003controller, TITLE={Controller Design for Hyper-Redundant Manupulator Using Backbone Curve}, AUTHOR={Ahmadzadeh, Seyed Reza and Hajabasi, Mohamad Ali}, BOOKTITLE={{M}echanics, 8th International Conference on}, PAGES={1--9}, YEAR={2003}, MONTH={May}, ADDRESS={Tehran, Iran} }