v1.6.5 | Mar 27 2023: [Fix] monitor mode white space detection; issue #354 [Change] event_log/clamscan_log now record year in timestamp; issue #352 [Change] -p|--purge will now trim the inotify_log; issue #350 [New] -E|--dump-report to dump reports to stdout; pr #362 [Fix] monitor mode will now fail to start if 'ed' is not installed; issue #350 inotify_log requires in-place inode pruning to prevent exponential growth [Fix] inotify kernel support on debian11 checking only System.map; pr #398 [Fix] human-readable path not displaying on -a|--scan-all default path scan (/home); #407 [Change] default scoped scan adjusted from /var/www/html to /var/www to make sure we scope all www content; #404 [Fix] compare md5 on ignore_sigs between monitor mode cycles and only regenerate signatures on file changes; #397 [New] add detect_control_panel function to files/internals/functions to determine installed control panel; pr #409 [New] add get_panel_contacts to files/internals/functions to discover contact emails; pr #409 [New] add configuration options for From, Subject, Reply-To headers on alert emails; pr #409 [New] add flag to enable these alerts (requires email_alert to be enabled as well); pr #409 [New] add internal configuration to set the user alert template location; pr #409 [New] add a base template that will be used to create emails to control panel contacts; pr #409 [Change] ambiguous restore error modified to include file name [Fix] adjusted ftp.rfxn.com checkout credentials; #390 [Fix] systemd unit file not copying properly; #371, #413 [Fix] monitor mode dependency failures on 'ed' not properly logging to be captured by unit file; #395 [Fix] newer versions of cpulimit explicitly enforce the usage of '--' to define where cpulimit options end; #395