local _, helpers = ... local Aptechka = Aptechka local config = AptechkaDefaultConfig local pixelperfect = helpers.pixelperfect local LSM = LibStub("LibSharedMedia-3.0") LSM:Register("statusbar", "Gradient", [[Interface\AddOns\Aptechka\gradient.tga]]) LSM:Register("font", "AlegreyaSans-Medium", [[Interface\AddOns\Aptechka\AlegreyaSans-Medium.ttf]], GetLocale() ~= "enUS" and 15) local APILevel = math.floor(select(4,GetBuildInfo())/10000) local string_format = string.format local GetSpellTexture = helpers.GetSpellTexture --[[ DRAW LAYERS 2 shield icon border 0 shield icon texture 0 normal icon texture 0 corner indicators 0 text3 fontstring -2 status bar bg -2 debuff type texture -4 absorb sidebar fg -5 absorb sidebar bg -5 absorb checkered fill -5 incoming healing -5 heal absorb checkered -6 healthbar -6 powerbar -8 powerbar bg -8 healthbar bg ]] local FRAMELEVEL = helpers.FRAMELEVEL Aptechka.Widget = {} local dummy = function() end local function WrapFrameAsWidget(frame) if not frame.SetJob then frame.SetJob = dummy end if not frame.StartTrace then frame.StartTrace = dummy end return frame end local function InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) assert(gopts) --[[ local gmt = getmetatable(gopts) if not gmt then local typeDefaults = Aptechka.Widget[gopts.type].default gmt = { __index = typeDefaults } setmetatable(gopts, gmt) end ]] if not popts then return gopts else local mt = getmetatable(popts) if not mt then mt = { __index = gopts } setmetatable(popts, mt) end mt.__index = gopts end return popts end function Aptechka:GetWidgetsOptions(name) local gopts = Aptechka.db.global.widgetConfig[name] if not gopts then return nil end local popts = Aptechka.db.profile.widgetConfig and Aptechka.db.profile.widgetConfig[name] return popts, gopts end function Aptechka:GetWidgetsOptionsOrCreate(name) local popts, gopts = self:GetWidgetsOptions(name) if not gopts then return nil end if not popts then Aptechka.util.MakeTables(Aptechka.db.profile, "widgetConfig", name) popts = Aptechka.db.profile.widgetConfig[name] end return popts, gopts end function Aptechka:GetWidgetsOptionsMerged(name) return InheritGlobalOptions(Aptechka:GetWidgetsOptions(name)) end -- In case any new properties were added for a widget type, -- fill the user-created ones with missing fields function Aptechka:FixWidgetsAfterUpgrade() local gconfig = self.db.global.widgetConfig local defaultWidgets = AptechkaDefaultConfig.DefaultWidgets local toRemove = {} for name, gopts in pairs(gconfig) do if not defaultWidgets[name] then local wtype = gopts.type if wtype then local defaultOpts = Aptechka.Widget[wtype].default for propertyName, value in pairs(defaultOpts) do if gopts[propertyName] == nil then gopts[propertyName] = defaultOpts[propertyName] end end else -- if it gets here that means it's a removed default widget, not a custom one table.insert(toRemove, name) end end end for i, name in ipairs(toRemove) do gconfig[name] = nil end end local reverse = helpers.Reverse local function AttachRegionToMask(region, parent, growth) region:ClearAllPoints() local mask, orientation, isReversed, p1, p2 = parent:GetSeparationRegionAttachmentPoints() if not isReversed then growth = growth * -1 end -- return points on the mask that currently separate health if growth > 0 then -- region will grow in the same direction as mask region:SetPoint(reverse(p1, orientation), mask, p1, 0, 0) region:SetPoint(reverse(p2, orientation), mask, p2, 0, 0) else -- opposite region:SetPoint(p1, mask, p1, 0, 0) region:SetPoint(p2, mask, p2, 0, 0) end end local MakeBorder = function(self, tex, left, right, top, bottom, level) local t = self:CreateTexture(nil,"BORDER",nil,level) t:SetTexture(tex) t:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT", left, -top) t:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", self, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -right, bottom) return t end local CompositeBorder_Set = function(self, left, right, top, bottom) local frame = self[5] local ttop = self[1] ttop:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 0, top) ttop:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", right, 0) local tright = self[2] tright:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", frame, "TOPRIGHT", right, 0) tright:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", frame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -bottom) local tbot = self[3] tbot:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -bottom) tbot:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "BOTTOMLEFT", -left, 0) local tleft = self[4] tleft:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", frame, "BOTTOMLEFT", -left, 0) tleft:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 0, top) end local CompositeBorder_SetColor = function(self, r,g,b,a) local ttop = self[1] ttop:SetVertexColor(r,g,b,a) local tright = self[2] tright:SetVertexColor(r,g,b,a) local tbot = self[3] tbot:SetVertexColor(r,g,b,a) local tleft = self[4] tleft:SetVertexColor(r,g,b,a) end local MakeCompositeBorder = function(frame, tex, left, right, top, bottom, drawLayer, level) local ttop = frame:CreateTexture(nil, drawLayer, nil, level) ttop:SetTexture(tex) local tright = frame:CreateTexture(nil, drawLayer, nil, level) tright:SetTexture(tex) local tbot = frame:CreateTexture(nil, drawLayer, nil, level) tbot:SetTexture(tex) local tleft = frame:CreateTexture(nil, drawLayer, nil, level) tleft:SetTexture(tex) local border = { ttop, tright, tbot, tleft, frame } border.parent = frame border.Set = CompositeBorder_Set border.SetColor = CompositeBorder_SetColor border:Set(left, right, top, bottom) border:SetColor(0,0,0, 1) return border end local function GetSpellColor(job, caster, count) local color if caster ~= "player" and job.foreigncolor then return unpack(job.foreigncolor) elseif job.color then return unpack(job.color) elseif job.stackcolor then return unpack(job.stackcolor[count]) end return 1,1,1 end local function GetSpellColorTable(job, caster, count) local color if caster ~= "player" and job.foreigncolor then return job.foreigncolor elseif job.stackcolor then return job.stackcolor[count] elseif job.color then return job.color end return { 1,1,1 } end local function GetColor(job) local r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb local c = job.color r = c[1] g = c[2] b = c[3] a = c[4] or 1 tr,tg,tb = r,g,b return r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb end local function GetTextColor(job) if not job.textcolor then return GetColor(job) end local r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb tr,tg,tb = unpack(job.textcolor) local c = job.color r = c[1] g = c[2] b = c[3] a = c[4] or 1 return r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb end local function GetClassOrTextColor(job, state) local cc = (job.classcolor and state.classColor) if not cc then return GetTextColor(job) end local r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb r = cc[1] g = cc[2] b = cc[3] a = 1 tr,tg,tb = r,g,b return r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb end local math_abs = math.abs local function formatMissingHealth(mh) local amh = math_abs(mh) if amh < 1000 then return "%d", mh elseif amh < 10000 then return "%.1fk", mh / 1000 else return "%.0fk", mh / 1000 end end local function formatShorten(v) local av = math_abs(v) if av < 1000 then return "%d", v elseif av < 10000 then return "%.1fk", v / 1000 else return "%.0fk", v / 1000 end end local function formatShortenPositiveHealing(v) if v < 1000 then return "|cff00ff00+%d|r", v elseif v < 10000 then return "|cff00ff00+%.1fk|r", v / 1000 else return "|cff00ff00+%.0fk|r", v / 1000 end end local TextFormatters = { MISSING_VALUE_SHORT = function(cur, max) return string_format(formatMissingHealth(cur-max)) end, MISSING_HEALING_SHORT = function(cur, max, incomingHeal) local diff = cur-max+incomingHeal if diff < 0 then return string_format(formatShorten(cur-max+incomingHeal)) else return string_format(formatShortenPositiveHealing(cur-max+incomingHeal)) end end, VALUE = function(cur, max) return cur end, VALUE_SHORT = function(cur, max) return string_format(formatShorten(cur)) end, PERCENTAGE = function(cur, max) return string_format("%.0f%%", cur/max*100) end, PERCENTAGE_NOSIGN = function(cur, max) return string_format("%.0f", cur/max*100) end, } local function FormatText(job, ...) local formattter = TextFormatters[job.formatType] or TextFormatters.VALUE return formattter(...) end local contentNormalizers = {} function contentNormalizers.HealthText(job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords local incomingHeal cur, max, incomingHeal = ... text = FormatText(job, cur, max, incomingHeal) r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb = GetClassOrTextColor(job, state) return timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords end -- contentNormalizers.AbsorbText = contentNormalizers.HealthText function contentNormalizers.INCOMING_HEAL(job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords cur = ... text = string_format("+%d", cur) r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb = GetTextColor(job) return timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords end local PowerBarColor = PowerBarColor function contentNormalizers.POWERCOLOR(job, state, contentType, pname, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords local db = Aptechka.db.profile local showPowerTypeColors = true if showPowerTypeColors and (pname ~= "MANA" and pname ~= "NONE") then local c = PowerBarColor[pname] -- getting default color from a globalr2 r,g,b = c.r, c.g, c.b else r,g,b = unpack(db.powerColor) end a = 1 text = job.text return timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords end function contentNormalizers.AURA(job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords local duration, expirationTime, count1, icon1, spellID, caster = ... count = count1 text = job.text or job.name if job.infoType == "DURATION" and duration ~= 0 then cur = duration max = expirationTime timerType = "TIMER" elseif job.infoType == "COUNT" then cur = count max = job.maxCount or 5 text = count end icon = icon1 r,g,b = GetSpellColor(job, caster, count) a, tr,tg,tb = 1,r,g,b return timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords end function contentNormalizers.TIMER(job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords timerType = "FORWARD" local startTime = ... cur = startTime text = job.text or job.name r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb = GetTextColor(job) return timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords end function contentNormalizers.Stagger(job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords local stagger = state.stagger text = stagger and string_format("%.0f%%", stagger*100) or "" r,g,b = helpers.PercentColor(stagger) a, tr,tg,tb = 1,r,g,b return timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords end function contentNormalizers.PROGRESS(job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords local c, m, perc = ... cur = c max = m r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb = GetTextColor(job) -- r,g,b = helpers.PercentColor(perc) text = FormatText(job, cur, max) return timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords end function contentNormalizers.UnitName(job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords text = state.name local db = Aptechka.db.profile local c = (db.nameColorByClass and state.classColor) or db.nameColor r,g,b = unpack(c) local m = db.nameColorMultiplier r = r*m g = g*m b = b*m a, tr,tg,tb = 1,r,g,b return timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords end function contentNormalizers.TEXTURE(job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords texture, texCoords = ... text = job.name r,g,b = 1,1,1 a, tr,tg,tb = 1,r,g,b return timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords end local phaseIconCoords = {0.15625, 0.84375, 0.15625, 0.84375} function contentNormalizers.PHASED(job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords texture = "Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-PhasingIcon" texCoords = phaseIconCoords r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb = GetTextColor(job) text = job.name return timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords end function contentNormalizers.RESURRECTION(job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords texture = "Interface\\RaidFrame\\Raid-Icon-Rez" r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb = GetTextColor(job) text = job.name return timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords end local roleCoords = { TANK = { 0, 19/64, 22/64, 41/64 }, HEALER = { 20/64, 39/64, 1/64, 20/64 }, } local roleColors = { TANK = { 0.4, 0.4, 1 }, HEALER = { 0.4, 1, 0.4 }, } function contentNormalizers.ROLE(job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords local role = ... texture = "Interface\\LFGFrame\\UI-LFG-ICON-PORTRAITROLES" texCoords = roleCoords[role] text = role r,g,b = unpack(roleColors[role]) return timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords end local READY_CHECK_READY_TEXTURE = "Interface\\RaidFrame\\ReadyCheck-Ready" local READY_CHECK_NOT_READY_TEXTURE = "Interface\\RaidFrame\\ReadyCheck-NotReady" local READY_CHECK_WAITING_TEXTURE = "Interface\\RaidFrame\\ReadyCheck-Waiting" function contentNormalizers.READY_CHECK(job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords local status = ... -- texCoords = "ATLAS" if status == 'ready' then texture = READY_CHECK_READY_TEXTURE -- texture = "UI-LFG-ReadyMark" r,g,b = 0,1,0 elseif status == 'notready' then texture = READY_CHECK_NOT_READY_TEXTURE -- texture = "UI-LFG-DeclineMark" r,g,b = 1,0,0 elseif status == 'waiting' then texture = READY_CHECK_WAITING_TEXTURE -- texture = "UI-LFG-PendingMark" r,g,b = 1,1,0 end text = job.name return timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords end function contentNormalizers.OUTOFRANGE(job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords a = ... text = job.name r,g,b = 1,1,1 tr,tg,tb = 1,1,1 return timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords end local DT_TextureCoords = { Magic = { 0.90234375, 0.97265625, 0.109375, 0.390625 }, Curse = { 0.02734375, 0.09765625, 0.609375, 0.890625 }, Poison = { 0.15234375, 0.22265625, 0.609375, 0.890625 }, Disease = { 0.27734375, 0.34765625, 0.609375, 0.890625 }, DANGER = { 0.52734375, 0.59765625, 0.109375, 0.390625 }, } local DT_Icons = { Magic = 135834, Curse = 136130, Poison = 132108, Disease = 132100, } function contentNormalizers.DEBUFF_HIGHLIGHT(job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb = GetColor(job) text = "!!!" texture = "Interface\\EncounterJournal\\UI-EJ-Icons" icon = 132094 texCoords = DT_TextureCoords.DANGER return timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords end function contentNormalizers.TARGET_COUNT(job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords count = ... cur = count max = 10 r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb = GetTextColor(job) text = count -- texture = nil icon = 458723 -- texCoords = nil return timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords end function contentNormalizers.DISPELTYPE(job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords local debuffType, duration, expirationTime, count1, icon1, spellID, caster = ... local color = helpers.DebuffTypeColors[debuffType] cur = duration max = expirationTime timerType = "TIMER" count = count1 r,g,b = unpack(color) a, tr,tg,tb = 1,r,g,b text = debuffType texture = "Interface\\EncounterJournal\\UI-EJ-Icons" icon = icon1 -- DT_Icons[debuffType] texCoords = DT_TextureCoords[debuffType] return timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords end function contentNormalizers.CCEFFECT(job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords local debuffType, duration, expirationTime, count1, icon1, spellID, caster = ... debuffType = debuffType or "Physical" local color = job.color or helpers.DebuffTypeColors[debuffType] cur = duration max = expirationTime timerType = "TIMER" count = count1 r,g,b = unpack(color) a, tr,tg,tb = 1,r,g,b text = job.text texture = "Interface\\EncounterJournal\\UI-EJ-Icons" icon = icon1 -- DT_Icons[debuffType] texCoords = DT_TextureCoords[debuffType] return timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords end function contentNormalizers.LEADER(job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb = GetTextColor(job) text = "L" texture = "Interface\\GroupFrame\\UI-Group-LeaderIcon" icon = APILevel <= 3 and 132768 or 1670850 return timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords end function contentNormalizers.CAST(job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords, isReversed local castType, name, duration, expirationTime, count1, icon1, spellID = ... cur = duration max = expirationTime timerType = "TIMER" count = count1 if castType == "CHANNEL" then r,g,b = 0.8, 1, 0.3 isReversed = false else r,g,b = 1, 0.65, 0 isReversed = true end a, tr,tg,tb = 1,r,g,b text = name icon = icon1 return timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords, isReversed end local RaidTargetCoords = { { 0, 0.25, 0, 0.25, }, { 0.25, 0.5, 0, 0.25 }, { 0.5, 0.75, 0, 0.25 }, { 0.75, 1, 0, 0.25 }, { 0, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5 }, { 0.25, 0.5, 0.25, 0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.75, 0.25, 0.5 }, { 0.75, 1, 0.25, 0.5 }, } function contentNormalizers.RAIDTARGET(job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords local raidTargetIndex = ... r,g,b = 1,1,1 a, tr,tg,tb = 1,r,g,b text = job.name texture = "Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-RaidTargetingIcons" texCoords = RaidTargetCoords[raidTargetIndex] return timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords end function contentNormalizers.Default(job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords text = job.text or job.name r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb = GetTextColor(job) return timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords end local function NormalizeContent(job, state, contentType, ...) local handler = contentNormalizers[contentType] or contentNormalizers["Default"] return handler(job, state, contentType, ...) end function Aptechka:NormalizeWidgetContent(...) NormalizeContent(...) end local function multiplyColor(mul, r,g,b,a) return r*mul, g*mul, b*mul, a end local HealthBarSetColorFG = function(self, r,g,b,a, mul) self:SetStatusBarColor(r*mul, g*mul, b*mul, a) end local HealthBarSetColorBG = function(self, r,g,b,a, mul) self:SetVertexColor(r*mul, g*mul, b*mul, a) end local SetJob_HealthBar = function(self, job, state, contentType, ...) local profile = Aptechka.db.profile local r,g,b local a = 1 local r2,g2,b2 -- TODO: Move to content handlers? if contentType == "HealthBar" then local isGradient = state.gradientHealthColor local c1 = state.healthColor1 if not c1 then return end -- At some point during initialization health updates before colors are determined if isGradient then local c2 = state.healthColor2 local c3 = state.healthColor3 local progress = state.healthPercent or 1 progress = progress*1.2-0.2 r,g,b = helpers.GetGradientColor3(c1, c2, c3, progress) else r,g,b = unpack(c1) end if profile.useCustomBackgroundColor then r2,g2,b2 = unpack(profile.customBackgroundColor) else r2,g2,b2 = r,g,b end else local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, _,_,_, _, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords, isReversed timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords, isReversed = NormalizeContent(job, state, contentType, ...) r2,g2,b2 = r,g,b end if b then local mulFG = profile.fgColorMultiplier or 1 local mulBG = profile.bgColorMultiplier or 0.2 local bgAlpha = profile.bgAlpha self:SetColor(r,g,b,a,mulFG) self.bg:SetColor(r2,g2,b2, bgAlpha,mulBG) end end local SetJob_PowerBar = function(self, job, state, contentType, ...) local profile = Aptechka.db.profile local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords, isReversed = NormalizeContent(job, state, contentType, ...) local r2,g2,b2 if profile.useCustomBackgroundColorPower then r2,g2,b2 = unpack(profile.customBackgroundColorPower) else r2,g2,b2 = r,g,b end if b then local mulFG = profile.fgColorMultiplier or 1 local mulBG = profile.bgColorMultiplier or 0.2 local bgAlpha = profile.bgAlpha self:SetColor(r,g,b,a,mulFG) self.bg:SetColor(r2,g2,b2, bgAlpha,mulBG) end end local forcedStandardFillPowerTypes = { RAGE = true, FURY = true, PAIN = true, RUNIC_POWER = true, INSANITY = true, MAELSTROM = true, LUNAR_POWER = true, } local PowerBar_OnPowerTypeChange = function(powerbar, powerType, hidePower) local self = powerbar:GetParent() local isInverted = Aptechka.db.profile.fgShowMissing if not isInverted then self.power:SetFillStyleLock(false) self.power:SetFillStyle("STANDARD") else if forcedStandardFillPowerTypes[powerType] then self.power:SetFillStyle("STANDARD") self.power:SetFillStyleLock(true) else self.power:SetFillStyleLock(false) self.power:SetFillStyle("REVERSE") end end local isVertical = Aptechka.db.profile.healthOrientation == "VERTICAL" if hidePower then self.power.disabled = true self.power:Hide() -- self.power.powerType = "NONE" if isVertical then -- self.health:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT",0,0) self.health:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", self, "TOPRIGHT",0,0) else -- self.health:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT",0,0) self.health:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", self, "BOTTOMLEFT",0,0) end else self.power.disabled = nil self.power:Show() -- self.power.powerType = powerType if isVertical then self.health:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT",0,0) self.health:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", self.power, "TOPLEFT",0,0) else self.health:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT",0,0) self.health:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", self.power, "TOPLEFT",0,0) end end -- if self.healfeedbackpassive then -- self.healfeedbackpassive:ClearAllPoints() -- if self.power:IsShown() and Aptechka.db.profile.healthOrientation == "VERTICAL" then -- self.healfeedbackpassive:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", self.power, "TOPLEFT", 0,0) -- else -- self.healfeedbackpassive:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", self, "TOPRIGHT", 0,0) -- end -- end end ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Animations ------------------------------------------------------------ local Pulse_AnimOnFinished = function(self) self.pulses = self.pulses + 1 local ag = self:GetParent() if self.pulses > ag.maxpulses then ag:Stop() ag.done = true end end local Pulse_AnimGroupOnPlay = function(ag) ag.a2.pulses = 0 end local Pulse_OnHide = function(self) self.pulse.done = false end local function Pulse_PlayAnim(self, job) if not self.pulse.done and not self.pulse:IsPlaying() then if job.pulse == true then job.pulse = 10 end self.pulse.maxpulses = job.pulse self.pulse:Play() end end local function AddPulseAnimation(f) local pag = f:CreateAnimationGroup() pag:SetLooping("REPEAT") pag.maxpulses = 10 local pa1 = pag:CreateAnimation("Alpha") pa1:SetFromAlpha(1) pa1:SetToAlpha(0) pa1:SetDuration(0.15) pa1:SetOrder(1) pag.a1 = pa1 local pa2 = pag:CreateAnimation("Alpha") pa2:SetFromAlpha(0) pa2:SetToAlpha(1) pa2:SetDuration(0.15) pa2:SetOrder(2) pag.a2 = pa2 pa2:SetScript("OnFinished", Pulse_AnimOnFinished) pag:SetScript("OnPlay", Pulse_AnimGroupOnPlay) f:SetScript("OnHide", Pulse_OnHide) f.pulse = pag end local BlinkAnimOnFinished = function(ag) local widget = ag:GetParent() local frame = widget:GetParent() widget.traceJob = nil Aptechka:UpdateWidget(frame, widget) end local function AddBlinkAnimation(f) local bag = f:CreateAnimationGroup() bag:SetLooping("NONE") local ba1 = bag:CreateAnimation("Alpha") ba1:SetFromAlpha(0) ba1:SetToAlpha(1) ba1:SetDuration(0.1) ba1:SetOrder(1) local ba2 = bag:CreateAnimation("Alpha") ba2:SetFromAlpha(1) ba2:SetToAlpha(0) ba2:SetDuration(0.7) ba2:SetOrder(2) bag.a2 = ba2 bag:SetScript("OnFinished", BlinkAnimOnFinished) f.blink = bag end local function MakeStartTraceForBlinkAnimation(func) return function(self, job, ...) if self.traceJob and self.traceJob.priority > job.priority then return end self.traceJob = job self:Show() self.blink.a2:SetFromAlpha(1) self.blink.a2:SetToAlpha(0) local duration = job.fade or 0.7 self.blink.a2:SetDuration(duration) func(self, job, ...) -- local r,g,b,a = GetColor(job) -- self.texture:SetVertexColor(r,g,b,a) -- local scale = job.scale or 1 -- self:SetScale(scale) if self.blink:IsPlaying() then self.blink:Stop() end self.blink:Play() end end local function AddSpinAnimation(f) local rag = f:CreateAnimationGroup() local r1 = rag:CreateAnimation("Rotation") r1:SetDegrees(360) r1:SetSmoothing("IN_OUT") r1:SetDuration(1) r1:SetOrder(1) f.spin = rag end local function UpdateFramePoints(frame, parent, opts, w, h) frame:ClearAllPoints() -- frame:SetSize(w, h) frame:SetWidth(w) frame:SetHeight(h) frame:SetPoint(opts.point, parent, opts.point, opts.x, opts.y) end -- This function is called from Reconf and by itself -- handles disables between profile switches local function CheckDisabled(widget, isDisabled) local wasDisabled = widget.disabled widget.disabled = isDisabled if isDisabled then widget:Hide() -- elseif wasDisabled ~= isDisabled and wasDisabled ~= nil then elseif wasDisabled == true then local frame = widget:GetParent() if frame.state then -- if parent is an actual untiframe and not just header Aptechka:UpdateWidget(frame, widget) end end end ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Array ---------------------------------------------------------------- local SetJob_Array = function(hdr, job, state, contentType, ...) local widgetState = state.widgets[hdr] for i=1,hdr.maxChildren do local widget = hdr.children[i] local jobData = widgetState[i] if jobData then if not widget then -- dynamically create missing children widget = hdr:Add() end local job = jobData.job widget.previousJob = widget.currentJob widget.currentJob = job widget:SetJob(job, state, unpack(jobData)) widget:Show() elseif widget then widget.previousJob = widget.currentJob widget.currentJob = nil widget:Hide() else break end end end local function ArrayHeader_Arrange(hdr, startIndex) local numChildren = #hdr.children local gap = pixelperfect(1) local point, relativeTo, relativePoint, _, _ = hdr:GetPoint(1) local alignH = helpers.GetHorizontalAlignmentFromPoint(point) local alignV = helpers.GetVerticalAlignmentFromPoint(point) startIndex = startIndex or 1 for i=startIndex, numChildren do local widget = hdr.children[i] widget:ClearAllPoints() if i == 1 then widget:SetPoint(point, hdr, point, 0,0) else local growthDirection = hdr.growthDirection:upper() local prevWidget = hdr.children[i-1] if growthDirection == "DOWN" then widget:SetPoint("TOP"..alignH, prevWidget, "BOTTOM"..alignH, 0, -gap) elseif growthDirection == "LEFT" then widget:SetPoint(alignV.."RIGHT", prevWidget, alignV.."LEFT", -gap, 0) elseif growthDirection == "RIGHT" then widget:SetPoint(alignV.."LEFT", prevWidget, alignV.."RIGHT", gap, 0) else widget:SetPoint("BOTTOM"..alignH, prevWidget, "TOP"..alignH, 0, gap) end end end end local function ArrayHeader_Add(hdr) -- if #hdr.children >= hdr.maxChildren then return end local widget = Aptechka.Widget[hdr.childType].Create(hdr, nil, hdr.template) table.insert(hdr.children, widget) hdr:Arrange(#hdr.children) return widget end -- When SetJob on header finds no active jobs it just hides the header -- But .currentJob and .previousJob on the last child don't get updated local function ArrayHeader_OnHide(hdr) for i=1, #hdr.children do local widget = hdr.children[i] widget.previousJob = widget.currentJob widget.currentJob = nil widget:Hide() end end local function CreateArrayHeader(childType, parent, opts) local barTemplate = opts local hdr = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent) CheckDisabled(hdr, opts.disabled) hdr:SetSize(10, 10) hdr:SetPoint(opts.point, parent, opts.point, opts.x, opts.y) -- local firstChild = Aptechka.Widget.Bar.Create(hdr, barTemplate) -- firstChild:ClearAllPoints() -- firstChild:SetPoint(point, hdr, point, 0, 0) hdr.childType = childType hdr.children = {} hdr.maxChildren = opts.max or 5 hdr.template = barTemplate hdr.growthDirection = opts.growth hdr:SetScript("OnHide", ArrayHeader_OnHide) hdr.Add = ArrayHeader_Add hdr.Arrange = ArrayHeader_Arrange hdr.SetJob = SetJob_Array return WrapFrameAsWidget(hdr) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Square Indicator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local PixelScaleMixin = {} function PixelScaleMixin.SetVScale(self, vscale) local bh = self._baseHeight local sh = bh*vscale self:SetHeight(sh) end function PixelScaleMixin.SetHScale(self, hscale) local bw = self._baseWidth local sw = bw*hscale self:SetWidth(sw) end function PixelScaleMixin.SetUScale(self, scale) self:SetHScale(scale) self:SetVScale(scale) end local Indicator_StartTrace = MakeStartTraceForBlinkAnimation(function(self, job) local r,g,b,a = GetColor(job) self.color:SetVertexColor(r,g,b,a) end) local SetJob_Indicator = function(self, job, state, contentType, ...) if self.traceJob then return end -- widget is busy with animation if self.currentJob ~= self.previousJob then if job.pulse then Pulse_PlayAnim(self, job) end local scale = job.scale or 1 self:SetUScale(scale) if job.spin then if self.spin:IsPlaying() then self.spin:Stop() end self.spin:Play() else self.spin:Stop() end end local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords, isReversed = NormalizeContent(job, state, contentType, ...) self.color:SetVertexColor(r,g,b) if timerType == "TIMER" then local duration, expirationTime = cur, max self.cd:SetReverse(not isReversed) self.cd:SetCooldown(expirationTime - duration, duration, 0,0) elseif max and cur then local stime = 300 local completed = (max - cur) * stime local total = max * stime local start = GetTime() - completed self.cd:SetReverse(true) self.cd:SetCooldown(start, total) else self.cd:Hide() end end Aptechka.Widget.Indicator = {} Aptechka.Widget.Indicator.default = { type = "Indicator", width = 7, height = 7, point = "TOPRIGHT", x = 0, y = 0, } function Aptechka.Widget.Indicator.Reconf(parent, f, popts, gopts) local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) CheckDisabled(f, opts.disabled) local w = pixelperfect(opts.width) local h = pixelperfect(opts.height) f._baseWidth = w f._baseHeight = h UpdateFramePoints(f, parent, opts, w, h) end function Aptechka.Widget.Indicator.Create(parent, popts, gopts) local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) local f = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,parent) Aptechka.Widget.Indicator.Reconf(parent, f, popts, gopts) -- local w = pixelperfect(opts.width) -- local h = pixelperfect(opts.height) -- f._baseWidth = w -- f._baseHeight = h -- UpdateFramePoints(f, parent, opts, w, h) local border = pixelperfect(Aptechka.db.global.borderWidth) local outline = MakeBorder(f, "Interface\\BUTTONS\\WHITE8X8", -border, -border, -border, -border, -2) outline:SetVertexColor(0,0,0) f:SetFrameLevel(FRAMELEVEL.INDICATOR) local t = f:CreateTexture(nil,"ARTWORK") t:SetTexture[[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]] t:SetAllPoints(f) f.color = t local icd = CreateFrame("Cooldown",nil,f, "CooldownFrameTemplate") icd.noCooldownCount = true -- disable OmniCC for this cooldown icd:SetEdgeTexture("Interface\\Cooldown\\edge"); icd:SetSwipeColor(0, 0, 0); icd:SetDrawEdge(false); -- icd:SetDrawSwipe(true); icd:SetHideCountdownNumbers(true); icd:SetReverse(true) icd:SetAllPoints(f) f.cd = icd f.parent = parent f.SetJob = SetJob_Indicator f.StartTrace = Indicator_StartTrace Mixin(f, PixelScaleMixin) -- local pag = f:CreateAnimationGroup() -- local pa1 = pag:CreateAnimation("Scale") -- pa1:SetScale(2,2) -- pa1:SetDuration(0.2) -- pa1:SetOrder(1) -- local pa2 = pag:CreateAnimation("Scale") -- pa2:SetScale(0.5,0.5) -- pa2:SetDuration(0.8) -- pa2:SetOrder(2) AddSpinAnimation(f) AddBlinkAnimation(f) AddPulseAnimation(f) f.SetMinMaxValues = function(self, min, max ) self._min = min self._max = max end f:SetMinMaxValues(0,1) f.SetValue = function(self, val) local duration = 259200 -- 3 days local progress = (val - self._min) / (self._max - self._min) local start = GetTime() - duration * progress self.cd:SetCooldown(start, duration,0,0) end f:Hide() return f end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Texture ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local Texture_StartTrace = MakeStartTraceForBlinkAnimation(function(self, job) local r,g,b,a = GetColor(job) self.texture:SetVertexColor(r,g,b,a) local scale = job.scale or 1 self:SetScale(scale) end) -- function PrintSetRaidTargetIconTexture (texture, raidTargetIconIndex) -- raidTargetIconIndex = raidTargetIconIndex - 1; -- local left, right, top, bottom; -- local coordIncrement = RAID_TARGET_ICON_DIMENSION / RAID_TARGET_TEXTURE_DIMENSION; -- left = mod(raidTargetIconIndex , RAID_TARGET_TEXTURE_COLUMNS) * coordIncrement; -- right = left + coordIncrement; -- top = floor(raidTargetIconIndex / RAID_TARGET_TEXTURE_ROWS) * coordIncrement; -- bottom = top + coordIncrement; -- -- texture:SetTexCoord(left, right, top, bottom); -- print(left, right, top, bottom) -- end -- function EncounterJournal_SetFlagIcon(texture, index) -- local iconSize = 32; -- local columns = 256/iconSize; -- local rows = 64/iconSize; -- local l = mod(index, columns) / columns; -- local r = l + (1/columns); -- local t = floor(index/columns) / rows; -- local b = t + (1/rows); -- local crop = 7 -- local ch = crop/256; -- local cv = crop/64; -- print(l+ch,r-ch,t+cv,b-cv); -- -- texture:SetTexCoord(l+ch,r-ch,t+cv,b-cv); -- end local SetJob_Texture = function(self, job, state, contentType, ...) if self.traceJob then return end -- widget is busy with animation local t = self.texture local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords = NormalizeContent(job, state, contentType, ...) local tex if texture and not self.disableOverrides then t.usingCustomTexture = true r,g,b = 1,1,1 if texCoords == "ATLAS" then t:SetAtlas(texture, false) else t:SetTexture(texture) if texCoords then t:SetTexCoord(unpack(texCoords)) else t:SetTexCoord(0,1,0,1) end end else t.usingCustomTexture = nil t:SetTexture(self._defaultTexture) t:RotateCoords(t.rotation) end t:SetVertexColor(r,g,b) if self.currentJob ~= self.previousJob then if job.scale then self:SetScale(job.scale) else self:SetScale(1) end if job.pulse then Pulse_PlayAnim(self, job) end end end Aptechka.Widget.Texture = {} Aptechka.Widget.Texture.default = { type = "Texture", width = 20, height = 20, point = "TOPLEFT", x = 0, y = 0, texture = "Interface\\AddOns\\Aptechka\\corner", rotation = 180, zorder = 0, alpha = 1, blendmode = "BLEND", disableOverrides = false } local function Texture_RotateCoords(t, rotation) if rotation == 90 then -- BOTTOMLEFT -- (ULx,ULy,LLx,LLy,URx,URy,LRx,LRy); t:SetTexCoord(1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1) elseif rotation == 180 then -- TOPLEFT t:SetTexCoord(1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0) elseif rotation == 270 then -- TOPRIGHT t:SetTexCoord(0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0) else t:SetTexCoord(0,1, 0,1) -- STRAIGHT / BOTTOMRIGHT end end function Aptechka.Widget.Texture.Reconf(parent, f, popts, gopts) local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) CheckDisabled(f, opts.disabled) local w = pixelperfect(opts.width) local h = pixelperfect(opts.height) UpdateFramePoints(f, parent, opts, w, h) local t = f.texture -- This can overwrite custom texture a widget is currently using if not t.usingCustomTexture then t:SetTexture(opts.texture) local rotation = opts.rotation t.rotation = rotation t:RotateCoords(rotation) end f._defaultTexture = opts.texture f.disableOverrides = opts.disableOverrides t:SetBlendMode(opts.blendmode) t:SetAlpha(opts.alpha) local zOrderMod = opts.zorder or 0 f:SetFrameLevel(math.max(FRAMELEVEL.TEXTURE+zOrderMod, 0)) -- t:SetDrawLayer("ARTWORK", 0) end function Aptechka.Widget.Texture.Create(parent, popts, gopts) local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) local f = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,parent) f.parent = parent f.SetJob = SetJob_Texture f.StartTrace = Texture_StartTrace local t = f:CreateTexture(nil,"ARTWORK") t.RotateCoords = Texture_RotateCoords t:SetAllPoints(f) f.texture = t Aptechka.Widget.Texture.Reconf(parent, f, popts, gopts) AddBlinkAnimation(f) AddPulseAnimation(f) f:Hide() return f end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- StatusBar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local StatusBarOnUpdate = function(self, time) self.OnUpdateCounter = (self.OnUpdateCounter or 0) + time if self.OnUpdateCounter < 0.05 then return end self.OnUpdateCounter = 0 local timeLeft = self.endTime - GetTime() if self.pandemic and timeLeft < self.pandemic then self:SetStatusBarColor(unpack(self.refreshColor)) self.pandemic = nil end if self.isReversed then timeLeft = self.duration - timeLeft end self:SetValue(timeLeft) end local SetJob_StatusBar = function(self, job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords, isReversed = NormalizeContent(job, state, contentType, ...) self:SetStatusBarColor(r,g,b) self.bg:SetVertexColor(r*0.25, g*0.25, b*0.25) if timerType == "TIMER" then local duration, expirationTime = cur, max self.endTime = expirationTime self.duration = duration self.isReversed = isReversed local pandemic = job.refreshTime if pandemic then if job.refreshColor then self.refreshColor = job.refreshColor else self.refreshColor = { r*0.75, g*0.75, b*0.75 } end end self.pandemic = pandemic self:SetMinMaxValues(0, duration) -- self:SetValue(timeLeft) StatusBarOnUpdate(self, 0) self:SetScript("OnUpdate", StatusBarOnUpdate) elseif max and cur then self:SetMinMaxValues(0, max) self:SetValue(cur) self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil) else self:SetMinMaxValues(0, 1) self:SetValue(1) self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil) end if self.currentJob ~= self.previousJob then if job.spin then if self.spin:IsPlaying() then self.spin:Stop() end self.spin:Play() else self.spin:Stop() end local vscale = job.scale or 1 self:SetVScale(vscale) local hscale = job.hscale or 1 self:SetHScale(hscale) end end Aptechka.Widget.Bar = {} Aptechka.Widget.Bar.default = { type = "Bar", width = 10, height = 6, point = "TOPLEFT", x = 0, y = 0, vertical = false } function Aptechka.Widget.Bar.Reconf(parent, f, popts, gopts) local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) CheckDisabled(f, opts.disabled) local w = pixelperfect(opts.width) local h = pixelperfect(opts.height) f._baseWidth = w f._baseHeight = h UpdateFramePoints(f, parent, opts, w, h) f:SetOrientation( opts.vertical and "VERTICAL" or "HORIZONTAL") end function Aptechka.Widget.Bar.Create(parent, popts, gopts) local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) local f = CreateFrame("StatusBar",nil,parent) Aptechka.Widget.Bar.Reconf(parent, f, popts, gopts) local border = pixelperfect(Aptechka.db.global.borderWidth) local outline = MakeBorder(f, "Interface\\BUTTONS\\WHITE8X8", -border, -border, -border, -border, -2) outline:SetVertexColor(0,0,0) f:SetFrameLevel(FRAMELEVEL.BAR) f:SetStatusBarTexture[[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]] local bg = f:CreateTexture(nil,"ARTWORK",nil,-2) bg:SetTexture[[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]] bg:SetAllPoints(f) f.bg = bg -- local pandot = f:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK", nil, -1) -- pandot:SetTexture[[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]] -- pandot:SetWidth(pixelperfect(3)) -- pandot:SetHeight(pixelperfect(3)) -- pandot:SetPoint("CENTER", f, "RIGHT", -pixelperfect(4), 0) -- f.pandot = pandot f.parent = parent f.SetJob = SetJob_StatusBar Mixin(f, PixelScaleMixin) f:SetScript("OnUpdate", StatusBarOnUpdate) AddSpinAnimation(f) f:Hide() return WrapFrameAsWidget(f) end Aptechka.Widget.BarArray = {} Aptechka.Widget.BarArray.default = { type = "BarArray", width = 10, height = 6, point = "TOPLEFT", x = 0, y = 0, vertical = false, growth = "UP", max = 7 } function Aptechka.Widget.BarArray.Create(parent, popts, gopts) local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) return CreateArrayHeader("Bar", parent, opts) end function Aptechka.Widget.BarArray.Reconf(parent, hdr, popts, gopts) local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) hdr:ClearAllPoints() hdr:SetPoint(opts.point, parent, opts.point, opts.x, opts.y) hdr.maxChildren = opts.max or 5 hdr.template = opts hdr.growthDirection = opts.growth for i, widget in ipairs(hdr.children) do Aptechka.Widget[hdr.childType].Reconf(hdr, widget, nil, opts) -- Ruins anchors until the following :Arrange() end hdr:Arrange() CheckDisabled(hdr, opts.disabled) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Indicator Array ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aptechka.Widget.IndicatorArray = {} Aptechka.Widget.IndicatorArray.default = { type = "IndicatorArray", width = 7, height = 7, point = "TOPRIGHT", x = 0, y = 0, growth = "LEFT", max = 3 } function Aptechka.Widget.IndicatorArray.Create(parent, popts, gopts) local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) return CreateArrayHeader("Indicator", parent, opts) end Aptechka.Widget.IndicatorArray.Reconf = Aptechka.Widget.BarArray.Reconf ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Icon Array ---------------------------------------------------------- Aptechka.Widget.IconArray = {} Aptechka.Widget.IconArray.default = { type = "IconArray", width = 15, height = 15, point = "TOPRIGHT", x = 0, y = 0, alpha = 1, font = config.defaultFont, textsize = 10, outline = true, edge = true, growth = "LEFT", max = 3 } function Aptechka.Widget.IconArray.Create(parent, popts, gopts) local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) return CreateArrayHeader("Icon", parent, opts) end Aptechka.Widget.IconArray.Reconf = Aptechka.Widget.BarArray.Reconf ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Base Icon ---------------------------------------------------------- local SetJob_Icon = function(self, job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords, isReversed = NormalizeContent(job, state, contentType, ...) if timerType == "TIMER" then local duration, expirationTime = cur, max self.cd:SetReverse(not isReversed) self.cd:SetCooldown(expirationTime - duration, duration) self.cd:Show() else self.cd:Hide() end self.texture:SetTexture(icon or 136190) if count and count > 1 then self.stacktext:SetText(count) else self.stacktext:SetText() end end local Icon_StartTrace = MakeStartTraceForBlinkAnimation(function(self, job, spellID) local tex = spellID and GetSpellTexture(spellID) self.texture:SetTexture(tex or job.icon or 136190) self.stacktext:SetText() self.cd:Hide() end) --[[ local CreateShieldIcon = function(parent,w,h,alpha,point,frame,to,x,y) local icon = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,parent) icon:SetWidth(w); icon:SetHeight(h) icon:SetPoint(point,frame,to,x,y) icon:SetFrameLevel(7) local shield = icon:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK", nil, 2) shield:SetTexture("Interface\\AchievementFrame\\UI-Achievement-IconFrame") shield:SetTexCoord(0,0.5625,0,0.5625) shield:SetWidth(h*1.8) shield:SetHeight(h*1.8) shield:SetPoint("CENTER", icon,"CENTER",0,0) -- shield:Hide() local icontex = icon:CreateTexture(nil,"ARTWORK") icontex:SetTexCoord(.1, .9, .1, .9) icontex:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",icon, "TOPLEFT",0,0) icontex:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",icon, "BOTTOMRIGHT",0,0) icontex:SetWidth(h); icontex:SetHeight(h); icon.texture = icontex icon:SetAlpha(alpha) local icd = CreateFrame("Cooldown",nil,icon, "CooldownFrameTemplate") icd.noCooldownCount = true -- disable OmniCC for this cooldown icd:SetReverse(true) icd:SetDrawEdge(false) icd:SetAllPoints(icontex) icon.cd = icd icon:Hide() icon.SetJob = SetJob_Icon return icon end ]] local AddOutline = function(self) local outlineSize = pixelperfect(1) local outline = MakeBorder(self, "Interface\\BUTTONS\\WHITE8X8", -outlineSize, -outlineSize, -outlineSize, -outlineSize, -2) outline:SetVertexColor(0,0,0) return outline end local function AddStackText(parent, anchorRegion) local stackframe = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent) stackframe:SetAllPoints(parent) local stacktext = stackframe:CreateFontString(nil,"ARTWORK") stacktext:SetDrawLayer("ARTWORK",1) stacktext:SetJustifyH"RIGHT" stacktext:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", anchorRegion, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 3,-1) stacktext:SetTextColor(1,1,1) return stacktext end local function UpdateOptionalOutline(f, outline) if outline then if not f.outline then f.outline = AddOutline(f) end f.outline:Show() else if f.outline then f.outline:Hide() end end end local function SetIconTexCoord(texture, w, h) local vscale = math.min(w/h, 1) local hscale = math.min(h/w, 1) local hm = 0.8 * (1-hscale) * 0.5 -- half of the texcoord height * scale difference local vm = 0.8 * (1-vscale) * 0.5 texture:SetTexCoord(0.1+vm, 0.9-vm, 0.1+hm, 0.9-hm) end local function UpdateFontStringSettings(text, fontName, fontSize, effect) fontName = fontName or config.defaultFont local font = LSM:Fetch("font", fontName) local flags = effect == "OUTLINE" and "OUTLINE" if effect == "SHADOW" then text:SetShadowOffset(1,-1) else text:SetShadowOffset(0,0) end text:SetFont(font, fontSize, flags) end Aptechka.Widget.Icon = {} Aptechka.Widget.Icon.default = { type = "Icon", width = 24, height = 24, point = "CENTER", x = 0, y = 0, alpha = 1, font = config.defaultFont, textsize = 12, outline = true, edge = true } function Aptechka.Widget.Icon.Reconf(parent, f, popts, gopts) local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) CheckDisabled(f, opts.disabled) local w = pixelperfect(opts.width) local h = pixelperfect(opts.height) UpdateFramePoints(f, parent, opts, w, h) f:SetAlpha(opts.alpha) SetIconTexCoord(f.texture, w, h) UpdateFontStringSettings(f.stacktext, opts.font, opts.textsize, opts.effect or "OUTLINE") if f.cd then local drawEdge = opts.edge if drawEdge == nil then drawEdge = true end f.cd:SetDrawEdge(drawEdge) end UpdateOptionalOutline(f, opts.outline) end function Aptechka.Widget.Icon.Create(parent, popts, gopts) local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) local icon = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,parent) local icontex = icon:CreateTexture(nil,"ARTWORK") icon:SetFrameLevel(FRAMELEVEL.ICON) icontex:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",icon, "TOPLEFT",0,0) icontex:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT",icon, "BOTTOMRIGHT",0,0) icon.texture = icontex icon.stacktext = AddStackText(icon, icontex) icon.SetJob = SetJob_Icon icon:Hide() local icd = CreateFrame("Cooldown",nil,icon, "CooldownFrameTemplate") if not Aptechka.db.global.showIconCooldownCount then icd.noCooldownCount = true -- disable OmniCC for this cooldown icd:SetHideCountdownNumbers(true) end icd:SetReverse(true) icd:SetAllPoints(icon.texture) icon.cd = icd AddBlinkAnimation(icon) icon.StartTrace = Icon_StartTrace Aptechka.Widget.Icon.Reconf(parent, icon, popts, gopts) return WrapFrameAsWidget(icon) end ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Debuff Icon ---------------------------------------------------------- local DebuffTypeColor = DebuffTypeColor local helpful_color = { r = 0, g = 1, b = 0} local function DebuffIcon_SetDebuffColor(self, r,g,b) self.debuffTypeTexture:SetVertexColor(r, g, b) if self.border then self:SetBackdropBorderColor(r,g,b) end end local function DebuffIcon_SetJob(self, debuffType, expirationTime, duration, icon, count, isBossAura, spellID) if expirationTime then self.cd:SetReverse(true) self.cd:SetCooldown(expirationTime - duration, duration) self.cd:Show() else self.cd:Hide() end self.texture:SetTexture(icon) self.spellID = spellID if count then self.stacktext:SetText(count > 1 and count or "") end local color if debuffType == "Helpful" then color = helpful_color else color = debuffType and DebuffTypeColor[debuffType] or DebuffTypeColor["none"] end self:SetDebuffColor(color.r, color.g, color.b) if isBossAura then self:SetScale(Aptechka._BossDebuffScale) else self:SetScale(1) end end local debuff_border_backdrop = { edgeFile = "Interface\\AddOns\\Aptechka\\border_3px", edgeSize = 8, tileEdge = false, } local function DebuffIcon_SetDebuffStyle(self, opts) local it = self.texture local dtt = self.debuffTypeTexture local text = self.stacktext local cd = self.cd local w = pixelperfect(opts.width) local h = pixelperfect(opts.height) local p = pixelperfect(1) local style = opts.style it:ClearAllPoints() dtt:ClearAllPoints() self.border = nil if style == "STRIP_RIGHT" then local dttLen = w*0.22 self:SetSize(w + dttLen,h) it:SetSize(w,h) it:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0) cd:SetAllPoints(it) dtt:SetTexture([[Interface\AddOns\Aptechka\debuffType]]) dtt:SetSize(dttLen,h) dtt:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", it, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0) dtt:SetTexCoord(0,1,0,1) dtt:SetDrawLayer("ARTWORK", -2) text:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", it,"BOTTOMRIGHT", 2,-1) if self.SetBackdrop then self:SetBackdrop(nil) end dtt:Show() elseif style == "CORNER" then self:SetSize(w,h) it:SetSize(w,h) it:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT", 0,0) cd:SetAllPoints(it) local minLen = math.min(w,h) dtt:SetTexture[[Interface\AddOns\Aptechka\corner3]] dtt:SetTexCoord(0,1,0,1) dtt:SetSize(minLen*0.7, minLen*0.7) dtt:SetDrawLayer("ARTWORK", 3) dtt:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", self, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0,0) if self.SetBackdrop then self:SetBackdrop(nil) end -- this resets backdrop color, so can't call it always dtt:Show() elseif style == "BORDER" then self:SetSize(w,h) if not self.SetBackdrop then -- if BackdropTemplateMixin then Mixin( self, BackdropTemplateMixin) -- end end self.border = true self:SetBackdrop(debuff_border_backdrop) self:SetBackdropBorderColor(1,0,0) it:SetSize(w-6*p,h-6*p) it:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT", p*3, -p*3) cd:SetAllPoints(self) dtt:Hide() elseif style == "STRIP_BOTTOM" then local dttLen = h*0.25 self:SetSize(w,h + dttLen) dtt:SetSize(w, dttLen) dtt:SetTexture([[Interface\AddOns\Aptechka\debuffType]]) dtt:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", self, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0) dtt:SetTexCoord(0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0) dtt:SetDrawLayer("ARTWORK", -2) it:SetSize(w,h) it:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", dtt, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0) cd:SetAllPoints(it) text:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", it,"BOTTOMRIGHT", 3,1) if self.SetBackdrop then self:SetBackdrop(nil) end dtt:Show() elseif style == "NONE" then self:SetSize(w,h) it:SetSize(w,h) it:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT", 0,0) cd:SetAllPoints(it) if self.SetBackdrop then self:SetBackdrop(nil) end dtt:Hide() end end local function DebuffIcon_SetAnimDirection(self, direction) if direction == "LEFT" then self.eyeCatcher.t1:SetOffset(-10,0) self.eyeCatcher.t2:SetOffset(10,0) elseif direction == "RIGHT" then self.eyeCatcher.t1:SetOffset(10,0) self.eyeCatcher.t2:SetOffset(-10,0) elseif direction == "DOWN" then self.eyeCatcher.t1:SetOffset(0,-10) self.eyeCatcher.t2:SetOffset(0,10) elseif direction == "UP" then self.eyeCatcher.t1:SetOffset(0,10) self.eyeCatcher.t2:SetOffset(0,-10) end end Aptechka.Widget.DebuffIcon = {} Aptechka.Widget.DebuffIcon.default = { type = "DebuffIcon", width = 13, height = 13, point = "CENTER", x = 0, y = 0, alpha = 1, style = "STRIP_RIGHT", animdir = "LEFT", font = config.defaultFont, textsize = 12, edge = false } Aptechka.Widget.DebuffIcon.Reconf = function(parent, f, popts, gopts) Aptechka.Widget.Icon.Reconf(parent, f, popts, gopts) -- CheckDisabled(f, opts.disabled) local icon = f if icon.outline then icon.outline:Hide() end local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) icon:SetDebuffStyle(opts) icon:SetAnimDirection(opts.animdir) end function Aptechka.Widget.DebuffIcon.Create(parent, popts, gopts) local icon = Aptechka.Widget.Icon.Create(parent, popts, gopts) local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) local dttex = icon:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK", nil, -2) dttex:SetTexture([[Interface\AddOns\Aptechka\debuffType]]) icon.debuffTypeTexture = dttex icon.SetDebuffStyle = DebuffIcon_SetDebuffStyle icon.SetDebuffColor = DebuffIcon_SetDebuffColor icon.SetAnimDirection = DebuffIcon_SetAnimDirection icon.SetJob = DebuffIcon_SetJob icon:SetFrameLevel(FRAMELEVEL.DEBUFFICON) icon:Hide() local ag = icon:CreateAnimationGroup() local t1 = ag:CreateAnimation("Translation") t1:SetOffset(-10,0) t1:SetDuration(0.1) t1:SetSmoothing("OUT") t1:SetOrder(1) local t2 = ag:CreateAnimation("Translation") t2:SetOffset(10,0) t2:SetDuration(0.5) t2:SetSmoothing("IN") t2:SetOrder(2) ag.t1 = t1 ag.t2 = t2 icon.eyeCatcher = ag Aptechka.Widget.DebuffIcon.Reconf(parent, icon, popts, gopts) return icon end ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Debuff Icon Array ---------------------------------------------------------- local function DebuffIconArray_SetDebuffIcon(hdr, frame, unit, index, filter, uaIndex, spellName, debuffType, expirationTime, duration, icon, count, isBossAura, spellID) -- local hdr = frame.debuffIcons if index > hdr.maxChildren then return end local iconFrame = hdr.children[index] if not spellName then -- debuff is nil if iconFrame then iconFrame:Hide() end else if not iconFrame then iconFrame = hdr:Add() end iconFrame:SetJob(debuffType, expirationTime, duration, icon, count, isBossAura, spellID) iconFrame.spellID = spellID iconFrame.unit = unit iconFrame.filter = filter iconFrame.index = uaIndex iconFrame:Show() local refreshTimestamp = frame.auraEvents[spellID] local now = GetTime() if refreshTimestamp and now - refreshTimestamp < 0.1 then frame.auraEvents[spellID] = nil iconFrame.eyeCatcher:Stop() iconFrame.eyeCatcher:Play() end end end local DebuffIconArray_default = CopyTable(Aptechka.Widget.DebuffIcon.default) DebuffIconArray_default.type = "DebuffIconArray" DebuffIconArray_default.growth = "UP" DebuffIconArray_default.max = 4 Aptechka.Widget.DebuffIconArray = {} Aptechka.Widget.DebuffIconArray.default = DebuffIconArray_default function Aptechka.Widget.DebuffIconArray.Create(parent, popts, gopts) local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) local hdr = CreateArrayHeader("DebuffIcon", parent, opts) hdr.disabled = nil hdr.SetDebuffIcon = DebuffIconArray_SetDebuffIcon Aptechka._BossDebuffScale = gopts.bigscale return hdr end function Aptechka.Widget.DebuffIconArray.Reconf(parent, hdr, popts, gopts) Aptechka.Widget.IconArray.Reconf(parent, hdr, popts, gopts) hdr.disabled = nil local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) Aptechka._BossDebuffScale = opts.bigscale end ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Bar Icon ---------------------------------------------------------- local min = math.min local max = math.max local function BarIcon_OnUpdate(self) local timeLeft = self.endTime - GetTime() local pandemic = self.pandemic if pandemic and timeLeft < pandemic then if not self.pulse:IsPlaying() then self.pulse.maxpulses = 999999 self.pulse:Play() end self.pandemic = nil end if self.isReversed then timeLeft = self.duration - timeLeft end -- self.spark:UpdatePos(timeLeft/duration) local a = max(min(timeLeft, 2), 0) self.spark:SetAlpha(a/2) self:SetValue(timeLeft) end local function BarIcon_SetJob(self, job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords, isReversed = NormalizeContent(job, state, contentType, ...) if self.currentJob ~= self.previousJob then self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil) self.pulse:Stop() end if count and count > 1 then self.stacktext:SetText(count) else self.stacktext:SetText() end self.bg:SetTexture(icon or 136190) self:SetStatusBarTexture(icon or 136190) self.bg:SetVertexColor(0.7, 0.7, 0.7) if timerType == "TIMER" then local duration, expirationTime = cur, max self.endTime = expirationTime self.duration = duration self.isReversed = isReversed local pandemic = job.refreshTime self.pandemic = pandemic self:SetMinMaxValues(0, duration) if duration == 0 then self.spark:SetAlpha(0) end BarIcon_OnUpdate(self, 0) self:SetScript("OnUpdate", BarIcon_OnUpdate) elseif max and cur then self:SetMinMaxValues(0, max) self:SetValue(cur) local isFull = cur == max self.spark:SetAlpha(isFull and 0 or 1) self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil) self.stacktext:SetText() else self:SetMinMaxValues(0, 1) self:SetValue(1) self.spark:SetAlpha(0) self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil) end end local function BarIcon_Spark_SetOrientation(spark, orientation) spark:ClearAllPoints(); if orientation == "VERTICAL" then local bar = spark:GetParent() local width = bar:GetWidth() spark:SetPoint("CENTER", bar._mask, "BOTTOM", 0, 0) spark:SetWidth(width) spark:SetHeight(width) spark:SetTexCoord(1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0) else local bar = spark:GetParent() local height = bar:GetHeight() spark:SetPoint("CENTER", bar._mask, "LEFT", 0, 0) spark:SetTexCoord(0,1,0,1) spark:SetWidth(height) spark:SetHeight(height) end end -- local BarIcon_OnUpdateReverse = function(self, elapsed) -- local now = GetTime() -- -- if now >= self.expirationTime then self:Hide(); return end -- self:SetValue(self.expirationTime - now) -- end local function PulseAnim_GenAlpha(ag, alpha) ag.a1:SetFromAlpha(1*alpha) ag.a1:SetToAlpha(0.55*alpha) ag.a2:SetFromAlpha(0.55*alpha) ag.a2:SetToAlpha(1*alpha) end Aptechka.Widget.BarIcon = {} Aptechka.Widget.BarIcon.default = { type = "BarIcon", width = 24, height = 24, point = "CENTER", x = 0, y = 0, alpha = 1, font = config.defaultFont, textsize = 12, outline = false, edge = false, vertical = false } function Aptechka.Widget.BarIcon.Reconf(parent, f, popts, gopts) local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) CheckDisabled(f, opts.disabled) local w = pixelperfect(opts.width) local h = pixelperfect(opts.height) UpdateFramePoints(f, parent, opts, w, h) f:SetAlpha(opts.alpha or 1) SetIconTexCoord(f, w, h) SetIconTexCoord(f.bg, w, h) UpdateFontStringSettings(f.stacktext, opts.font, opts.textsize, opts.effect or "OUTLINE") UpdateOptionalOutline(f, opts.outline) PulseAnim_GenAlpha(f.pulse, opts.alpha or 1) local orientation = opts.vertical and "VERTICAL" or "HORIZONTAL" f:SetOrientation(orientation) f.spark:SetOrientation(orientation) end function Aptechka.Widget.BarIcon.Create(parent, popts, gopts) local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) -- local w = pixelperfect(opts.width) -- local h = pixelperfect(opts.height) local orientation = opts.vertical and "VERTICAL" or "HORIZONTAL" -- local bar = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, parent) local bar = Aptechka.CreateMaskStatusBar(nil, parent, orientation) bar:SetFrameLevel(FRAMELEVEL.ICON) -- local fg = bar:CreateTexture(nil,"ARTWORK", nil, 2) -- bar:SetStatusBarTexture(fg) -- bar.fg = fg -- UpdateFramePoints(bar, parent, opts, w, h) local bg = bar:CreateTexture(nil,"ARTWORK", nil, -3) bg:SetDesaturated(true) bg:SetAllPoints(bar) bar.bg = bg -- bar:SetAlpha(opts.alpha or 1) -- SetIconTexCoord(bar, w, h) -- SetIconTexCoord(bar.bg, w, h) bar.SetJob = BarIcon_SetJob bar.stacktext = AddStackText(bar, bar) -- UpdateFontStringSettings(bar.stacktext, opts.font, opts.textsize, opts.effect or "OUTLINE") -- UpdateOptionalOutline(bar, opts.outline) -- bar:SetScript("OnUpdate", BarIcon_OnUpdate) local spark = bar:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK", nil, 5) -- spark:SetAtlas("honorsystem-bar-spark") -- spark:SetSize(height/4, height*1.6) spark:SetTexture("Interface/AddOns/Aptechka/spark") spark:SetBlendMode("ADD") spark:SetVertexColor(1,0.7,0) spark.SetOrientation = BarIcon_Spark_SetOrientation -- spark:SetOrientation(orientation) bar.spark = spark AddPulseAnimation(bar) bar.pulse.a1:SetDuration(0.3) bar.pulse.a2:SetDuration(0.3) -- PulseAnim_GenAlpha(bar.pulse, opts.alpha or 1) bar.pulse.maxpulses = 9999 Aptechka.Widget.BarIcon.Reconf(parent, bar, popts, gopts) bar:Hide() return WrapFrameAsWidget(bar) end ---------------------------------------------------------- Aptechka.Widget.BarIconArray = {} Aptechka.Widget.BarIconArray.default = { type = "BarIconArray", width = 15, height = 15, point = "TOPRIGHT", x = 0, y = 0, alpha = 1, font = config.defaultFont, textsize = 10, outline = true, edge = true, vertical = true, growth = "LEFT", max = 3 } function Aptechka.Widget.BarIconArray.Create(parent, popts, gopts) local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) return CreateArrayHeader("BarIcon", parent, opts) end Aptechka.Widget.BarIconArray.Reconf = Aptechka.Widget.BarArray.Reconf ---------------------------------------------------------- -- Progress Icon ---------------------------------------------------------- local SetJob_ProgressIcon = function(self, job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords, isReversed = NormalizeContent(job, state, contentType, ...) --[[== Copy of SetJob_Icon ==]] if timerType == "TIMER" then local duration, expirationTime = cur, max self.cd:SetReverse(not isReversed) self.cd:SetCooldown(expirationTime - duration, duration) self.cd:Show() else self.cd:Hide() end self.texture:SetTexture(icon or 136190) if count and count > 1 then self.stacktext:SetText(count) else self.stacktext:SetText() end --[[===]] self.cd:SetReverse(isReversed) if not b then r,g,b = 0.75, 1, 0.2 end self.cd:SetSwipeColor(r,g,b) end Aptechka.Widget.ProgressIcon = {} Aptechka.Widget.ProgressIcon.default = { type = "ProgressIcon", width = 24, height = 24, point = "CENTER", x = 0, y = 0, alpha = 1, font = config.defaultFont, textsize = 12, outline = false, edge = false } function Aptechka.Widget.ProgressIcon.Create(parent, popts, gopts) local icon = Aptechka.Widget.Icon.Create(parent, popts, gopts) local border = pixelperfect(3) local frameborder = MakeBorder(icon, "Interface\\BUTTONS\\WHITE8X8", -border, -border, -border, -border, -2) frameborder:SetVertexColor(0,0,0,1) frameborder:SetDrawLayer("ARTWORK", 2) icon:SetFrameLevel(FRAMELEVEL.PROGRESSICON) local cdf = icon.cd cdf.noCooldownCount = true -- disable OmniCC for this cooldown -- cdf:SetEdgeTexture("Interface\\Cooldown\\edge"); cdf:SetSwipeColor(0.8, 1, 0.2, 1); cdf:SetDrawEdge(false); cdf:SetSwipeTexture("Interface\\BUTTONS\\WHITE8X8") cdf:SetHideCountdownNumbers(true); -- cdf:SetReverse(false) cdf:ClearAllPoints() local offset = border - pixelperfect(1) cdf:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", -offset, offset) cdf:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", offset, -offset) cdf:SetScript("OnCooldownDone", function(self) self:GetParent():Hide() end) local iconSubFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, icon) iconSubFrame:SetAllPoints(icon) local icontex = icon.texture icontex:SetParent(iconSubFrame) icontex:SetDrawLayer("ARTWORK", 5) local stacktext = icon.stacktext stacktext:SetParent(iconSubFrame) icon.SetJob = SetJob_ProgressIcon icon:Hide() return icon end Aptechka.Widget.ProgressIcon.Reconf = Aptechka.Widget.Icon.Reconf ---------------- -- Floating Icon ---------------- local function FloatingIcon_SetJob(self, job, state, contentType, ...) -- SetJob_Icon(self, job, state, contentType, ...) -- self.cd:SetReverse(job.reverseDuration) -- local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords = NormalizeContent(job, state, contentType, ...) -- if not b then -- r,g,b = 0.75, 1, 0.2 -- end -- self.cd:SetSwipeColor(r,g,b) end local function FloatingIcon_CreationFunc(pool) local frame = pool.parent local icon = frame:CreateTexture(nil, pool.layer, pool.textureTemplate, pool.subLayer); icon:SetTexCoord(0.1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.9) local ag = icon:CreateAnimationGroup() local t1 = ag:CreateAnimation("Translation") t1:SetOffset(100,70) t1:SetDuration(2) t1:SetSmoothing("OUT") t1:SetOrder(2) local a2 = ag:CreateAnimation("Alpha") a2:SetFromAlpha(1) a2:SetToAlpha(0) a2:SetSmoothing("OUT") a2:SetDuration(0.5) a2:SetStartDelay(1.5) a2:SetOrder(2) ag:SetScript("OnFinished", function(self) local icon = self:GetParent() icon:Hide() pool:Release(icon) end) ag.translationAnim = t1 ag.alphaAnim = a2 icon.ag = ag return icon end local FloatingIcon_ResetterFunc = function(pool, icon) local frame = pool.parent local opts = frame.opts icon:SetHeight(25) icon:SetWidth(25) local angleRange = opts.spreadArc local angleMod = math.random(0,angleRange)- (angleRange/2) local baseAngle = opts.angle local angle = baseAngle + angleMod local range = opts.range local translateX = math.sin(math.rad(angle))*range local translateY = math.cos(math.rad(angle))*range icon:SetSize(opts.width, opts.height) icon.ag.translationAnim:SetOffset(translateX, translateY) icon.ag.translationAnim:SetDuration(opts.animDuration) icon.ag.alphaAnim:SetStartDelay(opts.animDuration * 2/3) icon.ag.alphaAnim:SetDuration(opts.animDuration * 1/3) icon:SetPoint("CENTER", 0,0) end local function FloatingIcon_ConfigureIcon(icon, opts) end -- function TestFloatingIcon() -- NugRaid1UnitButton1.floatingIcon:StartTrace(nil, 17) -- end local function FloatingIcon_StartTrace(self, job, spellID) local icon = self.iconPool:Acquire() local tex = GetSpellTexture(spellID) icon:SetTexture(tex) icon:SetAlpha(1) icon:Show() icon.ag:Play() end Aptechka.Widget.FloatingIcon = {} Aptechka.Widget.FloatingIcon.default = { type = "FloatingIcon", width = 20, height = 20, point = "TOPLEFT", x = 15, y = -5, alpha = 1, font = config.defaultFont, textsize = 12, outline = false, edge = false, angle = 60, range = 45, spreadArc = 30, duration = 2 } function Aptechka.Widget.FloatingIcon.Create(parent, popts, gopts) local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent) f:SetSize(10, 10) f:SetPoint(opts.point, parent, opts.point, opts.x, opts.y) local iconPool = helpers.CreateTexturePool(f, "ARTWORK", 2) f.iconPool = iconPool f.opts = opts iconPool.creationFunc = FloatingIcon_CreationFunc iconPool.resetterFunc = FloatingIcon_ResetterFunc -- local marker = f:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK") -- marker:SetTexture("Interface\\BUTTONS\\WHITE8X8") -- marker:SetAllPoints() f.SetJob = FloatingIcon_SetJob f.StartTrace = FloatingIcon_StartTrace -- f:Hide() return f end function Aptechka.Widget.FloatingIcon.Reconf(parent, f, popts, gopts) local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) -- CheckDisabled(f, opts.disabled) f.opts = opts end ---------------- -- HEAL ABSORB ---------------- local HealthRegionbUpdatePositionVertical = function(self, p, health, parent) local frameLength = parent.frameLength self:SetHeight(p*frameLength) end local HealthRegionbUpdatePositionHorizontal = function(self, p, health, parent) local frameLength = parent.frameLength self:SetWidth(p*frameLength) end local HealAbsorbSetValue = function(self, p, health) if p < 0.005 then self:Hide() return end local parent = self.parent if p > health then p = health end self:Show() self:UpdatePosition(p, health, parent) end local function CreateHealAbsorb(hp) local healAbsorb = hp:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK", nil, -5) healAbsorb:SetHorizTile(true) healAbsorb:SetVertTile(true) healAbsorb:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\Aptechka\\shieldtex", "REPEAT", "REPEAT") healAbsorb:SetVertexColor(0.5,0.1,0.1, 0.65) healAbsorb:SetBlendMode("BLEND") healAbsorb.UpdatePositionVertical = HealthRegionbUpdatePositionVertical healAbsorb.UpdatePositionHorizontal = HealthRegionbUpdatePositionHorizontal healAbsorb.UpdatePosition = HealthRegionbUpdatePositionVertical healAbsorb.SetValue = HealAbsorbSetValue return healAbsorb end -------------------- -- ABSORB BAR -------------------- local AbsorbSetValue = function(self, p, health) if p + health > 1 then p = 1 - health end if p < 0.005 then self:Hide() return end self:Show() self:UpdatePosition(p, health, self.parent) end local function CreateAbsorbBar(hp) local absorb = hp:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK", nil, -5) absorb:SetHorizTile(true) absorb:SetVertTile(true) absorb:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\Aptechka\\shieldtex", "REPEAT", "REPEAT") absorb:SetVertexColor(0,0,0, 0.65) -- absorb:SetBlendMode("ADD") absorb.UpdatePositionVertical = HealthRegionbUpdatePositionVertical absorb.UpdatePositionHorizontal = HealthRegionbUpdatePositionHorizontal absorb.UpdatePosition = HealthRegionbUpdatePositionVertical absorb.SetValue = AbsorbSetValue return absorb end -------------------- -- INCOMING HEAL -------------------- local UnclampedSetValue = function(self, p, health) if p < 0.005 then self:Hide() return end if p + health > 2 then p = 2 - health end self:Show() self:UpdatePosition(p, health, self.parent) end local function CreateIncomingHealBar(hp) local hpi = hp:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK", nil, -5) -- hpi:SetTexture("Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background") hpi:SetTexture("Interface\\BUTTONS\\WHITE8X8") hpi:SetVertexColor(0,0,0, 0.5) hpi.UpdatePositionVertical = HealthRegionbUpdatePositionVertical hpi.UpdatePositionHorizontal = HealthRegionbUpdatePositionHorizontal hpi.UpdatePosition = HealthRegionbUpdatePositionVertical hpi.SetValue = AbsorbSetValue return hpi end local AlignAbsorbVertical = function(self, absorb_height, missing_health_height) self:SetHeight(absorb_height) if absorb_height >= missing_health_height then self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self:GetParent(), "TOPLEFT", -3 ,0) else self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self:GetParent(), "TOPLEFT", -3, -(missing_health_height - absorb_height)) end end local AlignAbsorbHorizontal = function(self, absorb_height, missing_health_height) self:SetWidth(absorb_height) if absorb_height >= missing_health_height then self:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", self:GetParent(), "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0 ,-3) else self:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", self:GetParent(), "BOTTOMRIGHT", -(missing_health_height - absorb_height), -3) end end local CreateAbsorbSideBar_SetValue = function(self, p, h) if p > 1 then p = 1 end if p < 0 then p = 0 end if p <= 0.015 then self:Hide(); return; else self:Show() end local frameLength = self.parent.frameLength local missing_health_height = (1-h)*frameLength local absorb_height = p*frameLength self:AlignAbsorb(absorb_height, missing_health_height) end local function CreateAbsorbSideBar(hp) local absorb = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, hp) absorb:SetParent(hp) -- absorb:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",self,"BOTTOMLEFT",0,0) absorb:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",hp,"TOPLEFT",-3,0) absorb:SetWidth(pixelperfect(3)) local at = absorb:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK", nil, -4) at:SetTexture[[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]] at:SetVertexColor(.7, .7, 1, 1) at:SetAllPoints(absorb) local p = pixelperfect(1) local atbg = absorb:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK", nil, -5) atbg:SetTexture[[Interface\BUTTONS\WHITE8X8]] atbg:SetVertexColor(0,0,0,1) atbg:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", at, "TOPLEFT", -p,p) atbg:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", at, "BOTTOMRIGHT", p,-p) absorb.AlignAbsorb = AlignAbsorbVertical absorb.SetValue = CreateAbsorbSideBar_SetValue absorb:SetValue(0) return absorb end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Text Timer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local hour, minute = 3600, 60 local ceil = math.ceil local function FormatTime(s) if s >= hour then return "%dh", ceil(s / hour) elseif s >= minute then return "%dm", ceil(s / minute) end return "%ds", floor(s) end local Text_OnUpdate = function(self,time) local timeLeft = self.expirationTime - GetTime() local timeText if timeLeft >= 2 then timeText = string_format("%d", timeLeft) elseif timeLeft >= 0 then timeText = string_format("%.1f", timeLeft) else self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil) return end local prefix = self.prefix -- or "" self.text:SetFormattedText("%s%s", prefix, timeText) if self.pandemic and timeLeft < self.pandemic then self.text:SetTextColor(unpack(self.refreshColor)) self.pandemic = nil end end local Text_OnUpdateForward = function(frame,time) local elapsed = GetTime() - frame.startTime if elapsed >= 0 then frame.text:SetFormattedText(FormatTime(elapsed)) end end local SetJob_Text = function(self, job, state, contentType, ...) if self.currentJob ~= self.previousJob then self:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil) end local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords = NormalizeContent(job, state, contentType, ...) self.text:SetTextColor(tr,tg,tb) self.text:SetText(text) if timerType == "TIMER" then local duration, expirationTime = cur, max self.expirationTime = expirationTime self.startTime = nil self.prefix = job.text or "" local pandemic = job.refreshTime self.pandemic = pandemic if pandemic then if job.refreshColor then self.refreshColor = job.refreshColor else self.refreshColor = { tr*0.75, tg*0.75, tb*0.75 } end end self:SetScript("OnUpdate", Text_OnUpdate) elseif timerType == "FORWARD" then self.startTime = cur self.expirationTime = nil self:SetScript("OnUpdate", Text_OnUpdateForward) end end local SetJob_StaticText = function(self, job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords = NormalizeContent(job, state, contentType, ...) if timerType == "TIMER" then text = tostring(count) end self.text:SetTextColor(tr,tg,tb) self.text:SetText(text) end local Text_StartTrace = MakeStartTraceForBlinkAnimation(function(self, job) local r,g,b,a, tr,tg,tb = GetTextColor(job) self.text:SetTextColor(tr,tg,tb,a) local scale = job.scale or 1 self:SetScale(scale) self.text:SetText(job.text or job.name) end) Aptechka.Widget.Text = {} Aptechka.Widget.Text.default = { type = "Text", point = "TOPLEFT", width = 10, height = 10, x = 0, y = 0, zorder = 0, justify = "CENTER", font = config.defaultFont, textsize = 13, effect = "NONE", bg = false, bgAlpha = 0.5, padding = 0 } function Aptechka.Widget.Text.Create(parent, popts, gopts) local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent) -- We need frame to create OnUpdate handler for time updates local text = f:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK") f:SetFrameLevel(FRAMELEVEL.TEXT) f.text = text Aptechka.Widget.Text.Reconf(parent, f, popts, gopts) if opts.type == "StaticText" then f.SetJob = SetJob_StaticText else f.SetJob = SetJob_Text end AddBlinkAnimation(f) f.StartTrace = Text_StartTrace local zOrderMod = opts.zorder or 0 f:SetFrameLevel(math.max(FRAMELEVEL.TEXT+zOrderMod, 0)) return WrapFrameAsWidget(f) end function Aptechka.Widget.Text.Reconf(parent, f, popts, gopts) local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) CheckDisabled(f, opts.disabled) f.text:ClearAllPoints() local mx, my = helpers.GetMultipliersFromPoint(opts.point) local padding = opts.padding local ox = padding*mx local oy = padding*my -- f.text:SetPoint(opts.point, parent, opts.point, opts.x+ox, opts.y+oy) f.text:SetPoint("CENTER", 0, 0) -- Here text can be bugged and hidden after initial login (not reload) local w = pixelperfect(opts.width) local h = pixelperfect(opts.height) UpdateFramePoints(f, parent, opts, w, h) -- Workaround for the issue with frame dimensions bugging out text on initial login f.text:SetWidth(w-(padding*2)) f.text:SetHeight(h+4) local point = opts.point f.text:SetJustifyH(opts.justify) if opts.bg then if not f.bg then f.bg = MakeBorder(f, "Interface\\BUTTONS\\WHITE8X8", 0, 0, 0, 0, -2) end f.bg:SetVertexColor(0,0,0, opts.bgAlpha or 0.5) elseif f.bg then f.bg:Hide() end -- f.text:SetJustifyH(opts.justify:upper()) local font = LSM:Fetch("font", opts.font) or LSM:Fetch("font", config.defaultFont) local flags = opts.effect == "OUTLINE" and "OUTLINE" if opts.effect == "SHADOW" then f.text:SetShadowOffset(1,-1) else f.text:SetShadowOffset(0,0) end f.text:SetFont(font, opts.textsize, flags) local zOrderMod = opts.zorder or 0 f:SetFrameLevel(math.max(FRAMELEVEL.TEXT+zOrderMod, 0)) end Aptechka.Widget.StaticText = CopyTable(Aptechka.Widget.Text) Aptechka.Widget.StaticText.default.type = "StaticText" Aptechka.Widget.TextArray = {} local TextArray_default = CopyTable(Aptechka.Widget.Text.default) TextArray_default.type = "TextArray" TextArray_default.growth = "LEFT" TextArray_default.max = 3 Aptechka.Widget.TextArray.default = TextArray_default function Aptechka.Widget.TextArray.Create(parent, popts, gopts) local opts = InheritGlobalOptions(popts, gopts) return CreateArrayHeader("Text", parent, opts) end Aptechka.Widget.TextArray.Reconf = Aptechka.Widget.BarArray.Reconf local function CreateUnhealableOverlay(parent) local tex2 = parent.health:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK", nil, -4) tex2:SetHorizTile(true) tex2:SetVertTile(true) tex2:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\Aptechka\\swirl", "REPEAT", "REPEAT") tex2:SetVertexColor(0,0,0, 0.7) tex2:SetBlendMode("BLEND") tex2:SetAllPoints(parent) tex2:Hide() return tex2 end local function CreateMouseoverHighlight(parent) local mot = parent:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY") mot:SetAllPoints(parent) mot:SetTexture(136810) -- /dump GetFileIDFromPath("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestTitleHighlight") -- mot:SetVertexColor(0.7,0.7,1) mot:SetTexCoord(0,1,0,0.9) mot:SetAlpha(0.1) mot:SetBlendMode("ADD") mot:Hide() return WrapFrameAsWidget(mot) end local SetJob_InnerGlow = function(self, job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords = NormalizeContent(job, state, contentType, ...) self:SetVertexColor(r,g,b) end local CreateInnerGlow = function(parent) local tex = parent.health:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK", nil, -4) tex:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\Aptechka\\innerglow") tex:SetAlpha(0.6) tex:SetVertexColor(0.5,0,1) tex:SetAllPoints(parent) tex.SetJob = SetJob_InnerGlow tex:Hide() return tex end local SetJob_Flash = function(self, job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords = NormalizeContent(job, state, contentType, ...) self.texture:SetVertexColor(r,g,b) end local CreateFlash = function(parent) local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent.health) f:SetFrameLevel(FRAMELEVEL.FLASH) local tex = f:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK", nil, 5) tex:SetAtlas("QuestLegendary") -- tex:SetTexture([[Interface\SpellActivationOverlay\IconAlert]]) -- tex:SetTexCoord(0, 78/128, 0, 69/256) local m = 1.8 tex:SetAlpha(0.8) tex:SetVertexColor(1,0,0) tex:SetAllPoints(f) f.texture = tex local size = parent:GetHeight() f:SetSize(size*0.6, size*0.6) f:SetPoint("CENTER", parent, "TOPLEFT", 20, -20) -- f:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", parent, "TOPLEFT", -22*m, 17*m) -- f:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", parent, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 21*m, -17*m) f.SetJob = SetJob_Flash f:SetAlpha(0) local bag = f:CreateAnimationGroup() bag:SetLooping("NONE") local ba1 = bag:CreateAnimation("Alpha") ba1:SetFromAlpha(0) ba1:SetToAlpha(1) ba1:SetDuration(0.08) ba1:SetOrder(1) local ba2 = bag:CreateAnimation("Alpha") ba2:SetFromAlpha(1) ba2:SetToAlpha(0) ba2:SetDuration(0.4) ba2:SetOrder(2) bag.a2 = ba2 local t1 = bag:CreateAnimation("Translation") t1:SetOffset(-size*0.2, size*0.5) t1:SetDuration(0.4) t1:SetOrder(2) f:SetScript("OnShow", function(self) self.blink:Play() end) bag:SetScript("OnFinished",function(ag) local self = ag:GetParent() ag:Stop() self:Hide() end) f.blink = bag f:Hide() return f end -- local CreateBottomGlow = function(parent) -- local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent) -- local tex = f:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK", nil, -3) -- tex:SetAllPoints(f) -- tex:SetTexture("Interface/AddOns/Aptechka/sideGlow2") -- tex:SetVertexColor(1,0,0, 0.6) -- f:SetFrameLevel(7) -- f:SetAllPoints() -- f:Hide() -- return f -- end local CreateMindControlIcon = function(parent) local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent) if APILevel >= 8 then local tex = f:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK", nil, -3) tex:SetAllPoints(f) tex:SetTexture("Interface/CorruptedItems/CorruptedInventoryIcon") tex:SetTexCoord(0.02, 0.5, 0.02, 0.5) end local height = parent:GetHeight() local width = parent:GetWidth() local len = math.min(height, width) f:SetFrameLevel(FRAMELEVEL.OVERLAY) f:SetSize(len, len) f:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",parent,"TOPLEFT",0,0) f:Hide() return f end local CreateVehicleIcon = function(parent) if APILevel <= 2 then return end local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent) local tex = f:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK", nil, -3) tex:SetAllPoints(f) tex:SetTexture("Interface/AddOns/Aptechka/gear") local height = parent:GetHeight() local width = parent:GetWidth() local len = math.min(height, width) / 1.8 f:SetFrameLevel(FRAMELEVEL.OVERLAY) f:SetSize(len, len) f:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",parent,"TOPLEFT",0,0) f:Hide() return f end local LibCustomGlow = LibStub("LibCustomGlow-1.0") local SetJob_PixelGlow = function(self, job, state, contentType, ...) local color = job.color or {1,1,1,1} local thickness = pixelperfect(2) local outlineSize = pixelperfect(Aptechka.db.global.borderWidth) local offset = outlineSize + pixelperfect(2) local freq = 0.35 local length = 4 local border = nil -- false hides border LibCustomGlow.PixelGlow_Start(self, color, 12, freq, length, thickness, offset, offset, border, nil ) local glow = self["_PixelGlow"] glow.bg:SetColorTexture(0,0,0,0.5) end local CreatePixelGlow = function(parent) local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent) f.SetJob = SetJob_PixelGlow f:SetAllPoints(parent) f:Hide() f:SetScript("OnHide", function(self) LibCustomGlow.PixelGlow_Stop(self) end) return f end local SetJob_AutocastGlow = function(self, job) local color = job.color or {1,1,1,1} local offset = pixelperfect(3) LibCustomGlow.AutoCastGlow_Start(self, color, 10, 0.24, 1.15, offset, offset, nil, nil ) end local CreateAutocastGlow = function(parent) local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent) f.SetJob = SetJob_AutocastGlow f:SetAllPoints(parent) f:Hide() f:SetScript("OnHide", function(self) LibCustomGlow.AutoCastGlow_Stop(self) end) return f end local function CreateHealthPowerSeparator(powerbar) local separator = powerbar:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK", nil, -5) separator:SetTexture("Interface\\BUTTONS\\WHITE8X8") separator:SetVertexColor(0,0,0) separator:SetWidth(pixelperfect(1)) separator:SetPoint("BOTTOM", powerbar, "BOTTOMLEFT",0,0) separator:SetPoint("TOP", powerbar, "TOPLEFT",0,0) -- powerbar.separator = separator return separator end local border_backdrop = { edgeFile = "Interface\\Addons\\Aptechka\\border", tileEdge = true, edgeSize = 7, } local function Border_SetSize(parent, border, borderWidth, outboundRange) border.backdropInfo.edgeSize = 3.5 * borderWidth local outlineSize = pixelperfect(Aptechka.db.global.borderWidth) local p4 = outlineSize + pixelperfect(2) + outboundRange border:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", parent, "TOPLEFT", -p4, p4) border:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", parent, "BOTTOMRIGHT", p4, -p4) border:ApplyBackdrop() end local Border_SetJob = function(self, job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords = NormalizeContent(job, state, contentType, ...) self:SetBackdropBorderColor(r,g,b, 0.5) -- self.outline:SetColor(r,g,b, 0.5) if self.currentJob ~= self.previousJob then if job.pulse then Pulse_PlayAnim(self, job) end end end local Border_StartTrace = MakeStartTraceForBlinkAnimation(function(self, job) local r,g,b,a = GetColor(job) self:SetBackdropBorderColor(r,g,b, 0.5) -- self.outline:SetColor(r,g,b, 0.5) end) local function Alpha_SetJob(self, job, state, contentType, ...) local timerType, cur, max, count, icon, text, r,g,b, a, tr,tg,tb, texture, texCoords = NormalizeContent(job, state, contentType, ...) self:GetParent():SetAlpha(a) end local function Alpha_Restore(self) self:GetParent():SetAlpha(1) end local function CreateAlphaWidget(parent) local f = WrapFrameAsWidget(CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent)) f:SetScript("OnHide", Alpha_Restore) f.SetJob = Alpha_SetJob return f end local OnMouseEnterFunc = function(self) -- self.mouseover:Show() end local OnMouseLeaveFunc = function(self) -- self.mouseover:Hide() end local function WrapFuncAsWidget(func, customSetJob, customStartTrace) return function(...) local frame = func(...) if not frame then return end if customSetJob then frame.SetJob = customSetJob end if customStartTrace then frame.StartTrace = customStartTrace end if not frame.SetJob then frame.SetJob = dummy end if not frame.StartTrace then frame.StartTrace = dummy end return frame end end local optional_widgets = { } Aptechka.optional_widgets = optional_widgets function Aptechka:RegisterWidget(name, func, customSetJob, customStartTrace) optional_widgets[name] = WrapFuncAsWidget(func, customSetJob, customStartTrace) end Aptechka:RegisterWidget("pixelGlow", CreatePixelGlow) Aptechka:RegisterWidget("autocastGlow", CreateAutocastGlow) Aptechka:RegisterWidget("mindcontrol", CreateMindControlIcon) Aptechka:RegisterWidget("vehicle", CreateVehicleIcon) Aptechka:RegisterWidget("innerglow", CreateInnerGlow) Aptechka:RegisterWidget("unhealable", CreateUnhealableOverlay) Aptechka:RegisterWidget("flash", CreateFlash) function Aptechka:CreateDynamicWidget(frame, widgetName) if optional_widgets[widgetName] then local newWidget = optional_widgets[widgetName](frame) -- if not newWidget then return end frame[widgetName] = newWidget -- Could be nil return newWidget elseif Aptechka.db.global.widgetConfig[widgetName] then local gopts = Aptechka.db.global.widgetConfig[widgetName] local popts = Aptechka.db.profile.widgetConfig and Aptechka.db.profile.widgetConfig[widgetName] local widgetType = gopts.type if Aptechka.Widget[widgetType] then local newWidget = Aptechka.Widget[widgetType].Create(frame, popts, gopts) frame[widgetName] = newWidget return newWidget end else return end end local function Reconf(self) local config = AptechkaDefaultConfig local db = Aptechka.db.profile local isVertical = db.healthOrientation == "VERTICAL" local texpath = LSM:Fetch("statusbar", db.healthTexture) self.health:SetStatusBarTexture(texpath) self.health:GetStatusBarTexture():SetDrawLayer("ARTWORK",-6) self.health.bg:SetTexture(texpath) local texpath2 = LSM:Fetch("statusbar", db.powerTexture) self.power:SetStatusBarTexture(texpath2) self.power:GetStatusBarTexture():SetDrawLayer("ARTWORK",-6) self.power.bg:SetTexture(texpath2) local bgAlpha = db.bgAlpha local powerSize = pixelperfect(db.powerSize) local enableSeparator = db.showSeparator if enableSeparator then self.power.separator = self.power.separator or CreateHealthPowerSeparator(self.power) self.power.separator:Show() self.power.separator:SetAlpha(bgAlpha) else if self.power.separator then self.power.separator:Hide() end end Border_SetSize(self, self.border, db.selBorderWidth, db.selBorderInset) if not db.fgShowMissing then -- Blizzard's StatusBar SetFillStyle is bad, because even if it reverses direction, -- it still cuts tex coords from the usual direction -- So i'm using custom status bar for health and power self.health:SetFillStyle("STANDARD") self.power:SetFillStyle("STANDARD") self.health.absorb2:SetVertexColor(0.7,0.7,1, 0.65) self.health.incoming:SetVertexColor(0.3, 1,0.4, 0.4) self.health.absorb2:SetDrawLayer("ARTWORK", -7) self.health.incoming:SetDrawLayer("ARTWORK", -7) else self.health:SetFillStyle("REVERSE") self.power:SetFillStyle("REVERSE") self.health.absorb2:SetVertexColor(0,0,0, 0.65) self.health.incoming:SetVertexColor(0,0,0, 0.4) self.health.absorb2:SetDrawLayer("ARTWORK", -5) self.health.incoming:SetDrawLayer("ARTWORK", -5) end -- forcing colos if not db.absorbColorAuto then self.health.absorb2:SetVertexColor(unpack(db.absorbColor)) end if not db.incHealColorAuto then self.health.incoming:SetVertexColor(unpack(db.incHealColor)) end local hpi = self.health.incoming if db.clampIncomingHeal then hpi.SetValue = AbsorbSetValue else hpi.SetValue = UnclampedSetValue end if isVertical then self.health:SetOrientation("VERTICAL") self.power:SetOrientation("VERTICAL") local frameLength = pixelperfect(db.height) self.health.frameLength = frameLength self.health:ClearAllPoints() self.health:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",self,"TOPLEFT",0,0) self.health:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",self,"TOPRIGHT",0,0) self.health:SetHeight(frameLength) local power = self.power power:ClearAllPoints() power:SetWidth(powerSize) power:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",self,"TOPRIGHT",0,0) power:SetHeight(frameLength) power:OnPowerTypeChange() if enableSeparator then power.separator:ClearAllPoints() power.separator:SetWidth(pixelperfect(1)) power.separator:SetPoint("BOTTOM", power, "BOTTOMLEFT",0,0) power.separator:SetPoint("TOP", power, "TOPLEFT",0,0) end local absorb = self.health.absorb absorb:ClearAllPoints() absorb:SetWidth(3) absorb.orientation = "VERTICAL" absorb.AlignAbsorb = AlignAbsorbVertical Aptechka:UNIT_ABSORB_AMOUNT_CHANGED(nil, self.unit) local flashPool = self.flashPool flashPool.UpdatePosition = flashPool.UpdatePositionVertical local healAbsorb = self.health.healabsorb AttachRegionToMask(healAbsorb, self.health, -1) healAbsorb.UpdatePosition = healAbsorb.UpdatePositionVertical local absorb2 = self.health.absorb2 AttachRegionToMask(absorb2, self.health, 1) absorb2.UpdatePosition = absorb2.UpdatePositionVertical local hpi = self.health.incoming AttachRegionToMask(hpi, self.health, 1) hpi.UpdatePosition = hpi.UpdatePositionVertical else self.health:SetOrientation("HORIZONTAL") self.power:SetOrientation("HORIZONTAL") local frameLength = pixelperfect(db.width) self.health.frameLength = frameLength self.health:ClearAllPoints() self.health:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",self,"TOPLEFT",0,0) self.health:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",self,"BOTTOMLEFT",0,0) self.health:SetWidth(frameLength) local power = self.power power:ClearAllPoints() power:SetHeight(powerSize) power:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",self,"BOTTOMLEFT",0,0) power:SetWidth(frameLength) power:OnPowerTypeChange() if enableSeparator then power.separator:ClearAllPoints() power.separator:SetHeight(pixelperfect(1)) power.separator:SetPoint("LEFT", power, "TOPLEFT",0,0) power.separator:SetPoint("RIGHT", power, "TOPRIGHT",0,0) end local absorb = self.health.absorb absorb:ClearAllPoints() absorb:SetHeight(3) absorb.orientation = "HORIZONTAL" absorb.AlignAbsorb = AlignAbsorbHorizontal Aptechka:UNIT_ABSORB_AMOUNT_CHANGED(nil, self.unit) local flashPool = self.flashPool flashPool.UpdatePosition = flashPool.UpdatePositionHorizontal local healAbsorb = self.health.healabsorb AttachRegionToMask(healAbsorb, self.health, -1) healAbsorb.UpdatePosition = healAbsorb.UpdatePositionHorizontal local absorb2 = self.health.absorb2 AttachRegionToMask(absorb2, self.health, 1) absorb2.UpdatePosition = absorb2.UpdatePositionHorizontal local hpi = self.health.incoming AttachRegionToMask(hpi, self.health, 1) hpi.UpdatePosition = hpi.UpdatePositionHorizontal end end AptechkaDefaultConfig.GridSkin = function(self) Aptechka = _G.Aptechka -- self:SetFrameLevel(FRAMELEVEL.BASEFRAME) -- Can't do this in combat local db = Aptechka.db.profile local config = AptechkaDefaultConfig local texture = LSM:Fetch("statusbar", db.healthTexture) local powertexture = LSM:Fetch("statusbar", db.powerTexture) local font = LSM:Fetch("font", Aptechka.db.profile.nameFontName) local fontsize = Aptechka.db.profile.nameFontSize local manabar_width = config.manabarwidth local outlineSize = pixelperfect(Aptechka.db.global.borderWidth) self.ReconfigureUnitFrame = Reconf local outline = MakeCompositeBorder(self, "Interface\\BUTTONS\\WHITE8X8", outlineSize, outlineSize, outlineSize, outlineSize, "BACKGROUND", -2) -- outline:Set(1,1,1,1) -- local outline = MakeBorder(self, "Interface\\BUTTONS\\WHITE8X8", -outlineSize, -outlineSize, -outlineSize, -outlineSize, -2) -- outline:SetVertexColor(0,0,0,1) -- outline:SetDrawLayer("BACKGROUND", -1) -- local outlineMask = self:CreateMaskTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND", nil, 0) -- outlineMask:SetTexture("Interface\\Addons\\Aptechka\\tmask", "CLAMPTOWHITE", "CLAMPTOWHITE") -- outlineMask:SetAllPoints(self) -- outline:AddMaskTexture(outlineMask) -- local powerbar = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, self) -- local powerbar = Aptechka.CreateMaskStatusBar(nil, self, "VERTICAL") local powerbar = Aptechka.CreateCoordStatusBar(nil, self, "VERTICAL") powerbar:SetFrameLevel(FRAMELEVEL.POWER) powerbar:SetWidth(4) powerbar:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",self,"TOPRIGHT",0,0) powerbar:SetHeight(db.height) powerbar:SetStatusBarTexture(powertexture) powerbar:GetStatusBarTexture():SetDrawLayer("ARTWORK",-6) powerbar:SetMinMaxValues(0,100) powerbar:SetOrientation("VERTICAL") -- powerbar:SetStatusBarColor(0.5,0.5,1) powerbar.SetJob = SetJob_PowerBar powerbar.OnPowerTypeChange = PowerBar_OnPowerTypeChange powerbar.SetColor = HealthBarSetColorFG local pbbg = powerbar:CreateTexture(nil,"ARTWORK",nil,-8) pbbg:SetAllPoints(powerbar) pbbg:SetTexture(powertexture) pbbg.SetColor = HealthBarSetColorBG powerbar.bg = pbbg -- local hp = CreateFrame("StatusBar", nil, self) -- local hp = Aptechka.CreateMaskStatusBar(nil, self, "VERTICAL") local hp = Aptechka.CreateCoordStatusBar(nil, self, "VERTICAL") hp:SetFrameLevel(FRAMELEVEL.HEALTH) --hp:SetAllPoints(self) hp:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",self,"TOPLEFT",0,0) hp:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",powerbar,"TOPRIGHT",0,0) hp:SetHeight(db.height) hp:GetStatusBarTexture():SetDrawLayer("ARTWORK",-6) hp:SetMinMaxValues(0,100) hp:SetOrientation("VERTICAL") hp:SetValue(0.5) -- needed to sort of initialize the points on main mask region, that other regions attach to hp.parent = self hp.SetJob = SetJob_HealthBar hp.SetColor = HealthBarSetColorFG --hp:SetValue(0) local hpbg = hp:CreateTexture(nil,"ARTWORK",nil,-8) hpbg:SetAllPoints(hp) hpbg:SetTexture(texture) hpbg.SetColor = HealthBarSetColorBG hp.bg = hpbg ---------------------- -- HEALTH LOST EFFECT ---------------------- local flashPool = helpers.CreateTexturePool(hp, "ARTWORK", -5) flashPool.StopEffect = function(self, flash) flash.ag:Finish() end flashPool.UpdatePositionVertical = function(pool, self, p, health, parent) local frameLength = parent.frameLength self:SetHeight(-p*frameLength) local offset = health*frameLength self:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", parent, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, offset) self:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", parent, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, offset) end flashPool.UpdatePositionHorizontal = function(pool, self, p, health, parent) local frameLength = parent.frameLength self:SetWidth(-p*frameLength) local offset = health*frameLength self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", parent, "TOPLEFT", offset, 0) self:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", parent, "BOTTOMLEFT", offset, 0) end flashPool.UpdatePosition = flashPool.bUpdatePositionVertical flashPool.FireEffect = function(self, flash, p, health, frameState, flashId) if p >= 0 then return end local tex = flash local hp = tex:GetParent() local frameLength = hp.frameLength tex:SetTexture("Interface\\BUTTONS\\WHITE8X8") -- tex:SetBlendMode("ADD") tex:SetVertexColor(1,1,1, 1) tex:Show() tex:ClearAllPoints() self:UpdatePosition(tex, p, health, hp) if not tex.ag then local bag = tex:CreateAnimationGroup() -- local ba1 = bag:CreateAnimation("Alpha") -- ba1:SetFromAlpha(0) -- ba1:SetToAlpha(0.8) -- ba1:SetDuration(0.1) -- ba1:SetOrder(1) -- local s1 = bag:CreateAnimation("Scale") -- s1:SetOrigin("LEFT",0,0) -- s1:SetFromScale(1, 1) -- s1:SetToScale(0.01, 1) -- s1:SetDuration(0.3) -- s1:SetOrder(1) -- local t1 = bag:CreateAnimation("Translation") -- t1:SetOffset(10, 0) -- t1:SetDuration(0.15) -- t1:SetOrder(1) local ba2 = bag:CreateAnimation("Alpha") -- ba2:SetStartDelay(0.1) ba2:SetFromAlpha(1) ba2:SetToAlpha(0) ba2:SetDuration(0.2) ba2:SetOrder(1) bag.a2 = ba2 -- local t2 = bag:CreateAnimation("Scale") -- t2:SetFromScale(1.1, 1) -- t2:SetToScale(1, 1) -- t2:SetDuration(0.7) -- t2:SetOrder(2) bag.pool = flashPool bag:SetScript("OnFinished", function(self) self.pool:Release(self:GetParent()) local frameState = self.state local id = self.flashId frameState.flashes[id] = nil end) tex.ag = bag end tex.ag.state = frameState tex.ag.flashId = flashId tex.ag:Play() return true end self.flashPool = flashPool --[[ local hpMask = hp:CreateMaskTexture(nil, "ARTWORK", nil, 5) hpMask:SetWidth(20) hpMask:SetHeight(20) hpMask:SetTexture("Interface\\BUTTONS\\WHITE8X8") hpMask:SetVertexColor(0,0,0) hpMask:SetPoint("CENTER",0,0) ]] ------------------------ -- Mouseover highlight ------------------------ local mot = CreateMouseoverHighlight(hp) self.mouseoverHighlight = mot -------------------- local absorb = CreateAbsorbSideBar(hp) absorb.parent = hp hp.absorb = absorb ------------------- local absorb2 = CreateAbsorbBar(hp) absorb2.parent = hp hp.absorb2 = absorb2 ------------------- local healAbsorb = CreateHealAbsorb(hp) healAbsorb.parent = hp hp.healabsorb = healAbsorb ----------------------- local hpi = CreateIncomingHealBar(hp) hpi.parent = hp hp.incoming = hpi ----------------------- local alphaWidget = CreateAlphaWidget(self) self.frameAlpha = alphaWidget -- old backdrop border local p4 = outlineSize + pixelperfect(2) local border = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, self, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate" or nil) border:SetFrameLevel(FRAMELEVEL.BORDER) border:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT", -p4, p4) border:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", self, "BOTTOMRIGHT", p4, -p4) border:SetBackdrop(border_backdrop) Border_SetSize(self, border, db.selBorderWidth, db.selBorderInset) border:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 1, 1, 0.5) -- new composite border -- local border = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, self) -- local borderInset = 0 -- border:SetFrameLevel(FRAMELEVEL.BORDER) -- border:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT", -outlineSize+borderInset, outlineSize-borderInset) -- border:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", self, "BOTTOMRIGHT", outlineSize-borderInset, -outlineSize+borderInset) -- local borderWidth = pixelperfect(2) + pixelperfect(2)*0.1 -- border.outline = MakeCompositeBorder(border, "Interface\\BUTTONS\\WHITE8X8", borderWidth, borderWidth, borderWidth, borderWidth, "ARTWORK", 0) AddPulseAnimation(border) border.SetJob = Border_SetJob AddBlinkAnimation(border) border.StartTrace = Border_StartTrace border:Hide() local text1_opts = Aptechka:GetWidgetsOptionsMerged("text1") local text = Aptechka.Widget.Text.Create(self, nil, text1_opts) local text2_opts = Aptechka:GetWidgetsOptionsMerged("text2") local text2 = Aptechka.Widget.Text.Create(self, nil, text2_opts) local raidicon = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,self) raidicon:SetWidth(20); raidicon:SetHeight(20) raidicon:Hide() raidicon:SetPoint("CENTER",hp,"TOPLEFT",0,0) local raidicontex = raidicon:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY") raidicontex:SetAllPoints(raidicon) raidicon.texture = raidicontex raidicon:SetAlpha(0.3) local text3_opts = Aptechka:GetWidgetsOptionsMerged("text3") local text3 = Aptechka.Widget.Text.Create(self, nil, text3_opts) self.debuffIcons = Aptechka.Widget.DebuffIconArray.Create(self, Aptechka:GetWidgetsOptions("debuffIcons")) -- local brcorner = CreateCorner(self, 21, 21, "BOTTOMRIGHT", self, "BOTTOMRIGHT",0,0) -- local bossdebuff = CreateCorner(self, 17, 17, "TOPLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT",0,0, "TOPLEFT") --last arg changes orientation -- local bossdebuff = Aptechka.Widget.Indicator.Create(self, Aptechka:GetWidgetsOptions("bossdebuff")) local bossdebuff = border self.health = hp self.text1 = text self.text2 = text2 self.healthtext = self.text2 self.text3 = text3 self.power = powerbar self.border = border self.healthColor = WrapFrameAsWidget(self.health) self.bossdebuff = bossdebuff self.raidicon = raidicon self.healabsorb = healAbsorb self.absorb = absorb self.absorb2 = absorb2 self.OnMouseEnterFunc = OnMouseEnterFunc self.OnMouseLeaveFunc = OnMouseLeaveFunc end local MaskStatusBar = {} function MaskStatusBar.SetWidth(self, w) self:_SetWidth(w) self._width = w end function MaskStatusBar.SetHeight(self, w) self:_SetHeight(w) self._height = w end function MaskStatusBar.SetStatusBarTexture(self, ...) self._texture:SetTexture(...) end function MaskStatusBar.GetStatusBarTexture(self) return self._texture end function MaskStatusBar.GetSeparationRegionAttachmentPoints(self) local isReversed = self._fillStyle == "REVERSE" local orientation = self._orientation local mask = self._mask if orientation == "VERTICAL" then if isReversed then return mask, orientation, isReversed, "TOPLEFT", "TOPRIGHT" else return mask, orientation, isReversed, "BOTTOMLEFT", "BOTTOMRIGHT" end else if isReversed then return mask, orientation, isReversed, "TOPRIGHT", "BOTTOMRIGHT" else return mask, orientation, isReversed, "TOPLEFT", "BOTTOMLEFT" end end return mask end function MaskStatusBar.SetStatusBarColor(self, ...) self._texture:SetVertexColor(...) end function MaskStatusBar.SetTexCoord(self, ...) self._texture:SetTexCoord(...) end function MaskStatusBar.SetMinMaxValues(self, min, max) if max > min then self._min = min self._max = max else self._min = 0 self._max = 1 end end function MaskStatusBar.SetFillStyle(self, fillStyle) if self._fillStyle == fillStyle or self._locked then return end self._fillStyle = fillStyle self:_Configure() end function MaskStatusBar.SetFillStyleLock(self, state) self._locked = state end function MaskStatusBar.SetOrientation(self, orientation) if self._orientation == orientation then return end self._orientation = orientation self:_Configure() end local function MaskStatusBar_ResizeVertical(self, value) local len = self._height or self:GetHeight() self._mask:SetHeight(len*value) end local function MaskStatusBar_ResizeHorizontal(self, value) local len = self._width or self:GetWidth() self._mask:SetWidth(len*value) end function MaskStatusBar._Configure(self) local isReversed = self._fillStyle == "REVERSE" local orientation = self._orientation local mask = self._mask mask:ClearAllPoints() if orientation == "VERTICAL" then self._Resize = MaskStatusBar_ResizeVertical if isReversed then mask:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT") mask:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT") else mask:SetPoint("TOPLEFT") mask:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT") end else self._Resize = MaskStatusBar_ResizeHorizontal if isReversed then mask:SetPoint("TOPLEFT") mask:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT") else mask:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT") mask:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT") end end self:SetValue(self._value) end function MaskStatusBar.SetValue(self, val) local min = self._min local max = self._max self._value = val local rpos = (max-val)/(max-min) if rpos > 1 then rpos = 1 end local mask = self._mask if rpos <= 0 then self:_Resize(0.001) mask:Hide() return end mask:Show() self:_Resize(rpos) end function MaskStatusBar.Create(name, parent, orientation, fillStyle) local f = CreateFrame("Frame", name, parent) f._min = 0 f._max = 100 f._value = 0 local tex = f:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK") tex:SetAllPoints(f) f._texture = tex local mask = f:CreateMaskTexture(nil, "ARTWORK") mask:SetTexture("Interface\\Addons\\Aptechka\\tmask", "CLAMPTOWHITE", "CLAMPTOWHITE") tex:AddMaskTexture(mask) -- local mask = f:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK", 3) -- mask:SetTexture("Interface\\BUTTONS\\WHITE8X8") f._mask = mask f._SetWidth = f.SetWidth f._SetHeight = f.SetHeight Mixin(f, MaskStatusBar) f._fillStyle = fillStyle f._orientation = orientation f:_Configure() f:Show() return f end Aptechka.CreateMaskStatusBar = MaskStatusBar.Create local CoordStatusBar = {} function CoordStatusBar.SetStatusBarTexture(self, texture) self._texture:SetTexture(texture) end function CoordStatusBar.GetStatusBarTexture(self) return self._texture end function CoordStatusBar.SetStatusBarColor(self, r,g,b,a) self._texture:SetVertexColor(r,g,b,a) end function CoordStatusBar.SetMinMaxValues(self, min, max) if max > min then self._min = min self._max = max else self._min = 0 self._max = 1 end end function CoordStatusBar.GetSeparationRegionAttachmentPoints(self) local isReversed = self._fillStyle == "REVERSE" local orientation = self._orientation local region = self._texture if orientation == "VERTICAL" then if isReversed then return region, orientation, not isReversed, "BOTTOMLEFT", "BOTTOMRIGHT" else return region, orientation, not isReversed, "TOPLEFT", "TOPRIGHT" end else if isReversed then return region, orientation, not isReversed, "TOPLEFT", "BOTTOMLEFT" else return region, orientation, not isReversed, "TOPRIGHT", "BOTTOMRIGHT" end end return region end function CoordStatusBar.SetFillStyle(self, fillStyle) if self._fillStyle == fillStyle or self._locked then return end self._fillStyle = fillStyle self:_Configure() end function CoordStatusBar.SetFillStyleLock(self, state) self._locked = state end function CoordStatusBar.SetOrientation(self, orientation) if self._orientation == orientation then return end self._orientation = orientation self:_Configure() end function CoordStatusBar.SetTexCoord(self, ...) if not self.texCoords then self.texCoords = {...} else local existingCoords = self.texCoords local equal = true for i=1,4 do if select(i, ...) ~= existingCoords[i] then equal = false end end if equal then return end end self:_Configure() end function CoordStatusBar.ResizeVertical(self, value) local len = self._height or self:GetHeight() self._texture:SetHeight(len*value) end function CoordStatusBar.ResizeHorizontal(self, value) local len = self._width or self:GetWidth() self._texture:SetWidth(len*value) end function CoordStatusBar.MakeCoordsVerticalStandard(self, p) -- left,right, bottom - (bottom-top)*pos , bottom return 0,1, 1-p, 1 end function CoordStatusBar.MakeCoordsVerticalReversed(self, p) return 0,1, 0, p end function CoordStatusBar.MakeCoordsHorizontalStandard(self, p) return 0,p,0,1 end function CoordStatusBar.MakeCoordsHorizontalReversed(self, p) return 1-p,1,0,1 end function CoordStatusBar.SetWidth(self, w) self:_SetWidth(w) self._width = w end function CoordStatusBar.SetHeight(self, w) self:_SetHeight(w) self._height = w end function CoordStatusBar._Configure(self) local isReversed = self._fillStyle == "REVERSE" local orientation = self._orientation local tex = self._texture local l,r,t,b, chrange, cvrange if self.texCoords then l,r,t,b = unpack(self.texCoords) chrange = r - l cvrange = b - t end tex:ClearAllPoints() if orientation == "VERTICAL" then self._Resize = CoordStatusBar.ResizeVertical if isReversed then tex:SetPoint("TOPLEFT") tex:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT") self.MakeCoords = CoordStatusBar.MakeCoordsVerticalReversed if self.texCoords then self.MakeCoords = function(self, p) return l,r, t, t+p*cvrange end end else tex:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT") tex:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT") self.MakeCoords = CoordStatusBar.MakeCoordsVerticalStandard if self.texCoords then self.MakeCoords = function(self, p) return l,r, b-p*cvrange, b end end end else self._Resize = CoordStatusBar.ResizeHorizontal if isReversed then tex:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT") tex:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT") self.MakeCoords = CoordStatusBar.MakeCoordsHorizontalReversed if self.texCoords then self.MakeCoords = function(self, p) return r-p*chrange,r,t,b end end else tex:SetPoint("TOPLEFT") tex:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT") self.MakeCoords = CoordStatusBar.MakeCoordsHorizontalStandard if self.texCoords then self.MakeCoords = function(self, p) return l,l+p*chrange,t,b end end end end self:SetValue(self._value) end function CoordStatusBar.SetValue(self, val) local min = self._min local max = self._max self._value = val local pos = (val-min)/(max-min) if pos > 1 then pos = 1 end local tex = self._texture if pos <= 0 then self:_Resize(0.005); tex:Hide(); return end tex:Show() self:_Resize(pos) self._texture:SetTexCoord(self:MakeCoords(pos)) end function CoordStatusBar.Create(name, parent, orientation, fillStyle, l,r,t,b) local f = CreateFrame("Frame", name, parent) f._min = 0 f._max = 100 f._value = 0 local tex = f:CreateTexture(nil, "ARTWORK") f._texture = tex -- As i later found out, parent:GetHeight() doesn't immediately return the correct values on login, leading to infinite bars -- So i had to move from attachment by opposing corners to attachment by neighboring corners + SetHeight/SetWidth f._SetWidth = f.SetWidth f._SetHeight = f.SetHeight Mixin(f, CoordStatusBar) f._fillStyle = fillStyle f._orientation = orientation if b then f.texCoords = {l,r,t,b} end f:_Configure() f:Show() return f end Aptechka.CreateCoordStatusBar = CoordStatusBar.Create local function FakeHeader_Arrange(hdr) local db = Aptechka.db.profile local w = pixelperfect(db.width) local h = pixelperfect(db.height) local unitGrowth = db.unitGrowth local unitGap = db.unitGap local scale = Aptechka.db.profile.scale or 1 hdr:SetScale(scale) local xOffset local yOffset local reversedUnitGrowth, unitDirection = reverse(unitGrowth) if unitDirection == "HORIZONTAL" then local tw = w*5+unitGap*4 hdr:SetSize(tw, h) else local th = h*5+unitGap*4 hdr:SetSize(w, th) end if unitGrowth == "RIGHT" then xOffset = unitGap; yOffset = 0; elseif unitGrowth == "LEFT" then xOffset = -unitGap; yOffset = 0; elseif unitGrowth == "TOP" then xOffset = 0; yOffset = unitGap; elseif unitGrowth == "BOTTOM" then xOffset = 0; yOffset = -unitGap; end local prev = nil for i=1,5 do local f = hdr.children[i] f:ClearAllPoints() f:SetSize(w,h) if not prev then f:SetPoint(reversedUnitGrowth, hdr, reversedUnitGrowth, 0, 0) else f:SetPoint(reversedUnitGrowth, prev, unitGrowth, xOffset, yOffset) end prev = f end end function Aptechka:CreateFakeGroupHeader(id) local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent) frame:SetID(id) Mixin(frame, helpers.AptechkaHeader) frame:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND") frame.children = {} for i=1,5 do local t = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND", nil, -5) t:SetTexture("Interface\\BUTTONS\\WHITE8X8") t:SetVertexColor(0,0,0) t:SetAlpha(0.5) -- t:SetAllPoints(frame) frame.children[i] = t end frame.Arrange = FakeHeader_Arrange frame.SetAttribute = function() end frame:Arrange() return frame end function Aptechka:CreateFakeGroupHeaders() if Aptechka.testGroupHeaders then return end Aptechka.testGroupHeaders = {} for i=1,8 do Aptechka.testGroupHeaders[i] = self:CreateFakeGroupHeader(i) end end do local groupSizes = { 1, 4, 6, 8 } local sizeIndex = 1 function Aptechka:CycleTestMode() if not self.testGroupHeaders then self:CreateFakeGroupHeaders() self:ReconfigureTestHeaders() end self.testGroupHeaders.enabled = true -- for i=1,8 do -- self.testGroupHeaders[i]:Show() -- end local groupLimit = groupSizes[sizeIndex] if groupLimit == nil then sizeIndex = 1 return self:DisableTestMode() end for i=1,8 do local hdr = self.testGroupHeaders[i] if i <= groupLimit then hdr:Show() else hdr:Hide() end end sizeIndex = sizeIndex + 1 end function Aptechka:DisableTestMode() if not self.testGroupHeaders then return end self.testGroupHeaders.enabled = false for i=1,8 do self.testGroupHeaders[i]:Hide() end sizeIndex = 1 end end function Aptechka:ToggleTestMode() self:CycleTestMode() end function Aptechka:ReconfigureTestHeaders() if not Aptechka.testGroupHeaders then return end for i=1,8 do Aptechka.testGroupHeaders[i]:Arrange() end local db = Aptechka.db.profile local groupGrowth = db.groupGrowth local unitGrowth = db.unitGrowth Aptechka:SetGrowth(Aptechka.testGroupHeaders, unitGrowth, groupGrowth) end