// key: word stem // values: ULD#, english translation // ULD is http://www.frathwiki.com/Universal_Language_Dictionary var dict = [ ["ri",203,"x1 becomes, begins to be, acquires the quality of x2"], ["li",204,"x1 causes, induces to be/happen x2"], ["ða",241,"x1 is probable, possible (maybe, perhaps)"], ["ʃa",3228,"x1 repeats (again, once more, re-) "], ["pa",3235,"x1 begins, commences, starts"], ["ta",3236,"x1 continues, keep on being"], ["sa",612,"x1 is female"], ["va",614,"x1 is male"], ["fa",3238,"x1 ends, concludes, finishes"], ["ka",3239,"x1 ceases, stops, quits"], ["xa",,"x1 resumes, continues after break"], ["da",3206,"x1 is current, present, now, in the moment"], ["za",3242,"x1 is eternal, always, at all times"], ["ma",3209,"x1 is former, ex-, in the past"], ["ŋa",,"x1 is future, in the future"], ["maluda",3201,"x1 is the past time"], ["daluda",3202,"x1 is the present time"], ["ŋaluda",3203,"x1 is the future time"], ["ðaɣuʒi",208,"x1 can, is able to x2"], ["nali",171,"x1 is because of, due to x2"], ["nabuki",305,"x1 is a child of x2"], ["vazoma",307,"x1 is a boy "], ["sazoma",309,"x1 is a girl "], ["valola",314,"x1 is a man, adult male person"], ["salola",316,"x1 is a woman, adult female person"], ["vabuki",322,"x1 is a father of x2"], ["sabuki",324,"x1 is a mother of x2"], ["valuzi",354,"x1 is a brother of x2"], ["saluzi",357,"x1 is a sister of x2"], ["rinu",205,"x1 makes, renders x2 x3; x1 imparts quality x3 to x2"], ["meninu",3032,"x1 brings x2 at x3; x1 causes x2 to come along with one toward a place x3"], ["vagaʒi",330,"x1 is a grandfather of x2"], ["sagaʒi",335,"x1 is a grandmother of x2"], ["vaŋapi",340,"x1 is an uncle of x2"], ["saŋapi",345,"x1 is an aunt of x2"], ["vanabuki",350,"x1 is a son of x2"], ["sanabuki",352,"x1 is a daughter of x2"], ["vasazi",361,"x1 is a husband of x2"], ["sasazi",362,"x1 is a wife of x2"], ["vazebi",390,"x1 is a king of x2"], ["sazebi",391,"x1 is a queen of x2"], ["rizeða",626,"x1 dies"], ["rizeðali",627,"x1 kills x2"], ["rinira",665,"x1 wakes up, becomes awake"], ["ŋagabeza",1004,"x1 is a plant of grain, cereal"], ["nepabeza",1030,"x1 is an apple tree of genus Malus"], ["fudabeza",1031,"x1 is a banana plant of genus Musa"], ["muzabeza",1035,"x1 is a mandarin, tangerine tree of sp. Citrus reticulata"], ["gogabeza",1037,"x1 is an orange tree of Citrus sinensis / related spp."], ["lababeza",1076,"x1 is a rice plant of sp. Oryza sativa"], ["mapabeza",1078,"x1 is a wheat plant of sp. Triticum aestivum"], ["fiɣabeza",1080,"x1 is a bean, lima, snap plant of genus Phaseolus or similar"], ["fubabeza",1094,"x1 is a potato plant of sp. Solanum tuberosum"], ["keʃabeza",1098,"x1 is a tomato plant of genus Lycopersicon"], ["nakaxe",1682,"x1 is a prize, award from x2 to x3 for x4"], ["lagi",1732,"x1 lacks, is without x2"], ["kasaʒi",1733,"x1 loses, cease having x2"], ["nunafe",1755,"x1 is a price, cost which x2 paid for x3 to x4"], ["nuvevu",1761,"x1 lends x3 to x2"], ["rigali",1917,"x2 likes, enjoys, derive pleasure from x1"], ["nidapu",2045,"x1 teaches (someone) x2 (something) x3"], ["tamaʃi",2052,"x1 remembers x2"], ["kamaʃi",2053,"x1 forgets x2"], ["rabali",,"x1 changes, makes x2 different"], ["meŋali",,"x1 increases, makes x2 greater in quantity"], ["dirali",,"x1 decreases, makes x2 lesser in quantity"], ["segali",,"x1 gathers, collects, brings x2 together"], ["tazinu",,"x1 returns, send x2 back to previous place/condition x3"], ["liði",101,"x1 is from, moving out of or away from x2"], ["tefi",102,"x1 is to, towards, at, moving toward x2"], ["tudi",103,"x1 is at, in the same location as x2"], ["lobi",110,"x1 is in, located inside of x2"], ["noxi",150,"x1 is with, accompanied by, furnished with x2"], ["θami",172,"x1 is by means of, via, per, with, using, through instrumentality of x2"], ["foli",174,"x1 is for, to benefit, destined for, for the purpose of x2"], ["gixi",178,"x1 is of, belonging to, associated with x2 (genitive)"], ["muli",180,"x1 is compared to x2"], ["ŋeɣi",201,"x1 is x2 (am, are, be)"], ["dora",202,"x1 exists"], ["ɣuʒi",206,"x1 does, performs, engages in specified activity x2"], ["saʒi",207,"x1 has, possesses, is furnished with x2"], ["siði",209,"x1 should, ought to, is expected/advised to x2"], ["ʒuri",2710,"x1 is as much as, to the same degree as x2"], ["faʒi",111,"x1 is outside of, exterior to x2"], ["voði",120,"x1 is above, over x2"], ["ŋasi",121,"x1 is under, below, beneath x2"], ["leʃi",130,"x1 is in front of, ahead of, before (spatially) x2"], ["goʒi",131,"x1 is behind, in back of, to the rear of x2"], ["muxi",140,"x1 is before, prior to, earlier than x2"], ["θimi",141,"x1 is during x2"], ["keði",142,"x1 is after, later than, in the future of x2"], ["lagi",151,"x1 is without, not with x2"], ["peti",160,"x1 is around, encircling, surrounding x2"], ["keni",161,"x1 is between, among x2"], ["meʒi",162,"x1 is beyond, farther than, exceeding x2"], ["θeni",163,"x1 is near, close to x2"], ["ʃomi",164,"x1 is on, resting on, touching the top or other surface of x2"], ["tesi",165,"x1 is across, at the other side of, to the other side of x2"], ["ŋuɣi",166,"x1 is through x2"], ["kazi",170,"x1 is about, pertaining to, on the topic of x2"], ["ðazi",173,"x1 is except for, apart from, excluding x2; x1 is excluded from x2"], ["zevi",175,"x1 is for, in exchange for x2"], ["kafi",176,"x1 is instead of, rather than x2"], ["ʒuxi",177,"x1 is like, similar to x2"], ["mazi",179,"x1 is of x2 (contains the measured quantity: 'two liters of water')"], ["ŋiva",240,"x1 is same (also, too)"], ["ðeza",243,"x1 is alone, unique, exclusive (only, exclusively, solely)"], ["rufa",301,"x1 is a human being, person, any living member of Homo sapiens"], ["xeʃa",303,"x1 is a baby"], ["zoma",,"x1 is a kid"], ["buki",,"x1 is a parent of x2"], ["luzi",,"x1 is a sibling of x2"], ["ʃidi",374,"x1 is a friend of x2"], ["ʃazi",500,"x1 is a body of x2"], ["vari",501,"x1 is a head of x2"], ["vabi",502,"x1 is a neck of x2"], ["ðasi",503,"x1 is a back, rear portion of torso of x2"], ["gari",504,"x1 is a chest, upper front of torso of x2"], ["duŋi",510,"x1 is a face of x2"], ["geʃi",514,"x1 is an ear of x2"], ["faŋi",515,"x1 is an eye of x2"], ["xumi",520,"x1 is a nose of x2"], ["xizi",521,"x1 is a mouth of x2"], ["vaʃi",522,"x1 is a lip of x2"], ["kadi",523,"x1 is a tongue of x2"], ["topi",524,"x1 is a tooth of x2"], ["gozi",531,"x1 is an arm, shoulder to hand of x2"], ["vodi",534,"x1 is a hand of x2"], ["ðuki",535,"x1 is a finger of x2"], ["ɣiŋi",540,"x1 is a leg of x2"], ["ɣagi",542,"x1 is a foot of x2"], ["reti",543,"x1 is a toe of x2"], ["zaði",557,"x1 is a buttock of x2"], ["maki",560,"x1 is a bone of x2"], ["zasi",572,"x1 is a heart, blood-pumping organ of x2"], ["loða",660,"x1 sleeps"], ["busa",701,"x1 walks"], ["ðala",702,"x1 runs"], ["dili",720,"x1 eats x2"], ["laɣi",721,"x1 drinks x2"], ["ðeʒa",731,"x1 stands"], ["xaʃa",733,"x1 sits, is in a sitting position"], ["neva",737,"x1 lies, reclines horizontally"], ["resa",740,"x1 cries, weeps"], ["ŋofi",810,"x1 sees x2"], ["zeʒa",820,"x1 lights, emits light, visible electro-magnetic radiation"], ["zeka",860,"x1 sounds, emits sound, audible waves in the air"], ["θomi",861,"x1 hears x2"], ["dema",1112,"x1 is a sky"], ["ŋola",1126,"x1 is the moon"], ["guzo",1128,"it rains"], ["ðaka",1133,"x1 is the sun"], ["boki",1200,"x1 is a tool, utensil, implement for x2"], ["siga",1302,"x1 is a basket"], ["voɣa",1308,"x1 is a cup, small bowl with handle"], ["mota",1341,"x1 is a bed"], ["pinu",1734,"x1 gives x2 to x3"], ["mavi",1736,"x1 gets, acquires, gains, obtains x2"], ["zetu",1738,"x1 takes x2 from x3"], ["nafe",1750,"x1 buys, purchases x2 from x3 for x4"], ["ʃele",1751,"x1 sells x2 to x3 for x4"], ["povi",1905,"x1 is good for x2; x2 considers x1 good"], ["kaʃi",1906,"x1 is bad for x2; x2 considers x1 bad"], ["ɣupi",1943,"x1 is true for x2; x2 considers x1 true"], ["rimi",1945,"x1 is false, untrue for x2; x2 considers x1 false"], ["ðaɣi",1947,"x1 is right, correct for x2; x2 considers x1 right, correct"], ["fafi",1949,"x1 is wrong, incorrect for x2; x2 considers x1 wrong, incorrect"], ["pegi",1971,"x1 is kind, sort, type, variety of x2"], ["tapi",2030,"x1 wants, wishes, desires x2"], ["soɣi",2040,"x1 understands, comprehends x2"], ["maʃi",2041,"x1 knows x2"], ["naka",2080,"x1 is happy"], ["diva",2081,"x1 is sad, unhappy, melancholy"], ["ðiru",2155,"x1 helps, assists, aids x2 in x3"], ["kiðu",2224,"x1 says, tells, expresses in words x2 to x3"], ["neða",2289,"x1 is a word"], ["peŋi",2402,"x1 is same as x2, x1 is identical to x2"], ["noŋi",2408,"x1 is different from x2"], ["gubi",2660,"x1 is a part of x2"], ["nedi",2661,"x1 is a piece of, a part broken/cut/separated from x2"], ["dasa",2685,"x1 is full, filled"], ["boga",2686,"x1 is empty"], ["taka",2721,"x1 is extreme (very, much, to a large degree, with great intensity)"], ["ðiʒa",2724,"x1 is little (to a small degree, with almost no intensity)"], ["ŋaza",2730,"x1 is close to the highest degree (almost, nearly)"], ["ɣola",2803,"x1 is big, large, of much size"], ["teʒa",2804,"x1 is small, of little size"], ["kuʒa",2901,"x1 is directed up"], ["xina",2902,"x1 is directed down"], ["ɣuni",3001,"x1 goes to x2"], ["meni",3002,"x1 comes to x2; x1 arrives at x2"], ["muŋu",3012,"x1 puts x2 at x3; x1 causes item x2 to be located at place x3"], ["pika",3038,"x1 flies; moves through the air"], ["biba",3261,"x1 is last, final, after all others"], ["θabi",3263,"x1 follows x2 in turn; x1 is next, comes immediately after x2"], ["rura",3283,"x1 is a day, daytime as opposed to night, diurnal period "], ["dera",3284,"x1 is a night "], ["ʃana",3301,"x1 is water "], ["ŋusa",3330,"x1 is dirt, earth (tangible), soil"], ["ɣiɣa",3333,"x1 is rock, stone "], ["vita",3345,"x1 is wood (the substance)"], ["niɣi",3727,"x1 cuts x2"], ["mali",3749,"x1 hits, strikes x2"], ["suba",3821,"x1 burns, is on fire"], ["ŋodi",3932,"x1 is easy for x2"], ["kaki",3933,"x1 is difficult, hard for x2"], ["fili",3970,"x1 uses, utilizes x2"], ["lola",312,"x1 is an adult"], ["tami",320,"x1 is a member of a family x2"], ["gaʒi",,"x1 is a grandparent of x2"], ["ŋapi",,"x1 is an uncle/aunt of x2"], ["sazi",,"x1 is a spouse of x2"], ["θuði",370,"x1 is a leader of x2"], ["mefi",371,"x1 is a member of group/organization x2"], ["kebi",372,"x1 is a master of x2; x1 commands (slaves, animals etc) x2"], ["feɣi",373,"x1 is a slave of x2"], ["mini",375,"x1 is an enemy of x2"], ["zebi",,"x1 is a king/queen of x2"], ["xixi",392,"x1 is a chief, leader of a tribe x2"], ["deɣi",400,"x1 is a member of a group x2 (multiple things or persons sharing a location or activity) "], ["ruxi",445,"x1 is a member of a tribe x2 (group of families living in proximity and having the same chief) "], ["ŋati",460,"x1 is a member of a team x2"], ["ripi",505,"x1 is an abdomen of x2"], ["ɣosi",511,"x1 is a forehead of x2"], ["loʃi",512,"x1 is a cheek, side of face below eye of x2"], ["zimi",513,"x1 is a chin of x2"], ["miði",517,"x1 is hair, a strand of fibrous material growing from the body of x2"], ["ŋupi",518,"x1 is hair of x2; x1 is the hairs atop x2's head thought of as a collective entity"], ["geði",519,"x1 is a beard of x2"], ["bipi",525,"x1 is a throat of x2"], ["taŋi",530,"x1 is a shoulder of x2"], ["ðori",532,"x1 is an elbow of x2"], ["θaʃi",533,"x1 is a wrist of x2"], ["ɣaɣi",536,"x1 is a thumb of x2"], ["ŋeti",537,"x1 is a fist of x2"], ["madi",538,"x1 is a nail, fingernail of x2"], ["feŋi",539,"x1 is a palm of hand of x2"], ["pasi",541,"x1 is a knee of x2"], ["remi",544,"x1 is a heel of x2"], ["bafi",550,"x1 is a breast of, a mound of flesh culminating in a nipple on a woman x2"], ["zixi",551,"x1 is a waist of x2"], ["ðomi",552,"x1 is a hip of x2"], ["ʃapi",553,"x1 is a navel of x2"], ["dafi",562,"x1 is a spine, backbone of x2"], ["ŋuti",565,"x1 is a blood of x2"], ["laxi",566,"x1 is feces, excrement of x2"], ["θani",567,"x1 is a sweat, perspiration of x2"], ["vuni",568,"x1 is a tear, teardrop of x2"], ["ʒuði",569,"x1 is an urine of x2"], ["veti",571,"x1 is a brain of x2"], ["duli",573,"x1 is intestines, gut(s), viscera of x2"], ["ʒegi",577,"x1 is a flesh of x2"], ["diti",578,"x1 is a muscle of x2"], ["kifi",580,"x1 is a skin of x2"], ["tegi",581,"x1 is a stomach of x2"], ["pofi",582,"x1 is a vein of x2"], ["baŋi",590,"x1 is an egg of x2"], ["ʒagi",591,"x1 is a shell of (snail, clam, tortoise etc.) x2"], ["ɣali",594,"x1 is a tail of x2"], ["ðudi",595,"x1 is a wing of (bird etc.) x2"], ["ðugi",603,"x1 gives birth to x2"], ["tuba",620,"x1 is alive, lives"], ["puda",621,"x1 is alive, lives"], ["zeða",625,"x1 is dead"], ["θira",630,"x1 is healthy"], ["roma",631,"x1 is sick, ill"], ["ɣoka",632,"x1 is wounded (body or body part)"], ["θopa",635,"x1 has fever"], ["pira",640,"x1 is fat, obese"], ["miza",641,"x1 is skinny, thin (bodily)"], ["peza",645,"x1 is naked, nude"], ["fiza",650,"x1 is tired, weary"], ["kepa",652,"x1 is drunk, inebriated"], ["soði",662,"x1 dreams about x2"], ["nira",664,"x1 is awake"], ["feda",703,"x1 jumps, leaps"], ["ŋuŋa",704,"x1 climbs"], ["ðeŋa",705,"x1 crawls"], ["luʒa",706,"x1 swims"], ["zoɣi",710,"x1 breathes x2"], ["giʒi",722,"x1 bites x2"], ["ʃuli",723,"x1 spits x2 (saliva if not mentioned)"], ["ʃugi",724,"x1 swallows x2 (saliva if not mentioned)"], ["nala",725,"x1 vomits"], ["bisa",735,"x1 squats"], ["foʃa",741,"x1 cries out, shouts, yells"], ["ɣoma",743,"x1 laughs"], ["ŋoza",744,"x1 smiles"], ["zada",746,"x1 dances"], ["lufi",750,"x1 touches x2"], ["seni",751,"x1 catches, seizes x2 in the hands"], ["xani",752,"x1 holds, grasps x2"], ["pami",753,"x1 throws x2"], ["kuti",754,"x1 kicks x2"], ["lipi",761,"x1 kisses x2"], ["miki",762,"x1 copulates, has sex with x2"], ["kava",771,"x1 shaves, scrapes off beard-hairs with a blade"], ["fuði",781,"x1 hunts, pursues x2 with intent to capture and/or devour"], ["ruzi",782,"x1 fights, combats x2"], ["tuzi",811,"x1 look at x2 (intentionally and attentively see)"], ["gibi",813,"x1 conceals, hides x2"], ["gefi",814,"x1 reveals, discloses x2"], ["θixi",815,"x1 shows, displays x2"], ["fofi",821,"x1 is a shadow of x2"], ["gora",822,"x1 shines, radiates light"], ["leti",823,"x1 is a picture, image of x2"], ["ʒuza",824,"x1 is bright, with much light present"], ["geda",825,"x1 is dark, dim, with little light present"], ["suka",830,"x1 is a color"], ["θona",831,"x1 is black"], ["lexa",832,"x1 is gray, grey"], ["faxa",833,"x1 is white"], ["saɣa",835,"x1 is red"], ["nula",839,"x1 is yellow"], ["tisa",841,"x1 is green"], ["feba",843,"x1 is blue"], ["goba",847,"x1 is brown"], ["ʒiva",851,"x1 is beautiful"], ["ʒuŋa",852,"x1 is ugly"], ["pima",862,"x1 is silent"], ["ʃaba",863,"x1 is soft, contra-loud, of little sonic intensity"], ["kuba",864,"x1 is loud, of much sonic intensity"], ["xida",870,"x1 is a flavor, taste"], ["ɣoʒi",871,"x1 tastes, perceives the flavor of x2"], ["ʒiʃa",872,"x1 is delicious, tasty"], ["ʒeka",873,"x1 is sour"], ["lusa",874,"x1 is sweet"], ["neʃa",875,"x1 is bitter"], ["gona",876,"x1 is a smell, odor, aroma"], ["xeta",877,"x1 stinks, emits an unpleasant odor"], ["ŋeʒi",878,"x1 smells, perceives the odor/aroma of x2"], ["rezi",880,"x1 feels, perceives x2 with the tactile sense"], ["boda",881,"x1 feels pain"], ["riga",882,"x1 feels pleasure"], ["zesa",891,"x1 is a heat, warmth"], ["θeʒa",892,"x1 is cold"], ["xama",893,"x1 is cool"], ["pola",894,"x1 is warm"], ["zuma",895,"x1 is hot"], ["ʒoʒa",904,"x1 is an animal"], ["ɣisa",905,"x1 is an insect"], ["ðifa",910,"x1 is an ant, insect of family Formicidae"], ["θoxa",920,"x1 is a bee, member of genus Apis"], ["ɣira",921,"x1 is a butterfly"], ["gexa",923,"x1 is a fly, small winged insect"], ["zuba",924,"x1 is a mosquito"], ["ʒuma",932,"x1 is a snake, reptile of suborder Serpentes or Ophidia"], ["fiva",934,"x1 is a turtle, reptile of order Testudinata"], ["xoma",940,"x1 is a fish"], ["zufa",945,"x1 is a frog, web-footed tailless leaping amphibian"], ["ʒeʃa",948,"x1 is a spider"], ["xeɣa",950,"x1 is a cow/bull, cattle, bovine animal of either sex"], ["beða",951,"x1 is a donkey, ass, Equus asinus"], ["fata",953,"x1 is a goat, animal of genus Capra"], ["pera",954,"x1 is a horse, Equus caballus"], ["taga",955,"x1 is a pig, mammal of family Suidae"], ["sifa",956,"x1 is a sheep, Ovis aries"], ["viʒa",960,"x1 is a bear, animal of Ursidae family"], ["ŋika",961,"x1 is a deer, animal of family Cervidae"], ["loza",962,"x1 is a lion, Felis leo"], ["ʒaɣa",963,"x1 is a tiger, Felis tigris"], ["feza",964,"x1 is a fox, member of genus Vulpes"], ["goka",965,"x1 is a wolf, Canis lupus"], ["ðusa",966,"x1 is a monkey, small primate"], ["seɣa",967,"x1 is a rabbit, animal of family Leporidae"], ["piʃa",970,"x1 is a squirrel, rodent of family Sciuridae"], ["ʃaka",971,"x1 is a mouse"], ["pifa",975,"x1 is a dog, Canis familiaris"], ["luta",977,"x1 is a cat, Felis catus"], ["zota",980,"x1 is a bird, egg-laying feathered animal with wings"], ["xuda",981,"x1 is a chicken"], ["ðiza",982,"x1 is a duck"], ["naza",983,"x1 is a turkey, Meleagris gallopavo"], ["bala",993,"x1 is wild, feral, untamed"], ["ŋiʃi",995,"x1 is a nest, den, lair, self-made house of animal x2"], ["beza",1000,"x1 is a plant, a vegetable life-form"], ["θala",1001,"x1 is a tree"], ["tela",1002,"x1 is a bush, shrub"], ["maʒa",1003,"x1 is a grass, monocotyledonous plant of family Gramineae"], ["ŋaga",,"x1 is a seed of grain, cereal"], ["xefa",1006,"x1 is a weed, unwanted plant"], ["ɣuʃa",1010,"x1 is a garden"], ["kasi",1011,"x1 plants x2; x1 puts seeds of x2 in soil"], ["bovi",1012,"x1 harvests, reaps x2"], ["viva",1022,"x1 is a flower"], ["vezi",1023,"x1 is a fruit of x2"], ["naʒi",1024,"x1 is a leaf of x2"], ["nesi",1025,"x1 is a nut, hard-shelled fruit/seed with separable shell and kernel of x2"], ["zati",1027,"x1 is a root of (a plant) x2"], ["xuzi",1028,"x1 is a seed of x2"], ["nepa",,"x1 is an apple fruit of genus Malus"], ["fuda",,"x1 is a banana fruit of genus Musa"], ["muza",,"x1 is a mandarin, tangerine fruit of sp. Citrus reticulata"], ["goga",,"x1 is an orange fruit of Citrus sinensis / related spp."], ["bosa",1067,"x1 is a mint, plant of family Labiatae"], ["laba",,"x1 is a rice seed of sp. Oryza sativa"], ["mapa",,"x1 is a wheat seed of sp. Triticum aestivum"], ["fiɣa",,"x1 is a bean, lima, snap seed of genus Phaseolus or similar"], ["fuba",,"x1 is a potato tuber of sp. Solanum tuberosum"], ["moŋi",,"x1 is a tuber of plant x2"], ["keʃa",,"x1 is a tomato berry of genus Lycopersicon"], ["xova",1101,"x1 is a world"], ["ŋuða",1110,"x1 is an earth, terra firma contrasted with sea and heaven"], ["θila",1111,"x1 is a sea, ocean"], ["dima",1120,"x1 is a weather"], ["bota",1121,"x1 is a cloud"], ["pilo",1125,"lightning"], ["poba",1131,"x1 is a star"], ["sepo",1132,"storm "], ["saro",1134,"thunder "], ["mogo",1137,"it is windy"], ["bila",1161,"x1 is a beach, shore "], ["puɣa",1162,"x1 is a cave"], ["buza",1164,"x1 is a desert"], ["ŋaba",1165,"x1 is a field, unbroken expanse of land"], ["ɣixa",1166,"x1 is a forest"], ["ɣoŋa",1167,"x1 is a hill, smaller than a mountain"], ["ðeba",1168,"x1 is an island"], ["gupa",1169,"x1 is a lake"], ["riɣa",1170,"x1 is a mountain"], ["nada",1171,"x1 is a river"], ["foða",1173,"x1 is a valley"], ["niʒa",1202,"x1 is a knife"], ["kaða",1205,"x1 is a saw (tool)"], ["ɣeza",1206,"x1 is scissors"], ["defa",1209,"x1 is a spear, lance"], ["θafa",1210,"x1 is a sword"], ["ɣeða",1211,"x1 is a shield"], ["puva",1212,"x1 is an arrow, sharp-tipped shaft shot from a bow"], ["ŋara",1213,"x1 is a bow for arrows"], ["doka",1215,"x1 is a gun, ballistic weapon"], ["ŋala",1218,"x1 is a cage"], ["nuʒa",1219,"x1 is a fence, outdoor barrier supported by posts"], ["liʃa",1220,"x1 is a hook"], ["fefa",1221,"x1 is a net"], ["dona",1222,"x1 is a screen, mesh"], ["miʃa",1223,"x1 is a trap"], ["tima",1227,"x1 is a fork, instrument with 2+ prongs for picking up something"], ["ɣega",1228,"x1 is a hammer"], ["vika",1230,"x1 is a spoon"], ["ɣexa",1240,"x1 is a wire, long thread-like piece of metal"], ["fuɣa",1244,"x1 is a brush"], ["θora",1245,"x1 is a comb"], ["kusa",1246,"x1 is a button (e.g. on a shirt)"], ["ðixa",1247,"x1 is a chain, connected series of rings or links"], ["zapa",1252,"x1 is a cover, thing put onto or extended over something else"], ["pura",1256,"x1 is a candle"], ["suʒa",1257,"x1 is a lamp"], ["deda",1259,"x1 is a mirror"], ["gosa",1269,"x1 is a pipe, a hard tube for transporting liquid"], ["tiʃa",1281,"x1 is a coin"], ["nasi",1286,"x1 is a key, metal device for operating lock x2"], ["ʃuva",1290,"x1 is a lock, device for securing doors"], ["bega",1291,"x1 is a machine, device with moving parts"], ["tova",1300,"x1 is a container"], ["lila",1303,"x1 is a bottle"], ["ɣafa",1304,"x1 is a bowl, deep round dish"], ["vava",1305,"x1 is a box, rigid rectangular receptacle"], ["zava",1306,"x1 is a bucket, pail"], ["mela",1307,"x1 is a can, presealed metal container, tin"], ["ŋeŋa",1310,"x1 is a jar, jug, big wide-mouthed bottle"], ["sopa",1314,"x1 is a pot, deep round vessel"], ["toma",1315,"x1 is a sack, bag"], ["koza",1342,"x1 is a chair, furniture for one person to sit on"], ["ʒosa",1346,"x1 is a table, piece of furniture with flat top"], ["giza",1404,"x1 is a leather, prepared hide"], ["θuna",1410,"x1 is a needle"], ["θaga",1415,"x1 is a thread"], ["vega",1416,"x1 is a string, thicker than thread and thinner than rope"], ["fika",1417,"x1 is a rope"], ["supi",1420,"x1 sews x2"], ["ðepi",1425,"x1 wears, has a garment x2 on the body"], ["taɣa",1430,"x1 is a hat"], ["ŋoka",1441,"x1 is a belt"], ["zuʒa",1442,"x1 is a glove"], ["bika",1450,"x1 is a coat, heavy outer garment with sleeves"], ["ŋona",1452,"x1 is a dress, a garment that combines bodice and skirt"], ["vema",1453,"x1 is a shirt"], ["fiba",1460,"x1 is pants, trousers"], ["guna",1470,"x1 is a shoe"], ["ŋaʃa",1481,"x1 is a pocket"], ["saka",1485,"x1 is a blanket, large piece of soft material used as a cover"], ["musa",1487,"x1 is a rug"], ["guma",1501,"x1 is a building, edifice, structure with walls and roof"], ["puʒa",1510,"x1 is a roof"], ["kira",1513,"x1 is a wall"], ["rafa",1514,"x1 is a window"], ["viza",1515,"x1 is a door"], ["ʃeða",1520,"x1 is a fireplace, hearth"], ["sava",1530,"x1 is a room, a distinct segment of a building"], ["sosa",1535,"x1 is a kitchen"], ["sela",1550,"x1 is a house, a free-standing man-made dwelling-building"], ["ʃuði",1556,"x1 resides, dwells, lives in x2"], ["vila",1557,"x1 is a camp, bivouac, temporary shelter"], ["fiʒa",1570,"x1 is a school"], ["siva",1580,"x1 is a store, shop, boutique"], ["lava",1590,"x1 is a bridge"], ["sida",1593,"x1 is a board"], ["zoða",1594,"x1 is a brick, hard clay block"], ["tiga",1595,"x1 is a farm"], ["ɣeva",1596,"x1 is a park, public outdoor area"], ["duza",1598,"x1 is a market, place of many sellers, usually outdoors or semi-enclosed"], ["fota",1622,"x1 is a tax"], ["fada",1631,"x1 is an army"], ["xosi",1635,"x1 is in war with x2"], ["keŋa",1650,"x1 is a law, a rule enforced by a government"], ["ziva",1654,"x1 is a crime, an illegal act"], ["suɣi",1670,"x1 controls x2"], ["poŋu",1671,"x1 permits, allows, lets (someone) x3 to do (something) x2"], ["bagu",1672,"x1 prohibits, forbids (someone) x3 to do (something) x2"], ["ŋeba",1675,"x1 is a rule, regulation"], ["tuɣa",1678,"x1 is free (at liberty)"], ["zine",1680,"x1 punishes x2 for x3 with x4"], ["kaxe",1681,"x1 rewards x2 for x3 with x4"], ["guge",1701,"x1 exchanges, trades, swaps x2 with x3 for x4"], ["ŋema",1705,"x1 is money"], ["difa",1709,"x1 is a company, a business organization, firm"], ["seza",1715,"x1 is rich, wealthy"], ["vida",1716,"x1 is poor, impoverished"], ["ŋaxi",1731,"x1 keeps, retains, goes on having x2"], ["moʒi",1735,"x1 provides, supplies, furnishes x2"], ["ʃozu",1739,"x1 steals, takes x2 in a criminal way from x3"], ["kova",1756,"x1 is cheap, inexpensive"], ["ʃima",1757,"x1 is expensive, costly"], ["vevu",1760,"x1 borrows x2 from x3"], ["vefa",1784,"x1 is greedy"], ["toki",1795,"x1 is a job, employment of x2"], ["ɣiba",1802,"x1 is magic, sorcery"], ["diɣa",1810,"x1 is god, diety"], ["tara",1831,"x1 is a ghost, manifestation of dead person's soul"], ["zaga",1840,"x1 is heaven"], ["vura",1850,"x1 is holy, sacred"], ["viɣi",1901,"x1 has an opinion about x2; x1 considers, thinks x2"], ["raki",1909,"x1 is suitable, proper, fit, fitting, appropriate to x2"], ["vuxi",1910,"x1 is fair, just, equitable to x2"], ["tobi",1920,"x1 prefers, favors x2"], ["dabi",1925,"x1 believes in, accept as true x2"], ["gura",1935,"x1 is simple"], ["ʃexa",1937,"x1 is complex"], ["ʒoza",1939,"x1 is clear, plain, easy to see/understand"], ["zeza",1951,"x1 is real, actual"], ["lasa",1953,"x1 is imaginary"], ["guʒi",1962,"x1 is a chief, main, primary, principal of x2"], ["ɣoʃa",1964,"x1 is normal, ordinary, usual"], ["vaða",1965,"x1 is strange, weird, unusual, peculiar"], ["mibi",1980,"x1 seeks, searches for, looks for x2"], ["belu",1984,"x1 chooses, picks out, selects x2 from x3"], ["pubi",2002,"x1 thinks x2"], ["kina",2005,"x1 is intelligent"], ["dara",2006,"x1 is stupid, unintelligent"], ["nimi",2023,"x1 is important to x2"], ["xagi",2027,"x1 considers, ponders, contemplates, thinks about (intensively) x2"], ["mani",2031,"x1 has a desire, longing of x2"], ["ridi",2033,"x1 intends, measn to, does deliberately, has x2 as a purpose"], ["fuŋi",2039,"x1 notices, observes x2"], ["dapu",2044,"x1 learns x2 from x3"], ["muða",2055,"x1 is an idea, concept, thought-bundle"], ["fupi",2060,"x1 feels, experiences an emotion, sentiment x2"], ["masa",2063,"x1 is upset, agitated"], ["fava",2064,"x1 is angry"], ["θuxa",2065,"x1 is boring, tedious"], ["kipi",2067,"x1 loves x2"], ["bevi",2068,"x1 hates x2"], ["vuɣa",2071,"x1 is brave"], ["nora",2072,"x1 is cowardly"], ["θepi",2073,"x1 fears, is afraid of x2"], ["ʒeɣi",2075,"x1 hopes for x2"], ["riʃa",2076,"x1 worries, feels anxiety"], ["ʃora",2107,"x1 is funny, comical"], ["ŋida",2108,"x1 is wise"], ["soga",2109,"x1 is foolish"], ["siʃa",2116,"x1 is cautious, prudent, careful"], ["ɣaŋu",2120,"x1 forgives, pardons x2 for x3"], ["lari",2122,"x1 guards, monitors, watches over x2"], ["θuŋi",2123,"x1 guides, leads x2"], ["ŋaŋa",2126,"x1 is lonely, feels undesirable solitude"], ["ruga",2129,"x1 is nice, kind, affable"], ["rapi",2131,"x1 is pity, feels compassion toward, feels sorry for x2"], ["siŋi",2132,"x1 pretends, acts, feigns x2"], ["poʒi",2133,"x1 deserves, merits, is worthy of x2"], ["latu",2134,"x1 revenges x2 for x3 (retribution, getting even)"], ["mixi",2137,"x1 serves, provides service to x2"], ["ɣati",2138,"x1 surprises, startles x2"], ["tani",2141,"x1 trusts x2"], ["ðuɣi",2143,"x1 tricks x2 (chicanery)"], ["refu",2150,"x1 agrees with x2 on x3"], ["ʃiʃu",2153,"x1 protects, defends x2 from x3"], ["meði",2154,"x1 attacks x2"], ["xuri",2156,"x1 interferes, hinders x2"], ["ðoga",2202,"x1 is a language, the verbal communication technique of a people"], ["rumi",2204,"x1 is a meaning, semantic content of (a word) x2"], ["puku",2205,"x1 is a message, batch of transmitted information from x2 to x3"], ["ðuti",2210,"x1 admits, confesses x2"], ["ʒifu",2212,"x1 asks, inquires x2 from x3"], ["rani",2213,"x1 call, summons x2"], ["ʒoŋu",2217,"x1 discusses, talks about x2 with x3"], ["zamu",2221,"x1 lies, utters a known falsehood to x2 about x3"], ["gudu",2223,"x1 requests, asks for x2 from x3"], ["vuki",2225,"x1 speaks, talks to x2"], ["meku",2227,"x1 thanks, expresses gratitude toward x2 for x3"], ["xasu",2228,"x1 warns x2 about x3"], ["nidu",2229,"x1 debates, argues, discusses the pros and cons of x2 with x3"], ["ɣari",2240,"x1 reads x2"], ["ʒomi",2241,"x1 writes x2"], ["roða",2248,"x1 is a book"], ["xiga",2250,"x1 is a page, one side of a sheet of paper in a book"], ["soŋu",2261,"x1 is a letter, a message written and mailed from x2 to x3"], ["reʃa",2265,"x1 is a pen, writing tool that uses ink"], ["ʒaʃu",2272,"x1 answers, replies x2 to a question or argument x3"], ["xedu",2280,"x1 questions, queries x2 about x3"], ["luŋa",2283,"x1 is a map, drawing of planet's surface"], ["rovi",2285,"x1 is a voice of x2"], ["kugi",2293,"x1 is a name of x2"], ["ʒada",2297,"x1 is a secret"], ["loŋa",2300,"x1 plays, recreates, frolics"], ["nuta",2315,"x1 is a music"], ["noki",2317,"x1 sings x2"], ["ʒofa",2320,"x1 is a bell"], ["ʃeba",2321,"x1 is a drum, hollow musical instrument beaten with sticks or hands"], ["ðeda",2322,"x1 is a guitar"], ["kiɣa",2323,"x1 is a horn, makes noise when blown"], ["ʒuka",2324,"x1 is a piano"], ["giri",2343,"x1 is a story about x2"], ["seta",2355,"x1 is a game, a rule-governed system of competitive amusement"], ["leʒa",2365,"x1 is a ball, spheroidal plaything"], ["taʒu",2366,"x1 wins, triumphs in a competition x2 with x3"], ["faɣu",2367,"x1 loses, is defeated in a competition x2 with x3"], ["rasi",2404,"x1 is equal to x2"], ["ɣeli",2406,"x1 is similar to x2"], ["raba",2412,"x1 changes, becomes different, varies"], ["raru",2424,"x1 seems, appears to be, gives the impression of x2 to x3"], ["puðu",2426,"x1 resembles x2 to x3"], ["foʒi",2600,"x1 is a quantity, amount, number, magnitude of x2"], ["fega",2601,"x1 is a number, numeral, a word or symbol indicating quantity"], ["suti",2620,"x1 adds, appends itself, joins so as to cause an increase to x2"], ["teɣi",2621,"x1 subtracts, removes itself from x2"], ["meŋa",2622,"x1 increases, becomes greater in quantity"], ["dira",2623,"x1 decreases, becomes or makes lesser in quantity"], ["kexi",2662,"x1 is a section, segment, a part somehow different/separated from others of x2"], ["xazi",2665,"x1 is a bundle, bunch, group of things tied or grouped together of x2"], ["nota",2681,"x1 is dense, of much density, concentrated, thick, intense"], ["fama",2682,"x1 is rarefied, tenuous, diffuse, dilute, sparse, wispy"], ["novi",2731,"x1 is sufficient for x2 (=> enough, sufficiently)"], ["posi",2732,"x1 is excessive for x2 (=> too much, excessively)"], ["funi",2733,"x1 is insufficient for x2 (=> too little, insufficiently)"], ["beka",2802,"x1 is huge, enormous, gigantic"], ["fona",2805,"x1 is tiny, minuscule"], ["sefa",2807,"x1 expands, grows, becomes larger"], ["xepa",2808,"x1 shrinks, contracts, becomes smaller"], ["ʒiɣi",2811,"x1 is far from x2; at / to a great distance"], ["ɣeri",2812,"x1 is near to x2; at / to a little distance"], ["boni",2816,"x1 is a place, location of x2"], ["ðuxa",2821,"x1 is long, of much length"], ["ɣuda",2822,"x1 is short, of little length"], ["fixa",2826,"x1 is wide, broad, of big space between objects"], ["dava",2827,"x1 is narrow, of little width, of small space between objects"], ["ʒoða",2831,"x1 is thick, fat, large from one surface to the opposite surface"], ["zuga",2832,"x1 is thin, slender, small from one surface to the opposite surface"], ["fima",2836,"x1 is high, tall, of much height"], ["ruða",2837,"x1 is low, short, not tall, of little height"], ["θita",2841,"x1 is deep, profound, of much depth"], ["gaga",2842,"x1 is shallow, of little depth"], ["tozi",2853,"x1 is a space, room for x2"], ["ʃogi",2860,"x1 is a front of x2"], ["suzi",2861,"x1 is a rear, back part of x2"], ["θiŋi",2862,"x1 is a side, flank, lateral area of x2"], ["lumi",2863,"x1 is a middle, center of x2"], ["ʒoni",2864,"x1 is a top, peak of x2"], ["xopi",2865,"x1 is a bottom of x2"], ["nili",2866,"x1 is an edge of x2"], ["fosi",2870,"x1 finds, discovers the location of x2"], ["ʃuri",2871,"x1 misplaces, loses, becomes unable to find x2"], ["ŋeri",2900,"x1 is a direction, orientation of motion of x2"], ["ðola",2903,"x1 is right, right-hand"], ["deza",2904,"x1 is left, left-hand"], ["giŋa",2920,"x1 is away from this or that place"], ["θupa",2921,"x1 is back to previous place / condition"], ["neɣi",2930,"x1 is a source, origin of x2"], ["foxi",2931,"x1 is a route, path, course of x2"], ["gaʃa",2941,"x1 is a city"], ["ðuŋa",2942,"x1 is a village"], ["ŋaɣi",2950,"x1 is apart from x2"], ["pomi",2951,"x1 is together with x2"], ["ʒola",2952,"x1 is alone"], ["ʃira",3000,"x1 travels"], ["vebi",3003,"x1 leaves, departs, goes away from x2"], ["ðimi",3010,"x1 sends, causes x2 to go, dispatches, transmits"], ["ŋeni",3014,"x1 drives, impels, propels x2"], ["roxu",3030,"x1 aims x2 at x3; x1 points, directs x2 toward x3"], ["ʃifu",3031,"x1 avoids, evades, keeps away from x3"], ["vaɣi",3033,"x1 captures, seizes x2"], ["leði",3034,"x1 carries, moves x2 while supporting"], ["kuŋi",3036,"x1 enters, goes into x2"], ["sega",3039,"x1 gathers, comes together"], ["lidi",3042,"x1 reaches, extends as far as x2"], ["xuʃa",3044,"x1 remains, stays"], ["sexi",3046,"x1 retrieves, fetches x2"], ["tazi",3047,"x1 returns, goes back to previous place/condition x2"], ["gisi",3048,"x1 rides x2; x1 sits/perches in/on a vehicle/horse x2 and travels"], ["luxi",3052,"x1 turns, sends x2 in a different direction; x1 diverts x2"], ["sona",3053,"x1 turns, rotates, revolves"], ["xusi",3073,"x1 is on a journey, trip, voyage to x2"], ["ɣima",3106,"x1 is a boat"], ["roka",3114,"x1 is a cart, carriage, wagon, wheeled vehicle not self-propelled"], ["dena",3118,"x1 is a car, automobile, wheeled motor vehicle"], ["ðata",3136,"x1 is a road"], ["ŋiɣa",3138,"x1 is a street"], ["giɣi",3154,"x1 is a motor, engine of x2"], ["godi",3156,"x1 is a wheel of x2"], ["luda",3200,"x1 is a time, the dimension/continuum of past-present-future"], ["tena",3204,"x1 was//happened long ago, in the far past"], ["bapa",3205,"x1 was/happened recently, in the near past"], ["rixa",3207,"x1 will be/happen soon, in the near future"], ["ɣiða",3208,"x1 will be/happen eventually, in the far future"], ["zona",3212,"x1 is young, of little age, having existed/lived for a brief time"], ["ʃuza",3213,"x1 is old, of much age, having existed/lived for a long time"], ["soʒa",3214,"x1 is new, novel, recent, having been known for a brief time"], ["gana",3215,"x1 is old, of long standing, having been known for a long time"], ["keka",3225,"x1 is frequent (=> often)"], ["roŋa",3226,"x1 is rare (=> seldom)"], ["ʒiba",3231,"x1 is long, of much duration"], ["zema",3232,"x1 is short, brief, of little duration"], ["pupa",3237,"x1 pauses, hesitates, suspends temporarily"], ["mera",3241,"x1 is a moment, an instant"], ["geɣa",3245,"x1 is prior to the time mentioned (=> already)"], ["gapa",3246,"x1 is/happens until the time mentioned (=> still, yet)"], ["puma",3250,"x1 is early, premature"], ["soza",3252,"x1 is late, tardy"], ["doza",3254,"x1 rushes, hurries, hastens"], ["ðaxi",3255,"x1 waits for, awaits x2"], ["deta",3257,"x1 is quick, rapid, swift, with much speed"], ["vora",3258,"x1 is slow, with little speed"] ]