kind: CustomResourceDefinition apiVersion: metadata: name: spec: group: version: v2alpha3 names: plural: activemqartemises singular: activemqartemis kind: ActiveMQArtemis listKind: ActiveMQArtemisList scope: Namespaced subresources: status: {} scale: specReplicasPath: .spec.replicas statusReplicasPath: .status.replicas versions: - name: v2alpha3 served: true storage: true schema: openAPIV3Schema: required: - spec properties: apiVersion: type: string kind: type: string metadata: type: object spec: type: object properties: ##### core ##### acceptors: description: Configuration of all acceptors type: array minItems: 0 items: description: A single acceptor configuration type: object properties: amqpMinLargeMessageSize: description: The default value is 102400 (100KBytes). Setting it to -1 will disable large message support. type: integer port: description: Port number type: integer verifyHost: description: >- The CN of the connecting client's SSL certificate will be compared to its hostname to verify they match. This is useful only for 2-way SSL. type: boolean wantClientAuth: description: >- Tells a client connecting to this acceptor that 2-way SSL is requested but not required. Overridden by needClientAuth. type: boolean expose: description: Whether or not to expose this acceptor type: boolean enabledCipherSuites: description: >- Comma separated list of cipher suites used for SSL communication. type: string needClientAuth: description: >- Tells a client connecting to this acceptor that 2-way SSL is required. This property takes precedence over wantClientAuth. type: boolean multicastPrefix: description: To indicate which kind of routing type to use. type: string name: description: The name of the acceptor type: string connectionsAllowed: description: >- Limits the number of connections which the acceptor will allow. When this limit is reached a DEBUG level message is issued to the log, and the connection is refused. type: integer sslEnabled: description: Whether or not to enable SSL on this port type: boolean sniHost: description: >- A regular expression used to match the server_name extension on incoming SSL connections. If the name doesn't match then the connection to the acceptor will be rejected. type: string enabledProtocols: description: >- Comma separated list of protocols used for SSL communication. type: string protocols: description: The protocols to enable for this acceptor type: string sslSecret: description: Name of the secret to use for ssl information type: string sslProvider: description: >- Used to change the SSL Provider between JDK and OPENSSL. The default is JDK. type: string anycastPrefix: description: To indicate which kind of routing type to use. type: string adminPassword: description: >- Password for standard broker user. It is required for connecting to the broker. If left empty, it will be generated. type: string adminUser: description: >- User name for standard broker user. It is required for connecting to the broker. If left empty, it will be generated. type: string connectors: description: Configuration of all connectors type: array minItems: 0 items: description: A single connector configuration type: object properties: port: description: Port number type: integer verifyHost: description: >- The CN of the connecting client's SSL certificate will be compared to its hostname to verify they match. This is useful only for 2-way SSL. type: boolean wantClientAuth: description: >- Tells a client connecting to this acceptor that 2-way SSL is requested but not required. Overridden by needClientAuth. type: boolean expose: description: Whether or not to expose this connector type: boolean enabledCipherSuites: description: >- Comma separated list of cipher suites used for SSL communication. type: string host: description: Hostname or IP to connect to type: string needClientAuth: description: >- Tells a client connecting to this acceptor that 2-way SSL is required. This property takes precedence over wantClientAuth. type: boolean name: description: The name of the acceptor type: string sslEnabled: description: Whether or not to enable SSL on this port type: boolean sniHost: description: >- A regular expression used to match the server_name extension on incoming SSL connections. If the name doesn't match then the connection to the acceptor will be rejected. type: string enabledProtocols: description: >- Comma separated list of protocols used for SSL communication. type: string type: description: The type either tcp or vm type: string sslSecret: description: Name of the secret to use for ssl information type: string sslProvider: description: >- Used to change the SSL Provider between JDK and OPENSSL. The default is JDK. type: string ################ addressSettings: #id: "urn:jsonschema:activemq:core:ConfigurationType:AddressSettings" description: a list of address settings type: object properties: applyRule: description: >- a flag APPLY_RULE that indicates on what parts of address settings in broker.xml to perform the merge. It has 3 possible values: =replace_all The merge performs merge on the address-settings as a whole part. =merge_replace The merge performs merge on each address-setting element =merge_all The merge performs merge on each property of every address-setting This is the default value type: string addressSetting: description: address setting configuration type: array items: #id: "urn:jsonschema:activemq:core:AddressSetting" type: object properties: deadLetterAddress: description: the address to send dead messages to type: string autoCreateDeadLetterResources: description: >- whether or not to automatically create the dead-letter-address and/or a corresponding queue on that address when a message found to be undeliverable type: boolean deadLetterQueuePrefix: description: the prefix to use for auto-created dead letter queues type: string deadLetterQueueSuffix: description: the suffix to use for auto-created dead letter queues type: string expiryAddress: description: the address to send expired messages to type: string autoCreateExpiryResources: description: >- whether or not to automatically create the expiry-address and/or a corresponding queue on that address when a message is sent to a matching queue type: boolean expiryQueuePrefix: description: the prefix to use for auto-created expiry queues type: string expiryQueueSuffix: description: the suffix to use for auto-created expiry queues type: string expiryDelay: description: >- Overrides the expiration time for messages using the default value for expiration time. "-1" disables this setting. type: integer minExpiryDelay: description: Overrides the expiration time for messages using a lower value. "-1" disables this setting. type: integer maxExpiryDelay: description: Overrides the expiration time for messages using a higher value. "-1" disables this setting. type: integer redeliveryDelay: description: the time (in ms) to wait before redelivering a cancelled message. type: integer redeliveryDelayMultiplier: description: multiplier to apply to the redelivery-delay type: number redeliveryCollisionAvoidanceFactor: description: factor by which to modify the redelivery delay slightly to avoid collisions type: number maxRedeliveryDelay: description: Maximum value for the redelivery-delay type: integer maxDeliveryAttempts: description: how many times to attempt to deliver a message before sending to dead letter address type: integer maxSizeBytes: description: >- the maximum size in bytes for an address. -1 means no limits. This is used in PAGING, BLOCK and FAIL policies. Supports byte notation like K, Mb, GB, etc. type: string maxSizeBytesRejectThreshold: description: >- used with the address full BLOCK policy, the maximum size in bytes an address can reach before messages start getting rejected. Works in combination with max-size-bytes for AMQP protocol only. Default = -1 (no limit). type: integer pageSizeBytes: description: >- The page size in bytes to use for an address. Supports byte notation like K, Mb, GB, etc. type: integer pageMaxCacheSize: description: Number of paging files to cache in memory to avoid IO during paging navigation type: integer addressFullPolicy: description: what happens when an address where maxSizeBytes is specified becomes full type: string enum: - "DROP" - "FAIL" - "PAGE" - "BLOCK" messageCounterHistoryDayLimit: description: how many days to keep message counter history for this address type: integer lastValueQueue: description: This is deprecated please use default-last-value-queue instead. type: boolean defaultLastValueQueue: description: whether to treat the queues under the address as a last value queues by default type: boolean defaultLastValueKey: description: the property to use as the key for a last value queue by default type: string defaultNonDestructive: description: whether the queue should be non-destructive by default type: boolean defaultExclusiveQueue: description: whether to treat the queues under the address as exclusive queues by default type: boolean defaultGroupRebalance: description: whether to rebalance groups when a consumer is added type: boolean defaultGroupRebalancePauseDispatch: description: whether to pause dispatch when rebalancing groups type: boolean defaultGroupBuckets: description: number of buckets to use for grouping, -1 (default) is unlimited and uses the raw group, 0 disables message groups. type: integer defaultGroupFirstKey: description: key used to mark a message is first in a group for a consumer type: string defaultConsumersBeforeDispatch: description: the default number of consumers needed before dispatch can start for queues under the address. type: integer defaultDelayBeforeDispatch: description: >- the default delay (in milliseconds) to wait before dispatching if number of consumers before dispatch is not met for queues under the address. type: integer redistributionDelay: description: >- how long (in ms) to wait after the last consumer is closed on a queue before redistributing messages. type: integer sendToDlaOnNoRoute: description: >- if there are no queues matching this address, whether to forward message to DLA (if it exists for this address) type: boolean slowConsumerThreshold: description: >- The minimum rate of message consumption allowed before a consumer is considered "slow." Measured in messages-per-second. type: integer slowConsumerPolicy: description: what happens when a slow consumer is identified type: string enum: - "KILL" - "NOTIFY" slowConsumerCheckPeriod: description: How often to check for slow consumers on a particular queue. Measured in seconds. type: integer autoCreateJmsQueues: description: >- DEPRECATED. whether or not to automatically create JMS queues when a producer sends or a consumer connects to a queue type: boolean autoDeleteJmsQueues: description: DEPRECATED. whether or not to delete auto-created JMS queues when the queue has 0 consumers and 0 messages type: boolean autoCreateJmsTopics: description: >- DEPRECATED. whether or not to automatically create JMS topics when a producer sends or a consumer subscribes to a topic type: boolean autoDeleteJmsTopics: description: DEPRECATED. whether or not to delete auto-created JMS topics when the last subscription is closed type: boolean autoCreateQueues: description: >- whether or not to automatically create a queue when a client sends a message to or attempts to consume a message from a queue type: boolean autoDeleteQueues: description: whether or not to delete auto-created queues when the queue has 0 consumers and 0 messages type: boolean autoDeleteCreatedQueues: description: whether or not to delete created queues when the queue has 0 consumers and 0 messages type: boolean autoDeleteQueuesDelay: description: >- how long to wait (in milliseconds) before deleting auto-created queues after the queue has 0 consumers. type: integer autoDeleteQueuesMessageCount: description: >- the message count the queue must be at or below before it can be evaluated to be auto deleted, 0 waits until empty queue (default) and -1 disables this check. type: integer configDeleteQueues: description: >- What to do when a queue is no longer in broker.xml. OFF = will do nothing queues will remain, FORCE = delete queues even if messages remaining. type: string enum: - "OFF" - "FORCE" autoCreateAddresses: description: >- whether or not to automatically create addresses when a client sends a message to or attempts to consume a message from a queue mapped to an address that doesnt exist type: boolean autoDeleteAddresses: description: whether or not to delete auto-created addresses when it no longer has any queues type: boolean autoDeleteAddressesDelay: description: >- how long to wait (in milliseconds) before deleting auto-created addresses after they no longer have any queues type: integer configDeleteAddresses: description: >- What to do when an address is no longer in broker.xml. OFF = will do nothing addresses will remain, FORCE = delete address and its queues even if messages remaining. type: string enum: - "OFF" - "FORCE" managementBrowsePageSize: description: how many message a management resource can browse type: integer defaultPurgeOnNoConsumers: description: purge the contents of the queue once there are no consumers type: boolean defaultMaxConsumers: description: the maximum number of consumers allowed on this queue at any one time type: integer defaultQueueRoutingType: description: the routing-type used on auto-created queues type: string enum: - "ANYCAST" - "MULTICAST" defaultAddressRoutingType: description: the routing-type used on auto-created addresses type: string enum: - "ANYCAST" - "MULTICAST" defaultConsumerWindowSize: description: the default window size for a consumer type: integer defaultRingSize: description: >- the default ring-size value for any matching queue which doesnt have ring-size explicitly defined type: integer retroactiveMessageCount: description: the number of messages to preserve for future queues created on the matching address type: integer enableMetrics: description: whether or not to enable metrics for metrics plugins on the matching address type: boolean match: description: pattern for matching settings against addresses; can use wildards type: string ################ console: description: Configuration for the embedded web console type: object properties: expose: description: Whether or not to expose this port type: boolean sslEnabled: description: Whether or not to enable SSL on this port type: boolean sslSecret: description: Name of the secret to use for ssl information type: string useClientAuth: description: If the embedded server requires client authentication type: boolean deploymentPlan: type: object properties: image: description: The image used for the broker deployment type: string journalType: description: 'If aio use ASYNCIO, if nio use NIO for journal IO' type: string messageMigration: description: If true migrate messages on scaledown type: boolean persistenceEnabled: description: >- If true use persistent volume via persistent volume claim for journal storage type: boolean requireLogin: description: >- If true require user password login credentials for broker protocol ports type: boolean size: description: The number of broker pods to deploy type: integer maximum: 16 minimum: 0 storage: size: string resources: type: object properties: requests: type: object properties: cpu: type: string memory: type: string limits: type: object properties: cpu: type: string memory: type: string upgrades: description: >- Specify the level of upgrade that should be allowed when an older product version is detected type: object properties: enabled: description: >- Set true to enable automatic micro version product upgrades, it is disabled by default. type: boolean minor: description: >- Set true to enable automatic minor product version upgrades, it is disabled by default. Requires spec.upgrades.enabled to be true. type: boolean version: description: The version of the application deployment. type: string status: type: object required: - podStatus properties: podStatus: type: object properties: ready: type: array items: type: string starting: type: array items: type: string stopped: type: array items: type: string - name: v2alpha2 served: true storage: false schema: openAPIV3Schema: required: - spec properties: apiVersion: type: string kind: type: string metadata: type: object spec: type: object properties: acceptors: description: Configuration of all acceptors type: array minItems: 0 items: description: A single acceptor configuration type: object properties: port: description: Port number type: integer verifyHost: description: >- The CN of the connecting client's SSL certificate will be compared to its hostname to verify they match. This is useful only for 2-way SSL. type: boolean wantClientAuth: description: >- Tells a client connecting to this acceptor that 2-way SSL is requested but not required. Overridden by needClientAuth. type: boolean expose: description: Whether or not to expose this acceptor type: boolean enabledCipherSuites: description: >- Comma separated list of cipher suites used for SSL communication. type: string needClientAuth: description: >- Tells a client connecting to this acceptor that 2-way SSL is required. This property takes precedence over wantClientAuth. type: boolean multicastPrefix: description: To indicate which kind of routing type to use. type: string name: description: The name of the acceptor type: string connectionsAllowed: description: >- Limits the number of connections which the acceptor will allow. When this limit is reached a DEBUG level message is issued to the log, and the connection is refused. type: integer sslEnabled: description: Whether or not to enable SSL on this port type: boolean sniHost: description: >- A regular expression used to match the server_name extension on incoming SSL connections. If the name doesn't match then the connection to the acceptor will be rejected. type: string enabledProtocols: description: >- Comma separated list of protocols used for SSL communication. type: string protocols: description: The protocols to enable for this acceptor type: string sslSecret: description: Name of the secret to use for ssl information type: string sslProvider: description: >- Used to change the SSL Provider between JDK and OPENSSL. The default is JDK. type: string anycastPrefix: description: To indicate which kind of routing type to use. type: string adminPassword: description: >- Password for standard broker user. It is required for connecting to the broker. If left empty, it will be generated. type: string adminUser: description: >- User name for standard broker user. It is required for connecting to the broker. If left empty, it will be generated. type: string connectors: description: Configuration of all connectors type: array minItems: 0 items: description: A single connector configuration type: object properties: port: description: Port number type: integer verifyHost: description: >- The CN of the connecting client's SSL certificate will be compared to its hostname to verify they match. This is useful only for 2-way SSL. type: boolean wantClientAuth: description: >- Tells a client connecting to this acceptor that 2-way SSL is requested but not required. Overridden by needClientAuth. type: boolean expose: description: Whether or not to expose this connector type: boolean enabledCipherSuites: description: >- Comma separated list of cipher suites used for SSL communication. type: string host: description: Hostname or IP to connect to type: string needClientAuth: description: >- Tells a client connecting to this acceptor that 2-way SSL is required. This property takes precedence over wantClientAuth. type: boolean name: description: The name of the acceptor type: string sslEnabled: description: Whether or not to enable SSL on this port type: boolean sniHost: description: >- A regular expression used to match the server_name extension on incoming SSL connections. If the name doesn't match then the connection to the acceptor will be rejected. type: string enabledProtocols: description: >- Comma separated list of protocols used for SSL communication. type: string type: description: The type either tcp or vm type: string sslSecret: description: Name of the secret to use for ssl information type: string sslProvider: description: >- Used to change the SSL Provider between JDK and OPENSSL. The default is JDK. type: string console: description: Configuration for the embedded web console type: object properties: expose: description: Whether or not to expose this port type: boolean sslEnabled: description: Whether or not to enable SSL on this port type: boolean sslSecret: description: Name of the secret to use for ssl information type: string useClientAuth: description: If the embedded server requires client authentication type: boolean deploymentPlan: type: object properties: image: description: The image used for the broker deployment type: string journalType: description: 'If aio use ASYNCIO, if nio use NIO for journal IO' type: string messageMigration: description: If true migrate messages on scaledown type: boolean persistenceEnabled: description: >- If true use persistent volume via persistent volume claim for journal storage type: boolean requireLogin: description: >- If true require user password login credentials for broker protocol ports type: boolean size: description: The number of broker pods to deploy type: integer maximum: 16 minimum: 0 upgrades: description: >- Specify the level of upgrade that should be allowed when an older product version is detected type: object properties: enabled: description: >- Set true to enable automatic micro version product upgrades, it is disabled by default. type: boolean minor: description: >- Set true to enable automatic minor product version upgrades, it is disabled by default. Requires spec.upgrades.enabled to be true. type: boolean version: description: The version of the application deployment. type: string status: type: object required: - podStatus properties: podStatus: type: object properties: ready: type: array items: type: string starting: type: array items: type: string stopped: type: array items: type: string - name: v2alpha1 served: true storage: false schema: openAPIV3Schema: type: object required: - spec properties: apiVersion: type: string kind: type: string metadata: type: object spec: type: object properties: acceptors: description: Configuration of all acceptors type: array minItems: 0 items: description: A single acceptor configuration type: object properties: port: description: Port number type: integer verifyHost: description: >- The CN of the connecting client's SSL certificate will be compared to its hostname to verify they match. This is useful only for 2-way SSL. type: boolean wantClientAuth: description: >- Tells a client connecting to this acceptor that 2-way SSL is requested but not required. Overridden by needClientAuth. type: boolean expose: description: Whether or not to expose this acceptor type: boolean enabledCipherSuites: description: >- Comma separated list of cipher suites used for SSL communication. type: string needClientAuth: description: >- Tells a client connecting to this acceptor that 2-way SSL is required. This property takes precedence over wantClientAuth. type: boolean multicastPrefix: description: To indicate which kind of routing type to use. type: string name: description: The name of the acceptor type: string connectionsAllowed: description: >- Limits the number of connections which the acceptor will allow. When this limit is reached a DEBUG level message is issued to the log, and the connection is refused. type: integer sslEnabled: description: Whether or not to enable SSL on this port type: boolean sniHost: description: >- A regular expression used to match the server_name extension on incoming SSL connections. If the name doesn't match then the connection to the acceptor will be rejected. type: string enabledProtocols: description: >- Comma separated list of protocols used for SSL communication. type: string protocols: description: The protocols to enable for this acceptor type: string sslSecret: description: Name of the secret to use for ssl information type: string sslProvider: description: >- Used to change the SSL Provider between JDK and OPENSSL. The default is JDK. type: string anycastPrefix: description: To indicate which kind of routing type to use. type: string adminPassword: description: >- Password for standard broker user. It is required for connecting to the broker. If left empty, it will be generated. type: string adminUser: description: >- User name for standard broker user. It is required for connecting to the broker. If left empty, it will be generated. type: string connectors: description: Configuration of all connectors type: array minItems: 0 items: description: A single connector configuration type: object properties: port: description: Port number type: integer verifyHost: description: >- The CN of the connecting client's SSL certificate will be compared to its hostname to verify they match. This is useful only for 2-way SSL. type: boolean wantClientAuth: description: >- Tells a client connecting to this acceptor that 2-way SSL is requested but not required. Overridden by needClientAuth. type: boolean expose: description: Whether or not to expose this connector type: boolean enabledCipherSuites: description: >- Comma separated list of cipher suites used for SSL communication. type: string host: description: Hostname or IP to connect to type: string needClientAuth: description: >- Tells a client connecting to this acceptor that 2-way SSL is required. This property takes precedence over wantClientAuth. type: boolean name: description: The name of the acceptor type: string sslEnabled: description: Whether or not to enable SSL on this port type: boolean sniHost: description: >- A regular expression used to match the server_name extension on incoming SSL connections. If the name doesn't match then the connection to the acceptor will be rejected. type: string enabledProtocols: description: >- Comma separated list of protocols used for SSL communication. type: string type: description: The type either tcp or vm type: string sslSecret: description: Name of the secret to use for ssl information type: string sslProvider: description: >- Used to change the SSL Provider between JDK and OPENSSL. The default is JDK. type: string console: description: Configuration for the embedded web console type: object properties: expose: description: Whether or not to expose this port type: boolean sslEnabled: description: Whether or not to enable SSL on this port type: boolean sslSecret: description: Name of the secret to use for ssl information type: string useClientAuth: description: If the embedded server requires client authentication type: boolean deploymentPlan: type: object properties: image: description: The image used for the broker deployment type: string journalType: description: 'If aio use ASYNCIO, if nio use NIO for journal IO' type: string messageMigration: description: If true migrate messages on scaledown type: boolean persistenceEnabled: description: >- If true use persistent volume via persistent volume claim for journal storage type: boolean requireLogin: description: >- If true require user password login credentials for broker protocol ports type: boolean size: description: The number of broker pods to deploy type: integer maximum: 16 minimum: 0 status: type: object required: - podStatus properties: podStatus: type: object properties: ready: type: array items: type: string starting: type: array items: type: string stopped: type: array items: type: string - name: v1alpha1 served: false storage: false conversion: strategy: None preserveUnknownFields: true