openapi: 3.0.2 info: title: OrderPlacementAPI V1.0 version: 1.0.0 description: 'API Call to place an order with product, address and user details' license: name: MIT License url: '' paths: /placeorder: post: requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/checkout_payload' examples: basic_checkout: value: promotion: amount: '30.00' title: XYZ Promotion description: Promotional item for blackfriday. value: '30.00' value_type: fixed_amount applicable: true billing_address: address1: 3764 Present Boulevard address2: '' city: Tennessee country: US first_name: Allison last_name: Silva phone: +1-123456789 state: Tennessee zip: 38106-6947 shipping_address: address1: 3764 Present Boulevard address2: '' city: Tennessee country: US first_name: Allison last_name: Silva phone: +1-123456789 state: Tennessee zip: 38106-6947 line_items: - price: 30 product_id: IPOD2008GREEN quantity: 1 sku: IPOD2008GREEN - price: 2.45 product_id: PENCIL34567 quantity: 20 sku: PENCIL34567 user_info: userId: 7672a49e-9afc-498f-91bc-98f881179f2c email: customer_id: '345678' username: elvispresley payment: name_on_card: Allison Silva credit_card_number: '12345678901234' card_expiry_date: year: 2022 month: 7 day: 27 card_cvv: '222' currency: currency: USD required: true tags: [] parameters: - name: api_key description: 'Added as a part of security scheme: apikey' schema: {} in: header responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/basic_checkout' '400': description: Bad Request '403': description: Forbidden '500': description: Internal Server Error components: schemas: promotion: title: Root Type for promotion description: '' type: object properties: amount: type: string title: type: string description: type: string value: type: string value_type: type: string applicable: type: boolean example: amount: '30.00' title: XYZ Promotion description: Promotional item for blackfriday. value: '30.00' value_type: fixed_amount applicable: true billing_address: title: Root Type for billing_address description: '' required: - address1 - city - country - first_name - last_name - phone - state - zip type: object properties: address1: type: string address2: type: string city: type: string country: type: string first_name: type: string last_name: type: string phone: type: string zip: type: string state: type: string example: address1: Chestnut Street 92 address2: Suite 300 city: Louisville country: US phone: 555-625-1199 state: KY zip: '40202' line_items: title: Root Type for line_items description: '' type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/line_items' example: - price: 19.99 product_id: '632910392' quantity: 12 sku: IPOD2008GREEN - price: 49.99 product_id: '23761357' quantity: 10 sku: 'UYDGR#45673' line_item: title: Root Type for line_item description: '' required: - quantity type: object properties: price: type: number product_id: type: string quantity: type: integer sku: type: string example: price: 19.99 product_id: 632910392 quantity: 22 sku: IPOD2008GREEN checkout_payload: description: '' required: - billing_address - line_items - user_info - shipping_address - currency - payment type: object properties: promotion: $ref: '#/components/schemas/promotion' description: '' billing_address: $ref: '#/components/schemas/billing_address' description: '' line_items: description: '' type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/line_item' user_info: $ref: '#/components/schemas/user_info' description: '' shipping_address: $ref: '#/components/schemas/shipping_address' description: '' currency: $ref: '#/components/schemas/currency' description: '' payment: $ref: '#/components/schemas/payment' description: '' example: promotion: amount: '30.00' title: XYZ Promotion description: Promotional item for blackfriday. value: '30.00' value_type: fixed_amount applicable: true billing_address: address1: 3764 Elvis Presley Boulevard address2: '' city: Tennessee country: US first_name: Elvis last_name: Presley phone: +1-123456789 state: Tennessee zip: 38106-6947 shipping_address: address1: 3764 Elvis Presley Boulevard address2: '' city: Tennessee country: US first_name: Elvis last_name: Presley phone: +1-123456789 state: Tennessee zip: 38106-6947 line_items: - price: 30 product_id: IPOD2008GREEN quantity: 1 sku: IPOD2008GREEN - price: 2.45 product_id: PENCIL34567 quantity: 20 sku: PENCIL34567 user_info: userId: 7672a49e-9afc-498f-91bc-98f881179f2c email: customer_id: '345678' username: elvispresley currency: currency: USD payment: mode: card credit_card_number: 1234-2345-3456 card_expiry_date: year: 2022 month: 7 day: 27 card_cvv: '123' user_info: title: Root Type for user_info description: '' required: - username type: object properties: userId: type: string email: type: string customer_id: type: string username: description: '' type: string example: |- { "userId": "7672a49e-9afc-498f-91bc-98f881179f2c", "email": "", "customer_id": 1234, username: "bobnorman" } currency: title: Root Type for currency description: '' type: object properties: currency: type: string example: currency: USD checkout_response: title: Root Type for checkout_response description: '' type: object properties: order_id: type: string status: type: string example: order_id: '23456789' status: confirmed shipping_address: title: Root Type for shipping_address description: '' required: - address1 - city - country - first_name - last_name - phone - state - zip type: object properties: address1: type: string address2: type: string city: type: string country: type: string first_name: type: string last_name: type: string phone: type: string zip: type: string state: type: string example: address1: Chestnut Street 92 address2: Suite 300 city: Louisville country: US phone: 555-625-1199 state: KY zip: '40202' payment: title: Root Type for payment description: '' required: - card_expiry_date type: object properties: mode: type: string credit_card_number: type: string card_expiry_date: $ref: '#/components/schemas/date-format' card_cvv: type: string name_on_card: description: '' type: string example: mode: card credit_card_number: 1234-2345-3456 card_expiry_date: year: 2022 month: 7 day: 27 card_cvv: '123' date-format: title: Root Type for date-format description: '' required: - month - day - year type: object properties: year: type: integer month: type: integer day: type: integer example: year: 2022 month: 7 day: 27 responses: basic_checkout: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/checkout_response' examples: basic_checkout: value: order_id: '34567890' status: CONFIRMED description: 200 OK tags: - name: retail description: '' - name: order-placement description: ''