# milli A GNU nano-like text editor for MSX 2. It is based on [Qed-Pascal](http://texteditors.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?action=browse&diff=1&id=Qed-Pascal), and our main approach is to have almost all useful GNU nano funcionalities. ## Command-line parameters - /h - Show command line help. - /v - Show nanoMSX version. - /la - Start at line a. - /cb - Start at column b. - /tn - Make a tab this number (n) of columns wide. ## Keystrokes already created - Control-S - Save current file - Control-O - Save as file (F3) - Control-P - Read new file - Control+Z - Close and exit from nano (F2) - Control+G - Display help text (F1) - Control+C - Report cursor position (F5) - Control+A - To start of line - Control+Y - One page up - Control+E - To end of line - Control+V - One page down - Control+F - One word backward - Control+D - One word forward - TAB - Indent marked region - SELECT+TAB - Unindent marked region - Cursor right - Character forward - Cursor up - One line up - Cursor left - Character backward - Cursor down - One line down - HOME - To start of file - CLS (SHIFT-HOME) - To end of file - Control+J - Align line (F4) - Control+W - Start forward search (F6) - Control+N - Start a replacing session - Control+Q - Start backward search (F8) - BS - Delete character before cursor - SELECT+W - Next occurrence forward - DEL - Delete character under cursor - SELECT+Q - Next occurrence backward - SELECT-DEL - Delete current line - SELECT-Y - Remove current line - Control+T - Go to specified line (F7) - SELECT-D - Report line/word/char count - SELECT+B - Mark beginning of text block - SELECT+E - Mark end of text block - SELECT+C - Copy block to line - SELECT+V - Move block to line - SELECT+F - Delete block ## To the future (features that I'm thinking about). - ~~Fix problems regarding the use of MSX 2's VRAM.~~ - ~~Block routines, like copy/move/delete text blocks.~~ - Visual references of marked blocks. - Open two files simultaneously, and cut-copy-paste from one file to another. - Line numbering, which would be easier to everybody who wants to write some code. - Hide all elements of the interface (title bar, status bar, and help lines) and use all rows of the screen for showing the contents of the buffer. The status bar appears only when there is a significant message, and disappears slightly after or upon the next keystroke. MSX version by Ricardo Jurczyk Pinheiro - 2020/2022.