@prefix lustrem: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix rdfs: .
@prefix owl: .
@prefix dcat: .
@prefix dct: .
@prefix xsd: .
@prefix sd: .
@prefix skos: .
@prefix foaf: .
@prefix prov: .
@prefix void: .
@prefix ent: .
@prefix vcard: .
@prefix adms: .
@prefix pav: .
#@prefix dqv: .
#@prefix lsq: .
#@prefix qb: .
#@prefix daq: .
#@prefix sdmx-attribute: .
#@prefix dc: .
#@prefix exq: .
#@prefix ns6: .
#@prefix qualityFramework: .
#@prefix ns8: .
lustrem:lustre a dcat:Catalog;
dcat:landingPage ;
foaf:homePage ;
dct:title "LusTRE: Linked Thesaurus fRamework for Environment"@en ;
dct:description "LusTRE is a multilingual Thesaurus Framework (TF) for the Environment developed as part of the eENVplus project about infrastructures for the INSPIRE implementation. The Framework aims to provide shared standard and scientific terms for a common understanding of environmental data among the different communities operating in the different field of the Environment. It shall support better metadata compilation and metadata discovery for describing and finding INSPIRE data and services. LusTRE addresses the needs of different user communities in sharing digital information at cross-border level, i.e. concept inter-operability and concept-availability in multiple languages as it is needed in metadata compilation and information discovery. It can be exploited by the National Environmental Agency, the International Environmental Agency, Environmental Communities as well as Terminological Experts and the Semantic Web Community."@en ;
dct:accessRights ;
dcat:keyword "thesauri"@en,"environment"@en, "framework"@en ;
dcat:theme , ;
dcat:themeTaxonomy lustrem:DBPEDIACategories ;
dcat:distribution lustrem:lustreDump;
dcat:contactPoint lustrem:LusTRETEAM;
dct:creator lustrem:LusTRETEAM;
dct:publisher lustrem:LusTRETEAM;
dcat:dataset lustrem:EARTh20140604, lustrem:EUROVOC20121215, lustrem:ThIST20140804, lustrem:AGROVOC20140722, lustrem:GEMET20140608 ;
dcat:service lustrem:sparqlEndPoint ;
# a dump as a whole
a dcat:Distribution ;
dct:modified "2016-06-04+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:publisher , , ;
dct:title "Tar Gziped Turtle distribution of LusTRE" ;
dcat:downloadURL ;
dcat:mediaType ;
dcat:packageFormat ;
a skos:ConceptScheme ;
skos:prefLabel "The set of categories provided by DBPEDIA"@en
a dcat:DataService ;
dcat:endpointURL ;
dct:conformsTo ;
dcat:endpointDescription lustrem:sparqlEndpointServiceDescription ;
#dct:conformsTo ;
dcat:contactPoint lustrem:LusTRETEAM ;
dct:creator [
a foaf:Organization ;
rdfs:label "OpenLink Software"@en ;
foaf:homepage ;
] ;
# What is the landing pages of a sparql end point service? The page where is possible to pose Sparql Query..
dcat:landingPage ;
# What is the language of a sparql endpoint?
#dct:language ;
dct:title "SPARQL endpoint for LusTRE"@en ;
dct:description "A SPARQL endpoint to query thesauri and controlled vocabulary provided within LusTRE" ;
dct:issued "2013-11-30"^^xsd:date ;
dct:modified "2015-09-06"^^xsd:date ;
dct:publisher lustrem:LusTRETEAM ;
dct:accessRights ;
prov:qualifiedAttribution [
a prov:Attribution ;
prov:agent ;
] ;
dct:isReferencedBy ;
dcat:servesDataset lustrem:EARTh20140604, lustrem:EUROVOC20121215, lustrem:ThIST20140804, lustrem:INSPIREthemeregister20140604, lustrem:AGROVOC20140722, lustrem:GEMET20140608 .
# Minimal endpoint description
# TODO: describe all the subgraphs
lustrem:sparqlEndpointServiceDescription a sd:Service ;
sd:endpoint ;
sd:supportedLanguage sd:SPARQL10Query ;
sd:resultFormat , ;
#sd:extensionFunction ;
# sd:feature sd:DereferencesURIs ;
sd:defaultEntailmentRegime ent:RDFS ;
sd:defaultDataset [
a sd:Dataset ;
sd:defaultGraph [
a sd:Graph ;
void:triples 12777651
] ;
] .
a dcat:DataService ;
#dcat:endpointURL ;
dct:conformsTo ;
dcat:contactPoint lustrem:LusTRETEAMDISY ;
dct:creator [
a foaf:Organization ;
rdfs:label "Disy Informationssysteme GmbH"@en ;
foaf:homepage ;
] ;
# What is the landing pages of a sparql end point service? The page where is possible to pose Sparql Query..
dcat:landingPage ;
# What is the language of a sparql endpoint?
#dct:language ;
dct:title "LusTRE-ES: Services available in LusTRE"@en ;
dct:description "Services available to query thesauri and controlled vocabulary provided within LusTRE" ;
dct:modified "2015-09-06"^^xsd:date ;
dct:publisher lustrem:LusTRETEAM ;
dct:accessRights ;
dct:isReferencedBy ;
dcat:qualifiedRelation [
a dcat:Relationship ;
#Future work: a more complete description of the software available in git can be provided
dct:relation ;
dcat:hadRole lustrem:deploymentRelation
] ;
dcat:servesDataset lustrem:EARTh20140604. #lustrem:EUROVOC20121215, lustrem:ThIST20140804, lustrem:INSPIREthemeregister20140604, lustrem:AGROVOC20140722, lustrem:GEMET20140608 .
#A locally minted relation waiting for identifying the equivalent standard relation
a skos:Concept ;
skos:prefLabel "deploys"@en;
skos:definition "The subject of the relation deploys a software/server which is indicated in the object"@en.
lustrem:LusTRETEAM a vcard:Organization, foaf:Group ;
vcard:hasEmail ;
foaf:mbox ;
vcard:hasMember , , ;
foaf:member , , ;
vcard:title "LusTRE Team"@en .
lustrem:LusTRETEAMDYSI a vcard:Organization, foaf:Group ;
vcard:hasEmail ;
foaf:mbox ;
vcard:hasMember , , , , , ;
foaf:member , , , , , ;
vcard:title "LusTRE-ES Team"@en .
a foaf:Person ;
foaf:familyName "Albertoni";
foaf:firstName "Riccardo";
foaf:homepage , , ;
owl:sameAs , ;
adms:identifier [ a adms:Identifier;
skos:notation "https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5648-2713"^^xsd:anyURI ;
# the authority/agency defining the identifier scheme, used if the agency has no URI
adms:schemaAgency "ORCID"
] .
a dcat:Dataset ;
dct:created "2011-06-04+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:creator , , ;
dct:description "The Environmental Applications Reference Thesaurus (EARTh) has been compiled and is maintained by the CNR-IIA-EKOLab to facilitate the indexing, retrieval, harmonising and integration of human- and machine-readable environmental information from disparate sources, across the cultural and linguistic barriers. Ownership of such material always remains with the CNR-IIA-EKOLab."@en ;
dct:issued "2014-06-04+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:language , ;
dct:license ;
dct:accessRights ;
dct:modified "2014-06-04+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:publisher , , ;
dct:title "EARTh- Enviromental Applications Reference THesaurus (Version: Linked Data 1.5)"@en ;
dct:type ;
pav:version "Linked Data 1.5" ;
void:vocabulary skos: ;
dct:conformsTo skos: ;
owl:versionInfo "Linked Data 1.5" ;
dcat:contactPoint lustrem:LusTRETEAM ;
dcat:distribution lustrem:EARTh20140604jsonld , lustrem:EARTh20140604ttl , lustrem:EARTh20140604SPARQL , lustrem:EARTh20140604gzippedjsonld;
dcat:landingPage ;
dcat:keyword "Environment" , "Thesaurus" ;
dct:isReferencedBy ;
dcat:theme , ;
prov:qualifiedAttribution [
a prov:Attribution ;
prov:agent ;
] ;
dcat:qualifiedRelation [
a dcat:Relationship ;
dct:relation lustrem:EARTh20130604;
] ;
a dcat:Distribution ;
dct:license ;
dct:modified "2014-06-04+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:publisher , , ;
dct:title "JSON-LD distribution of dataset" ;
dct:accessRights ;
void:uriSpace "http://linkeddata.ge.imati.cnr.it/resource/EARTh/" ;
dcat:downloadURL ;
dcat:mediaType .
a dcat:Distribution ;
dct:license ;
dct:modified "2014-06-04+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:publisher , , ;
dct:title "zipped JSON-LD distribution of dataset" ;
dct:accessRights ;
void:uriSpace "http://linkeddata.ge.imati.cnr.it/resource/EARTh/" ;
dcat:downloadURL ;
dcat:compressFormat ;
dcat:mediaType .
a dcat:Distribution ;
dct:issued "2014-06-04+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:license ;
dct:modified "2014-06-04+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:publisher , , ;
dct:title "Turtle distribution of dataset" ;
void:uriSpace "http://linkeddata.ge.imati.cnr.it/resource/EARTh/" ;
dcat:downloadURL ;
dcat:mediaType .
a dcat:Distribution ;
dct:license ;
dct:modified "2014-06-04+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:publisher , , ;
dct:title "SPARQL access to dataset" ;
void:uriSpace "http://linkeddata.ge.imati.cnr.it/resource/EARTh/" ;
dcat:accessURL ;
dcat:accessService lustrem:sparqlEndPoint .
# dcat:mediaType "application/sparql-results+csv" , "application/sparql-results+json" , "application/sparql-results+xml" .
# a previosus version of EARTh
a dcat:Dataset ;
dct:created "2011-06-04+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:creator , , ;
dct:description "The Environmental Applications Reference Thesaurus (EARTh) has been compiled and is maintained by the CNR-IIA-EKOLab to facilitate the indexing, retrieval, harmonising and integration of human- and machine-readable environmental information from disparate sources, across the cultural and linguistic barriers. Ownership of such material always remains with the CNR-IIA-EKOLab."@en ;
dct:issued "2013-06-04+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:language , ;
dct:license ;
dct:accessRights ;
dct:publisher , , ;
dct:title "EARTh- Enviromental Applications Reference THesaurus (Version: 2013)"@en ;
dct:type ;
pav:version "Version: 2013" ;
void:vocabulary skos: ;
dct:conformsTo skos: ;
owl:versionInfo "Version: 2013" ;
dcat:contactPoint lustrem:LusTRETEAM ;
dcat:distribution lustrem:EARTh20130604ttl ;
dcat:keyword "Environment" , "Thesaurus" ;
dcat:theme , ;
a dcat:Distribution ;
dct:issued "2013-06-04+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:license ;
dct:publisher , , ;
dct:title "Turtle distribution of dataset" ;
void:uriSpace "http://linkeddata.ge.imati.cnr.it:2020/resource/EARTh/" ;
dcat:downloadURL ;
dcat:mediaType .
a dcat:Dataset ;
dct:created "2014-06-08+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:issued "2014-08-04+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:language , ;
dct:license ;
dct:modified "2014-08-04+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:title "ThIST - Italian Thesaurus of Earth Sciences (Version: Linked Data 1.0)"@en ;
void:vocabulary skos: ;
dcat:distribution lustrem:ThIST20140804ttl , lustrem:ThIST20140804jsonld .
a dcat:Distribution ;
dct:issued "2014-08-04+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:license ;
dct:modified "2014-08-04+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:title "Turtle distribution of dataset" ;
void:uriSpace "http://linkeddata.ge.imati.cnr.it/resource/ThIST/" ;
dcat:downloadURL ;
dcat:mediaType .
a dcat:Distribution ;
dct:license ;
dct:modified "2014-08-04+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:title "JSON-LD distribution of dataset" ;
void:uriSpace "http://linkeddata.ge.imati.cnr.it/resource/ThIST/" ;
dcat:downloadURL ;
dcat:mediaType .
a dcat:Distribution ;
dct:license ;
dct:modified "2014-08-04+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:title "SPARQL access to dataset" ;
void:uriSpace "http://linkeddata.ge.imati.cnr.it/resource/ThIST/" ;
dcat:accessURL ;
dcat:accessService lustrem:sparqlEndPoint ;
a dcat:Dataset ;
dct:description "EuroVoc is a multilingual, multidisciplinary thesaurus covering the activities of the EU, the European Parliament in particular. It contains terms in 23 EU languages (Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish), plus Serbian. EuroVoc is managed by the Publications Office, which moved forward to ontology-based thesaurus management and semantic web technologies conformant to W3C recommendations as well as latest trends in thesaurus standards. EuroVoc users include the European Parliament, the Publications Office, national and regional parliaments in Europe, plus national governments and private users around the world.© European Union, 2015, http://eurovoc.europa.eu/"@en ;
dct:issued "2012-12-15+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:language , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ;
dct:license ;
dct:modified "2012-12-15+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:title "EUROVOC (ver: 4.4)"@en ;
void:vocabulary skos: ;
dct:rights ;
dcat:distribution lustrem:EUROVOC20121215SPARQL , lustrem:EUROVOC20121215ttl , lustrem:EUROVOC20121215jsonld .
a dcat:Distribution ;
dct:issued "2012-12-15+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:license ;
dct:modified "2012-12-15+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:title "Turtle distribution of dataset" ;
void:uriSpace "http://eurovoc.europa.eu/" ;
dcat:downloadURL ;
dcat:mediaType .
a dcat:Distribution ;
dct:license ;
dct:modified "2012-12-15+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:title "JSON-LD distribution of dataset" ;
void:uriSpace "http://eurovoc.europa.eu/" ;
dcat:downloadURL ;
dcat:mediaType .
a dcat:Distribution ;
dct:license ;
dct:modified "2012-12-15+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:title "SPARQL access to dataset" ;
void:uriSpace "http://eurovoc.europa.eu/" ;
dcat:accessURL ;
dcat:accessService lustrem:sparqlEndPoint .
a dcat:Dataset ;
dct:created "1980-01-01+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:description "The AGROVOC thesaurus contains more than 32 000 concepts in 25 languages covering topics related to food, nutrition, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, environment and other related domains"@en ;
dct:issued "2014-07-22T23:35:46Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
dct:language , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ;
dct:license ;
dct:modified "2014-07-22T23:35:46Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
dct:title "Agrovoc (release: July 2014)"@en ;
void:vocabulary skos: ;
dcat:distribution lustrem:AGROVOC20140722SPARQL , lustrem:AGROVOC20140722ttl , lustrem:AGROVOC20140722jsonld .
a dcat:Distribution ;
dct:license ;
dct:modified "2014-07-22T23:35:46Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
dct:title "JSON-LD distribution of dataset" ;
void:uriSpace "http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc" ;
dcat:downloadURL ;
dcat:mediaType .
a dcat:Distribution ;
dct:issued "2014-07-22T23:35:46Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
dct:license ;
dct:modified "2014-07-22T23:35:46Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
dct:title "Turtle distribution of dataset" ;
void:uriSpace "http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc" ;
dcat:downloadURL ;
dcat:mediaType .
a dcat:Distribution ;
dct:license ;
dct:modified "2012-12-15+02:00"^^xsd:date ;
dct:title "SPARQL access to dataset" ;
void:uriSpace "http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc" ;
dcat:accessURL ;
dcat:accessService lustrem:sparqlEndPoint .
a dcat:Dataset ;
dct:description "the GEneral Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus. A thesaurus in 20+ languages for terms related to the environment and environmental data published by the European Environment Agency."@en ;
dct:issued "2014-06-08T23:35:46Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
dct:language , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ;
dct:license ;
dct:modified "2014-06-08T23:35:46Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
dct:title "GEMET (version 3.1, 2012-07-20)"@en ;
void:vocabulary skos: ;
dcat:distribution lustrem:GEMET20140608ttl , lustrem:GEMET20140608jsonld , lustrem:GEMET20140608SPARQL .
a dcat:Distribution ;
dct:issued "2014-06-08T23:35:46Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
dct:license ;
dct:modified "2014-06-08T23:35:46Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
dct:title "Turtle distribution of dataset" ;
void:uriSpace "http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/" ;
dcat:downloadURL ;
dcat:mediaType .
a dcat:Distribution ;
dct:license ;
dct:modified "2014-06-08T23:35:46Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
dct:title "JSON-LD distribution of dataset" ;
void:uriSpace "http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/" ;
dcat:downloadURL ;
dcat:mediaType .
a dcat:Distribution ;
dct:license ;
dct:modified "2014-06-08T23:35:46Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
dct:title "SPARQL access to dataset" ;
void:uriSpace "http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/" ;
dcat:accessURL ;
dcat:accessService lustrem:sparqlEndPoint .