--- title: Honors 100 description: Course review of honors 100 at the University of Washington author: Issa Rice creation-date: 2014-12-20 last-major-revision-date: 2014-12-20 language: English status: draft license: CC BY tags: uw, uw-honors aliases: honors-100-at-the-university-of-washington --- This is my course review for [honors 100](https://depts.washington.edu/uwhonors/courses/honors100/) (Honors at the UW) at the University of Washington. I took the course in autumn 2014 (taught by all three of the honors advisors, plus a "peer educator"---a non-first-year honors student who leads small-group discussions). My classwork for the course is available under [my UW honors portfolio]() page. I don't think the course was very important for my personal or intellectual growth.