--- title: Contact #description: none author: Issa Rice creation_date: 2015-01-14 last_major_revision_date: 2015-01-14 language: English # accepts "notes", "draft", "in progress", or "mostly finished" status: notes # accepts "certain", "highly likely", "likely", "possible", "unlikely", "highly unlikely", "remote", "impossible", "log", "emotional", or "fiction" belief: possible # accepts "CC0", "CC-BY", or "CC-BY-SA" license: CC-BY tags: contact, general, about aliases: connect --- Below are some ways to contact me (Issa Rice), as well as the account names[^aname] I use on various websites. Feel free to connect with me through any of the means below. I am most responsive via email and Facebook (I may not check other sites very often). You can also stalk me online (e.g. by following me on Quora or Facebook, or by reading what I have on this website). I also don't mind if you ask questions about me on Quora, though recently Quora has gotten stricter about what sorts of personal questions are allowed[^bnbr]. [^aname]: I usually use "riceissa" on most sites. This is somewhat of a historical accident: when I tried signing up for my Gmail account, "issarice" was already taken, so I picked "riceissa" instead. Since then, I've sort of standardized on "riceissa" for most services. [^bnbr]: In general, you should be fine as long as you follow Quora's “[Be Nice, Be Respectful][bnbr]” policy; it matters less whether the person about whom the question is asked is fine with it. [bnbr]: https://www.quora.com/What-is-Quoras-Be-Nice-Be-Respectful-policy # General - My email address is [riceissa@gmail.com][email]. - [My PGP public key][pgp] - You can also send me anonymous feedback using [this form][feedback] (idea from [lukeprog][l feedb] and [Gwern][g feedb]). - I have an [identification photo][photo] in case you'd like to know what I look like. [email]: mailto:riceissa@gmail.com [pgp]: http://files.issarice.com/issarice-pubkey.asc [feedback]: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1AbwmuMIyzB5X7P4ysL71vGD4WnMxsCKsAZULLc0X7V0/viewform?usp=send_form [g feedb]: http://www.gwern.net/About#anonymous-feedback [l feedb]: http://lesswrong.com/lw/8bt/tell_me_what_you_think_of_me/ [photo]: ./identification-photo.jpg # Social - My [Facebook]() profile is [here][fbp]. I check Facebook regularly throughout the day. I generally accept all friend requests that don’t appear to be spam; having at least one mutual friend or messaging me simultaneously with your friend request will let me know that your profile is genuine. - I check [Quora]() a few times a day now. My Quora profile is [here][qp]. - My [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/) profile is [here][lp]. I don’t use LinkedIn very much, but feel free to connect with me. - I have an [OkCupid](http://www.okcupid.com/) profile [here][okcp] that has fairly extensive information about me (though a lot of it is identical to my [self-description]). Feel free to connect with me as friends or romantically (or both). - I am [riceissa][tp] on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/). I don’t use Twitter very often, and when I do it’s mostly to read what others have tweeted. [fbp]: https://www.facebook.com/riceissa [qp]: https://www.quora.com/Issa-Rice [lp]: https://www.linkedin.com/in/issarice [okcp]: http://www.okcupid.com/profile/riceissa [tp]: https://twitter.com/riceissa [self-description]: about-me#self-introduction # Rationality/Effective Altruism community - I am [riceissa](http://lesswrong.com/user/riceissa/overview/) on [Less Wrong](http://lesswrong.com/). - I am [riceissa](http://effective-altruism.com/user/riceissa/) on the [Effective Altruism Forum](http://effective-altruism.com/). - I have a profile on the [Effective Altruism Hub](http://effectivealtruismhub.com/) [here](http://effectivealtruismhub.com/user/riceissa). - I have a Gratipay profile [here](https://gratipay.com/riceissa/) (which I currently use experimentally, and which is framed in terms of my effective altruism activities, i.e. content creation on this site and on the [Cause Prioritization Wiki](http://causeprioritization.org)). # Programming - I am [riceissa](https://github.com/riceissa/) on [GitHub](https://github.com/). You can find my public repositories [here](https://github.com/riceissa?tab=repositories), and my public gists [here](https://gist.github.com/riceissa). - I am [riceissa](https://bitbucket.org/riceissa) on [Bitbucket](https://bitbucket.org/); I don’t use it very often, preferring GitHub instead. - I am [riceissa](https://stackoverflow.com/users/3422337/riceissa) on [Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/). - I am [IssaRice](https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=IssaRice) on Hacker News. # Other - I have a [WordPress.com](https://wordpress.com/) blog [here](https://riceissa.wordpress.com/). I might use it in the future for something more, but at the moment it is simply a scratch space for me to quickly post links and ideas. - I am [Riceissa](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Riceissa) on the [English Wikipedia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page), but I haven't done anything on there yet. - You can see all of my [Stack Exchange](http://stackexchange.com/) sites [here](http://stackexchange.com/users/1643345/riceissa?tab=accounts). - I am [riceissa](https://www.reddit.com/user/riceissa/) on [Reddit](http://www.reddit.com/). I occasionally use Reddit to look for information, but don’t really post.