--- title: About me description: biography, contact information creation_date: 2014-09-13 last_major_revision_date: 2015-08-27 feed_description: include more interests license: CC0 tags: personal aliases: me --- *This page is about myself (Issa Rice); for information about this website, see [About the site]().* # Self-introduction I am highly introverted[^pers] and curious about a wide array of things. My interests include [cause prioritization](http://causeprioritization.org/), [effective altruism](), vegetarianism and veganism, the free content movement (e.g. copyleft and the [Creative Commons](!w)), the free software movement, typography (though mostly just with LaTeX and this website), [content creation](content-creation), longevity, neoteny, cute things and people, [androgyny](https://www.quora.com/Are-the-parents-who-raise-their-children-so-gender-neutral-that-they-keep-their-kids-gender-a-secret-harming-them/answer/Eva-Glasrud), [castration and eunuchs](http://lesswrong.com/lw/lm4/effects_of_castration_on_the_life_expectancy_of/), pederasty[^pederasty], long-term thinking, the quantified self, [LessWrong]()-style rationality, [EconLog](), [unschooling](), [hikikomori](!w), some kinds of [music](music-i-like-to-listen-to), and [existential risk]. [^pers]: See my [profile]() page for more about my personality and views. I spend a lot of time on various sites online, including [Facebook]() and [Quora](). My [contact]() page has a longer list of my online accounts. [^pederasty]: From "[Those Whom The Gods Love Grow Young: Some Notes on Wilde, Greece & Youth](http://dmouth.com/writing/2014/4/12/those-whom-the-gods-love-grow-young-some-notes-on-wilde-greece-youth)": > But when you subtract all of our warped assumption, you’re left > with just youth. Youth is just a quality any human can have, > potentially at any age. Youth is a freshness and a beauty and form > of strength that can be shared with another human in exchange for > wisdom and strength of other varieties. We forget that a fifteen > year old is as much a complete human as a fifty year old because > society has been built in order to let the old dominate, exploit > and indoctrinate the young according to the tenets of the child / > adult dichotomy. But as a complete human, they deserve the same > rights, respect and liberty to which anything born with humanity > is heir. [existential risk]: http://www.nickbeckstead.com/research I am also currently a second-year student at University of Washington. # Contact My email address is [riceissa@gmail.com][email]. See [Contact]() for more options and account names I use on various websites. [email]: mailto:riceissa@gmail.com # Photo I have [a photo](identification-photo.jpg) you can use to identify me. # Name See [How should I properly pronounce your name?]() for information about my name.