title: Hiring and judging character
author: Issa Rice
creation-date: 2015-06-21
last-major-revision-date: 2015-06-21
language: English
status: notes
# accepts "CC0", "CC-BY", or "CC-BY-SA"
license: CC-BY
tags: judging, character, hiring, Yishan Wong, talent
- the connection between hiring people for a job and judging the
character of people fascinates me (e.g. for finding good friends, or
for romantic relationships).
- both are clearly important: you need to hire people to get tasks done,
and you want to find good friends/partner(s)
- both can take quite a bit of commitnment to accurately judge
- both can end disastrously
- in both scenarios, there can be multiple people doing the judging, so
there can be some gossip among those "in the know"
- sometimes it can be *really hard* to tell the difference between
someone who is an *extremely* good fit, and someone who is a terrible
- Yishan Wong:
> Look to referrals of referrals. Look for the best person
> according to the best person according to the best person you
> know (yes, that's two levels). If there is consensus among
> several of your best people, this is a fairly reliable
> indicator. It is difficult to go more than 3x per "link"
> though - people are typically unable to discern the difference
> between someone 9x as good as they are from someone who is 3x
> as good as they are; this is why you have to do the "best
> person you know" referral twice. First, you hire all the best
> people you know, work with them for awhile to find the best
> amongst them, and then find all the best people *they* know.
> It is a multiple-stage approach; many people don't know this,
> and just assume that "refer the best people you know" is the
> end of it.
Similarly, stalking someone's friends might be useful if you
want to determine their character.
- many more Quora questions about judging character (many by Alex):
- decent answer:
- observing ppl under stress might be important
- one important question: does the person have the same life goals as me?
- "Are you at peace with your past romantic partners? Do you feel at peace with their joys though the joys may be mutually shared no longer?" ([source](https://www.quora.com/What-single-question-would-you-ask-someone-if-you-were-trying-to-find-out-if-they-are-a-good-person/answer/Chantal-Murthy-1))
- Yishan Wong([source](https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-best-way-to-indicate-in-a-job-posting-that-youre-looking-for-10x-or-ninja-type-people/answer/Yishan-Wong)):
> the lesson here is that sometimes "10x people" are so good that
> they don't really look for jobs in the same way other people do,
> so you kind of have to find them via unorthodox means [...] [Y]ou
> often have to make your job posting indicate a bit of quirkiness
> in just the right way so that it happens to stick out to them when
> they're casual perusing job ads
> [...]
> the main idea is to visualize the personality and character of the
> type of people you want to hire, and then put a message out
> publicly that only those types of people will respond to or
> provide a correct answer to.