--- title: 2channel #description: #feed_description: author: Issa Rice creation_date: 2015-09-10 last_major_revision_date: 2015-12-31 language: English status: notes license: CC0 tags: internet #aliases: --- Similarly to sites like [reddit](http://info.cognitomentoring.org/wiki/Using_reddit), Quora, and 4chan, 2channel mostly consists of attention-grabbing but useless content. Here I want to collect the exceptions to this rule, i.e. 2ch threads that are actually informative. - [大学を卒業するまでに社会へ出なくていい方法を見つけたい](http://hello.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/campus/1439801445/) - [本の組版やフォントについて語るスレ](http://book3.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/books/1091743113/) - There used to be an active site called [2ちゃんねるベストヒット](http://yet.s61.xrea.com/mt/).