--- title: CSS #rss-description: author: Issa Rice creation-date: 2015-07-05 last-major-revision-date: 2015-07-05 language: English # Possible values are "notes", "draft", "in progress", and # "mostly finished" status: notes # Possible values are "certain", "highly likely", "likely", "possible", # "unlikely", "highly unlikely", "remote", "impossible", "fiction", and # "emotional" #belief: possible # accepts "CC0", "CC-BY", or "CC-BY-SA" license: CC-BY tags: untagged #aliases: --- *This page is about my thoughts on CSS. If you're here to look at the CSS that's used on this site, have a look at [the CSS directory](https://github.com/riceissa/issarice.com/tree/master/css) of my website source.*