--- title: Firefox author: Issa Rice created: 2015-08-18 date: 2022-05-10 --- As of May 2022, Firefox is the main web browser I use. I find it slower than [[Chrome|Google Chrome]] (which I use for [Facebook](facebook), Messenger, Gmail, and YouTube), but find its address bar more useful. # Extensions Starting in 2021, I decided to reduce the number of extensions I use after learning more about how little auditing goes on for browser extensions and case-studies like The Great Suspender (where the original author sold it to some sketchy people who then put in spyware, or something like that). - ClearURLs - Dark Reader - uBlock Origin - F.B Purity - Video DownloadHelper (usually disabled, but I enable it whenever I want to use it) (Above list is up-to-date as of 2024-03-30.) # Keyword search I have several [custom keyword searches](https://www-archive.mozilla.org/docs/end-user/keywords.html "'How Cool are Custom Keywords?' by Asa Dotzler") on Firefox. Following DuckDuckGo's idea of "bang expressions", I prefix each keyword with `!` (even though I don't use DuckDuckGo). - `!g`: google search, `https://www.google.com/search?q=%s` - `!w`: English Wikipedia, `https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?search=%s&title=Special%3ASearch` - `!d`: The Free Dictionary - `!ia`: Internet Archive, `https://web.archive.org/web/*/%S` - `!ias`: save with internet archive, `https://web.archive.org/save/%S` - `!gooj`: goo jisho (Japanese dictionary), `https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/freewordsearcher.html?MT=%s&mode=0&kind=all` Note that for the Internet Archive keyword searches, use `%S` rather than `%s` for the search string placeholder. The latter URL-encodes the search string while the former doesn't. I used to use bookmarklets, but have since switched to using an addon (for citation generation) and keyword searches (for accessing websites). # Settings In `about:config`: - Set `network.IDN_show_punycode` to `true` # See also * [[software I use]] for more about the software I use