--- title: Objective measures of health author: Issa Rice created: 2023-08-08 date: 2023-08-08 --- What does it mean for a measurement to be objective? Basically, it shouldn't depend on how awful the symptom *feels*. My memory isn't great for remembering the intensity of bad experiences, and maybe my reactions will change over time as get better at handling the problem or if I'm in a psychologically vulnerable state. I'd like to come up with measurements that can help me compare across a span of years. the measurement also needs to be done at home/relatively quickly/at least once a week. - heart rate/HRV - Control Pause, kind of - O2 saturation - pCO2 -- end-tidal CO2 - one foot balance seconds - ambient temperature at which distress is reported -- still pretty subjective - scores on games like chess or 2048? - ability to do mental arithmetic? A lot of my symptoms, when bad enough, impair my cognition. The thing is, as I practice I will naturally improve my ability. - blood glucose/blood tests in general (but most tests need to be scheduled/ordered by a doctor) - Number of seconds to swallow (for a fixed food/amount) - body weight going by symptoms: breathing: - spirometry - N/AS/AF scheme that I came up with is kind of there Hunger attack: ??? Anxiety: ??? Heat sensitivity: - sweat volume? Gut: - stool frequency, color, size, texture, float vs sink, clear vs murky water, etc. eyesight: - [Snellen chart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snellen_chart)