--- title: tmux author: Issa Rice date: 2017-03-26 created: 2016-10-26 --- For now, this page is mostly a placeholder. I use tmux to spawn multiple shell sessions while I work. On my servers, I keep a tmux session running so that I can attach to it to continue working where I stopped. My tmux configuration file is [available on GitHub][conf]. Besides working in tmux, I make use of tmux in a [shell script][keep] that runs as a cron job. The script just opens and quits Vim and Mutt in a tmux session; the cron job runs every minute to keep Vim and Mutt in memory. # See also * [[software I use]] for more about the software I use [conf]: https://github.com/riceissa/dotfiles/blob/master/.tmux.conf [keep]: https://github.com/riceissa/dotfiles/blob/master/.local/bin/keep_vim_mutt.sh