LIGGGHTS WWW Site - LIGGGHTS Documentation - LIGGGHTS Commands

fix sph/pressure command


fix ID group-ID sph/pressure style args 


fix pressure all sph/pressure absolut
fix pressure all sph/pressure Tait 2000000. 1000. 7.


This command is not available in LAMMPS.


The equation of state (EOS) for the SPH calculation is the link between the density field and the pressure field. A lot of different equations can be found in the literature.

The absolut style was the first implemented EOS. Based on "An initiation to SPH" from Lucas Braune and Thomas Lewiner this simple equation

is implemented, where ρa is the density of particle a.

In case of Tait style the rule

is applied. B denotes the pressure prefactor which is calculated by

where c0 is the speed of sound of the material. ρ0 is the reference density and γ is the isentropic exponent defined as cp/cv.

NOTE: Monaghan has found that the speed of sound could be artificially reduced. (Monaghan, 1994) Therefore, we can choose a greater time step. He argues that the minimum sound speed should be about ten times greater than the maximum expected flow speed. (Δρ < 1%)

Restart, fix_modify, output, run start/stop, minimize info:

No information about this fix is written to binary restart files.

None of the fix_modify options are relevant to this fix.

No global scalar or vector or per-atom quantities are stored by this fix for access by various output commands.

No parameter of this fix can be used with the start/stop keywords of the run command.

This fix is not invoked during energy minimization.


One fix sph/density/summation (only dev-version) or sph/denstiy/continuity has to exist.

Related commands:

pair_style sph, fix sph/density/continuity

Default: none