๐Ÿง   BrainBank #024

How to Read Body Language (in Poker & Life) & The Anti Doom-Scrolling OS 

Welcome to BrainBankโ€” Your weekly dose of continuous learning, served w/ a splash of tomfoolery ๐Ÿ’ฆ

What We'll Learn (in <4 minutes):

๐Ÿƒ How to Read Body Language:  9 quick poker tells & their real life equivalents.

๐Ÿ“œ  The Anti Doom-Scrolling OS: Phone configuration tips, feed workarounds, & other resources.

๐Ÿƒ  How to Read Body Language

Read body language Poker

Our eyes are like vacuums of information, & this guy was born w/ a pair of industrial HVAC units.

We're constantly sucking in, filtering, & giving meaning to what we see.

So how do we determine, w/ a high degree of certainty, what the body language we see means?

After sifting through books like Influence Caro's Book of Poker Tells; there's 2 themes that come up.

1. Weak Means Strong, Strong Means Weak

Our unconscious bias is to act opposite.

Unless you're aware of these tells, you probably do them w/o thinking.

Poker Example

Player's hands are likely weaker if they: 

  • mad-dog you across the table
  • aggressively toss chips in the pot
  • do any behavior to seem stronger or intimidating

Player's hands are likely stronger if they: 

  • look away
  • sigh
  • make this ": /" face
  • Do any behavior to seem weaker or less intimidating

When playing weak to average players, you can bet on these behaviors w/ a high degree of success.

Life Example

If someone:

  • raises their voice
  • perks up on their toes
  • flaunts status items, brags, gloats

they probably don't have as much concrete leverage as they want you to think.

Ask, " What are they hoping I'll think by doing/saying _____? "

& you can usually assume the opposite is true.

2. Unconscious Releases of Tension

People release tension out of positive anticipation of what's to come. 

When they can't wait to get to the next step.

Poker Example

When players:

  • tap foot, knee, or finger while waiting for a call
  • have shaky hands
  • clack their tongue on the top of their mouth
  • take a deep breath to stabilize heartbeat

they likely have strong hands. 

These are all tension releases.

People don't build tension when they bluff, tension builds when something great is coming but there's an uncertain variable (your call) that determines how great it could be. 

Life Example

When people:

  • nod quickly over & over
  • tap foot/finger/knee
  • open their stance/point their feet away from you
  • take deep breaths while someone's talking

they likely have something they're waiting to say or somewhere else to go.

Ask an open ended question or give them an exit point.

When I was younger, I'd bounce my leg incessantly at church.

That was my tension release until I got home to play Nintendo ๐Ÿ˜‰

There's few actions that you can label with 100% certainty.

But you can almost always ~increase~ your certainty.

Know someone who reads body language for a living (poker, therapy, negotiator)? 

Text them  this card  : )

๐Ÿ“œ  The Anti Doom-Scrolling OS


We've solved boredom.

If you have a phone & a feed (especially w/ personal recommendations), you'll never be bored.

But some find they're spending more time than they intended on these boredom-solving-platforms.

Okay, it's me.

I'm the one checking my phone at 7 then blinking for the first time @10 to see the 3hr time-chunk I was gunna use to build stuff disappear.

Curse you Dinkleberg !!

So I created some screens & systems to stop the infinite scrolling.

Phone Configurations

The piece that led to these configurations -->  Dopamine, Smartphones, & You: A battle for your time (Trevor Haynes, Dept. of Neurobiology @Harvard Med School)
  • Turn phone to grayscale & turn off white point (bad for sleep, spikes dopamine in the brain)

Settings>Accessibility>Display & Text Size>Color filters>Grayscale

Settings >Accessibility>Display & Text Size>Turn off white point

  • Create shortcut for grayscale (to make scanning QR codes/seeing color easier)

Settings>Accessibility>Accessibility Shortcuts 

  • Turn off face ID for unlock

Prevents unconscious phone checking.

  • Turn off notifications besides messages & calls
  • Remove unconscious cues (seeing an app) by rearranging/deleting
1st page: utility, 2nd page: categorized folders.

Feed Workarounds

Feeds are optimized for max attention.

Is your goal to spend maximum attention, get a lil entertainment, or engage w/ your friends? 

Ask what your goal is then create mindful workarounds.

Here's the tools I like.


Use TweetDeck  (free) to remove ads,  create custom feeds using lists, &  exclude retweets. 


I haven't found a way to customize the feed/remove ads & 20-25% of our feed is promotions now ๐Ÿ™„

IG DMs & stories have the deepest rewards for me. 

A dashboard that lets me access them w/o the feed or app is ideal.

Eclincher  (paid) gives you a dashboard for posting pics, stories, & managing DMs w/o using the app.

Combin  (free) lets you post pics & stories, but you can't manage DMs through their dashboard yet.


Settings>preferences>feed preferences>curate to yo needs

For all other feeds, try Feedly .

Other Resources I Love

  • Website blocker:  cold turkey .
  • Timed lockbox  to physically lock distractions.
  • Minimalist phone: Mudita Pure. Funded this baby on indiegogo a year ago & can't wait for it to come (this summer!)
  • For Product Managers: A  design guide to build products that support human well-being (Center for Humane Tech)

I'm bullish on social as a utility but believe we need business models that don't monetize attention to align best w/ human wellbeing.

If anyone knows innovators building social products monetizing something other than attention, lmk!

Know someone who'd enjoy the anti doom-scroll OS?   You can text them this card here   : )

๐Ÿ’Ž Weekly Morsels

Lil gems to spice up your week.

๐Ÿ—จ Quote

"Art is the elimination of the unnecessary "

โ€”Pablo Picasso

๐ŸŽต Jam

" Belle " by Jack Johnson

โ€”5 languages, 2 minutes. The under-rated Valentine serenader <3

๐Ÿ”Ž Community Creations

Fellow BrainBank-er pursuits. Go Team!

Jaan Juurikas (Estonia)

created an EV stock tracker .

Shane Neubauer (Munich, Germany)

started a social library for PM's .

Brennan McElhaney (Arden, NC)

painted the Blue Ridge Mountain Collection .

Michele Hsu (Bethesda, MD)

writes a  newsletter for growth marketers .

Tiago Valente (Dubai, UAE)

runs a Telegram Club for mobile app developers.

God I love the creator economy, y'all are so fuckin cool.

Text me  to be featured, or just to say Hi, it's free : )

๐Ÿ Hasta la Pasta

Quick note

Takin a week off to focus on 3 things:

  • BrainBank html (starting to build a referral system!)
  • Community Twitter growth
  • New resource pages (quotes db, funky language db, community creations db)

I'll maybe send weekly morsels next week. TBD.


I convulse w/ joy when I get feedback. Give me convulsions .

Sayonara from da parla',


Rick Carabba

Writer, BrainBank


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