{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# 변이형 오토인코더 훈련" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## 라이브러리 임포트" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Using TensorFlow backend.\n" ] } ], "source": [ "import os\n", "\n", "from models.VAE import VariationalAutoencoder\n", "from utils.loaders import load_mnist" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# 실행 매개변수\n", "SECTION = 'vae'\n", "RUN_ID = '0002'\n", "DATA_NAME = 'digits'\n", "RUN_FOLDER = 'run/{}/'.format(SECTION)\n", "RUN_FOLDER += '_'.join([RUN_ID, DATA_NAME])\n", "\n", "if not os.path.exists(RUN_FOLDER):\n", " os.mkdir(RUN_FOLDER)\n", " os.mkdir(os.path.join(RUN_FOLDER, 'viz'))\n", " os.mkdir(os.path.join(RUN_FOLDER, 'images'))\n", " os.mkdir(os.path.join(RUN_FOLDER, 'weights'))\n", "\n", "mode = 'build' #'load' #" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## 데이터 적재" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = load_mnist()" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## 모델 만들기" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 4, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "WARNING:tensorflow:From /home/haesun/github/GDL_code/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/op_def_library.py:263: colocate_with (from tensorflow.python.framework.ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.\n", "Instructions for updating:\n", "Colocations handled automatically by placer.\n" ] } ], "source": [ "vae = VariationalAutoencoder(\n", " input_dim = (28,28,1)\n", " , encoder_conv_filters = [32,64,64, 64]\n", " , encoder_conv_kernel_size = [3,3,3,3]\n", " , encoder_conv_strides = [1,2,2,1]\n", " , decoder_conv_t_filters = [64,64,32,1]\n", " , decoder_conv_t_kernel_size = [3,3,3,3]\n", " , decoder_conv_t_strides = [1,2,2,1]\n", " , z_dim = 2\n", ")\n", "\n", "if mode == 'build':\n", " vae.save(RUN_FOLDER)\n", "else:\n", " vae.load_weights(os.path.join(RUN_FOLDER, 'weights/weights.h5'))" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "metadata": { "scrolled": true }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "__________________________________________________________________________________________________\n", "Layer (type) Output Shape Param # Connected to \n", "==================================================================================================\n", "encoder_input (InputLayer) (None, 28, 28, 1) 0 \n", "__________________________________________________________________________________________________\n", "encoder_conv_0 (Conv2D) (None, 28, 28, 32) 320 encoder_input[0][0] \n", "__________________________________________________________________________________________________\n", "leaky_re_lu_1 (LeakyReLU) (None, 28, 28, 32) 0 encoder_conv_0[0][0] \n", "__________________________________________________________________________________________________\n", "encoder_conv_1 (Conv2D) (None, 14, 14, 64) 18496 leaky_re_lu_1[0][0] \n", "__________________________________________________________________________________________________\n", "leaky_re_lu_2 (LeakyReLU) (None, 14, 14, 64) 0 encoder_conv_1[0][0] \n", "__________________________________________________________________________________________________\n", "encoder_conv_2 (Conv2D) (None, 7, 7, 64) 36928 leaky_re_lu_2[0][0] \n", "__________________________________________________________________________________________________\n", "leaky_re_lu_3 (LeakyReLU) (None, 7, 7, 64) 0 encoder_conv_2[0][0] \n", "__________________________________________________________________________________________________\n", "encoder_conv_3 (Conv2D) (None, 7, 7, 64) 36928 leaky_re_lu_3[0][0] \n", "__________________________________________________________________________________________________\n", "leaky_re_lu_4 (LeakyReLU) (None, 7, 7, 64) 0 encoder_conv_3[0][0] \n", "__________________________________________________________________________________________________\n", "flatten_1 (Flatten) (None, 3136) 0 leaky_re_lu_4[0][0] \n", "__________________________________________________________________________________________________\n", "mu (Dense) (None, 2) 6274 flatten_1[0][0] \n", "__________________________________________________________________________________________________\n", "log_var (Dense) (None, 2) 6274 flatten_1[0][0] \n", "__________________________________________________________________________________________________\n", "encoder_output (Lambda) (None, 2) 0 mu[0][0] \n", " log_var[0][0] \n", "==================================================================================================\n", "Total params: 105,220\n", "Trainable params: 105,220\n", "Non-trainable params: 0\n", "__________________________________________________________________________________________________\n" ] } ], "source": [ "vae.encoder.summary()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 6, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from keras.utils import plot_model\n", "plot_model(vae.encoder, to_file='vae_encoder.png', show_shapes = True, show_layer_names = True)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "![VAE Encoder](vae_encoder.png \"VAE Encoder\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "_________________________________________________________________\n", "Layer (type) Output Shape Param # \n", "=================================================================\n", "decoder_input (InputLayer) (None, 2) 0 \n", "_________________________________________________________________\n", "dense_1 (Dense) (None, 3136) 9408 \n", "_________________________________________________________________\n", "reshape_1 (Reshape) (None, 7, 7, 64) 0 \n", "_________________________________________________________________\n", "decoder_conv_t_0 (Conv2DTran (None, 7, 7, 64) 36928 \n", "_________________________________________________________________\n", "leaky_re_lu_5 (LeakyReLU) (None, 7, 7, 64) 0 \n", "_________________________________________________________________\n", "decoder_conv_t_1 (Conv2DTran (None, 14, 14, 64) 36928 \n", "_________________________________________________________________\n", "leaky_re_lu_6 (LeakyReLU) (None, 14, 14, 64) 0 \n", "_________________________________________________________________\n", "decoder_conv_t_2 (Conv2DTran (None, 28, 28, 32) 18464 \n", "_________________________________________________________________\n", "leaky_re_lu_7 (LeakyReLU) (None, 28, 28, 32) 0 \n", "_________________________________________________________________\n", "decoder_conv_t_3 (Conv2DTran (None, 28, 28, 1) 289 \n", "_________________________________________________________________\n", "activation_1 (Activation) (None, 28, 28, 1) 0 \n", "=================================================================\n", "Total params: 102,017\n", "Trainable params: 102,017\n", "Non-trainable params: 0\n", "_________________________________________________________________\n" ] } ], "source": [ "vae.decoder.summary()" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## 모델 훈련" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "LEARNING_RATE = 0.0005\n", "R_LOSS_FACTOR = 1000" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 9, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "vae.compile(LEARNING_RATE, R_LOSS_FACTOR)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 10, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "BATCH_SIZE = 32\n", "EPOCHS = 200\n", "PRINT_EVERY_N_BATCHES = 100\n", "INITIAL_EPOCH = 0" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 11, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "WARNING:tensorflow:From /home/haesun/github/GDL_code/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/math_ops.py:3066: to_int32 (from tensorflow.python.ops.math_ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.\n", "Instructions for updating:\n", "Use tf.cast instead.\n", "Epoch 1/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 18s 300us/step - loss: 58.8730 - vae_r_loss: 55.6619 - vae_kl_loss: 3.2111\n", "\n", "Epoch 00001: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-001-58.87.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00001: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 2/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 252us/step - loss: 51.7911 - vae_r_loss: 47.9035 - vae_kl_loss: 3.8875\n", "\n", "Epoch 00002: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-002-51.79.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00002: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 3/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 255us/step - loss: 50.3871 - vae_r_loss: 46.1920 - vae_kl_loss: 4.1950\n", "\n", "Epoch 00003: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-003-50.39.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00003: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 4/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 234us/step - loss: 49.4694 - vae_r_loss: 45.0809 - vae_kl_loss: 4.3885\n", "\n", "Epoch 00004: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-004-49.47.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00004: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 5/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 236us/step - loss: 48.8008 - vae_r_loss: 44.2794 - vae_kl_loss: 4.5214\n", "\n", "Epoch 00005: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-005-48.80.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00005: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 6/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 236us/step - loss: 48.3724 - vae_r_loss: 43.7686 - vae_kl_loss: 4.6038\n", "\n", "Epoch 00006: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-006-48.37.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00006: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 7/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 240us/step - loss: 48.0048 - vae_r_loss: 43.3122 - vae_kl_loss: 4.6926\n", "\n", "Epoch 00007: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-007-48.00.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00007: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 8/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 238us/step - loss: 47.7000 - vae_r_loss: 42.9437 - vae_kl_loss: 4.7563\n", "\n", "Epoch 00008: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-008-47.70.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00008: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 9/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 238us/step - loss: 47.4561 - vae_r_loss: 42.6443 - vae_kl_loss: 4.8118\n", "\n", "Epoch 00009: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-009-47.46.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00009: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 10/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 239us/step - loss: 47.1725 - vae_r_loss: 42.3085 - vae_kl_loss: 4.8640\n", "\n", "Epoch 00010: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-010-47.17.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00010: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 11/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 241us/step - loss: 47.0334 - vae_r_loss: 42.1210 - vae_kl_loss: 4.9123\n", "\n", "Epoch 00011: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-011-47.03.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00011: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 12/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 239us/step - loss: 46.8385 - vae_r_loss: 41.8999 - vae_kl_loss: 4.9387\n", "\n", "Epoch 00012: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-012-46.84.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00012: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 13/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 240us/step - loss: 46.6747 - vae_r_loss: 41.7109 - vae_kl_loss: 4.9638\n", "\n", "Epoch 00013: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-013-46.67.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00013: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 14/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 243us/step - loss: 46.5646 - vae_r_loss: 41.5638 - vae_kl_loss: 5.0009\n", "\n", "Epoch 00014: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-014-46.56.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00014: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 15/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 241us/step - loss: 46.3753 - vae_r_loss: 41.3681 - vae_kl_loss: 5.0072\n", "\n", "Epoch 00015: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-015-46.38.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00015: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 16/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 241us/step - loss: 46.3166 - vae_r_loss: 41.2786 - vae_kl_loss: 5.0379\n", "\n", "Epoch 00016: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-016-46.32.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00016: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 17/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 243us/step - loss: 46.1929 - vae_r_loss: 41.1229 - vae_kl_loss: 5.0700\n", "\n", "Epoch 00017: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-017-46.19.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00017: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 18/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 241us/step - loss: 46.0970 - vae_r_loss: 41.0144 - vae_kl_loss: 5.0826\n", "\n", "Epoch 00018: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-018-46.10.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00018: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 19/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 247us/step - loss: 46.0037 - vae_r_loss: 40.9002 - vae_kl_loss: 5.1035\n", "\n", "Epoch 00019: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-019-46.00.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00019: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 20/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 247us/step - loss: 45.8864 - vae_r_loss: 40.7741 - vae_kl_loss: 5.1123\n", "\n", "Epoch 00020: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-020-45.89.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00020: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 21/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 245us/step - loss: 45.8262 - vae_r_loss: 40.6849 - vae_kl_loss: 5.1412\n", "\n", "Epoch 00021: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-021-45.83.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00021: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 22/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 246us/step - loss: 45.7335 - vae_r_loss: 40.5771 - vae_kl_loss: 5.1564\n", "\n", "Epoch 00022: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-022-45.73.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00022: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 23/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 247us/step - loss: 45.6488 - vae_r_loss: 40.4870 - vae_kl_loss: 5.1618\n", "\n", "Epoch 00023: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-023-45.65.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00023: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 24/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 246us/step - loss: 45.6079 - vae_r_loss: 40.4265 - vae_kl_loss: 5.1814\n", "\n", "Epoch 00024: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-024-45.61.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00024: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 25/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 246us/step - loss: 45.5219 - vae_r_loss: 40.3327 - vae_kl_loss: 5.1892\n", "\n", "Epoch 00025: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-025-45.52.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00025: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 26/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 245us/step - loss: 45.4360 - vae_r_loss: 40.2368 - vae_kl_loss: 5.1992\n", "\n", "Epoch 00026: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-026-45.44.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00026: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 27/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 243us/step - loss: 45.3886 - vae_r_loss: 40.1737 - vae_kl_loss: 5.2148\n", "\n", "Epoch 00027: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-027-45.39.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00027: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 28/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 247us/step - loss: 45.3367 - vae_r_loss: 40.1099 - vae_kl_loss: 5.2268\n", "\n", "Epoch 00028: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-028-45.34.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00028: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 29/200\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 233us/step - loss: 45.2834 - vae_r_loss: 40.0370 - vae_kl_loss: 5.2464\n", "\n", "Epoch 00029: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-029-45.28.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00029: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 30/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 234us/step - loss: 45.2071 - vae_r_loss: 39.9579 - vae_kl_loss: 5.2492\n", "\n", "Epoch 00030: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-030-45.21.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00030: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 31/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 238us/step - loss: 45.1287 - vae_r_loss: 39.8790 - vae_kl_loss: 5.2497\n", "\n", "Epoch 00031: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-031-45.13.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00031: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 32/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 238us/step - loss: 45.1299 - vae_r_loss: 39.8539 - vae_kl_loss: 5.2759\n", "\n", "Epoch 00032: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-032-45.13.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00032: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 33/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 244us/step - loss: 45.0624 - vae_r_loss: 39.7845 - vae_kl_loss: 5.2779\n", "\n", "Epoch 00033: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-033-45.06.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00033: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 34/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 234us/step - loss: 45.0282 - vae_r_loss: 39.7490 - vae_kl_loss: 5.2791\n", "\n", "Epoch 00034: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-034-45.03.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00034: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 35/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 238us/step - loss: 44.9898 - vae_r_loss: 39.6949 - vae_kl_loss: 5.2949\n", "\n", "Epoch 00035: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-035-44.99.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00035: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 36/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 233us/step - loss: 44.9686 - vae_r_loss: 39.6698 - vae_kl_loss: 5.2988\n", "\n", "Epoch 00036: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-036-44.97.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00036: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 37/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 234us/step - loss: 44.9183 - vae_r_loss: 39.6043 - vae_kl_loss: 5.3140\n", "\n", "Epoch 00037: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-037-44.92.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00037: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 38/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 234us/step - loss: 44.8633 - vae_r_loss: 39.5401 - vae_kl_loss: 5.3232\n", "\n", "Epoch 00038: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-038-44.86.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00038: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 39/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 235us/step - loss: 44.8565 - vae_r_loss: 39.5426 - vae_kl_loss: 5.3139\n", "\n", "Epoch 00039: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-039-44.86.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00039: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 40/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 235us/step - loss: 44.7895 - vae_r_loss: 39.4588 - vae_kl_loss: 5.3306\n", "\n", "Epoch 00040: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-040-44.79.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00040: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 41/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 239us/step - loss: 44.7384 - vae_r_loss: 39.4042 - vae_kl_loss: 5.3342\n", "\n", "Epoch 00041: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-041-44.74.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00041: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 42/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 236us/step - loss: 44.7044 - vae_r_loss: 39.3643 - vae_kl_loss: 5.3401\n", "\n", "Epoch 00042: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-042-44.70.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00042: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 43/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 236us/step - loss: 44.6846 - vae_r_loss: 39.3395 - vae_kl_loss: 5.3451\n", "\n", "Epoch 00043: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-043-44.68.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00043: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 44/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 240us/step - loss: 44.6649 - vae_r_loss: 39.3092 - vae_kl_loss: 5.3557\n", "\n", "Epoch 00044: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-044-44.66.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00044: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 45/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 241us/step - loss: 44.6399 - vae_r_loss: 39.2838 - vae_kl_loss: 5.3561\n", "\n", "Epoch 00045: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-045-44.64.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00045: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 46/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 241us/step - loss: 44.5941 - vae_r_loss: 39.2301 - vae_kl_loss: 5.3640\n", "\n", "Epoch 00046: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-046-44.59.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00046: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 47/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 238us/step - loss: 44.5726 - vae_r_loss: 39.2023 - vae_kl_loss: 5.3703\n", "\n", "Epoch 00047: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-047-44.57.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00047: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 48/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 237us/step - loss: 44.5242 - vae_r_loss: 39.1671 - vae_kl_loss: 5.3571\n", "\n", "Epoch 00048: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-048-44.52.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00048: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 49/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 238us/step - loss: 44.5151 - vae_r_loss: 39.1373 - vae_kl_loss: 5.3778\n", "\n", "Epoch 00049: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-049-44.52.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00049: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 50/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 241us/step - loss: 44.4352 - vae_r_loss: 39.0652 - vae_kl_loss: 5.3700\n", "\n", "Epoch 00050: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-050-44.44.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00050: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 51/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 240us/step - loss: 44.4382 - vae_r_loss: 39.0552 - vae_kl_loss: 5.3830\n", "\n", "Epoch 00051: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-051-44.44.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00051: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 52/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 241us/step - loss: 44.4499 - vae_r_loss: 39.0668 - vae_kl_loss: 5.3830\n", "\n", "Epoch 00052: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-052-44.45.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00052: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 53/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 240us/step - loss: 44.4254 - vae_r_loss: 39.0279 - vae_kl_loss: 5.3976\n", "\n", "Epoch 00053: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-053-44.43.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00053: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 54/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 237us/step - loss: 44.4469 - vae_r_loss: 39.0485 - vae_kl_loss: 5.3984\n", "\n", "Epoch 00054: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-054-44.45.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00054: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 55/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 241us/step - loss: 44.3615 - vae_r_loss: 38.9645 - vae_kl_loss: 5.3970\n", "\n", "Epoch 00055: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-055-44.36.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00055: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 56/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 239us/step - loss: 44.3482 - vae_r_loss: 38.9508 - vae_kl_loss: 5.3975\n", "\n", "Epoch 00056: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-056-44.35.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00056: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 57/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 241us/step - loss: 44.3157 - vae_r_loss: 38.9083 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4074\n", "\n", "Epoch 00057: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-057-44.32.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00057: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Epoch 58/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 235us/step - loss: 44.3092 - vae_r_loss: 38.8931 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4161\n", "\n", "Epoch 00058: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-058-44.31.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00058: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 59/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 249us/step - loss: 44.2333 - vae_r_loss: 38.8219 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4114\n", "\n", "Epoch 00059: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-059-44.23.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00059: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 60/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 243us/step - loss: 44.2266 - vae_r_loss: 38.8093 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4173\n", "\n", "Epoch 00060: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-060-44.23.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00060: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 61/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 243us/step - loss: 44.2123 - vae_r_loss: 38.7915 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4208\n", "\n", "Epoch 00061: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-061-44.21.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00061: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 62/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 241us/step - loss: 44.2224 - vae_r_loss: 38.8000 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4224\n", "\n", "Epoch 00062: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-062-44.22.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00062: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 63/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 233us/step - loss: 44.2121 - vae_r_loss: 38.7771 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4351\n", "\n", "Epoch 00063: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-063-44.21.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00063: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 64/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 233us/step - loss: 44.1502 - vae_r_loss: 38.7197 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4305\n", "\n", "Epoch 00064: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-064-44.15.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00064: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 65/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 236us/step - loss: 44.2153 - vae_r_loss: 38.7652 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4501\n", "\n", "Epoch 00065: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-065-44.22.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00065: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 66/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 234us/step - loss: 44.1261 - vae_r_loss: 38.7011 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4250\n", "\n", "Epoch 00066: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-066-44.13.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00066: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 67/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 234us/step - loss: 44.1287 - vae_r_loss: 38.6980 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4307\n", "\n", "Epoch 00067: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-067-44.13.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00067: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 68/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 234us/step - loss: 44.0722 - vae_r_loss: 38.6334 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4388\n", "\n", "Epoch 00068: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-068-44.07.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00068: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 69/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 235us/step - loss: 44.0671 - vae_r_loss: 38.6320 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4351\n", "\n", "Epoch 00069: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-069-44.07.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00069: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 70/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 235us/step - loss: 44.0835 - vae_r_loss: 38.6415 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4420\n", "\n", "Epoch 00070: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-070-44.08.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00070: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 71/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 245us/step - loss: 44.0635 - vae_r_loss: 38.6073 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4562\n", "\n", "Epoch 00071: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-071-44.06.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00071: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 72/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 239us/step - loss: 44.0492 - vae_r_loss: 38.6066 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4426\n", "\n", "Epoch 00072: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-072-44.05.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00072: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 73/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 237us/step - loss: 44.0185 - vae_r_loss: 38.5669 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4516\n", "\n", "Epoch 00073: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-073-44.02.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00073: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 74/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 239us/step - loss: 44.0212 - vae_r_loss: 38.5487 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4725\n", "\n", "Epoch 00074: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-074-44.02.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00074: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 75/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 239us/step - loss: 43.9620 - vae_r_loss: 38.5004 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4616\n", "\n", "Epoch 00075: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-075-43.96.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00075: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 76/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 238us/step - loss: 43.9735 - vae_r_loss: 38.5154 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4581\n", "\n", "Epoch 00076: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-076-43.97.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00076: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 77/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 239us/step - loss: 43.9571 - vae_r_loss: 38.4835 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4736\n", "\n", "Epoch 00077: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-077-43.96.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00077: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 78/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 239us/step - loss: 43.9552 - vae_r_loss: 38.4776 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4776\n", "\n", "Epoch 00078: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-078-43.96.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00078: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 79/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 239us/step - loss: 43.9367 - vae_r_loss: 38.4676 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4691\n", "\n", "Epoch 00079: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-079-43.94.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00079: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 80/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 238us/step - loss: 43.9234 - vae_r_loss: 38.4528 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4706\n", "\n", "Epoch 00080: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-080-43.92.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00080: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 81/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 239us/step - loss: 43.8929 - vae_r_loss: 38.4170 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4759\n", "\n", "Epoch 00081: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-081-43.89.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00081: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 82/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 240us/step - loss: 43.8817 - vae_r_loss: 38.4064 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4753\n", "\n", "Epoch 00082: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-082-43.88.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00082: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 83/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 241us/step - loss: 43.9160 - vae_r_loss: 38.4264 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4895\n", "\n", "Epoch 00083: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-083-43.92.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00083: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 84/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 240us/step - loss: 43.8424 - vae_r_loss: 38.3680 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4744\n", "\n", "Epoch 00084: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-084-43.84.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00084: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 85/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 242us/step - loss: 43.8768 - vae_r_loss: 38.3923 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4845\n", "\n", "Epoch 00085: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-085-43.88.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00085: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 86/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 242us/step - loss: 43.8339 - vae_r_loss: 38.3510 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4829\n", "\n", "Epoch 00086: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-086-43.83.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00086: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 87/200\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 233us/step - loss: 43.8228 - vae_r_loss: 38.3318 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4910\n", "\n", "Epoch 00087: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-087-43.82.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00087: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 88/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 235us/step - loss: 43.8194 - vae_r_loss: 38.3315 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4880\n", "\n", "Epoch 00088: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-088-43.82.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00088: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 89/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 236us/step - loss: 43.8061 - vae_r_loss: 38.3113 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4948\n", "\n", "Epoch 00089: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-089-43.81.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00089: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 90/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 16s 260us/step - loss: 43.7718 - vae_r_loss: 38.2781 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4936\n", "\n", "Epoch 00090: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-090-43.77.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00090: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 91/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 256us/step - loss: 43.7948 - vae_r_loss: 38.2956 - vae_kl_loss: 5.4992\n", "\n", "Epoch 00091: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-091-43.79.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00091: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 92/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 240us/step - loss: 43.7959 - vae_r_loss: 38.2947 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5012\n", "\n", "Epoch 00092: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-092-43.80.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00092: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 93/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 240us/step - loss: 43.7924 - vae_r_loss: 38.2897 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5027\n", "\n", "Epoch 00093: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-093-43.79.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00093: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 94/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 241us/step - loss: 43.7449 - vae_r_loss: 38.2281 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5168\n", "\n", "Epoch 00094: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-094-43.74.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00094: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 95/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 243us/step - loss: 43.7530 - vae_r_loss: 38.2446 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5084\n", "\n", "Epoch 00095: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-095-43.75.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00095: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 96/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 242us/step - loss: 43.7231 - vae_r_loss: 38.2109 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5122\n", "\n", "Epoch 00096: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-096-43.72.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00096: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 97/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 243us/step - loss: 43.7081 - vae_r_loss: 38.2020 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5061\n", "\n", "Epoch 00097: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-097-43.71.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00097: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 98/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 243us/step - loss: 43.7148 - vae_r_loss: 38.2023 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5125\n", "\n", "Epoch 00098: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-098-43.71.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00098: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 99/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 247us/step - loss: 43.6839 - vae_r_loss: 38.1690 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5149\n", "\n", "Epoch 00099: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-099-43.68.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00099: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 100/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 243us/step - loss: 43.6682 - vae_r_loss: 38.1460 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5222\n", "\n", "Epoch 00100: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-100-43.67.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00100: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 101/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 244us/step - loss: 43.6469 - vae_r_loss: 38.1446 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5023\n", "\n", "Epoch 00101: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-101-43.65.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00101: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 102/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 247us/step - loss: 43.6566 - vae_r_loss: 38.1321 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5245\n", "\n", "Epoch 00102: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-102-43.66.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00102: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 103/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 244us/step - loss: 43.6466 - vae_r_loss: 38.1259 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5206\n", "\n", "Epoch 00103: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-103-43.65.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00103: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 104/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 245us/step - loss: 43.6374 - vae_r_loss: 38.1122 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5252\n", "\n", "Epoch 00104: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-104-43.64.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00104: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 105/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 247us/step - loss: 43.6249 - vae_r_loss: 38.0988 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5261\n", "\n", "Epoch 00105: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-105-43.62.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00105: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 106/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 247us/step - loss: 43.6100 - vae_r_loss: 38.0929 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5171\n", "\n", "Epoch 00106: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-106-43.61.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00106: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 107/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 246us/step - loss: 43.6010 - vae_r_loss: 38.0759 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5251\n", "\n", "Epoch 00107: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-107-43.60.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00107: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 108/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 246us/step - loss: 43.6019 - vae_r_loss: 38.0769 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5249\n", "\n", "Epoch 00108: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-108-43.60.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00108: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 109/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 245us/step - loss: 43.5965 - vae_r_loss: 38.0698 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5267\n", "\n", "Epoch 00109: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-109-43.60.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00109: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 110/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 245us/step - loss: 43.5739 - vae_r_loss: 38.0531 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5209\n", "\n", "Epoch 00110: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-110-43.57.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00110: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 111/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 247us/step - loss: 43.5886 - vae_r_loss: 38.0651 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5235\n", "\n", "Epoch 00111: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-111-43.59.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00111: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 112/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 246us/step - loss: 43.5280 - vae_r_loss: 38.0071 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5209\n", "\n", "Epoch 00112: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-112-43.53.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00112: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 113/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 242us/step - loss: 43.5389 - vae_r_loss: 38.0097 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5292\n", "\n", "Epoch 00113: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-113-43.54.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00113: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 114/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 245us/step - loss: 43.5417 - vae_r_loss: 38.0147 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5270\n", "\n", "Epoch 00114: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-114-43.54.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00114: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 115/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 245us/step - loss: 43.5377 - vae_r_loss: 38.0006 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5370\n", "\n", "Epoch 00115: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-115-43.54.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00115: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Epoch 116/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 236us/step - loss: 43.5162 - vae_r_loss: 37.9780 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5382\n", "\n", "Epoch 00116: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-116-43.52.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00116: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 117/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 242us/step - loss: 43.5081 - vae_r_loss: 37.9629 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5452\n", "\n", "Epoch 00117: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-117-43.51.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00117: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 118/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 248us/step - loss: 43.4993 - vae_r_loss: 37.9557 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5436\n", "\n", "Epoch 00118: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-118-43.50.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00118: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 119/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 245us/step - loss: 43.5088 - vae_r_loss: 37.9672 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5416\n", "\n", "Epoch 00119: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-119-43.51.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00119: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 120/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 233us/step - loss: 43.4919 - vae_r_loss: 37.9537 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5382\n", "\n", "Epoch 00120: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-120-43.49.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00120: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 121/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 233us/step - loss: 43.4354 - vae_r_loss: 37.8914 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5441\n", "\n", "Epoch 00121: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-121-43.44.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00121: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 122/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 235us/step - loss: 43.4722 - vae_r_loss: 37.9267 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5456\n", "\n", "Epoch 00122: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-122-43.47.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00122: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 123/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 236us/step - loss: 43.4265 - vae_r_loss: 37.8834 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5431\n", "\n", "Epoch 00123: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-123-43.43.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00123: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 124/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 235us/step - loss: 43.4589 - vae_r_loss: 37.9117 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5473\n", "\n", "Epoch 00124: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-124-43.46.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00124: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 125/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 244us/step - loss: 43.4778 - vae_r_loss: 37.9306 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5472\n", "\n", "Epoch 00125: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-125-43.48.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00125: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 126/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 234us/step - loss: 43.4181 - vae_r_loss: 37.8624 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5558\n", "\n", "Epoch 00126: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-126-43.42.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00126: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 127/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 234us/step - loss: 43.4279 - vae_r_loss: 37.8709 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5570\n", "\n", "Epoch 00127: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-127-43.43.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00127: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 128/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 236us/step - loss: 43.4129 - vae_r_loss: 37.8546 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5584\n", "\n", "Epoch 00128: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-128-43.41.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00128: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 129/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 239us/step - loss: 43.3877 - vae_r_loss: 37.8309 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5569\n", "\n", "Epoch 00129: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-129-43.39.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00129: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 130/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 238us/step - loss: 43.4147 - vae_r_loss: 37.8584 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5564\n", "\n", "Epoch 00130: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-130-43.41.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00130: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 131/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 242us/step - loss: 43.3767 - vae_r_loss: 37.8252 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5515\n", "\n", "Epoch 00131: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-131-43.38.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00131: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 132/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 237us/step - loss: 43.3906 - vae_r_loss: 37.8208 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5698\n", "\n", "Epoch 00132: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-132-43.39.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00132: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 133/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 238us/step - loss: 43.4099 - vae_r_loss: 37.8421 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5678\n", "\n", "Epoch 00133: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-133-43.41.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00133: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 134/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 238us/step - loss: 43.4023 - vae_r_loss: 37.8444 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5579\n", "\n", "Epoch 00134: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-134-43.40.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00134: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 135/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 239us/step - loss: 43.3563 - vae_r_loss: 37.7910 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5654\n", "\n", "Epoch 00135: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-135-43.36.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00135: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 136/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 238us/step - loss: 43.3713 - vae_r_loss: 37.8147 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5566\n", "\n", "Epoch 00136: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-136-43.37.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00136: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 137/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 240us/step - loss: 43.3888 - vae_r_loss: 37.8276 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5612\n", "\n", "Epoch 00137: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-137-43.39.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00137: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 138/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 241us/step - loss: 43.3495 - vae_r_loss: 37.7819 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5676\n", "\n", "Epoch 00138: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-138-43.35.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00138: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 139/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 239us/step - loss: 43.3863 - vae_r_loss: 37.8144 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5719\n", "\n", "Epoch 00139: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-139-43.39.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00139: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 140/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 240us/step - loss: 43.3393 - vae_r_loss: 37.7753 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5641\n", "\n", "Epoch 00140: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-140-43.34.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00140: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 141/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 241us/step - loss: 43.3456 - vae_r_loss: 37.7714 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5742\n", "\n", "Epoch 00141: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-141-43.35.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00141: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 142/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 240us/step - loss: 43.3294 - vae_r_loss: 37.7651 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5643\n", "\n", "Epoch 00142: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-142-43.33.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00142: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 143/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 240us/step - loss: 43.3369 - vae_r_loss: 37.7605 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5764\n", "\n", "Epoch 00143: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-143-43.34.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00143: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 144/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 240us/step - loss: 43.3144 - vae_r_loss: 37.7436 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5708\n", "\n", "Epoch 00144: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-144-43.31.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00144: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 145/200\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 245us/step - loss: 43.3391 - vae_r_loss: 37.7603 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5789\n", "\n", "Epoch 00145: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-145-43.34.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00145: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 146/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 234us/step - loss: 43.2625 - vae_r_loss: 37.6882 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5743\n", "\n", "Epoch 00146: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-146-43.26.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00146: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 147/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 233us/step - loss: 43.2855 - vae_r_loss: 37.7070 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5785\n", "\n", "Epoch 00147: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-147-43.29.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00147: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 148/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 234us/step - loss: 43.2777 - vae_r_loss: 37.7040 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5737\n", "\n", "Epoch 00148: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-148-43.28.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00148: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 149/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 236us/step - loss: 43.3036 - vae_r_loss: 37.7363 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5673\n", "\n", "Epoch 00149: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-149-43.30.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00149: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 150/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 245us/step - loss: 43.2742 - vae_r_loss: 37.6970 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5772\n", "\n", "Epoch 00150: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-150-43.27.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00150: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 151/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 235us/step - loss: 43.2460 - vae_r_loss: 37.6765 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5695\n", "\n", "Epoch 00151: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-151-43.25.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00151: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 152/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 239us/step - loss: 43.2636 - vae_r_loss: 37.6805 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5832\n", "\n", "Epoch 00152: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-152-43.26.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00152: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 153/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 240us/step - loss: 43.2785 - vae_r_loss: 37.6948 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5837\n", "\n", "Epoch 00153: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-153-43.28.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00153: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 154/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 235us/step - loss: 43.2708 - vae_r_loss: 37.6878 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5831\n", "\n", "Epoch 00154: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-154-43.27.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00154: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 155/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 237us/step - loss: 43.2513 - vae_r_loss: 37.6626 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5888\n", "\n", "Epoch 00155: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-155-43.25.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00155: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 156/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 236us/step - loss: 43.2375 - vae_r_loss: 37.6537 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5839\n", "\n", "Epoch 00156: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-156-43.24.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00156: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 157/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 241us/step - loss: 43.2251 - vae_r_loss: 37.6354 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5896\n", "\n", "Epoch 00157: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-157-43.23.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00157: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 158/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 239us/step - loss: 43.1961 - vae_r_loss: 37.6245 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5716\n", "\n", "Epoch 00158: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-158-43.20.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00158: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 159/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 238us/step - loss: 43.2532 - vae_r_loss: 37.6632 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5900\n", "\n", "Epoch 00159: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-159-43.25.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00159: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 160/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 237us/step - loss: 43.2061 - vae_r_loss: 37.6123 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5938\n", "\n", "Epoch 00160: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-160-43.21.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00160: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 161/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 237us/step - loss: 43.2373 - vae_r_loss: 37.6489 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5884\n", "\n", "Epoch 00161: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-161-43.24.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00161: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 162/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 238us/step - loss: 43.2135 - vae_r_loss: 37.6262 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5873\n", "\n", "Epoch 00162: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-162-43.21.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00162: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 163/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 240us/step - loss: 43.2232 - vae_r_loss: 37.6451 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5782\n", "\n", "Epoch 00163: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-163-43.22.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00163: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 164/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 238us/step - loss: 43.1662 - vae_r_loss: 37.5797 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5865\n", "\n", "Epoch 00164: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-164-43.17.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00164: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 165/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 239us/step - loss: 43.1796 - vae_r_loss: 37.5886 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5910\n", "\n", "Epoch 00165: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-165-43.18.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00165: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 166/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 238us/step - loss: 43.2013 - vae_r_loss: 37.6172 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5841\n", "\n", "Epoch 00166: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-166-43.20.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00166: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 167/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 242us/step - loss: 43.1714 - vae_r_loss: 37.5966 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5747\n", "\n", "Epoch 00167: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-167-43.17.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00167: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 168/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 239us/step - loss: 43.1690 - vae_r_loss: 37.5642 - vae_kl_loss: 5.6048\n", "\n", "Epoch 00168: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-168-43.17.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00168: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 169/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 240us/step - loss: 43.1962 - vae_r_loss: 37.5921 - vae_kl_loss: 5.6041\n", "\n", "Epoch 00169: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-169-43.20.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00169: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 170/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 241us/step - loss: 43.1376 - vae_r_loss: 37.5526 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5850\n", "\n", "Epoch 00170: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-170-43.14.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00170: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 171/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 241us/step - loss: 43.1665 - vae_r_loss: 37.5697 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5968\n", "\n", "Epoch 00171: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-171-43.17.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00171: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 172/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 242us/step - loss: 43.1715 - vae_r_loss: 37.5846 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5869\n", "\n", "Epoch 00172: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-172-43.17.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00172: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 173/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 241us/step - loss: 43.1509 - vae_r_loss: 37.5594 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5915\n", "\n", "Epoch 00173: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-173-43.15.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00173: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Epoch 174/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 240us/step - loss: 43.0976 - vae_r_loss: 37.4926 - vae_kl_loss: 5.6050\n", "\n", "Epoch 00174: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-174-43.10.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00174: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 175/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 233us/step - loss: 43.1426 - vae_r_loss: 37.5532 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5894\n", "\n", "Epoch 00175: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-175-43.14.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00175: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 176/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 234us/step - loss: 43.1084 - vae_r_loss: 37.5097 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5987\n", "\n", "Epoch 00176: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-176-43.11.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00176: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 177/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 234us/step - loss: 43.1199 - vae_r_loss: 37.5133 - vae_kl_loss: 5.6066\n", "\n", "Epoch 00177: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-177-43.12.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00177: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 178/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 240us/step - loss: 43.1526 - vae_r_loss: 37.5502 - vae_kl_loss: 5.6025\n", "\n", "Epoch 00178: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-178-43.15.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00178: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 179/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 238us/step - loss: 43.1292 - vae_r_loss: 37.5391 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5901\n", "\n", "Epoch 00179: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-179-43.13.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00179: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 180/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 236us/step - loss: 43.1124 - vae_r_loss: 37.5129 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5995\n", "\n", "Epoch 00180: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-180-43.11.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00180: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 181/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 238us/step - loss: 43.0711 - vae_r_loss: 37.4531 - vae_kl_loss: 5.6180\n", "\n", "Epoch 00181: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-181-43.07.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00181: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 182/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 234us/step - loss: 43.0940 - vae_r_loss: 37.4972 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5968\n", "\n", "Epoch 00182: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-182-43.09.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00182: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 183/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 234us/step - loss: 43.1071 - vae_r_loss: 37.5020 - vae_kl_loss: 5.6051\n", "\n", "Epoch 00183: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-183-43.11.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00183: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 184/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 236us/step - loss: 43.0918 - vae_r_loss: 37.4830 - vae_kl_loss: 5.6088\n", "\n", "Epoch 00184: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-184-43.09.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00184: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 185/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 244us/step - loss: 43.0792 - vae_r_loss: 37.4806 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5987\n", "\n", "Epoch 00185: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-185-43.08.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00185: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 186/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 240us/step - loss: 43.0922 - vae_r_loss: 37.4943 - vae_kl_loss: 5.5979\n", "\n", "Epoch 00186: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-186-43.09.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00186: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 187/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 14s 237us/step - loss: 43.0538 - vae_r_loss: 37.4482 - vae_kl_loss: 5.6056\n", "\n", "Epoch 00187: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-187-43.05.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00187: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 188/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 16s 261us/step - loss: 43.0910 - vae_r_loss: 37.4771 - vae_kl_loss: 5.6139\n", "\n", "Epoch 00188: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-188-43.09.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00188: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 189/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 245us/step - loss: 43.0423 - vae_r_loss: 37.4373 - vae_kl_loss: 5.6050\n", "\n", "Epoch 00189: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-189-43.04.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00189: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 190/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 246us/step - loss: 43.0831 - vae_r_loss: 37.4817 - vae_kl_loss: 5.6014\n", "\n", "Epoch 00190: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-190-43.08.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00190: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 191/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 245us/step - loss: 43.0456 - vae_r_loss: 37.4320 - vae_kl_loss: 5.6136\n", "\n", "Epoch 00191: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-191-43.05.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00191: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 192/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 246us/step - loss: 43.0747 - vae_r_loss: 37.4707 - vae_kl_loss: 5.6040\n", "\n", "Epoch 00192: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-192-43.07.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00192: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 193/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 248us/step - loss: 43.0512 - vae_r_loss: 37.4437 - vae_kl_loss: 5.6075\n", "\n", "Epoch 00193: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-193-43.05.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00193: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 194/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 247us/step - loss: 43.0785 - vae_r_loss: 37.4655 - vae_kl_loss: 5.6130\n", "\n", "Epoch 00194: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-194-43.08.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00194: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 195/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 244us/step - loss: 43.0531 - vae_r_loss: 37.4366 - vae_kl_loss: 5.6165\n", "\n", "Epoch 00195: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-195-43.05.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00195: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 196/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 247us/step - loss: 43.0515 - vae_r_loss: 37.4418 - vae_kl_loss: 5.6097\n", "\n", "Epoch 00196: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-196-43.05.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00196: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 197/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 249us/step - loss: 43.0318 - vae_r_loss: 37.4068 - vae_kl_loss: 5.6250\n", "\n", "Epoch 00197: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-197-43.03.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00197: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 198/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 249us/step - loss: 42.9880 - vae_r_loss: 37.3866 - vae_kl_loss: 5.6014\n", "\n", "Epoch 00198: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-198-42.99.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00198: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 199/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 248us/step - loss: 43.0461 - vae_r_loss: 37.4202 - vae_kl_loss: 5.6259\n", "\n", "Epoch 00199: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-199-43.05.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00199: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n", "Epoch 200/200\n", "60000/60000 [==============================] - 15s 246us/step - loss: 43.0416 - vae_r_loss: 37.4218 - vae_kl_loss: 5.6197\n", "\n", "Epoch 00200: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights-200-43.04.h5\n", "\n", "Epoch 00200: saving model to run/vae/0002_digits/weights/weights.h5\n" ] } ], "source": [ "vae.train( \n", " x_train\n", " , batch_size = BATCH_SIZE\n", " , epochs = EPOCHS\n", " , run_folder = RUN_FOLDER\n", " , print_every_n_batches = PRINT_EVERY_N_BATCHES\n", " , initial_epoch = INITIAL_EPOCH\n", ")" ] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.7.3" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 2 }