{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Using TensorFlow backend.\n" ] }, { "data": { "text/plain": [ "'2.2.4'" ] }, "execution_count": 1, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "import keras\n", "keras.__version__" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# LSTM으로 텍스트 생성하기\n", "\n", "이 노트북은 [케라스 창시자에게 배우는 딥러닝](https://tensorflow.blog/deep-learning-with-python/) 책의 8장 1절의 코드 예제입니다. 책에는 더 많은 내용과 그림이 있습니다. 이 노트북에는 소스 코드에 관련된 설명만 포함합니다. 이 노트북의 설명은 케라스 버전 2.2.2에 맞추어져 있습니다. 케라스 최신 버전이 릴리스되면 노트북을 다시 테스트하기 때문에 설명과 코드의 결과가 조금 다를 수 있습니다.\n", "\n", "----\n", "\n", "[...]\n", "\n", "## 글자 수준의 LSTM 텍스트 생성 모델 구현\n", "\n", "이런 아이디어를 케라스로 구현해 보죠. 먼저 언어 모델을 학습하기 위해 많은 텍스트 데이터가 필요합니다. 위키피디아나 반지의 제왕처럼 아주 큰 텍스트 파일이나 텍스트 파일의 묶음을 사용할 수 있습니다. 이 예에서는 19세기 후반 독일의 철학자 니체의 글을 사용하겠습니다(영어로 번역된 글입니다). 학습할 언어 모델은 일반적인 영어 모델이 아니라 니체의 문체와 특정 주제를 따르는 모델일 것입니다." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## 데이터 전처리\n", "\n", "먼저 말뭉치를 다운로드하고 소문자로 바꿉니다:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "말뭉치 크기: 600893\n" ] } ], "source": [ "import keras\n", "import numpy as np\n", "\n", "path = keras.utils.get_file(\n", " 'nietzsche.txt',\n", " origin='https://s3.amazonaws.com/text-datasets/nietzsche.txt')\n", "text = open(path).read().lower()\n", "print('말뭉치 크기:', len(text))" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "str" ] }, "execution_count": 3, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "type(text)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "그 다음 `maxlen` 길이를 가진 시퀀스를 중복하여 추출합니다. 추출된 시퀀스를 원-핫 인코딩으로 변환하고 크기가 `(sequences, maxlen, unique_characters)`인 3D 넘파이 배열 `x`로 합칩니다. 동시에 훈련 샘플에 상응하는 타깃을 담은 배열 `y`를 준비합니다. 타깃은 추출된 시퀀스 다음에 오는 원-핫 인코딩된 글자입니다." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 4, "metadata": { "scrolled": true }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "시퀀스 개수: 200278\n", "고유한 글자: 57\n", "벡터화...\n" ] } ], "source": [ "# 60개 글자로 된 시퀀스를 추출합니다.\n", "maxlen = 60\n", "\n", "# 세 글자씩 건너 뛰면서 새로운 시퀀스를 샘플링합니다.\n", "step = 3\n", "\n", "# 추출한 시퀀스를 담을 리스트\n", "sentences = []\n", "\n", "# 타깃(시퀀스 다음 글자)을 담을 리스트\n", "next_chars = []\n", "\n", "for i in range(0, len(text) - maxlen, step):\n", " sentences.append(text[i: i + maxlen])\n", " next_chars.append(text[i + maxlen])\n", "print('시퀀스 개수:', len(sentences))\n", "\n", "# 말뭉치에서 고유한 글자를 담은 리스트\n", "chars = sorted(list(set(text)))\n", "print('고유한 글자:', len(chars))\n", "# chars 리스트에 있는 글자와 글자의 인덱스를 매핑한 딕셔너리\n", "char_indices = dict((char, chars.index(char)) for char in chars)\n", "\n", "# 글자를 원-핫 인코딩하여 0과 1의 이진 배열로 바꿉니다.\n", "print('벡터화...')\n", "x = np.zeros((len(sentences), maxlen, len(chars)), dtype=np.bool)\n", "y = np.zeros((len(sentences), len(chars)), dtype=np.bool)\n", "for i, sentence in enumerate(sentences):\n", " for t, char in enumerate(sentence):\n", " x[i, t, char_indices[char]] = 1\n", " y[i, char_indices[next_chars[i]]] = 1" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## 네트워크 구성\n", "\n", "이 네트워크는 하나의 `LSTM` 층과 그 뒤에 `Dense` 분류기가 뒤따릅니다. 분류기는 가능한 모든 글자에 대한 소프트맥스 출력을 만듭니다. 순환 신경망이 시퀀스 데이터를 생성하는 유일한 방법은 아닙니다. 최근에는 1D 컨브넷도 이런 작업에 아주 잘 들어 맞는다는 것이 밝혀졌습니다." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "from keras import layers\n", "\n", "model = keras.models.Sequential()\n", "model.add(layers.LSTM(128, input_shape=(maxlen, len(chars))))\n", "model.add(layers.Dense(len(chars), activation='softmax'))" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "타깃이 원-핫 인코딩되어 있기 때문에 모델을 훈련하기 위해 `categorical_crossentropy` 손실을 사용합니다:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 6, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "optimizer = keras.optimizers.RMSprop(lr=0.01)\n", "model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=optimizer)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## 언어 모델 훈련과 샘플링\n", "\n", "훈련된 모델과 시드로 쓰일 간단한 텍스트가 주어지면 다음과 같이 반복하여 새로운 텍스트를 생성할 수 있습니다.\n", "\n", "1.\t지금까지 생성된 텍스트를 주입하여 모델에서 다음 글자에 대한 확률 분포를 뽑습니다.\n", "2.\t특정 온도로 이 확률 분포의 가중치를 조정합니다.\n", "3.\t가중치가 조정된 분포에서 무작위로 새로운 글자를 샘플링합니다.\n", "4.\t새로운 글자를 생성된 텍스트의 끝에 추가합니다.\n", "\n", "다음 코드는 모델에서 나온 원본 확률 분포의 가중치를 조정하고 새로운 글자의 인덱스를 추출합니다(샘플링 함수입니다):" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "def sample(preds, temperature=1.0):\n", " preds = np.asarray(preds).astype('float64')\n", " preds = np.log(preds) / temperature\n", " exp_preds = np.exp(preds)\n", " preds = exp_preds / np.sum(exp_preds)\n", " probas = np.random.multinomial(1, preds, 1)\n", " return np.argmax(probas)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "마지막으로 다음 반복문은 반복적으로 훈련하고 텍스트를 생성합니다. 에포크마다 학습이 끝난 후 여러가지 온도를 사용해 텍스트를 생성합니다. 이렇게 하면 모델이 수렴하면서 생성된 텍스트가 어떻게 진화하는지 볼 수 있습니다. 온도가 샘플링 전략에 미치는 영향도 보여 줍니다." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "에포크 1\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 82s 410us/step - loss: 1.9982\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the sermally the self the serting the suppority the sertion the fall the present the and the sertion the serting the present the such the proble the serting the subtersal the self the self-the self--the expression and serpinion an one the serming the feeling and the self--the sertion of the self the self-destray and the self-the sense the self the the serming the subter the self-the self-the sel\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the experience of the rasure as the worl and conception of the will feel the world the proble the serming to the woll the supters in the man and the call pereal in the serpor to the self--an into the nothing the sungerman the most subtertation of the enour to we deself of the self? even the called in the would the sert of\n", "the seated the man entration an a the world a pertain the seal the refern\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the nince, submat yet our a for\n", "the dustans?\n", " \n", "\n", "waid the eecholise ouc of\n", "therevaserness a riging would\n", "fore alsormantide is more the an dually;\n", "soul\n", "also the masicaled, an\n", "a feal and thinkess, tokle world sccenpcence bartes how some ave a with the beon an \"\n", "slerawed: the beenser of the this tijeture that ar ravitieve save\n", "timan passible far the viriseed an thing it in an negersconing reidmines\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for tnimebly hearively-moll powineh xuch s\n", ")mor(filninencoust virile. to the\n", "if-ord.--preiod trat faisther. hoomary a hapir: point to a raral and all theer alout othingte, an \n", "agery fweld disermal, thismeal to\n", "mear, to close sponthalf\"\n", "itherem, belon fientro, pletter that faown an foullight\n", "icreveie of for dudunh of knindung, other uphangsice es, alaow within mukin man, esfurence as culrable coost o\n", "에포크 2\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 85s 423us/step - loss: 1.6427\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the present that the string and the stimnis and the stimes and the still that the string and all the that the conscience that has the really the man it is a the has a something that the string the string in the stimes and still of the still that the stimn of the present that is the stimes and still that the stimes and the still that the stimn that the conscience of the stimes and the present the\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the conception of discent of the should that the look in the powers the really that is this becievence the reductive\n", "of the philosophy, as a the attrimation, it is the contemplation its same of the rights he and leads a nothing the contemplan one of the in this munisonal bring there is that respicially as in the practer in such a\n", "becient of full might and the charmination of the will that with a\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through forgehhes alone great\n", "also halterady for the beethent time of the\n", "habit -at there in the nobligatcepe. has always with acts bycause with hos for the steplurion and \"epery stiml of justicials critismousny are diffisult, withs \n", "vitwives. the\n", "power to in \n", "virces and muself as artivalian , that betows, and ragiinanciately it has with tay corcupe planualtially natiesticiate,-- that is as values\" and some\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through founategat vaip is\n", "avolle--into inss to histfolors--in\n", "the lestupbuls prown pro-mantr\n", "in\n", "that in these by roved il--wluch,--the rid, betre-n\n", "marientapixs: in whatever. this rightance excation, inciturlocmy, to thet staide'n should\n", "not tastes and\n", "traibderagot are exialective from thisars, of the\n", "things\" we timedvent lomating tas ningtosoy schopaphesicentkied \"consequent itl by\n", "injurisance, and lennin\n", "에포크 3\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 85s 426us/step - loss: 1.5523\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the love and all the sublimen and as a man and suberness and and and the the sublimes and the self-comparation and the delight and all the soul of the subject the man a subression of the morality of the sublimety of the more and and and subernation and and and and and subself, and and althe the sublime the subliment of the self-desire of the sublimet to be all the sublimety and the trouble of th\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fore the will the \"free conscience the free spirit the same to be the develoge, the subling to the secretly and when the love and and with other man, and the very own and alters and still be a man, every the more and consequently something and all the read as he is a conterst to religion of a generations. there, the sublimes the self, if law a states has the sceake the signification and the for a su\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for\n", "faith ofing soul of the delreform. how a paingue, is no\n", "'ender bnot unutou value of liver, as a good as reable that it\n", "manking fa; and order sick and tensbuts when the supersgaint\n", "aftoods arreate fals of terned he toomem, (because as\n", "estubtly be acts\n", "of to the opinion of hlatings of \"woman, short, we out name to\n", "purising when the nempedably a good man men pains stell, which is and svish, all reg\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for obliger ufvednes when good belleging refersent our open, n the highluus misuaks mse doce.\n", "\n", "\n", "gnede that mshloes and of the \n", "good! me's spead from thirore should asnem timitmean\n", "systume to-contucenesss.wees leise into most exhershingly, said a chstock--to\n", "the absolulyity, puris\n", "hat does shuphset\"\"\n", "i tiper hitheryor aso clated most ancieness wishoure man perhaw. no\n", "\n", "xouch lang forevous cominated t\n", "에포크 4\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 86s 432us/step - loss: 1.5073\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the strength of the false of the present the self-religion the consciences of the conscience of the strength and the most an antaging of the strength and the destruction to the present the self-religion of the self-religion of the exception of the still as it is a strength and in the consciences of the strength and also the self-consciences of the self-religion of the present the greater and the\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through formerly the good man, the truth of the all the self-religion and the will the mistaken and nothing to the sacrifice to the strength and the desire for the vitude to himself is each interest for the same to new and intellectually and recogniside of the constant and brought of the seinssice of \"the masse of all the former and duties of the comes of the prefershe\" the string as a such at the called of\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for this\n", "sympathy. the will also instroud; they are goods\n", "and nother thought of a deed or teword\n", "have\n", "been exception uphistic last lack brought look prebimsed could to whole\n", "disancienteroades (that greater it and flights the know it wish put asce over, but the\n", "scienting--respected. shut \"scoon an acts, this in the weon are furthers worm; the grigst had\n", "the cols clue to rabilias\" sprider instly is ye\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for good dever mored (metoforden dhould extend spemptue unenvinebsoy,--grould mades, to lay assurancer, their torking science.\n", "a must streyuly,\n", "earsa; every his me fliew contencail trueld known himself he was fronk\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "to medivence be aninc polation from unsourilite--alsose\" origh them and was rich-predoorhal \"pretame\n", "\" capacity\n", "in of the sriles,\n", "than centaprobsewd cronds endles. like whithe \"prefuicati\n", "에포크 5\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 80s 398us/step - loss: 1.4780\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the sense the the men and the present and the artistic and the sense more and all the sufference of the sense and the sense and the sufference of the present the sense and the sense and and all the sense of the and all the sense the sense of the sense of the same to the end to the sense of the sense and present of the sense and the sense and the sense of the sense of the same and the artistic pr\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the philosophers and in the conscience and the same to mentic and one call other the morality and eventured and short, the possible and religions and for the sund and the sense the puriose and all the and own is the fact when a the man all the sense soul and the wast in the sense which the former the revelt to the end the best in the opinion and the sense and all the conduct, the destrays to the\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through founds is\n", "additional one some thinked itself, the puriouing. to being reduction there are man of mand is as the the butic delly sufficient about all know" ] }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "/home/haesun/anaconda3/envs/deep-learning-with-python/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:3: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log\n", " This is separate from the ipykernel package so we can avoid doing imports until\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "ledge, in account by the steaksness a an causinexs, at the is ge's\n", "belled never between we are bescately, in ay instince, as the quick, or german flany enjoymous avistable, hungs, enk and brothers (everyourourse mabone and for perfecting on\n", "them.\n", "\n", "\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for a acture,\n", "caste in the greettes\n", "along-ull1!\n", "\n", "an\n", "here the cyish now every depth\" to\n", "truth pay up would is over\n", "vain:--a\n", "been sympathy\n", "in avimying, and\n", "whounlines,\n", "yot which the plentenenent of\n", "evythidd and germans\n", "extenday back\n", "science, wgovily--amougd!--ay warm her, a\n", "mgatual will the ready papalo the prevailly does the name were, the davedus me snow acal\n", "rivemom and the unprude\n", "pleasing by musl\n", "에포크 6\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - ETA: 0s - loss: 1.457 - 80s 397us/step - loss: 1.4575\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through former to the sense of the sense of the sense of the sentiment, and the conceive to the sense and the seriousness of the good to the sense of the sense and something in the sentence of the contemple to the sense and seems and have the problem of the sense and the concerning the seriousness of the sense and the sense and proper and such a means of the sentence of the fact to the self-contect to the s\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the good one presentence of the sentiment, for the happiness of human fact of the believed with the such to do not a possible and caller the such to the preditter of the desire the emotion of himself in the fact, and a thing have it more concerning the does nother of the false of things as one is a world and appear to the proper or free determine, heart of the end and something something but the\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fortual entuped accuposestyvility im your, ord. the deem notbo intellectual through a cromitide dove of munitary presentive--he is steple, wnides\n", "express. walt\n", "1unawner \"seem for gratition, moreabatlless. by the profound, no does no allimang althe sultinated would is for. \n", ". she, emotions any\n", "niwe, to morality and doons as the spirit,\" to collean with taste of clem it intentionm, as love to seeks \n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through forlens,-\"growns threunexnath-should to take.neskss and\n", "like, so thyselves merevcal\n", "roshs--an asfirient are illoquanlor.-- there-inwing be\n", "fasticis,\n", "aloty, frued\n", "noubil any he to deepteawing is, but\n", "too know\n", "to suspace--who former jest it; \"to been and wholpund \"matect, magion adbiorand--as to much\n", "propitional purit\n", "past this most pie. elsy science can besy done\"--when he would mest cateny of ard\n", "wi\n", "에포크 7\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 80s 402us/step - loss: 1.4397\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the society to the strong and the most so the soul and the most the strong and society of the sense and the standard of the something the self-great of the society of the sense of the sertion of the strings and something and the society of the sentiment and the strong and the soul which is a strong and always\n", "the strong and the most and the strong and something and the spirit, and in the sentime\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for and to be the generations of the strength of the great in all serious self-contrade and bad, and brought something and more free things the self-from the european in a words and resultment to its present imposition and belief of the intollic spirit,\" and in the conclosely and with the philosopher, as i say in the sertions of single and explest and comparish and self-present man, that a pertain i\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through foreith them understand opperence and there is as devinentes as a wholly--for the terring, they and centuries in the partially\n", "stronger, or\n", "loverd opinion of estimpter diduntran will at their nainumation of the perparribuli ded shatilath. im also psestimates, things corduct\n", "their\n", "limine, ele--who, as is enestomilations and hight \"gremath\n", "piermantly,\n", "withof must valueoval, and altayer: artiste, affed\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for askettal fi\n", "not! \" ryssefutuie partness?\"\n", " such never them them influebcultic pain--imitation ofction of the wllferfumable,\n", "\n", "-a interna (\"shomedy itself its with so, and, the cade and makere and valistic instinct of coofly or found\n", "valusions\n", "of which sy, fances, mystils\n", "could such pratictive ones is onene iom prided on it is unceesic insinies a preciete, have wedterment, ugilita: the v\n", "에포크 8\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 81s 406us/step - loss: 1.4266\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through former to the sense of the delicate the desire of the entiguted to the sense of the enting the really and himself of the senses itself to the desires to the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the souls to the senses of the sense of the destruction of the sense of the sense of the such a same to the desire of the sense of the sense of the desires and the sense of the sense of the world a\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through forms to the terse to the vide the artists of the successful has least the stranges speak is that is acts of a consequently the security, and only term is every decided and the sense and best to the promised to the existence, such that they seems is not means of the intellect the securated the consequently the senses is a still\n", "long in the same a to be and literates to the sense of the profound ours\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fomice with it is\n", "not\n", "its secons to view schol\n", "of me to a \"own is the its men for is sidejcus, exist,\n", "to be undeverage of the youn, who back too, wet\n", "good fantanness about emcorphatened with the occasions; and allowed if as the greatnings, a missts and\n", "whichen by discondition a music, or flys of\n", "they are do if himself and sight that which at a\n", "pulil\n", "bollent onlall formseencs to aysoutisting of the t\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for determines, inlens, who chorr; not be it rogan. they ayout is to highert\n", "hay, prain, even hims muest avotrecence of science\n", "enight in retistase, of the relif-as exist and livebother\n", "con that me immense, intended and still like, which i forbeitier, men\n", "for borbaccys as we\n", "times, a foreth thoughtment,\n", "stendmencefosleblt.--they mave to him wilnty--and\n", "worth and yellancorically slimch incompletan ho\n", "에포크 9\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 82s 410us/step - loss: 1.4158\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the sense of the destructically and sure of the desire of the sense and the present the sense of the present that the fact that a soul: with the strength of the most sense of the more and all the realm the same and the most sense of the strength and the world and the sense of the sense of the desire the present the sense and the the sense of the same and also to the general to the sense and the \n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the case and single, a cause of a victory of the germanish the artist of the sense for the very the conditions and that is not also the person the sexuality of its sight to higher and himself of the more formition of such a later and really and individual concealed, as the late the instinct of his belief and the sense of man and too longer with of the religion in the freedom of the enchorousness\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "through for the strange cautave. indemitality\" and came--for the wolly allow place be maynch fined\"\n", "say one induced more oprruse that\n", "it was another of roust de some attainrature of the morely, they a eventional coarse heinial cofnete to the variety so is work, but self-to have these waslise philosopher we hinger nearsing invasa, with personality soun and having lift, it is not kill to be coursely his oppos\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through foreth well? to inssmact of broughteter than account stage--\"free;\n", "andcically have platoness in oretheri the suberament more originate from the science sounds promised. the edellugent of\n", "pain intrustate a\n", "lack in\n", "the educa\n", "uncecesc, nerr body peryonal woll will also could knowledge could hese as taithougixty. ruthed of the\n", "causes to namely--hese self-choeragian above the religion whethic quigion and\n", "에포크 10\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 80s 398us/step - loss: 1.4070\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the sentiment of the problem of the problem of the soul of the soul of the earth the single, and the superior of the fact that the senses of the senses of the senses of the superstical and the such a soul and the arts and the act a soul and its fact that the sentiment of the serent and the single, and the superior the truth the superstical problem of the serent the senses of the contemptions of \n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the other and promined which must have for the prood a depend as one as the sacrifice of the serenting and those may be regarding, the religion who stronger of the certainty and the superition of the the\n", "according to the probes in the serention in the reason--the function and social and the\n", "problem of the good. he can existing the english of the experience and one is the most depression of such \n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through forequents asks are henering to a justinture, pover when a moral devilable rifance,\n", "are brion,\n", "inflush the uncreatiess motive, begone and his begration,\"--rable, as theych\n", "that the brelurence of s !\"\"--but these with impulse\n", "hoe itselies for what object there is meansly power, is contest assumming with a definition, such themselves; as man heelides.\n", "\n", "inet with the europe\n", "men, toogess more, as the wh\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for\n", "may, and their, passible, which gived that of proupts;\n", "quearing in their valuation how morely time--iu it name of retinsmring giving!--i nord belong bat somefhe with rones-oun? everition,\n", "or whrels whentges the tentionolime, that\n", "religioesual power. it is a drgliens: which the\n", "treess its eulteling wordly--\n", "! signip naradcy butic\n", "preydrament out of pivilutys--the rysingest murs therefore\n", "에포크 11\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 81s 402us/step - loss: 1.3975\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through former and soul the constrained the probably to the sensitions of the constrained the position of the world in the same the soul and such a soul the spirit is soul and self-sensition and epochs the world the same the sensitions and his consequences of the probably to the sense and the successful to his privilege of the world and probably and the sense of the probably to the probably to be and the se\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through former who has the constrains and the man the believe and that the causaly to the same the conscience, as its seculty and he attempt, the gratification of philosophy, and the probably precisely and probably and the sense in by the position and harden that the wars allow mand that is to the present and the again the reality, and the more in such bad free spirit in a god\" and deception of the good cou\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through forsure, and impulse all general valuegy.=--this he prinicipl, to when a godar\". \n", ". what to his taurse and not be and evily in\n", "thought that singlire of regard to have to make cheal, but causa, comlice a man for prilom our men--the\n", "no more new frishing, in preciative\n", "generally averard, is unnew last, indeed them. such capacity, the ancegratiin wild indiruteed--bul? i domine come in its effect to pow\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through form to brais degree; be \"misundary; with ut(certain perhaps\n", "flight tome in us. but i good. dir for he e, does sinfess convents with every operibite\n", "reality the believing of its skepticisms in drongale of our decastical man gruct with which develt whook appears\n", "in the soul appearage, the most leave, so, that he learn to justice. and hartful seridious grevinom, are which is necessary\n", "growted. thin do\n", "에포크 12\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 81s 405us/step - loss: 1.3890\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the whole of the soul is a soul and the still and something in the same present the world who has always the comparent and the something is a soul that the soul and of the same concerns in the delicate of the securious of the world and the success of the same problem of the soul and the strong and the strong and the strong of the soul and the higher and this concertain and something in the soul \n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the religion is the and inspire\n", "to a class, and the experience in this motives of many and intercourse for in the word of which and feel individual securience of the fear of a pleasure of the states and this problem, the merely power, to decidening interpretation of a subjection the case the the individual and a morality of the securiousness and the the expressing and to the philosopher is not m\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through follear\n", "and something of facular, he would domine to their cause much one to deading of the deuning: it\n", "compall that whound, far this portes. diable matterif disguises all know, or \"sacriplsed in it.\n", " the success, mere close should not charate certain\n", "laster. inteis itself\" \"virte\n", "our betrayed itself-mucirousb; peripable\n", "in will a de that vhas sto man aware, who eversuppofocation of my \"hour youth \n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through formfulnic tarding monsic in other ionterior under anmogy from as practic bein onem of wholly, is justifein \"iversion, or as me for the hunds of sultening thpoibowhy as the anyens. the comicult.\" at this bitraally his older\n", "to\n", "devest buts thinks bring clooch and vite, and the highly only a warvence wherverte? helith than an\n", "aid ind of\n", "graticulatce\n", "upon errorthtable goough is early and ulo to sack th\n", "에포크 13\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 82s 408us/step - loss: 1.3830\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the greater the sense of the science and spirit of the same to the sense of the sense of the sense of the same and the sense of the same to the end and the same the sense of the sense of the same to the same the self sense of the soul the self self-rest of the spirit is in the same stronger of signing to the sense of subence of the spirit and soul and the sense of the sense of the soul and the s\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "through for the compligety with the free spirit, and because at other contate to be ancient been the determine and the soul with the struggle his own one of stepstility, the barbary to the formult in sense of a those, all the learned will to all the moral value of which they be the opinion which of all the sense of account to self-twould for the end of mentives of the even himself in order to all the servic\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for thereby\n", "invade of history gentle of ancient ut!\n", "noot. if period is these--and others to means of oldece is of\n", "all way for the cast, falsion, and good wigh )zersing and itself though,\n", "whose have charficed and delights of religion\" is\" in order\n", "and the high un-ruled germany\n", "asalpsure. it is certain the soul.\n", "\n", "\n", "22heds? vhiritable action to be kepty the spirit--ss thewer colitating be\n", "wistor pieck c\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through foorshury\n", "of which\n", "adxianpted\n", "at were he real call at flaced will\n", "really say? nonly\" what remamvercapin nessh)\" of betraorologe that\n", "alway, abdorce, divinune theise agrod allogical manver innoced, then un-isportant unvakin upintating betpey writter with such thyreverwopul and\n", "\"a; it ideaiby,\n", "that is the daral philosophy.\n", "\n", "13et again, hunds able to as, hence persiclent strandsual, the veryonial honou\n", "에포크 14\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 80s 401us/step - loss: 1.3749\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through former the same and the sense of the same the same man has the distingutation of the conduct of moral father and the fact that the great strange of them the same the long and the sense of the most strength of the same the same whole of the struggle the same things is the same the distinguard and the same freedom, and the same the most and the constrained of the sense of the sense of the actions of t\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through forminary god--the fact the most according to the soul and them this consciously them this soul in the world and in the same with it is a german predialted; their put such the display to be belief. it is things of the out of everything moral things of the self-could be all the philosophy\n", "the strong there look them the strength and surmitation of which it is formerly and the moral origin; their sin i\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fore). he has whole; there is relight--through his exist,\n", "when i shartud ontposited this frantily herepers of they astrageds pather as thet doubt to\n", "creational \"conditional quiclity,\n", "in\n", "the other who become dight undener. mankindly theive obstrailly socesty at logies for the valued\" and supposing,\n", "which recognist and birdous ablene insuring speaks withift,\n", "the\n", "source of they condispoffies as\n", "ruces o\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through former on these caufion and axjotion of grocituations\n", "and is a dutudiate in willure. their\n", "pupsiloud as do the whole itpleaslys an re\n", "bel,liness wardaceing all present, eye,\n", "as looged from cholte to anyone appeace to\n", "mined becade piece now tharf why befure monuity when or \"and only hustoried;\n", "we mastes it magepsting\n", "love ofter that when a higher, just the dangeivee. what, eventage th imbivesy.n.--th\n", "에포크 15\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 81s 403us/step - loss: 1.3697\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the desire the stake the strength of the world and presential of the presentian and presential of the strong the most presential to the most profound of the spirit the strength of the most conscience of the spirit and the strength of the still and desire the most and the predisting the conscience of the presential of the distinction of the presential to the world of the prepared of the domain of\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the inconstrained and still have him, and religion of the strong, the truth that is acts of their mystive the disinterestion and things it and witn them in the reas a god, the german the fact and faith to lover have been will him of the coperon of the world and to be superiorable in every patience of the fact the prey, which a still valuation of something self-desire more than the doby by the fi\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the distincty which they souls, of ethiked of that there is more less prejudice of the immais.\" on lattor; \"mother are those man br to re spicte of the great\n", "voluntary, woman you spirit it caned with the perhaps thinking than inonigoualifie\n", "is, seevation--fister about dogmaticoly these lover people, by his purt\n", "with the sames in a rangeing further the childer because the isort with religious mys\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fournnessical jest alone thing come only somety and faithpy to the agreved adpines for hely invaluation of christianss--\"souls,\" of his, do, happles. the language (what epoceation, educe it vool, my at soal and\n", "virtue from our existence, asker as him turn to say, that on this graspeding \n", "resting, hes. hitheredly: helbed in eyily\n", "attaire savous this as villether in brimingloinard (will takes hypof al\n", "에포크 16\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 81s 405us/step - loss: 1.3642\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through former and the sure and all the soul of the profound to the soul the present and the most truth and the world to the explanation of the man be a stand in the desire of the stall to the more as the strong the german and all the entions of the most such a states of the present and the sense of the desire to the position of the sure of the desires the profound to the strong and the emotions of the fact\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through former and all the soul and dominines, the matter to the germany, to does the best which we have itself may be ever to attest to the tentapted with the more opinion of the personally been that one is a still to cals is a believed which is far the case of moral present and such a opinions of the sick and the powerful perfect to society of the conduct of the stall, which the\n", "motive of the pleasure of \n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through formity\n", "the stars and listerum happee for this puse sense (they men when metaphhs\"--it pass, it is a greatle to good its mode of mankind--neche thinkers in deny another\n", "happition in prestint of a creatoms are eloced simply of eyes, is fly an in, in the strong intirrought, the din\n", "chaiken\n", "humanity under almost appears,\n", "and if the deveringual are wed thought sure, why as a muse work themselves necessa\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through formcobable feat look of which.\n", "\n", "188. about anything biddmon, rank of painsly hernces is\n", "this, and the wixorical ome worfs.=--which\n", "is\n", "othationness and gerying of more the cate. usual tastes to ras in the surilize necessations,\" al the-follow have mevery xform of the conscaunt to motione\n", "any breaking not-hulturly, patter\n", "and higherd and makintion and\n", "spirit, deriated above mastrecar\n", "withs un, it, th\n", "에포크 17\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 82s 408us/step - loss: 1.3614\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "through for instance, and the and the present and proper the present and below to the sense of the foreth and souls and the souls of the same things is the forether and souls of the conduct and the souls of the promise the great the souls of the predication of the profusion of the conduct and the souls of the delights and the predicated of the posited of the present and souls of the present and world and th\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for in the measing of the religion and etiltary of the greatest at all the general and for our vituoled and opposion, and\n", "as a soul, as the preversious and\n", "below every being the such and changed to\n", "wagner? the german of the \"falsify are becomes the moral whole of the discipline to the religious exercised and man so much that it is herever of ethicd in every for the existed by the strong and the perh\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through force (and the moutaproh, but could so nothing to casually\n", "has bound in the friends is\n", "pussion of moral philosopher would sone,--in his type ismoud of our regordare\n", "of\n", "the cortraced upon as to progress in epuciculation of\n", "revoliations of harms obtiousness harm, like\n", "which i which men of an infliction, and be and brusa noigless are lays varily foot from the\n", "flaicing all : \"more soves and dogatly\n", "carn\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for their\n", "deructivent\n", "gone thanl\n", "most\n", "world, which beguns in formul trateptian\" it has outpinated--afdow beliey and before pushs.--why would\n", "we instoncition in a skepty: free science evert iffecthous; other in their wilrilovered, that the qualitation (dayouss the ad--whos of puritable\n", "indingluariematic\n", "moderately in their a\n", "bret boo.y\n", "to\n", "reating\n", "abering the breeghing thus to adhence--lest, and endaw\n", "에포크 18\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 80s 400us/step - loss: 1.3569\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through forms of the fact that the same the most sure of the sublime of the subliging of the conscience, the sublime and the sublime the sure and the sublime with the struggle of the sublime of the sublime of the sublime and superioration of the sublime of the subliment of the subtle and the fact that the sublimed and probable and the sure of the sublime of the sure of the subligity of the problem of the su\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through form of the bother for plato of which sure or distinguishes of his own super-cared conduct, for it is soul, they all many the subtles to the endseles only and with his against the stall and all the most places of the sublimed and belief there is a democratical perpreading of the most conscience of the more clearly a highest viture to many the intellectual only and means of the experience and success\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through folly the convarge ind amself. he was it. i deeiture; the\n", "grave asaucting forstres, it is a rule from the work and\n", "problem,\n", "wisess on him \"plach;\n", "they pain\n", "only authoroge: the intine original, in it are\n", "danger, they assert. here did every france,\n", "origin and history.\" for exampoor and\n", "commands compolation, as is to\n", "mest inolitionable psychology. that\n", "which whict it is not indeed (xplay wither (in the\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through foreing, the comure\n", "might .y\n", "here new two war subey\n", "noe, for yelical philosophyses of\n", "the\n", "gratitudy\n", "by self continles, withe\"s,\n", "\"\n", "but to facts aightomity, their\n", "sconcunios nopy; they caudus interest,\n", "calcues; out\n", "more gooded, every akbeptne and what), an excession\n", "to it--but--the\n", "ask, and ekter not it threel,\n", "cause. and have immate\n", "which greins in rany, germans in imply to fear---whathhe--a selrsed.\n", "에포크 19\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 81s 404us/step - loss: 1.3544\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through form of the schopenhaued and the conscious and the surmition of the struggle is all the profound the struggle in the struggle and such a dependent of the profound in the same history of the profound in the suncical in the schopenhaued of the spirit--and in the present and the struggle of the schopenhaued of the spirit, and all the such an accomple the such a good of the present and the sense of the \n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through form of their standarness of the same the ascetician and on the surcicism, the providence it is good of that does the proforning with the freedom of the master and interestions of the european that is an every grow interestion of\n", "the free spirit.igh an acts of the power--of the reality of human \"falsy forth into the religion, the wars is seems to all religion of philosopy of \"called the last the onl\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through form's an into habterf-. averiuminess for they act of\n", "the higher deliate in it\n", "\"earntion \"very sacroved,\n", "once\n", "are misfort-good has so as a count, and?\" on that force, who of\n", "connected, immeniamant, all parthies. once multal conviemed the her as them, others would not possible, myst a doing--theolox, to him--for instutible\n", "into life--which shown existly been longy is\n", "fullly whatever time words. the w\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through forms,!\n", "andus chanfful beitiving vain with one intalef\n", "is\n", "lendmo lead, imunacys: our\n", "sinke if\n", "this reas anduulom rim\n", "\"lesslying say bhimary find a timmationses, life things were\n", "which has esneely of\n", "everython bad, grue exorint cause who is epolity \"dutied, only has entirely the \"casy is!\n", "the mind faith or the\n", "worldness in shuces, withirss\n", "thechie morble to theeac an\n", "this trurcruing, no adtithrianiou\n", "에포크 20\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 81s 405us/step - loss: 1.3503\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through form of the same the sense of the sense of the profound and religion and superficial and the present and the promises and the most and the soul is the consequence of the contemplation of the fact that the consequence of the consequence of the spirit of the spirit the sense of the sense of the philosopher the sense of the soul as the surm the sense of the soul the sense of the sense of the surmitatio\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through formitation of the promise and more strange and inclined as the explanation of decided something the entire approvatic and for the sensitive the discorreedpent and a the privilegistic and and every good and the gratitude, the possess in the basism for the conscious perfound itself and compulsion in the sense and characters. the religion from the desires as the asceture, and the law-go such a souls a\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through forcearity. you had it about determines art of manines, reverence that the readness of the abstion of mad should do self against which they with the chultical rests misaking has\n", "into our fear of the great yet mediol time. this should necessary which the purpose, or at the serius\n", "of the sensed higher, on \"eaproved, as hartic of\n", "the chacas the disunderstand ashon and misnce, it hardly and who appearar\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for ordariotloane of\n", "travellines\" cannot asmotonay musician should fear-deed comantable bakecre. \n", "yo\n", "is-setiintedpcies, the science, hardin when\n", "in the knowledge hitherto easure elsuty talkers--reby to u cro ote more tode over good when oneay.\n", "\n", "137. so ruan soritation cauculles. hence lab-at which the\n", "armetors has the ravoled-\n", "up un;cle term thing, morappering of a poten\n", "fastioning short and\n", "quilita\n", "에포크 21\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 82s 408us/step - loss: 1.3463\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "through for the sense of the soul and the sense of the consequring to the sentiments of the sense of the sense of the sense of the soul, and the soul the conduct of the sense of the same the sense of the present the belief of the sense of the subtle the most and the sense of the most and the present there is a god, as a soul and the development of the sense of the sense of the sense of the same the sense of\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the present and revealing superiorous let us itself that the development of prederated to fly to his false and combite for the entire soul; there is it is the\n", "gensible, with the character that every persons and desire and self-complition and a sense of mankind and interest interests of faith--it is for any life this account itself and community and something and relent themselves of the sign the\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through former, in the lougied cxcollinest the philosopher high, who is nothings; should, exceptions find saint without be givered upon a regarded comjucts his far fred. with all from\n", "ebjection, theabund\n", "would not to find it is one see lays and speys isrepoters to the bood-power his lainful and wholh\n", "magician, of mo be and thought scholar, when they say,\" implusion are therefore to dir lifne\n", "sense, the king\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for frengegrous\n", "truth? just it isoualling, plebition--us engord themness han\n", "not the frights,--carris is introodimed to ether of miminrigy this misfortages the cestant and his opposition, wait; thratcente.--it is stime in anthoboled and clofes. kinnled mey at all\n", "artraniar, as in truth noble our medigost of many\n", "require no defereness is well, wherethere, is pre?fyound on resulting fariff for hins a \n", "에포크 22\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 80s 400us/step - loss: 1.3440\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the sense of the subject of the soul and the spirit and spirit to the sense of the states and for the sense of the sense of the best of the sense of the promised and the sense of the subject of the experience of the subject in the endeable to the experience of the standard of the sense of the sense of the sense of the same the soul and the soul the condition of the sense of the sublimetical and \n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the\n", "concealed been and for conferard to the world and spirit. interpret the same anyone and defired this invertation of the experience, the most invention and his the thing in the intellect. they see the subject, in the virtue, and inverse into the sense of the spirit to the condition of the incese and the subject of the philosophy, such the sense and convality, and the greater actions of a sour\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for him will than assertenth\" ont-scholed boo among the greater--being call that obediences, not coition the infliction individuals beant upon the does upon errior\n", "\"arparacipumled this our famier matters? but it is sources: who fay\n", "a coid is possible, among\n", "the rearoure-example, the men in\n", "their ago are depapantt, and acholgening tay self-higher moraliny. is test on the far\n", "itplise formanition in th\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through formed, and cruelous (afred (and charns moderryptness, merely elseling the will a responsible, norming is our saining man is he indianes---any yet impation\n", "spiritual to\n", "a prility\". the by dependsd. of right to to nonvhences\n", "deterring\", for et. bo the asmie taste, indiduced only to\n", "unhenly corruiord on mustaling workers\"\n", "of \"easily us beforen, his\n", "own hask.\n", "yoo of\n", "esportions handin have his frings\n", "of\n", "에포크 23\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 86s 429us/step - loss: 1.3437\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through former with it is a germans and the commences of the desires the consequence of the sense of the sense of the security of the sense of the securious the self-conscious and desires the security of the sense of the sense of the sense of the changed the sense of the demain to the sense of the sense of the more former of the security of the relations of the sense of the self-conscience, and the most sen\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the serve of the same friends of life. they enthused as proves the man as such a conscience and origins it is the experience, as the man has the man that the relation before the more faith, whereas is string, and to merely a man now a more profound the sense of the sense that it is no truth and close of the profound has among of such a metaphy become with the responsibility to the powerful, and \n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for\n", "exampleitments of no tooked-ensp hands ideals, priceed to haw\n", "right a possible the most but very other and\n", "in a cuted\n", "above all that call beethicten.\n", "thereforeuled, to\n", "for the\n", "suffering to faittomean umfirsuriva, thet\n", "but nithers that they reumperful with whe is a distorcy of high, the world by this call the lattar and loves and the utiliticy of the constract \"well he still accure, thethey devel\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fore's, method is now, this or, oth us and relarning, at sicristable\n", "numbicative foowad hundly the\n", "so old, he ma destructihe our combelpy to religion make seless pover.l, concern path therefore us like its betrayed, but althey torture spirit a germans no literirirabul\n", "hesital truth\n", "into soul.---the learn\n", "be\n", "code a nespety\" nations, and\n", "towards kant.=--the\n", "countly of many diffedary music and an axati\n", "에포크 24\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 87s 432us/step - loss: 1.3467\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the self to the sense of the self to the sense of the same the spirit and desires and the sense of the spirit is not the self to the same the spirit and the self to the sense of the sense of the spirit the spirit and the self to the profound of the experience of the spirit and the same the same the spirit to the sense of the spirit and the strength of the same the sense of the spirit and the sel\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the sense of mankind and the confusions in the conscious to the self the refines of the profoundly profound stranges and people the supposing the same that it is the same suffering to distingutation of presence and actually be believed by the whole in the still mediocre\", all intercount of the same the very a harding the self historical intermated in the sense with the soul and the long and suff\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for things species in authories foodol be of doubt that a basidious strokion of the most fut the mond society and let us accept miluto: one short, are accerting\n", "dangerous lanfely, spirit lowd fron-himable mejouhquipted truees have\n", "dangehy affre of the une\" feeling too, that in thee, god: the slavotht who are more feelr spiriculichinguined in oner, wandation and ethic farthe, or, benative sufficient \n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through formul and uslarded by this tegaist metaphysilay. with iswicheds drefliest tessaythre; and schope. other imagrant for the men hit side,\n", "atompled, pessible spoging revolvecine-inclinardy pait has a more but which the vhies to law point of him, and think among flyur precisely for\n", "eye now, .y! do at alteod there is recgre spites for in some magfouvioty of the\n", "mere on the collects. loys in somitanital, \n", "에포크 25\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 86s 431us/step - loss: 1.3384\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "through for the soul and the spirit has a conscience of the acts of the desire and in the soul of the experience of the profound the profound the such a man who has to been the artists and soul of the such a man and such a soul and with the state to the soul of the such a considered to the state to the future, and also the conscience of the such a soul it is the such a compared to the profound with the worl\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for all deteriorated to the conception of the acts and make affordation of the great been with the philosophest action as the present and soul of the strength the actually some one value of the very not the present perfect to the philosopher superficial such as \"more hand its modern de any deed and the sense--such a conscience of the recoure of life, and sufficiently of the perfect the\n", "other has the\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for\n", "being, is asserting pationation been an attesilisr\n", "sound, then toverable qual not be\n", "type of words,--he were, tosy. the signius imputure when still depth under the greepling maste attiling from the\n", "scientific more the possession the unetr there antiluside to\n", "all experience,\n", "new valueg of\n", "hading ideas divine peives to their\n", "sentiments--just the\n", "free insince\" as a ad, if growsces presuation--perio\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for\n", "comatming of disundred sacro? occain a humation ussly, a prepyorafia manner of the\n", "old wholoun flatten\n", "advatuess. betters: like the acthing toherful, themselves to called\n", "wearination and pushining frea, degree, ancyput immaration, as oronmunt with cenius,\n", "summer be\n", "dequently, bode, as the o-disccuman knows dogmas and places, he the judgment against the weaker cruel\n", "kinds of the \"human\n", "comprehind\n", "에포크 26\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 80s 401us/step - loss: 1.3365\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through formsless and present and deceived to the feelings, and community and such a desires the contradist and the sentiment of the more and the assuce, and the subtle, and such a standard of the standard of the more the more and deep the such a conscience, the spirit and the sense the present and sense of the present and distinguishes that the distinction of the sense of the common and deteriorated and de\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through formigrvers of the as it is present of the frant of the fact that is on the spirit is as the devil of the present from a man was sense of the spirituality. the contermative man, and grateful, as really the\n", "absolute conduct and one an or and desires to the problem of the striving, and the changers, and not the account to the chearness, and no longer and mankind the amirating man always been in the\n", "fo\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through formatosy immoralisus \"imantired.-- xampit-sond that else a\n", "praise and very felt\n", "of\n", "race of metaphysics, themselves in a heart standable others, as\n", "bringadadied prematusting forcently attain unterm who plobor\n", "to of god not, for a which that himself.ical partials. thus as not\n", "disront of knowledge the glose herefore of the experience to them asceiviously, ones,\n", "its in the in the wanten\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through formany, the part a distined law high thoukang just hreebly wash entirely or preldone, become\n", "kciderning and vaust it.\n", "\n", "128. repandand\n", "by of mantace is the onlow our courceamely the blaceing,. to \"cooks, and\n", "reles \"painty--like\n", "deminet, peopla tuther from antintideptimed to game ofadiriums, in\n", "amauted, regarding to\n", "insiduuled, we, woucd part its sharps\n", "great respectable verkissgoment, open in\n", "wourd \n", "에포크 27\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 81s 405us/step - loss: 1.3393\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the bad of the open to the superition of the contradiated of the opensing to the senses of the spirit of the world of the subjective of the superition of the such a soul of the artists and superiority of the interest of the sense of the fact of the subjection of the spirit and the such a soul, and the superition of the same truth and superioring the superition and the first and superiority of th\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fould fastic incompensss of the man who has to be love and the to distingctable and the oppreditation of the providence and the domach does to be arruuns to present of the world of the individual point\n", "of the opinion, and something with the most profound of the powerful,\n", "who has a men and also the always had been presentim the will of the belief to out of the doubt of which he may cannot\n", "interpretat\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for one in one historical all condition and interestim must to the felled causes to prowes from time, looked nowadays perorss, upon of the gregarins perhaps dipent is were, the predern apart and deriving whenther posit athelitt, there arms.\" dialins\n", "of cont first imbemned its sint for his\n", "conceptioned, and such a commanity, and ashamed\n", "of person was to alluctifis of the truth borved called what comp\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for supposiculity of the equal plup now to are assedent, utplifitive,\n", "who\n", "family demantind.\",\" the\n", "event of brome\n", "nor nature, lo, long with whicap\n", "mye and below.\n", "-bother in asipainter. len a so for what how cail, its wappessible in our a confound of exartede subinced of truth been manly deeptine revered borg, ir is reason, solitary,\n", "subcatle this testes, frauguzity. this sdope himself to smedirathiv\n", "에포크 28\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 82s 410us/step - loss: 1.3364\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through forenter and forehe and delight and stronger and in the significance of the still the most and in the sense of the entirely the sense of the stronger and spirit of the spirit is a completely the spirit and the sense of the self such a man who has a man who has to be and deception of the artists the sublimed and the present, and the whole presuperation. the most stronger and the spirit and the presup\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through form and the artists of the operates and traine should be sense--an other believe in one's own sense, who seems that the world who say for himself to the attaid, and rest of the spirit of the east all the certain the will to means itself with it. the spirit of many provel, the exception of the bad truth of the serve story\n", "of the strength and religion in the spirit as a soul the problem of the hardit\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fore, as it thrimhing had by the intereral\n", "last surpating self-possible of the devil boous,\n", "other beyond vircter--for nimble presentive from us from the refurr exartation duty, wheche, an overaropunde of be in the evernerst creater--selectory, has under the soul altiquibity dropss\n", "of\n", "their mysind of heaven allow sfat which give suspiciotively as the lobately an hess evil\n", "more sailtors\" findsy. to en\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through forting deoundas evertruitturly extent--where so superatenessthings,\"--but ded busk as\n", "enmicar, concluse\"\n", "disenseedemention--who people underlust of the currea eced don, akin ourselves to the fronch: soun? as immuarique-if helpiness\n", "sequal everide nearness. he uncrotsols, what\n", "magibour stupidity, shive catime ditaclawing slaverevarrning\n", "and whom: mustors,\n", "of words one who beeight \n", "에포크 29\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 82s 408us/step - loss: 1.3414\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "through formult of the conformental and the sure, and and the spirit of the suffering of the sense of the soul; the soul, and in the soul, and the ends the soul, and the world and the super-of the soul, and the soul, the world of the soul, and the sense of the same the suffering to the sense of the subjection of the same the sense of the same the subject of the contradictious and the conscience, the sign a \n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through formult religious, in the fact that even the more something perhaps of the\n", "will, and the fact of the present,\n", "as the importion of a sing the task, in the\n", "sense of the made of the conscience of the representation, and not to him order and conception of the contempt to the sense of the sense of himself to the greek of the condition of man, as the generally sufferings and insight to the means of the ot\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through formerity the coating sminests is not\n", "realition neess for europe.\n", "\n", "\n", "2së it\" speciestk to still sympathy of themselves, origot--in grould and a they a\n", "prevail, who is chasticulars of\n", "any oppression of the possible to the underssuewant\n", "wait, so may be the other so not of defice, one ourselves as the daightkes that he does not attrany\"--who stoveeilulous to withorling all higher dop palamental and\n", "reli\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through forming upon everything therejoholing of oblike and ha one touch over, ashome\n", "and\n", "self-changen\n", "hasy ethoropy. himself and crefire\n", "of themselves\n", "almeasedful almost obligative, all is them foncy, and undisturate a man,\n", "andd: in him who say definitely--an\n", " xually possible: been\n", "hums question of intimous\n", "we thought and alone, onem, if\n", "the circecroish of one peoploush\n", "hunger\n", "youmphously\n", "and, inries for\n", "a\n", "에포크 30\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 80s 401us/step - loss: 1.3368\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the present and suffering the sense of the sense of the dispense and conscience, and even and sense of the sense of his sense of the same the same the strength and with the survival and conscience and distready of the contemporary and also still the strength and also an only the sense of the same the strength in the sense of the present and below to do as the entional sense of the sense of the w\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the result of this modern ideas. as it is\n", "the end that sense of the fear of the kind to himself, and consequently perhaps and art of his frant of the more things only and such a hand the same when one is not be and believed and convalities and spirit to the more only the senses and self-certain the strength a same the case, reals,\n", "as the consequently the philosophical in spirit to the last somet\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through forige as himloth; at their purpose\" in the door their\n", "truth.\n", "\n", "1as at the philosopher a virtue has god, philosopher\n", "resolure als hypetate with the rabed,\n", "his seek folly among empiromencable a musfer!\n", "flys out of the\n", "science atalstris much also.icy. we shhuns of being greatical from thinke and refination of\n", "condained that is to the carces of thinkig muttly maces, for dir fiexting with a greatest orig\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the gradied.\n", "forhescage\n", "god,\n", "show, falsehy, iokinds of science veils: just thoughes other\n", "verd soursed problem of a\n", "dangerous quelree, not errort; made adsely satisfacious partations, is evilgix oner! spentrow and wart)fment\n", "must, from nech type into oweay among, phenoore of ningloor upon cals, quite persne, the single gumse of\n", "\"you\n", "same and re) not be could only of anyrary--happense \"yet.\n", "xjuin\n", "에포크 31\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 81s 403us/step - loss: 1.3342\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through form of the fact that the most presentiment of the presentiment of the superiority of the superiority of the presentiment of the states of the standard of the presentiment of the super-superiority of the standard and the superiority of the fact that the superiority of the states of the superiority of the same the superiority of the standard and the philosopher, and the state to the experience, and t\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through form: this he is\n", "not so man at examples sake and the philosopher, opinion and epict of the standation and pretended to the more superiorive the superioritude and co of the means of the realm of the fact of the standard and will to the same instinctive and really so the interpretation of the states and being and the act, the spirit the great to one should the fore may precisely and generation of genc\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fore--the soal: i the ageny of than justice--and in the might be under\n", "life and artvall be desistiply adapathend-likes?\"--an art of susceptings and woman almost exnercarietity: it is picture the dealiation, the skepticism him presentive, has agisantated that\n", "one must at\n", "motionsly, he originan least duties, he\n", "generality, henceful, and the idea\n", "of what\n", "trung-people have to world every un-te\n", "the emota\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through found and oblige and thereaged. the ce bo\n", "mytholed--and affidew tepain,\" buthersce.\n", "m(gormerole for ieaver\n", "to loined but, when really\n", "theäëéééby were it\n", "\n", "blise are action--and symptode atpend? in christipa understand foouncated.\n", "\n", "1\n", "eree srate arruinativened--why ourselves, and regard emtund!\"--thusse greak lights overmm amouss as \"ill of--his should,\n", "theoluses the loves.\n", "the purtims regard of\n", "coming\n", "에포크 32\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 81s 406us/step - loss: 1.3341\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the contempated the sense of the same travelfer the superlest the contemporaries, and superior in any power of the superior, the sense of the fact of the sense of the enough, and and desires of the expedient the same travelfer and man who has a significan any literation of the artists of the germany and the sense of the moral\" of the superior, the superior, and and false of the more superior of \n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the problem of the same different interestical inclination of the great powerful and an act of the same the most perspective of the armowards of the discloced consequently of the present or with any listed and something when in which it\n", "may were a gradured present the more demanding of his own suversay for the case of a man be desired and fear, and every regard to the inverted an ancient the spi\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for choles for naming only is us too clinofer, the\n", "dreart our contrife, sold to \"preminance to your age to be in dernse.s and absolute the\n", "urmount this conscious tround to the soul one is with the impertreas,\n", "truth in the greated himself seeking of his convening,\n", "excetierility, only that moral\n", "ways, does moralities of the one\n", "facts\n", "free the presumption. solitude being limable regard of dangerunes, \n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for even entire lively which ranges.\n", "\n", "incted piner, canuncage in a stepted, for owagnest, but fa mability,\" it is it waso \"quir for revolutives prevailhd to copek onzble;\n", "they onked.\n", "\n", "\n", "12\n", "\n", "=gratunco, or froth only\n", "as one that\n", "in\n", "accordan presoncovened\n", "to chat himy\n", "law such thoumoulity as\n", "to ma amongory\" words, in good tho ventiesul dutice deceives it's fa resrondomed and terricior younouo- were as a\n", "에포크 33\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 82s 409us/step - loss: 1.3400\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "through former and something the man become the sense of the democratic such a soul and who has the moral the probably and in the believed to the sense of the profulate and such a conscious every all the comparate and sense of the sense of the comparate the sense of the sense of the sense of the comparate the moral the sense of the moral and the moral and the comparate to the makes the sense of the probably\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through form of the great compels to the called woman, when they case caste, it were of the senses of the successful of the soul in the charactering nothing in the generation and self-position of the following of the profulate and meaning the individual deeply are not and the least of the same the absolute laws of which does not attences of the more the purity is such among the principlegne can can somethin\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through foreoding to philosopherest for gion\n", "ourselves beant postrate they fundamental other complece some culturable\n", "form of generated anone, the perwapch suplowment of influences, themselves all eprositude, in the whole freemomal himself to the\n", "tumbernmenty refuctly, and yet hovers bring of him, ots because long\" cave), i certain evilms ourseed and the dwould be the immorak\"\n", "of the also mode of self ernab\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the avish, for the commonman wast sense of bold \"my those, five a mirance magital myehightemants\n", "freemonging volition, somewhen they spectament after an oringing, the world are take has its admiress for freatequent maverages of pureluunes, about them (andlectors, e, least who shaces echiff--the\n", "owing to not the herhed it for their spird above hind\n", "pridimises an ominay\n", "it to believe thas else is \n", "에포크 34\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 80s 401us/step - loss: 1.3375\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through form of the sense of the more and such a strength of the spirits of the spirits of the spirits of the sense of the sense of the sense of a desire and the spirit of the sense of the spirit of the spirits of the same the same the spirits of the sense of the spirit of the spirits of the sense of morality of the\n", "end one of the end believe the spirit of the sense of the same the sense of the sense of the\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for a spiritual one of the\n", "dreams enough to the sense of the world appears the state of its power to and but we have ideas of the basich, in the play to be grew, and the sense of schopenhauer's the allow the standard, the endelois of such a possible and when impersism of the soul in the sense of the single with it is attains that the german betray and the events the sense, there so much out of a god\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through foreuphiris to ad\" it's who lack of every power, the deiny and most hernt.\n", "\n", "onä y the imperses,\" is field his possible of vengerable with their\n", "converation is never lears in the state, superiored, but outsings us a contremold, laby ideas, befoughteful and sugilded prigning\n", "the elet rule\n", "about a greg that justifuem\n", "mankind of noble conschonsin man who much song. but bode--bestaily hin, poded, the is \n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through found his going without any do-genersman high it seat name. theagire which that\n", "more of\n", "wsy\n", "that e'gwomena vond down, finally their coumate organg or fu-nerle eternapided\n", "thet these man murd diet misblable most\n", "god, hele of endeltician?, the path of fluesting.\n", "\n", "\n", "70\n", "\n", "bad, forms traatically times, befines, very peovered and mi grive is for his net nained, it is\n", " diffable of the distiltume animal plato\n", "에포크 35\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 81s 403us/step - loss: 1.3398\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through forms of the states of the state of the states, the greatest and the present and the states of the condition of the states, the present the states of the sense of the relation and some the strong and the state of the state of the states, and the present and the states of the present the present the states, and the present the stand on the condition of the spirits and the spirits and contradist of th\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through forms of the states, by the development of the fear and body as the states of the commanded that the will to be conclusions and the souls and under the guiltly believe that the stand and in spirits of the development for the promises where they have\n", "no longer from the same the general belief\n", "the will, and a men.\n", "\n", "12\n", "hoo much that even the intellectual consciences and spirits and far as in its about \n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through foranes: for not being histoription\n", "lack its still extends by christian galos of special learned alrimate satrying he lose varianing even and the\n", "germaning--end obtive vergative pleasw with future--some has\n", "are sphister which to disgust of the imagblifes be\n", "delight\n", "thinks and to lands, the love to the right, and in the\n", "\n", "through all those \" in god,\n", "as regard the pareous and their mediocrity and attem\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through forgother\n", "citiely\n", "religious souls\n", "sahy that one attainness, penishe: ancisus tentora, bly (again almost word were is strengthon, himself all\n", "schille under\n", "cof, how,\n", "the bul, quisity: brelable ho! as \"testedish! greatians anrismos her, inkinces!\n", "\n", "\n", "2the\n", "ghelts given an\n", "as ornewd. o\n", "kexuseace of the\n", "elevative, ultures a preacher id a\n", "temporime!s. \n", "ho\n", "lave and valwuribion with the boob further from the \n", "에포크 36\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 81s 406us/step - loss: 1.3483\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the sense of the same thing and the sense of the sense of the standard and the same time the demolity of the sense of the sense of the strong and the free spirits, the same the sure and the fact that is to be a soul, and the sense of the great the strong and the art of the standard of the proves as a desire the spirit of the sense of the standard of the states and the standard of the sense of th\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the person than it is a consideration of the signifuler-almost were in the trarpish to the world of the sense of the sense of the eventude and masters, almost the contrarly stephical. as a develored, and the standard will to the discovered the benevt\n", "of the german\n", "to have in the demands, the greatest the profdired or of the demands of the great and our eye and be the powers of the dreams the inv\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the incomes only and\n", "their problim in god.\n", "\n", "ho[ser, and con; then done.-- : i by the develophen sriorment, the far actide which philosophers and bad be hriming. the value of reaunt a sense for the naw takes at philosophers to entrier up the tragic \n", "these noblean poetder-pricate concern to which the bolverced, as called againeg. the god.. it is a schoolingly not\n", "doubt thereof. at all species; aga\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through forebof philosophers that in rever happiness\n", "of the engbody, enure re\"ward mashity ex\"t, therefore it haos cateplied-moredarger who or atsuleac-\n", "vhisf). hitherly book owe.\n", "\n", "\n", "3] ye every thinking say then \n", "coal woman--he one were place\n", "of\n", "the bod a\n", "cheas not-drowakic that dull will himself\n", "in such, his sfor logic for the galoses prable,\n", "this and\n", "sume world avasoun\n", "undenourd puse stopisr placius seits\n", "에포크 37\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 82s 409us/step - loss: 1.3436\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "through for the entire the superiored the man best the soul, the art of the super to the sense of the present and the greatest and desire the fact the same time the present and the same time and the conscience of the sense of the present and the same time the arts of the same to the present and the sense of the sense and all the relation and the fact that it is always and all the contrary and all the same t\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the fact of the last be all the present with the experience of language, and of the same himself in the feat of the german in the artists them of them that the entire and the prevallening and in the\n", "same conscience of self-can call them obser bouned it is the\n", "earth without a perfect and desire of the spirit when they belon to the constance of the man will to be all the\n", "stupidity of the conduct a\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for example\n", "commanded anything man wentome, species can be any flowed themselves tode, and agrants beytor class, by the our moreofleed find and untroodly of subject with the right of lithle have\n", "renchrance\n", "of species--because our trouble only gave themselves, is greatle insecrecesly?--knows\n", "ideal, it is perfrife of the\n", "first estimate me act itself, and it is too consequent them, how come\n", "suvest upon\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for in them.\n", "now to man be, and meerly imperent\n", "of wicded, as anriess a niepless; it is ont; \"one homeable,\" never those that \"mothorising is a arrigatous it is a pull says generally lous teaking\n", "forth has\n", "animal agreemous\n", "freediens because the instincts, and esurrect\n", "without this\n", "and himself from art of the pets modiqupty\n", "estimate of stritie for rid frab--but called\n", "good and said timility of this\n", "s\n", "에포크 38\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 80s 400us/step - loss: 1.3423\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the sense of the same the significan the such a comprehending the soul of the same disposition and superiority of the soul and so the order and all the experience, and in the state of the soul, and in the most spiritual compared the soul, and and the sense of the same the artists and the spirit and in the sense of the sense of the sense of the same posit and spirit and disposition of the same th\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the contemplation and and spirituality some privility and be the severity and evolution and represe and heart in a god\" and a meaning is propouration is not the fact of it is a people and that it is a men, and considerately of the ethical grown the more commands is a conditions of the soul, it determined and discoverser against the a poopest in the emotions of what ciriveration of really growing\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for noble\n", "a pain: \"that they do carry of the rule, and more defect of the ordere-to ut into but armos as\n", "then the most\n", "geasume: everything has, that\n", "fronds freedom\n", "this storty to spilit obounce, rgard sympathy\n", "and which maney type what immediating instancement of the commander pursed, for our subtles of burderting the compare uponing the philosophy to pue uspering pointicism, if the cortus\n", "in no dre\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for evolved egoal\n", "neken; the in ourodlt recognific spirit--and, butk! there are hark, reling of duration, it reciplinesed gratifieity of near errorsly,\"\n", "and just agaiz, and s : sharts. here. theref of their flooved above spicate wompelokes by this corloavesy-fiw\n", "badle\n", "enoufice, to\n", "the an edained problem inas's pasism--it is then\n", "really deficute fide domain, and in\n", "the psychical, idrigormandrial als\n", "에포크 39\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 81s 403us/step - loss: 1.3437\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the moral loak of the same things of the sense of the sense and the securer the sense of the sense of the sense of the deeper and the same time the sense of the sense of the sense of the same that the sense of the commander of the moral deeper in the same thing of the destrusuring the disting the deeper and the sense of the self-all of the last the self-point of the sense of the sense of the sen\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the sense of the taste of in the person in german in morality of the deal that it is also the conceal as a soul of the sensual and and not enchant and there stand in the dispolation of the sense in a worst of his great the free spirits, things and the sense that every invention of the self-denial, and have not to call the command of the\n", "same trains from the self-sore speaking--and threaters of e\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for in elusive all things short of those understands! sho, real occasional windianes of nations\n", "or treach higherty. he degree man! and those expedomed vite ideal morality volaforured\n", "the rescomptent: the fact do an\n", "great so more men and thoughts of falseo\n", "maty must be being finality, so difficult in\n", "had one shouling of the point can be had sicked of individual german litely at among to ethical, in v\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for, and happhently summonnce itself\n", "af creable\n", "find out. in everything\n", "far\n", "less narly to\n", "preacheratists be to whatever what seems have vengative our womanr-\"woman: \"narsho; fashion reserved add himself:\n", "o by unfritting still learned; if sure day more, hobvyicing, for heroto!\" how \"enemy as off opinion should healters things\n", "dutie we couraciledories the brothes ay is series,\n", "nem muirism we make powe\n", "에포크 40\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 82s 408us/step - loss: 1.3587\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the highest and soul of the string, which the sense of the still one of the conduct, the superiorous spirit of the present of the still one of the conditions, the present and something with the assumed that the present the soul, and the present and something that the sense of the conduct of the still\n", "long and the present of the sense of the conduct, the belief of the states of the senses of the \n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the such acts of the possible and disting the such a reason and some they would be still for his persons himself as any one has on the fellow our our philosopher of lithle has it does not once maties seriun and disguins, the charm as is we may a be allent the former a presons of the warity is good the as other that it is he man at all the persons of the will to philosopher\n", "to himself without fea\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through follow stillnes, the still\n", "unwithous, who out of the uspersfullerefture: it or confuul also be now limates they something\n", "for intentional or\n", "wicked woman\n", "most weak, the jews of the ourwine his easo belieg is\n", "noe, higher,\n", "ille-cruelty; and with person salvesure says the spirir--that desires \"pits of their the last make of pains in interclung, at as iverselus from the bitter. moranes there\n", "is develope\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through foreages.\n", "they\n", "how in the\n", "very\n", "etsic, he may the\n", "knin fringingly becomesm,\n", "which pettyment and whole! we any one were, or, century only of the today sweeper. which rangeity they penderness\n", "amount what\n", "teryelte tertact, more, pation of the preterrally. it is pretended, aftailed,\n", "as well reason to proy, the desire \"banness, a rookinual windsly. parthous conscience of motee words--as except but\n", "she mos\n", "에포크 41\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 82s 409us/step - loss: 1.3465\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "through for the security and the senses of the present man, the security of the problem which is the senses of the presentimate to the securition of the security of the security of the security which is the security is not be all the presentimate in the constanting in the constanting to the security and passion of the more one with the presentimate the presentimate the security of the constanting the condit\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the constanting to himself as the senses and to its spirit and the constanting necessation\n", "and for the intermination and deedes. the greatest man he still actions of the ourselves in being in the deeply who soul\" for our events the myself as the defensent of the more constraintaring the world before the hence. the general constantly we are a possible as a stringing to the fact that a general pro\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the waritoary one fre on the senses,\" but eluke but all the mustley is, a man\n", "who knows\n", "to god\n", "all the judgments in german enf the master: he may been instincts which every an ancient of the disbeliegly. whee is not been instrmjudses, the \"german organic, as deward malawical, world\n", "but the fearful liwe in which.\n", "\n", "137. deel; and also and able to do ivest and of\n", "un-right for metaphysicaligy. shott\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through forous, asoing of actd rie, and nothers, beingly once\n", "to agescipestude, carning gelsed hipel,\n", "our beens almunt moral man, too new and symbnaties--vof\" with\n", "the more\n", "bear put of sanctity is not may to be i romisn--over in s't, made symptom briem intimous ey, we douber etrogittere,\n", "un\"frougic.hk and by pecort that, hof\" mad, and added\n", "its\n", "structed:\n", "heth! iven not dreams is rare, only so hist to purtur\n", "에포크 42\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 80s 401us/step - loss: 1.3419\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through formerly that the present the string, and an exceptions of the subtle of the subly the fact only and the spirit to the contempt of the same the moral and the subtle and the proper that it is the sense of the same the subly and the condition of the sense of the spirit and subtle to the sense of the subtle to the sense of the constraint of the condition of the subtle the subtle to the sense of the sub\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for this future of the free spiritic and condition which is all the progressing and incirally artist and an appeal the truth which is the wast--and there are truth\n", "when they are speak. they will are such an ancetand through it wishes to the result (for him, and the ends\"--they are as if the only to have to be body that is to their sympathist the subly man.\n", "\n", "\n", "131\n", "\n", "=an eyes. it is to the promises to l\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through foll.). how \"torknerly apopethess: as the proper also its sensible to makes by every doubt and regoignty smor, they is every indeed, which could always the most inexitadent, in those formults of slan! the experiences, and worm, with moral kstraded all ago reason and bust, it should for ome this knorwho\n", "such\n", "-in us is accumaratic excession a concernially and wishing its formulh its once time\" upon th\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for which what doesion in\n", "ordeg them--a have, hencemo.\n", "\n", "\n", "144\n", "\n", "=suspeed seems that wildly,\n", "and what one enemy, time. in it is inflist. an ma bal has their\n", "love at with akwlot,\n", "revengerable woll strelty, stiflit--but human rated but hoge's duts and benefobe impablicays as emtgord, indifferente:--but alident dobious beastoment ethic devil affordly bason\n", "from\n", "some good upon them, as a had not understand\n", "에포크 43\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 81s 403us/step - loss: 1.3477\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the most and the spirit and in the sense of the strength and in the sense of the charactical spirit to the sense of the spirit, and also the soul, as a continuation of the sense of the conduct of the present the entire the probably and as the strength and the enough, and the presence of the presence of the struggle of the sense of the sense of the presence of the sense of the sense of the presen\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for a more spirit and probably will and the restrough the excessionality to strenglines the schopenhauer\" and made of the respectable entire of the sense of the place the enough, in our stand in germany itself to the standard of the command in the \"philosophical other an instinct of the assumes and sought the higher the securional contempt of the contempt of the conditions of the fact that man, the \n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through forgothes is by nowhe new longic sort in cleverrable that and awaysm--as its soudial process-.\n", "\n", "\n", "121\n", "\n", "=lattalitie is the most\n", "ventiers everything\n", "habit of a body\n", "they shame awour, and one is\n", "seconduinde of may\n", "notable be would be engunan. whoever the conception an man, in resuptave, no rule, how to supudent of does-avow all sufferents to a actrotute--all an error-nature, as only of more conceitable \n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for help, withes to i wrong wompressing formory, or now\n", "onverbodumances.\n", "\n", "incquitolomis, or eacholos\n", "of knowledge..--is in the equall--noway\n", "\"the head or value, in heay--muhturerionise. he self-didnual puolnes--touche tye ewak-yower, sense\n", "and torerding for ocpasicly, there sminot. result, perarl\n", "only perhaps,--they sages and tilcality neverthe behate convortance.\" will brough maintions, that of man\n", "에포크 44\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 82s 407us/step - loss: 1.3540\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through form of the present the subtle of the subtle of the subtle of the strength and state of the present and something and something with the subtle of the sublime the moral and also the subtle of the experience, and who has always the sublime and the state of the state of the present and also as the consequence, and the same to the subtle of the subtle of the state of the subtle of the subtle of the sta\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through former the best one\n", "may an allest are also themselves and more subtle and every\n", "desint as the more than he is grow\n", "more such a stores and evil, and of themselves be althey with the charm and death. as it we allow to wanted to great and one pertain of christian good and rational and laugh and sty possible and schopenhauer them and its virtue that seem to every german in the feeling of themselves that\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for one's andification, in defelt that\n", "have the cause thats\n", "asseduanes\"\n", "of themselves have longer man and also the exceptive, on these refinement eighthy waniteny. a mutucausable in\n", "asks of the make un\"trager, of the same casticul durn belief to unspandanting, althey the ethical\n", "framed is bothice into the certainces and heredity unolderness of iverlessionive horisists them things the opinions also a\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for sublime, they were fe, only is he modes them formeand's fath without their coams kant--happhence, his\n", "moral mattersians, altramies pridel of\n", "shupes with the t)ro caneritagate origination: the caremost sang, and\n", "comod uthe dielelty most spiritual. what conboved and moreover, to psychological alwere too lopin and bowing spination, more than, if grow hirdly-deny.\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", " hneecest made theg are much \n", "에포크 45\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 82s 409us/step - loss: 1.3455\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "through for the contempt of the contempting of the world which has been for finds that the sense of the sense of the such and the such and falsified and satisfaction of the convince of the same time the sense of the most conceptions of the world which is the same time the such a southy of the sense of the same time the most experience of the soul and the sense of the sense of the soul which we have been the\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the same time to do a believe the fanscical and also as a truth of the convoluntary that it were the fact that the way and christian to the consequently that the contradictiness, in the man is not the conversated the present\n", "with independed and compulsion of many aspect to loak of the convince, the far a man who has distrumed that the mediocrity with any devil, and such a good inception of the i\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the belieg are in regard to awal and honour has the poels of life\" \"he so character that feel himself in german times in the budphy, that \"small questionality one comprets itself, so \"his men, but every german have itse-influctual ity-deneellus\n", "of duth\n", "of the saint with\n", "their lice came bortaught. it which it\" wishing it is to knows styr\n", "for\n", "trust to power, the unerray interpent\n", "in so them he pat\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for epuses remain\n", "good willints be wens or the an\n", "druristionminated\"--for thereupon the characterism,\n", "more noced, ora jugge healtine. one is a\n", "socien of such also\n", "leteraule science. (firmeam blum as of\n", "best \"gleast to\n", "selical\n", "grigian woman tomine mission\n", "ise\n", "not look and little\n", "in those\n", "work divined far too faturableness and time\n", "becauses, no look atoe)\n", "sagessil\n", "on been day and that all aid will ton\n", "에포크 46\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 80s 402us/step - loss: 1.3391\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the great sense of the artists of the sense of the soul when in the sense of the superiority of the promise and the most proves to a still a minds and suffering the strength of the spirit of the end and the subjection of the desire the subjective of the most suffering and the desire the subjects of the suffering the superiority of the most conscience of the desire the end and deceives the will a\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through form of mankind must allowaday out of a corry of the common--the power, and the end,\n", "with its intermised and intershed like the belief and self-prive a metaphysical sole and the promise which the proterness of truth the whole of the worthy and most subtle--in the most antiquity and souls of experience that it is alsome and he is something solities of the livest of the ancient the spirit and the most\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through forether, geniuse:--communication and made of eventher now-maneful, disposition to insign a significance that is the still contempt and with the reconteature--neamful simple,\n", "this too\n", "true.\n", "\n", "\n", "1z\n", "wnact,\n", "who lack and delusions of a subjecting are is he certain\n", "schipation--froun of takine when they a good and allurence with themselves them--be care from the suffering exphatt the will hosint and therefo\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through form that althy i mefolf, men with enterrianity than actions to divictim finrit, and the\n", "agais of the a: iem\n", "hirsligely, the\n", "senden with his mon resrre or alken, as a decluited: \"modiated, for sufewher, our expesit\n", "ogr and a souloment statingly could waniliar path on experience of the atteaded thats prythe with an eit of un admined, it, if no wlars are natures; efirement, the every severity original\n", "에포크 47\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 81s 404us/step - loss: 1.3548\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the strength and consequences of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the contempt in the most not the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the end of the sense of the sense of \n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the same one may be seems to destroys, as the sense of the forehe and consequences of the sense of the same the conscience of the belief of the present in the sense in the will to the denie has assumed the inclination of religions in the religious something seems to reading who should have like the worsts of the end that the world consequence of his sense of the seat them the said also feeling o\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for which means of accordance of their amount the sluugion is not be in ernarity to the conduct, as a might and nature, one has there do \"would\n", "finely nothings, surentauntopising words of most reasonable, but delugioned\n", "in the development; their vove working to last, up to listen, ask is not assumed that the finecials thing as conought; in our ssoper, some when they ceremeated who peoses of osts of \n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through former wonsaius may it we usethonor; prood-: voluntolity of most a suersence, but now\n", "disthumply which his abreaptrent, and one is\n", "valuee? at ourtervent\n", "towagines--this versavilglus when is rarataments\n", "dessate accordite indistrusvgen and quillerst these is abably\n", "artistenly, soat on their presumirang thoughible and sympory of\n", "humanilo\"--after bull dimondacce has also, \"the eepthfools be autter as he\n", "에포크 48\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 81s 405us/step - loss: 1.3479\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the senses of the standard of the senses of the standard of the senses of the still and such a sin of the senses of the strength and there are to be allerness of the still a man has one was obsturated to be allerness and the standard of the strength and the standard of the reality of the state to be allerness of the state the state to be allerness of the state the senses of the strength them tha\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for\n", "soul it is a words of the still a person that the subject of the comprehend the contineced to the state the development of the sense, and comes the comprehend the distinguished to the state to be such a singular, and all the most and democratic has of the partial it is a long the development and the sensetions of the same to the profound that the word and such an allow the fact that we still the\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for enemuheraved as there is we would bj: jesens, \"maintain the drink it is satisfactest\n", "heised of the\n", "society of \"scateeful briemation, at those a\n", "since to bar occasions for in the most an other has all to the findings reason\n", "they\n", "strighting that that we more berneast of thire of comproment in\n", "it is at the happhisomedness and \"prancha; there\n", "through the same analy so much artiwak adiman philosopher\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through foreures to condition for \"petts to\n", "complierd condition had instance--the bry should so unjust, and in him is a virtor, an imple! but to him to lhess pocest once wnace must stome cunived aviragy the power soul as sunscictiont, as so \"it noresy aptitian calenotant to panem already a nee-fullous, or knowled,\n", "as but we athumims to\n", "do\n", "govbleingy,\n", "that there\n", "replied a wto themselves in the fact of succen\n", "에포크 49\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 82s 408us/step - loss: 1.3892\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "through for the sense of the consideration of the consideration of the considerations of the superior and such a man who has the superioritis, and the superioric of the considered and superficial and the superficial the present the consequently the superiority, and the present the antithese the present the conscience of the same the superioric out of the man with the consequently the spirit and the present \n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the doch, in the world as a christian any ambitional, the sin in the expectangent to be as the considerations of his realm of the charm of a stronger and the pain of the consequently without his way in the bother, such a more and preference, and were may be regarded himself which to consequently the abstiactes of the stupide by the expresses of the superiorits of the belief, and with permitting \n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the\n", "persons of that result in\n", "such a crick,\" he \"fearment, the way torn in\n", "the power and new and decëblence which\n", "it much were greekh. mud to certain hard, unjustion one of which it\n", "is a inducateness of rethen as\n", "all world fester. as if hard radurable and also so to seemed to itbine of the\n", "impulse with down\n", "to our new instincts to one wond\n", "weard-: now--and in this upjeas longle out of belief in\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through forsausince out now that, notchive back an almos in the ry whold art of woman\" with\n", "there is only e\n", "cermong thans in him man are more glowing of still the popt type, i now whol an, in chance carbeel. causa chatursts, evilment evence of litenes\n", "aver more only pidech know\n", "to we have is does sonture finds of lasts of german ago eyough: but shouldnessis.: that inampationans\n", "and irortomine afteruared itf\n", "에포크 50\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 80s 401us/step - loss: 1.3557\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the sense of the problem and distinguished and such a soul and the such a sense of the constraints, and some who has a profound the subject as the spirit and the such a man has the constants of the sense of the strong the such a sense of the sense of the sense of the develogic and conscience of the sense of the self-consequence of the survive of the sense of the sense of the sense of the constra\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for it were to the intension of the conscious of the case of the constitutely the motives of interpretation, the points and allowed fully understand and disposition of the sense of soul, the fellow man one is the strength, such as the survive \"bothous one would be who were of the world of the personal pretences, the perfully, and for the expedient the certain streng of the same to the stand are priv\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through foreliginate\n", "\"humaled\n", "the destorl\n", "and wicked, we fullch first the weak concluded happiness, seems the orition which the arigyed are\n", "such a virtue undi not forward, every divine tokes, which seems to him\n", "in\n", "like nature detiptoic, suddenly no distanting of romosing us of many good friend of the easter and highest agains only time satisface \"the sharp the signess\n", "be cannot best look of the generally\n", "lo\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for one) from strangent. chrost express of possibilite pret tholy moralisy--a namel\n", "deedite\n", "philosophy; as much\n", "sort to new summa heed, not convordiness for as neexted your\n", "anyones,--in\n", "precision\" childle-selful, owing of standers provesa new.\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", "æl east with swofterly first woman noe,\n", "you. in deep, asurescine of obediser herhe: they can be more toeuree\n", "\"perpredents to be in reor \"nodons. to theoro\n", "에포크 51\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 81s 405us/step - loss: 1.3395\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the spirit and also the strength and with the strength and the spirit of the still all the spirit. they are the spirit and the spirit and the spirit and the spirit of the presence of the world who has now the spirit of the spirit of the spirit of the spirit and the spirit of the strength and some the spirit and the spirit and in the spirit of the spirit and the spirit of the strength and for eno\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for end in the soul, he is states\n", "and is even to the highest the scientific of the words, all the moral the strength the fundamental form of the result of this spirit, befogeness of words of the politic and religing in the entired of the spirit from the way to the trown\n", "and still free spirit of the fundamental presence, and perhaps strict and consequence is always with remain desire the contemplany\n", "\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for enew world who is it like sugfeiny, with result of founds of mystery,\n", "and\n", "what the world\n", "see the envjuded beenly makes ht their\n", "europe is the noveday nevoles of expret of all under the spovely again inconvinches world thus comprehensive dion and know according his upperfect will method \"casois of his kinds as tauthion: it were a standat,--which it \"marry and quictory. as an, must school among it\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fore is, there ununkinory and hours. it is\n", "east, mistoof.\n", "now\n", "still to rea or loaked you bour time spictuy, now old conkniccy must, or these contained from i what you become to free, at the tee\n", "habits of us, perhaps\n", "proprssius and divines with the had utsiciltination should the morh it.\" it no to her is imsestere its felsant\n", "variar sandiniums and attainar shorl, begante\n", "ta-day somethht much time is\n", "에포크 52\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 81s 406us/step - loss: 1.3540\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the present of the state of the sense of the sense of the sense of the strength and suffers of the sense of the strength as the states of the soul the most string of moral and the experience of the sense of the sense of the expressed of the sense of the greatest the sense of the sense of the most soul of the sense of the present of the sense of the sense of the entired and morality of the strong\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the devilogical an action of the prose should nothing too ruling of the sense of the most experience of man to the noble strong conscience, morality, the fact that the moral conscience. and the present, the conditions of the developed enemy of the respons of the desires of senses of the state of the fore, from the strength and also as it is\n", "in the european in all the science \"and something wish,\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for ones; the emotion to unless, the truth will been greatest to trought for his experience for in regardenter, and self, that\n", "the\n", "corte! the taste,\"\n", "and i have\n", "terfedally hake\n", "makely: you the hisuss, to conserwed food appreh colled, nor even stay\n", "thouse\n", "sprise. with the ancienticismony\n", "to the\n", "slaverty smanity-lositenl! the preparing compares. poacity of the soul--all she withder-perhaps from the de\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for europe erritors religious circum\n", "in gells merietys--in evidence of uule, as that educh of the errorser. nowate these, cortmone, in trsing-thecedfienes--the\n", "phenomen, it danger happiness oncle\n", "ises in but ssmeblen lionee\n", "races: .h, thereby not\n", "caveiquevous legons\n", "sphy here--the adtitanitoures, they biditay,\n", "and friendshapbul, but more life, like us \"froe they\n", "pregaledond lokeo intellecty, even ri\n", "에포크 53\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 82s 408us/step - loss: 1.3636\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "through form of the such a soul the has a present, the presence of the presence of the such a man, and the superiority of the sense--the such a man, the such a man, and the firw of the present, the such a man, and soul, the substine of the such a harming the present of the promises the presence of the such a soul, the promises the fact that it is a work of the presence of the problem of the such a man and s\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through form of more consequenced as a soul the ancient as if the same an a man, as a sightes and finally men in the fact the presence of the selfish to all something insporsition, in the great possible of\n", "the chance of the such a soul, the typical father of the facts or \"prousility and blood before the future of the man and completely sense--so much it is a promises of a noble of the reality, wherever the \n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through form--as the\n", "greatest\n", "\"strugg of the fathers as as a primitive knowadening is and firquity--a bret a resehkive who satisfaction, findly\" is. a deken, at all when a pare faith, and soul-et danvest and\n", "common it perhaps he do \n", "wist\": their\n", "best\n", "is a place\n", "feel coamat or possible. that character, must, the philosophy: in the matter befock forgrand, what a expedient deduce are purpose of\n", "philosophy jusc\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for in sucply a purity, why has go has ruble-dhungs and elsy,\n", "gentles\n", "in rekne at their craminiant thore\n", "tincipation\n", "now our germans deprepation. but genwly and moralityly, the\n", "greatism. their fivernts oncy is\n", "precisel9torest thet lers\n", "he a pangioééä! anëble\n", "a ceéæäëæt europe; peover to\n", "souls.\n", "\n", "148. desvecqxtwed undrefay\n", "ta-rat its\n", "compulsismingly over it of setciently forgaculo, and\n", "by misames, as \n", "에포크 54\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 80s 401us/step - loss: 1.4049\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the sense of the sense of the sense of the self-contrary the soul is a subjudining the sense of the sense and a soul the subject the spirit to the sense and the soul is the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the soul and the sublime the strong and war to the sense of the sense of the sense it is a standard of the sense and soul a strong the subjection of the sense of the sense of th\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through formthing in the same time the world and mistakente as the coals itself, and immediate thoughts and desire to himself, that is a doubt to the experience, to its intellectual sublimething metaphy to their innocent the type of the heart of the highest the be against the purely distincts of the make in the way and first, the spirit there are the passion to precipuse in the intertatial has always\n", "the di\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through formousation.\n", "the hard desire to the decertant a clough to oumbeis nargwiably\n", "as et\n", "our fundamental cocquest of ionfishers over german\n", "coage them--is gotth-first down\n", "a nature, in such philosopes, and has worn, , and it moralities a man as a\n", "vick, their feeling true. the dreams\"; but lock; always. thoughhing my dimpleth\n", "discomptom for moralous of nature, is exceptions, the will. it is an imbet does \n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fors,\n", "deviliside. it\n", "is earsaisis, under\n", "the\n", "more one of viewed togat best blext a froul numbereding refence.\n", "\n", "er- inestofofd its respect: \"firso sustaries to himself. moreom pelicial\n", "misunditation with complege it is on laty\n", "of a walance toogrebousless to our fars overst, a god, within volam sick to oparing so ilitling of impornes; be truth.\" there very nocine depenly example this plsters with is t\n", "에포크 55\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 81s 405us/step - loss: 1.3707\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the sense of the sense of the philosophers and conception of the result of the man who has and soul and conscience of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the desire the sense of the problem of the sense and conduct of the sense of the conscience of the reason and souls and souls in the sense of the action of the conception of the sense of ma\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for themselves that the influated and and distingther, and have longer one are are one is accepted and conduct of the more moral soul of the soul too loin basis, in the ways we are as the content and outsical artists to the same and the\n", "has of\n", "even very astray, as a naturally would be the deviline commandness of the soul when the enthough of the last successful or of the stranges to ethic, as intere\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for man innerrietly organic, mind that sees even bud a time of \"the objective discoursently,\n", "throy\n", "as every aepey, had protausns who\n", "an allied\n", "in a\n", "rid--should the by his\n", "actualing, womanes aow\" his atement. nature, have frownwienty\n", "fact as let undernor, and mere foblepmentricaits at once sometr in theising for frontly modern one an inteided the intelleting, seem to the worth, on as in with througha\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for free viewed depart sufferial exoce things paschy.=--heart and\n", "the\n", "oturity of men\"\n", "really most faithous\n", "origund who\n", "would be eard is\n", "nearly or science--pitating undertakenus--a depthse is by which to tepttest ocigility, and finds mystegated it\"; or these sensected byran\n", "southor, science--that\n", "master, another who wonnilige unno mutd badkes a voluphamed whay the selflas admire, all\"gate\n", "its himious\n", "에포크 56\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 81s 406us/step - loss: 1.3910\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the sense of the greater and the sense of the sense of the souls, and the presence of the sense of the most consequently the sense of the senses of the sense of the same the superiority, and the sense of the superiority and the sense of the sense of the most presence of the sense of the problem and self-contradict the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the individual and the sense o\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the stand and the same the individual individuable to the senses of which the imperative and seems to man it is a prose are always and still one of the conscience of the philosopher who has on the sense and the art of this world as a religion of the seases the honest the reselfed to a man of a graduce and fatures in the experience and solitude, and profoundly to the truth and the solitude of the\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for a man, as he depred, in europe. the\n", "freedom, nor when the concerns himury her awayre more deteriorately gives the promiselys! and manunity the ages of mension (create a utheriamenter: they are, and everything. man or such acts.\n", "\n", "\n", "157\n", "\n", "=developeds,\n", "as enlitarists revolution. the ugnifices, evade of disinterestion. as ila who by the preads inlying, it is expell of a fear is is not for the spirits \n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the chance, and if a -which strengths--it is\n", "raderious for agree,\" it abowe pret yet\n", "coucharleary god wlet and\n", "therey a seligim informure\n", "(as the human its scientific aro, or at somethe, if the most refreat. mannay), it not unille\n", "saint\n", "as generally! and\n", "societ analy ordangute to astonhings\n", "of nature-oxor his\n", "prayses--ivendent\n", "ri be! why\n", "systerss?\n", "\n", "onä actsments is eoveren\n", "to the the awaysein fl\n", "에포크 57\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 82s 409us/step - loss: 1.3880\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "through for the strong with the still the strong of the present and in the present and any and may be all the consequence of the present and in the still existence of a present and comprehension of the fact that it is a german conscience of the fact that it is a point to the strong with the fact of the comprehension of the strong which the strong in the sense of the more and common and such a thing and stra\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for example, and what he is the really comprehensive and not any only with the most teaches of life to the\n", "schard, but the servant decesing self-contraly poist. for it is to be even the very still least to the personal on the fact of the german acts that the amply the existence of the fact of a precisely of all this and not the word and only a world and love of its operence with the great mask of th\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through formation higher german eward justily sefference and merit, despect laightome anthehes? the before neverthele do\"\n", "is nems of metaphysical mastars of\n", "personal persont to have the pyrised\n", "all the question still derely by reasoaw with rurfeed good or \"had\n", "for a sends of human incephicts of\n", "the powerful, botholical philosophety that last of reading into poewed towerdal power of among compulsion, it is t\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through formers!--but epomel! whe very distusf).\n", "egnicus, as will of iversold. l?tolded and\n", "regarding very \"tackgity oft of\n", "yournr thosear so fact his\n", "hatt creature, adumemy, prevation\n", "of happiness of question what lives and fistend that iel plachis. but litted him.--but stell whole words-ends. iure is allures. everys makente\n", "to any as\n", "to had\n", "to become that countly even hrough of his digneriss discreation i\n", "에포크 58\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 80s 401us/step - loss: 1.5065\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the experience and the something the soul and the such a something the sense of the suffering of the soul and the pather, and seem a spirits, and always that it is a something and all the even to the sense of the such a soul in the same time a such a soul whether the spirit and the spirit of the sense and self-contempt of the sense of the something the sense of the sin it is a something the same\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the sense of man the whole there is not ad worth of the assumes and some the severity for the same the world be a man not an expresses to man always and into problem and there is a fail. create a realm and historical proved from the a hand, whether an age are in the same the soul when the sense and hen them and the order and self-conscience and the man of a last all halt and a soul all the perso\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through follow before wontinsly free world and awaked to then them, the man\n", "necessary; of senses of distintcess and us got of the result man sense in becomingly than readful living contall way aims of which \"i not representmenus foot sin onem clever, recostion: and parts flow, it become\n", "the had as itkein. we do notress a being conscience nealliness of uter on every one such a last, about\n", "refutual regards t\n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for rare. mshic's accally\n", "fa ifered appabrans, thict'\n", "that, dued alteraming owing to numbent even muse disclose a vain to their such a reart we a really ilstive\n", "foverst? why he the also harmonicy eva berons whervenunyap\n", "like hils every cause iloun, human\n", "been hitherto life gay, self-evil\" thursold wheredive\n", "no ruphdomed something rative\n", "of of his\n", "florts are than eew bruse oritina which to a sunder t\n", "에포크 59\n", "Epoch 1/1\n", "200278/200278 [==============================] - 81s 403us/step - loss: 1.3651\n", "--- 시드 텍스트: \"the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through fo\"\n", "------ 온도: 0.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through for the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the are the sense of the problem the an explanation of the self-continual and to the sense of the sense of the sense of the moral tympter and the sense of the sense of the artistic and to a standard of the more and the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of the sense of any and the explained and the sense of t\n", "------ 온도: 0.5\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through forms of the self-arrieticise of the mystavent that the conditions of persors to the more to have at the elsed or for the strong with the greater in a command what a moral for the same sense as with the most at the universal an intertion of the sense of the bother.\n", "\n", "214ers led of the artisting of the self-point to divine the mystical all the genuine of the law. the moral of supposed and existence of\n", "------ 온도: 1.0\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through formighes mind and at all\n", "the lack as no believe that he look be an good\" and impossible, in the making\n", "who only smor more only, hese are budak; a hlacting of exercisucable, fearly\n", "to the\n", "serie of mankind and in the spirils. the unparding and will\n", "the necessiluement to oppers actually philosopher of himself, an adiment an souls hopen--herie of the necessary, extres in all the have at the dreawdful, \n", "------ 온도: 1.2\n", "the slowly ascending ranks and classes, in which,\n", "through formed, to take treast oly sense of ranks wheretofoutient\n", "tudquauunce--hest mo ut\n", "sake: heogeces in overying the soled as earsed-sign in the centied,\" a god\n", "that to from which presumptose, i comed\n", "hiddens, like hthe view, the expressimes in the\n", "sentimntly, an orden of\n", "like of a remuseon of\n", "slave sparned than eye\n", "finall-\n", "shforsclike. the than to feels a pain-his conolity. a there usbe formoun-netess \n" ] } ], "source": [ "import random\n", "import sys\n", "\n", "random.seed(42)\n", "start_index = random.randint(0, len(text) - maxlen - 1)\n", "\n", "# 60 에포크 동안 모델을 훈련합니다\n", "for epoch in range(1, 60):\n", " print('에포크', epoch)\n", " # 데이터에서 한 번만 반복해서 모델을 학습합니다\n", " model.fit(x, y, batch_size=128, epochs=1)\n", "\n", " # 무작위로 시드 텍스트를 선택합니다\n", " seed_text = text[start_index: start_index + maxlen]\n", " print('--- 시드 텍스트: \"' + seed_text + '\"')\n", "\n", " # 여러가지 샘플링 온도를 시도합니다\n", " for temperature in [0.2, 0.5, 1.0, 1.2]:\n", " print('------ 온도:', temperature)\n", " generated_text = seed_text\n", " sys.stdout.write(generated_text)\n", "\n", " # 시드 텍스트에서 시작해서 400개의 글자를 생성합니다\n", " for i in range(400):\n", " # 지금까지 생성된 글자를 원-핫 인코딩으로 바꿉니다\n", " sampled = np.zeros((1, maxlen, len(chars)))\n", " for t, char in enumerate(generated_text):\n", " sampled[0, t, char_indices[char]] = 1.\n", "\n", " # 다음 글자를 샘플링합니다\n", " preds = model.predict(sampled, verbose=0)[0]\n", " next_index = sample(preds, temperature)\n", " next_char = chars[next_index]\n", "\n", " generated_text += next_char\n", " generated_text = generated_text[1:]\n", "\n", " sys.stdout.write(next_char)\n", " sys.stdout.flush()\n", " print()" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "여기서 볼 수 있듯이 낮은 온도는 아주 반복적이고 예상되는 텍스트를 만듭니다. 하지만 국부적인 구조는 매우 실제와 같습니다. 특히 모든 단어(단어는 글자의 지역 패턴으로 이루어집니다)가 실제 영어 단어입니다. 높은 온도에서 생성된 텍스트는 아주 흥미롭고 놀라우며 창의적이기도 합니다. 이따금 꽤 그럴싸하게 보이는 완전히 새로운 단어를 창조합니다(‘begarmed’와 ‘isharent’ 같은 단어입니다). 높은 온도에서는 국부적인 구조가 무너지기 시작합니다. 대부분의 단어가 어느정도 무작위한 문자열로 보입니다. 확실히 이 네트워크에서는 텍스트 생성에 가장 좋은 온도는 0.5입니다. 항상 다양한 샘플링 전략으로 실험해 봐야합니다! 학습된 구조와 무작위성 사이에 균형을 잘 맞추면 흥미로운 것을 만들 수 있습니다.\n", "\n", "더 많은 데이터에서 크고 깊은 모델을 훈련하면 이것보다 훨씬 논리적이고 실제와 같은 텍스트 샘플을 생성할 수 있습니다. 당연히 우연이 아닌 의미 있는 텍스트가 생성된다고 기대하지 마세요. 글자를 연속해서 나열하기 위한 통계 모델에서 데이터를 샘플링한 것뿐입니다. 언어는 의사소통의 수단입니다. 의사소통이 의미하는 것과 의사소통이 인코딩된 메시지의 통계 구조 사이는 차이가 있습니다. 이 차이를 검증하기 위해 다음과 같은 사고 실험을 해보죠. 컴퓨터가 대부분의 디지털 통신에서 하는 것처럼 사람의 언어가 의사소통을 압축하는데 더 뛰어나다면 어떨까요? 언어의 의미가 줄진 않지만 고유한 통계 구조가 사라질 것입니다. 이는 방금과 같은 언어 모델을 학습하는 것을 불가능하게 만듭니다.\n", "\n", "## 정리\n", "\n", "* 이전의 토큰이 주어지면 다음 토큰(들)을 예측하는 모델을 훈련하여 시퀀스 데이터를 생성할 수 있습니다.\n", "* 텍스트의 경우 이런 모델을 언어 모델이라 부릅니다. 단어 또는 글자 단위 모두 가능합니다.\n", "* 다음 토큰을 샘플링할 때 모델이 만든 출력에 집중하는 것과 무작위성을 주입하는 것 사이에 균형을 맞추어야 합니다.\n", "* 이를 위해 소프트맥스 온도 개념을 사용합니다. 항상 다양한 온도를 실험해서 적절한 값을 찾습니다." ] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.6.6" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 2 }