function getinfo() mangainfo.url=MaybeFillHost(module.rooturl,url) http.cookies.values['mangadex_h_toggle'] = '1' local id = url:match('title/(%d+)') if id == nil then id = url:match('manga/(%d+)'); end delay() if http.get(MaybeFillHost(module.rooturl, '/api/manga/' .. id)) then local resp = HTMLEncode(StreamToString(http.document)) local x = TXQuery.Create(resp) local info = x.xpath('json(*)') if mangainfo.title == '' then mangainfo.title = x.xpathstring('manga/title', info) end mangainfo.coverlink = MaybeFillHost(module.rooturl, x.xpathstring('manga/cover_url', info)) mangainfo.authors = x.xpathstring('manga/author', info) mangainfo.artists = x.xpathstring('manga/artist', info) mangainfo.summary = x.xpathstring('manga/description', info) mangainfo.status = MangaInfoStatusIfPos(x.xpathstring('manga/status', info), '1', '2') local genres = '' local v = x.xpath('jn:members(manga/genres)', info) if v.count > 0 then genres = getgenre(v.get(1).toString); end for i = 2, v.count do local v1 = v.get(i) genres = genres .. ', ' .. getgenre(v1.toString) end if x.xpathstring('manga/hentai', info) == '1' then if genres ~= '' then genres = genres .. ', ' end genres = genres .. 'Hentai' end mangainfo.genres = genres local selLang = module.getoption('lualang') local selLangId = findlang(selLang) local chapters = x.xpath('let $c := json(*).chapter return for $k in jn:keys($c) ' .. 'return jn:object(object(("chapter_id", $k)), $c($k))') for i = 1, chapters.count do local v1 = chapters.get(i) local lang = x.xpathstring('lang_code', v1) local ts = tonumber(x.xpathstring('timestamp', v1)) if (selLang == 0 or lang == selLangId) and (ts <= os.time()) then mangainfo.chapterlinks.add('/chapter/' .. x.xpathstring('chapter_id', v1)) local s = '' local vol = x.xpathstring('volume', v1) local ch = x.xpathstring('chapter', v1) if vol ~= '' then s = s .. string.format('Vol. %s', vol); end if s ~= '' then s = s .. ' '; end if ch ~= '' then s = s .. string.format('Ch. %s', ch); end local title = x.xpathstring('title', v1) if title ~= '' then if s ~= '' then s = s .. ' - '; end s = s .. title end if selLang == 0 then s = string.format('%s [%s]', s, getlang(lang)) end if module.getoption('luashowscangroup') then local group = x.xpathstring('group_name', v1) local group2 = x.xpathstring('group_name_2', v1) local group3 = x.xpathstring('group_name_3', v1) if group2:len() > 0 and group2 ~= 'null' then group = group .. ' | ' .. group2 end if group3:len() > 0 and group3 ~= 'null' then group = group .. ' | ' .. group3 end s = string.format('%s [%s]', s, group) end mangainfo.chapternames.add(s) end end InvertStrings(mangainfo.chapterlinks,mangainfo.chapternames) return no_error else return net_problem end end function getgenre(genre) local genres = { ["1"] = "4-koma", ["2"] = "Action", ["3"] = "Adventure", ["4"] = "Award Winning", ["5"] = "Comedy", ["6"] = "Cooking", ["7"] = "Doujinshi", ["8"] = "Drama", ["9"] = "Ecchi", ["10"] = "Fantasy", ["11"] = "Gyaru", ["12"] = "Harem", ["13"] = "Historical", ["14"] = "Horror", ["15"] = "Josei", ["16"] = "Martial Arts", ["17"] = "Mecha", ["18"] = "Medical", ["19"] = "Music", ["20"] = "Mystery", ["21"] = "Oneshot", ["22"] = "Psychological", ["23"] = "Romance", ["24"] = "School Life", ["25"] = "Sci-Fi", ["26"] = "Seinen", ["27"] = "Shoujo", ["28"] = "Shoujo Ai", ["29"] = "Shounen", ["30"] = "Shounen Ai", ["31"] = "Slice of Life", ["32"] = "Smut", ["33"] = "Sports", ["34"] = "Supernatural", ["35"] = "Tragedy", ["36"] = "Long Strip", ["37"] = "Yaoi", ["38"] = "Yuri", ["39"] = "[no chapters]", ["40"] = "Video Games", ["41"] = "Isekai", ["42"] = "Adaptation", ["43"] = "Anthology", ["44"] = "Web Comic", ["45"] = "Full Color", ["46"] = "User Created", ["47"] = "Official Colored", ["48"] = "Fan Colored", ["49"] = "Gore", ["50"] = "Sexual Violence", ["51"] = "Crime", ["52"] = "Magical Girls", ["53"] = "Philosophical", ["54"] = "Superhero", ["55"] = "Thriller", ["56"] = "Wuxia", ["57"] = "Aliens", ["58"] = "Animals", ["59"] = "Crossdressing", ["60"] = "Demons", ["61"] = "Delinquents", ["62"] = "Genderswap", ["63"] = "Ghosts", ["64"] = "Monster Girls", ["65"] = "Loli", ["66"] = "Magic", ["67"] = "Military", ["68"] = "Monsters", ["69"] = "Ninja", ["70"] = "Office Workers", ["71"] = "Police", ["72"] = "Post-Apocalyptic", ["73"] = "Reincarnation", ["74"] = "Reverse Harem", ["75"] = "Samurai", ["76"] = "Shota", ["77"] = "Survival", ["78"] = "Time Travel", ["79"] = "Vampires", ["80"] = "Traditional Games", ["81"] = "Virtual Reality", ["82"] = "Zombies", ["83"] = "Incest" } if genres[genre] ~= nil then return genres[genre] else return genre end end local langs = { ["sa"] = "Arabic", ["bd"] = "Bengali", ["bg"] = "Bulgarian", ["mm"] = "Burmese", ["ct"] = "Catalan", ["cn"] = "Chinese (Simp)", ["hk"] = "Chinese (Trad)", ["cz"] = "Czech", ["dk"] = "Danish", ["nl"] = "Dutch", ["gb"] = "English", ["ph"] = "Filipino", ["fi"] = "Finnish", ["fr"] = "French", ["de"] = "German", ["gr"] = "Greek", ["hu"] = "Hungarian", ["id"] = "Indonesian", ["it"] = "Italian", ["jp"] = "Japanese", ["kr"] = "Korean", ["my"] = "Malay", ["mn"] = "Mongolian", ["ir"] = "Persian", ["pl"] = "Polish", ["br"] = "Portuguese (Br)", ["pt"] = "Portuguese (Pt)", ["ro"] = "Romanian", ["ru"] = "Russian", ["rs"] = "Serbo-Croatian", ["es"] = "Spanish (Es)", ["mx"] = "Spanish (LATAM)", ["se"] = "Swedish", ["th"] = "Thai", ["tr"] = "Turkish", ["ua"] = "Ukrainian", ["vn"] = "Vietnamese" } function getlang(lang) if langs[lang] ~= nil then return langs[lang] else return 'Unknown' end end function getlanglist() local t = {} for k, v in pairs(langs) do table.insert(t, v); end table.sort(t) return t end function findlang(lang) local t = getlanglist() for i, v in ipairs(t) do if i == lang then lang = v break end end for k, v in pairs(langs) do if v == lang then return k; end end return nil end function getpagenumber() http.cookies.values['mangadex_h_toggle'] = '1' local chapterid = url:match('chapter/(%d+)') delay() if http.get(MaybeFillHost(module.rooturl,'/api/chapter/'..chapterid)) then local x=TXQuery.Create(http.Document) local hash = x.xpathstring('json(*).hash') local srv = x.xpathstring('json(*).server') local v = x.xpath('json(*).page_array()') for i = 1, v.count do local v1 = v.get(i) local s = MaybeFillHost(module.rooturl, srv .. '/' .. hash .. '/' .. v1.toString) task.pagelinks.add(s) end return true else return false end return true end local dirurl='/titles/2' function getdirectorypagenumber() http.cookies.values['mangadex_h_toggle'] = '1' http.cookies.values['mangadex_title_mode'] = '2' delay() if http.GET(module.RootURL .. dirurl) then local x = TXQuery.Create(http.Document) page = tonumber(x.xpathstring('(//ul[contains(@class,"pagination")]/li/a)[last()]/@href'):match('/2/(%d+)')) if page == nil then page = 1 end return no_error else return net_problem end end function getnameandlink() http.cookies.values['mangadex_h_toggle'] = '1' http.cookies.values['mangadex_title_mode'] = '2' delay() if http.GET(module.rooturl .. dirurl .. '/' .. IncStr(url) .. '/') then local x = TXQuery.Create(http.document) x.xpathhrefall('//a[contains(@class, "manga_title")]',links,names) return no_error else return net_problem end end function delay() local interval = tonumber(module.getoption('luainterval')) local delay = tonumber(module.getoption('luadelay')) -- * module.ActiveConnectionCount if (interval == nil) or (interval < 0) then interval = 1000; end if (delay == nil) or (delay < 0) then delay = 1000; end local lastDelay =['lastDelay'] if lastDelay ~= '' then lastDelay = tonumber(lastDelay) if GetCurrentTime() - lastDelay < interval then print(GetCurrentTime() - lastDelay) Sleep(delay) end end['lastDelay'] = tostring(GetCurrentTime()) end function Init() m=NewModule() m.category='English''MangaDex' m.rooturl='' m.lastupdated='February 28, 2018' m.ongetinfo='getinfo' m.ongetpagenumber='getpagenumber' m.ongetnameandlink='getnameandlink' m.ongetdirectorypagenumber = 'getdirectorypagenumber' m.maxtasklimit=1 m.maxconnectionlimit=2 m.addoptionspinedit('luainterval', 'Min. interval between requests (ms)', 1000) m.addoptionspinedit('luadelay', 'Delay (ms)', 1000) m.addoptioncheckbox('luashowscangroup', 'Show scanlation group', false) local items = 'All' local t = getlanglist() for k, v in ipairs(t) do items = items .. '\r\n' .. v; end m.addoptioncombobox('lualang', 'Language:', items, 11) end